第六篇 基督作我们赎罪祭的启示、珍赏与应用

The Revelation, Appreciation, and Application of Christ as Our Sin Offering



壹 单数的罪是指我们性情里内住的罪(罗八3,林后五21,来九26),而复数的罪是指罪的行为,就是内住之罪的果子(赛五三5上,林前十五3,彼前二24,来九28):─引用经文

I. Sin refers to the indwelling sin in our nature (Rom. 8:3; 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 9:26); sins refers to the sinful deeds, the fruit of the indwelling sin (Isa. 53:5a; 1 Cor. 15:3; 1 Pet. 2:24; Heb. 9:28):

一 魔鬼撒但是罪的源头─结二八16~17,约八44,参林后十二7,彼前五8、5,腓二8,约十四30:

A. Satan, the devil, is the source of sin—Ezek. 28:16-17; John 8:44; cf. 2 Cor. 12:7; 1 Pet. 5:8, 5; Phil. 2:8; John 14:30:

1 由于人的堕落,撒但的个格与人的魂成为一,并且撒但被接受到人的身体里,成为罪,就是在人肉体肢体里作工的恶─创三1、4~5,罗五12、19上,七18上、14下、17、20~21。

1. Through man’s fall Satan’s personality became one with man’s soul, and Satan was taken into man’s body to be sin working as evil in man’s fleshly members—Gen. 3:1, 4-5; Rom. 5:12, 19a; 7:18a, 14b, 17, 20-21.

2 因为魔鬼是罪人的父,说谎者的父,所以罪人是魔鬼的儿女─约八44,约壹三10。

2. Because the devil is the father of sinners, the father of liars, the sinners are children of the devil—John 8:44; 1 John 3:10.

3 我们是在罪孽里生的,在母腹里就有在亚当里的罪,生来就有蛇的毒,使我们成为蛇类,毒蛇之种─诗五一5,约九34,太二三33,三7。

3. We were brought forth in iniquity, conceived in sin in Adam, and born with the poison of the serpent, making us serpents, the brood of vipers—Psa. 51:5; John 9:34; Matt. 23:33; 3:7.

二 罪是那恶者撒但的邪恶性情;撒但借着亚当的堕落,已经将他自己注射到人里面,如今成了罪的性情,作为律在堕落的人里面居住、行动并作工─罗五12、21,六14,七11、17、20。

B. Sin is the evil nature of Satan, the evil one, who, having injected himself into man through Adam’s fall, has now become the very sinful nature dwelling, acting, and working as a law in fallen man—Rom. 5:12, 21; 6:14; 7:11, 17, 20.

三 罪就是不法─约壹三4,帖后二3、7~8。

C. Sin is lawlessness—1 John 3:4; 2 Thes. 2:3, 7-8.

贰 无意中犯了罪(利四2),表征在我们堕落性情里的罪,就是从撒但借着亚当进到人类里面内住的罪(罗五12),使我们无意中就犯罪(七19~20):─引用经文

II. The sinning without intent (Lev. 4:2) signifies the sin in our fallen nature, the indwelling sin that came through Adam into mankind from Satan (Rom. 5:12), which causes us to sin unintentionally (7:19-20):

一 这罪在罗马七章是人位化的(见8节注1),乃是撒但邪恶的性情,甚至就是撒但自己,住在我们堕落的肉体里(17~18上、20、23);既然我们的肉体与罪是一(八3),我们出于肉体所作的,不论善恶,就都是罪。─引用经文

A. This sin, personified in Romans 7 (see footnote 1 on verse 8), is the evil nature of Satan, even Satan himself, who dwells in our fallen flesh (vv. 17-18a, 20, 23); since our flesh is one with sin (8:3), whatever we do out of our flesh, whether good or evil, is sin.

二 不仅如此,因为肉体是指堕落的人(创六3,罗三20),所以每一个堕落的人都是罪(林后五21与注2)。─引用经文

B. Moreover, since the flesh denotes a fallen person (Gen. 6:3; Rom. 3:20), every fallen person is sin (2 Cor. 5:21 and footnote 2).

叁 赎罪祭(利四1~35)表征基督替我们成为罪,在十字架上借着死定罪了罪(1~3、13~14、22~23、27~28,罗八3):─引用经文

III. The sin offering (Lev. 4:1-35) signifies that Christ was made sin for us in order that through His death on the cross sin might be condemned (vv. 1-3, 13-14, 22-23, 27-28; Rom. 8:3):

一 话就是神,化身成为肉体,有罪之肉体的样式,也就是有堕落之人的样式─约一1、14,罗八3:

A. Through incarnation the Word, who is God, became flesh, in the likeness of the flesh of sin, the likeness of a fallen man—John 1:1, 14; Rom. 8:3:

1 虽然基督仅仅有堕落之人的样式,然而祂在十字架上时,神把那个样式算作真实的─林后五21。

1. Although Christ was a fallen man only in likeness, when He was on the cross, God counted that likeness as real—2 Cor. 5:21.

2 因着罪、旧人、撒但、世界以及这世界的王,都与肉体是一,当基督在肉体里受死时,罪就被定罪(罗八3),旧人被钉十字架(六6),撒但被废除(来二14),世界受审判,这世界的王也被赶出去(约十二31)。─引用经文

2. Since sin, the old man, Satan, the world, and the ruler of the world are all one with the flesh, when Christ died in the flesh, sin was condemned (Rom. 8:3), the old man was crucified (6:6), Satan was destroyed (Heb. 2:14), the world was judged, and the ruler of the world was cast out (John 12:31).

3 因此,借着基督在肉体里的死,一切消极的事物都受了对付;这就是赎罪祭的功效─一29。

3. Hence, through Christ’s death in the flesh all negative things were dealt with; this is the efficacy of the sin offering—1:29.

二 借着基督在蛇的形状里受死,那在人的肉体里之撒但的邪恶性情就在十字架上受了审判,使信徒可以得着永远的生命─三14~16,一14,罗八3。

B. Satan’s evil nature in man’s flesh was judged on the cross through the death of Christ in the form of a serpent so that the believers may have eternal life—3:14-16; 1:14; Rom. 8:3.

三 基督是那不知罪的,替我们成为罪,好叫我们在祂里面成为神的义─林后五21。

C. As the One who did not know sin, Christ was made sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him—2 Cor. 5:21.

肆 我们重生后,仍需每天取用基督作我们的赎罪祭(约壹一8,出二九35~36),并作我们的赎愆祭(约壹一9):─引用经文

IV. After our regeneration we still need to take Christ as our sin offering (1 John 1:8; Exo. 29:35-36) and as our trespass offering (1 John 1:9) every day:

一 按手在供物头上,表征献祭者与供物联结─利四4、15、24、29、33。

A. Laying hands on the head of the offering signifies the union of the offerer with the offering—Lev. 4:4, 15, 24, 29, 33.

二 取用基督作我们的赎罪祭,意思是堕落之人性情中的罪被定罪(罗八3),我们的旧人被对付(六6),撒但这罪的本身被废除(来二14),世界受审判,世界的王被赶出去(约十二31):─引用经文

B. Taking Christ as our sin offering means that sin in the nature of fallen man is condemned (Rom. 8:3), that our old man is dealt with (6:6), that Satan as sin itself is destroyed (Heb. 2:14), that the world is judged, and that the ruler of the world is cast out (John 12:31):

1 “世界的王”这辞里的“王”,含示权势或权力,以及争夺权力─路四5~8,参太二十20~21、24,约叁9。

1. The word ruler in the ruler of this world implies authority or power and the struggle for power—Luke 4:5-8; cf. Matt. 20:20-21, 24; 3 John 9.

2 争夺权力是肉体、罪、旧人、撒但、世界和世界之王的结果,结局─加五16~17、24~26。

2. The struggle for power is the result, the issue, of the flesh, sin, the old man, Satan, the world, and the ruler of the world—Gal. 5:16-17, 24-26.

3 罪包括争权,罪的律是与神相争的自动能力、力量和动力─罗七23,八2。

3. Sin involves a power struggle, and the law of sin is the spontaneous power, strength, and energy to struggle with God—Rom. 7:23; 8:2.

三 借着我们与那是光的神(约壹一5,西一12)有真实、亲密、活泼、爱的交通,我们就看见自己是有罪的(约壹一5~9),而取用基督作我们的赎罪祭:─引用经文

C. Through our genuine, intimate, living, and loving fellowship with God, who is light (1 John 1:5; Col. 1:12), we will realize that we are sinful, and we will take Christ as our sin offering (1 John 1:5-9):

1 我们越爱主并享受祂,就越认识我们是多么邪恶─赛六5,路五8,罗七18。

1. The more we love the Lord and enjoy Him, the more we will know how evil we are—Isa. 6:5; Luke 5:8; Rom. 7:18.

2 领悟我们有罪的性情,并取用基督为我们的赎罪祭,就使我们受审判并被降服,这样的领悟保守我们,因为这使我们对自己没有任何信心─腓三3,参出四6。

2. Realizing that we have a sinful nature and taking Christ as our sin offering causes us to be judged and subdued, and it preserves us, for it causes us not to have any confidence in ourselves—Phil. 3:3; cf. Exo. 4:6.

3 我们该从大卫的经历中学习不要对自己有丝毫的信心─诗五一。

3. We should learn from David’s experience not to have the slightest confidence in ourselves—Psa. 51.

4 神用苦痛的方法让我们失败,给我们看见我们是多么可怕、丑陋和可憎,使我们弃绝一切出于己的,完全倚靠神─参利六28,申八2,路二二31~32,罗八28。

4. God uses the painful method of allowing us to fail so that we will see how horrible, ugly, and abominable we are and so that we will forsake all that is from the self and depend completely on God—cf. Lev. 6:28; Deut. 8:2; Luke 22:31-32; Rom. 8:28.

四 我们享受基督作我们的燔祭,就是绝对为着神的一位,我们才知道自己是何等有罪,而能享受基督作我们的赎罪祭─利六25~27:

D. When we enjoy Christ as our burnt offering, the One who is absolutely for God, we realize how sinful we are, and we can enjoy Christ as our sin offering—Lev. 6:25-27:

1 人是神所造的,目的是要彰显神并代表神,不该为着神以外的事物,乃该绝对为着神─创一26,赛四三7。

1. Man, created by God for the purpose of expressing and representing God, should be for nothing other than God and should be absolutely for God—Gen. 1:26; Isa. 43:7.

2 凡我们出于自己所作的,无论是好或坏,都是为自己作的;既是为自己作而不是为神作的,在神眼中都是有罪的:

2. Anything we do out of ourselves, whether good or evil, is for ourselves, and since it is for ourselves and not for God, it is sinful in the eyes of God:

a 我们若为着自己而事奉主,这乃是罪─民十八1,王下五20~27,太七22~23。

a. If our serving the Lord is for ourselves, this is sin—Num. 18:1; 2 Kings 5:20-27; Matt. 7:22-23.

b 我们若宣扬自己,这乃是罪─林后四5。

b. If we preach ourselves, this is sin—2 Cor. 4:5.

c 我们行义,就如施舍、祷告、禁食,若是为着自己,好表现并炫耀自己,这乃是罪─太六1~6。

c. If we do our righteous deeds, such as giving alms, praying, and fasting, for ourselves to express and display ourselves, this is sin—Matt. 6:1-6.

d 我们爱别人若是为着自己─为着我们的名声、地位、利益和骄傲─这乃是罪─路十四12~14。

d. If we love others for ourselves—for our name, position, benefit, and pride—this is sin—Luke 14:12-14.

e 我们养育儿女若是为着我们自己和我们的未来,这乃是罪─参林前七14。

e. If we raise up our children for ourselves and our future, this is sin—cf. 1 Cor. 7:14.

伍 赎罪祭的血有四种功效:

V. The blood of the sin offering had four kinds of effects:

一 有些血被带进会幕,在耶和华面前对着至圣所的幔子弹七次(利四5~6、16~17),表征基督的血已被带到诸天之上的至圣所里,使我们得救赎(来九12)。─引用经文

A. Some of the blood was brought into the Tent of Meeting and sprinkled seven times before Jehovah in front of the veil of the Holy of Holies (Lev. 4:5-6, 16-17), signifying that the blood of Christ has been brought into the Holy of Holies in the heavens for our redemption (Heb. 9:12).

二 有些血被抹在香坛的四角上(利四7上、18上),表征基督之血的救赎是有功效的,使我们借着在祷告中接触神,而被带到神面前(来十19)。─引用经文

B. Some of the blood was put on the horns of the incense altar (Lev. 4:7a, 18a), signifying that the redemption by Christ’s blood is effective for us to be brought into the presence of God through contacting God in prayer (Heb. 10:19).

三 有些血被抹在燔祭坛的四角上(利四25上、30上、34上),表征基督的血为着救赎我们是有功效的(弗一7,彼前一18~19)。─引用经文

C. Some of the blood was put on the horns of the altar of burnt offering (Lev. 4:25a, 30a, 34a), signifying that the blood of Christ is effective for our redemption (Eph. 1:7; 1 Pet. 1:18-19).

四 其余的血倒在燔祭坛的基部(利四7下、18下、25下、30下、34下),表征基督的血在十字架上倒出,使我们的良心平安,向我们保证我们得神救赎并蒙神悦纳(来九14)。─引用经文

D. The rest of the blood was poured out at the base of the altar of burnt offering (Lev. 4:7b, 18b, 25b, 30b, 34b), signifying that the blood of Christ was poured out at the cross for the peace in our conscience, assuring us that we are redeemed and accepted by God (Heb. 9:14).

陆 基督作我们的赎罪祭,在肉体中定罪了罪,结果我们就能不照着肉体,只照着灵而行─罗八3~4。

VI. As a result of Christ being our sin offering and condemning sin in the flesh, it is possible for us to walk not according to the flesh but according to the spirit—Rom. 8:3-4.
