第五篇 吃基督作素祭,好成为基督的复制,以完成神的定旨

Eating Christ as the Meal Offering to Become the Reproduction of Christ for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose



壹 素祭预表在人性里的基督作神的食物,尤其是作那些与神交通并事奉祂之人的食物─利二1。

I. The meal offering typifies Christ in His humanity as food for God and especially for those who have fellowship with God and serve Him—Lev. 2:1.

贰 我们需要吃基督作我们的素祭,好使祂借着我们在祂被神性所丰富的人性里,再次活在地上─3节,约六57、63:

II. We need to eat Christ as our meal offering so that He can live again on the earth through us in His divinely enriched humanity—v. 3; John 6:57, 63:

一 借着吃基督作我们的素祭,我们就成为作素祭之基督的繁殖、复制和扩大;这素祭由经过基督的死而在复活里的人性调着神性的油所组成,其中没有酵和蜜─利二1~16。

A. By eating Christ as our meal offering, we become the reproduction, duplication, and enlargement of Christ as the meal offering—an offering composed of humanity oiled with divinity in resurrection through Christ’s death and without leaven or honey—Lev. 2:1-16.

二 借着吃基督作我们的素祭,我们就能活祂,并显大祂这位从前活在福音书里那奇妙、超绝、奥秘的神人─路一35,三22,四1、18上,二三14。

B. By eating Christ as our meal offering, we can live and magnify Him, the wonderful, excellent, and mysterious God-man who lived in the Gospels—Luke 1:35; 3:22; 4:1, 18a; 23:14.

叁 路加福音揭示主耶稣─人救主─那由素祭所预表的神人生活─利二1~16:

III. The Gospel of Luke unveils the God-man living of the Lord Jesus, the Man-Savior as typified by the meal offering—Lev. 2:1-16:

一 我们在路加福音看见,神在创世记一、二章所要得着的那种人─路八39,创一26~27,二7、9:

A. In the Gospel of Luke we see the kind of man that God intended to have in Genesis 1 and 2—Luke 8:39; Gen. 1:26-27; 2:7, 9:

1 神的定旨是要得着一个团体的神人,以彰显祂并代表祂─一26~27,路一68~69、78~79。

1. God’s purpose is to have a corporate God-man in order to express Him and represent Him—1:26-27; Luke 1:68-69, 78-79.

2 基督的成为肉体,与神造人的定旨有密切的关系─启四11,弗一9,三11,创一26~27.约一14,路一35。

2. The incarnation of Christ is closely related to God’s purpose in His creation of man—Rev. 4:11; Eph. 1:9; 3:11; Gen. 1:26-27; John 1:14; Luke 1:35.

3 主耶稣这位神人乃是由带着一切神圣属性的神圣素质,以及带着一切人性美德的属人素质所组成的─35、75节,二40、52。

3. The Lord Jesus, the God-man, is a composition of the divine essence with all the divine attributes and the human essence with all the human virtues—vv. 35, 75; 2:40, 52.

4 救主的成孕乃是神成为肉体(如素祭所预表之神人的调和),不仅是由神圣的能力所作成,更是由神圣的素质加上属人的素质所构成,因此产生了兼有神性与人性的神人─利二4~5,约一14,太一18、20,路一35:

4. The conception of the Savior was God’s incarnation (the mingling of God and man as typified by the meal offering), constituted not only by the divine power but also of the divine essence added to the human essence, thus producing the God-man of two natures—divinity and humanity—Lev. 2:4-5; John 1:14; Matt. 1:18, 20; Luke 1:35:

a 人救主是真正的人,有真实的人性与完美的人性美德,够资格作人的救主─提前二5,来二14,参约十九5。

a. The Man-Savior is a genuine man with the real human nature and the perfect human virtues for the qualification to be man’s Savior—1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 2:14; cf. John 19:5.

b 祂也是完整的神,有真实的神性与超绝的神圣属性,加强并确保祂拯救人的能力─西二9,约壹一7,徒二十28。

b. He is also the complete God with the true divine nature and the excellent divine attributes to empower and ensure His ability to save man—Col. 2:9; 1 John 1:7; Acts 20:28.

c 当人救主在地上时,祂过着神圣属性与人性美德调和的生活;这就是最高标准的道德─路二40、52。

c. When He was on earth, the Man-Savior lived a life that was the mingling of the divine attributes and the human virtues; this is the highest standard of morality—Luke 2:40, 52.

d 基督借着祂芬芳的美德,在祂的人性里彰显全备之神丰富的属性;借这芬芳的美德,祂吸引人并夺取人,不是在祂的肉体里,凭祂人性的生命活着,乃是在祂的复活中,凭祂神圣的生命活着─太四18~22,十九13~15,可十六7,路八1~3。

d. Christ expressed in His humanity the bountiful God in His rich attributes through His aromatic virtues, by which He attracted and captivated people, not by living His human life in the flesh but by living His divine life in resurrection—Matt. 4:18-22; 19:13-15; Mark 16:7; Luke 8:1-3.

e 神圣的性情连同其属性,彰显在主那带着美德的人性里;因此,主耶稣的生活是既属人又神圣,既神圣又属人的─一26~35,二7~16、34~35、40、52。

e. The divine nature with its attributes was expressed in the Lord’s human nature with its virtues; thus, the living of the Lord Jesus was humanly divine and divinely human—1:26-35; 2:7-16, 34-35, 40, 52.

二 路加福音揭示人救主在祂带着神圣属性之人性美德中的职事─七1~17、36~50,十25~37,十五11~32,二三42~43。

B. The Gospel of Luke unveils the ministry of the Man-Savior in His human virtues with His divine attributes—7:1-17, 36-50; 10:25-37; 15:11-32; 23:42-43.

三 正如路加福音所启示的,主耶稣有最高标准的道德─一31~32、35、68~69、78~79。

C. As revealed in the Gospel of Luke, the Lord Jesus had the highest standard of morality—1:31-32, 35, 68-69, 78-79:

1 最高标准的道德,乃是神所要求的标准生活,就是神圣属性彰显于人性美德的生活─太五48。

1. The highest standard of morality is the standard of life required by God—a life in which the divine attributes are expressed in the human virtues—Matt. 5:48.

2 最高标准的道德乃是主耶稣基督这位人救主的生活,祂的生命乃是由带着神圣属性的神与带着人性美德的人所组成的─路一35。

2. The highest standard of morality is the living of the One—the Lord Jesus Christ as the Man-Savior—whose life was a composition of God with the divine attributes and man with the human virtues—Luke 1:35.

3 属人生命被神圣生命所充满,人性美德被神圣属性所加强并丰富之后而有的生活,就是我们所称之为最高标准的道德─六35,七36~50。

3. A living where the human life is filled with the divine life and where the human virtues are strengthened and enriched by the divine attributes is what we call the highest standard of morality—6:35; 7:36-50.

4 神是在那合乎最高标准道德的生活里得着彰显─五12~16。

4. God is expressed in the living that is according to the highest standard of morality—5:12-16.

肆 借着有分于基督作素祭,我们就成为基督的复制─作团体素祭的召会─利二1~4,林前十二12,十17:

IV. By partaking of Christ as the meal offering, we become the reproduction of Christ—the church as a corporate meal offering—Lev. 2:1-4; 1 Cor. 12:12; 10:17:

一 罗马八章启示,我们基督里的信徒该是基督作素祭的翻版;我们该是祂的复印、复制,因而与祂一样─3、2、13、11节。

A. Romans 8 reveals that, as believers in Christ, we should be a duplication of Christ as the meal offering; we should be a copy, a reproduction, of Christ and thus be the same as He is—vv. 3, 2, 13, 11.

二 我们若吃基督作素祭,就会被基督构成,因而成为基督这素祭的扩大─召会作团体的基督,团体的素祭─利二3,林前十二12,十17。

B. If we eat Christ as the meal offering, we will be constituted with Christ and thereby become the enlargement of Christ as the meal offering—the church as the corporate Christ, the corporate meal offering—Lev. 2:3; 1 Cor. 12:12; 10:17.

三 作我们日常供应的素祭不仅是基督,更是基督同召会生活─一30、2、9:

C. The meal offering, which is our daily supply, is not merely Christ but Christ with the church life—1:30, 2, 9:

1 我们的饥饿得着满足,不仅是因着基督,也是因着召会生活;因此,我们不仅该从基督得喂养,也该从召会生活得喂养。

1. Our hunger is satisfied not only by Christ but also by the church life; therefore, we should feed not only on Christ but also on the church life.

2 我们不仅吃头一种形态的素祭,就是面─个人的基督,也吃第二种形态的素祭,就是饼─团体的基督,就是召会─约六57下,林前十二12,一2。

2. We eat the meal offering not only in the first form as flour—the individual Christ; we also eat the meal offering in the second form as a cake—the corporate Christ, the church—John 6:57b; 1 Cor. 12:12; 1:2.

四 我们需要借着过素祭的召会生活而被调和在一起,成为一个身体─十二24:

D. We need to be blended together into one Body by living the meal-offering church life—12:24:

1 面的素祭表征个人的基督与个别的基督徒;饼的素祭表征团体的基督,就是基督同祂的身体─召会─利二4,林前十二12,十17。

1. The flour meal offering signifies both the individual Christ and the individual Christian; the cake meal offering signifies the corporate Christ, Christ with His Body, the church—Lev. 2:4; 1 Cor. 12:12; 10:17.

2 素祭乃是预表那为着完成神经纶的调和─利二4,林前十17,十二24,约十二24:

2. The meal offering is a type of the blending for the fulfillment of God’s economy—Lev. 2:4; 1 Cor. 10:17; 12:24; John 12:24:

a 我们要被调和在身体生活,就是素祭的召会生活里,就必须经过十字架,并凭着那灵,而为着基督身体的缘故,将基督分赐给人。

a. In order to be blended in the Body life, the meal-offering church life, we have to go through the cross and be by the Spirit, dispensing Christ to others for the sake of the Body of Christ.

b 交通调和我们,就是调节我们、调整我们,使我们和谐,并将我们调在一起,使我们失去区别,并拯救我们不致使召会的生活和工作带有个人的色彩,好使基督作一切,又在一切之内─参西三10~11。

b. Fellowship blends us; that is, it tempers, adjusts, harmonizes, and mingles us, causing us to lose our distinctions and saving us from leaving the impress of our personality upon the church’s life and work so that Christ can be all and in all—cf. Col. 3:10-11.

伍 借着有分于基督作素祭,我们就能有耶稣的人性为着主的恢复、为着属灵的争战并为着神的国度─提后二19~三14,林后十1~5,启一9,罗十四17:

V. By partaking of Christ as the meal offering, we may possess the humanity of Jesus for the Lord’s recovery, for the spiritual warfare, and for the kingdom of God—2 Tim. 2:19—3:14; 2 Cor. 10:1-5; Rev. 1:9; Rom. 14:17:

一 为着主的恢复,我们需要耶稣的人性─提后二19~三14:

A. We need the humanity of Jesus for the Lord’s recovery—2 Tim. 2:19—3:14:

1 因着召会的堕落和社会的腐败,我们今天在一种情形里,需要耶稣的人性为着祂的恢复:

1. Because of the degradation of the church and the corruption of society, we are in a situation that requires the Lord’s humanity for His recovery:

a 在这个堕落的时代要有主的恢复,我们就需要正当的人性。

a. In order to have the Lord’s recovery in such a degraded time, we need a proper humanity.

b 为着在这堕落世代站立得住,我们主要需要的不是神奇的能力,而是耶稣的人性─二24~25。

b. In order to stand up in this degraded age, what we need is not mainly the divine power but the humanity of Jesus—2:24-25.

c 主正在作恢复的工作;在这恢复之中,祂需要一班人接受祂作他们的人性─三10~12。

c. The Lord is doing a recovery work in which He needs a people who take Him as their humanity—3:10-12.

2 在召会堕落和社会腐败的情形之下,我们在这里是为着主的恢复,为此我们需要耶稣的人性,以完成神的定旨─一9。

2. In the midst of the degradation of the church and the corruption of society, we are here for the Lord’s recovery, and for this we need the humanity of Jesus to fulfill God’s purpose—1:9.

二 为着属灵的争战,我们需要耶稣的人性─林后十1~5:

B. We need the humanity of Jesus for the spiritual warfare—2 Cor. 10:1-5:

1 在圣徒与仇敌之间属灵的争战,主要是在于耶稣的人性─创三15,林前十五47,来二14。

1. The spiritual warfare between the enemy and the saints is mainly dependent upon the humanity of Jesus—Gen. 3:15; 1 Cor. 15:47; Heb. 2:14.

2 为着召会打属灵的仗,我们都需要正当的人性─弗五17~六13。

2. For the church to fight the spiritual warfare, we all need the proper humanity—Eph. 5:17—6:13.

3 对仇敌打仗,我们必须运用耶稣的人性─林后十1。

3. To fight the battle against the enemy, we must exercise the humanity of Jesus—2 Cor. 10:1.

4 在我们自己里面我们没有正当的人性,但我们有基督在我们里面,并且祂的人性对属灵的争战是最适当的─西一27,约壹四4。

4. In ourselves we do not have the proper humanity, but we have Christ within us, and His humanity is the proper humanity for the spiritual warfare—Col. 1:27; 1 John 4:4.

三 为着神的国度,我们需要耶稣的人性─启一9,罗十四17:

C. We need the humanity of Jesus for the kingdom of God—Rev. 1:9; Rom. 14:17:

1 为着神在地上建立国度,祂所救赎并重生的人需要有耶稣的人性,并有正当的人性美德─林前六9~10,加五19~21,弗五3~5。

1. For God to have a kingdom on the earth, there is the need for His redeemed and regenerated people to possess the humanity of Jesus and to have the proper human virtues—1 Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21; Eph. 5:3-5.

2 当我们有耶稣的人性,我们就不仅是在神的国里,并且我们就是神的国─罗十四17。

2. When we have the humanity of Jesus, we will not only be in the kingdom of God—we will be the kingdom of God—Rom. 14:17.

3 得胜者有资格和基督一同作王,乃是由于耶稣的人性作到他们里面─启二十4、6。

3. The overcomers become qualified to reign with Christ by having the humanity of Jesus worked into them—Rev. 20:4, 6.
