第七篇 赎罪祭的实际、铜蛇以及废除魔鬼

The Reality of the Sin Offering, the Bronze Serpent, and the Destruction of the Devil



壹 作为赎罪祭的实际,基督“替我们成为罪”─林后五21,利四3:

I. As the reality of the sin offering, Christ was “made sin on our behalf”—2 Cor. 5:21; Lev. 4:3:

一 基督没有接触罪,或亲身经历罪,所以就经历说,是不知罪的,因为在祂的性情和本质里没有罪;然而,基督是替我们成为罪(并非成为有罪的),受神的审判─21节,罗八3。

A. Christ did not know sin in an experiential way by contact or by personal experience, for in His nature and substance there was no sin; nevertheless, Christ was made sin (not sinful) on our behalf to be judged by God—v. 21; Rom. 8:3.

二 基督不仅为我们的罪,也成为罪死在十字架上,神使祂替我们成为罪─林后五21:

B. Christ died on the cross not only for our sins but also as sin itself, having been made sin on our behalf by God—2 Cor. 5:21:

1 我们不仅是有罪的,我们就是罪;我们是罪的构成,罪的具体化身─罗五12、19,六6,七7、11、17、23。

1. We were not only sinful—we were sin itself; we were the constitution of sin, the embodiment of sin—Rom. 5:12, 19; 6:6; 7:7, 11, 17, 23.

2 神将我们的诸罪归在钉十字架的基督身上,就看祂是独一的罪人─赛五三6下、11下、12下,彼前二24。

2. After God laid our sins upon the crucified Christ, God considered Him the unique sinner—Isa. 53:6b, 11c, 12d; 1 Pet. 2:24.

3 当基督作我们的代替,为我们而死时,神不仅把祂看作担罪者,更把祂看作罪;当基督钉十字架时,罪也钉了十字架─罗六10。

3. When Christ died for us as our Substitute, God considered Him not only the sin-bearer but sin itself; when Christ was crucified, sin was crucified—Rom. 6:10.

4 基督是替我们成为罪的一位,一次永远地受了神的审判─林后五21。

4. As the One who was made sin on our behalf, Christ was judged by God once for all—2 Cor. 5:21.

贰 作为赎罪祭的实际,子基督“在罪之肉体的样式里,并为着罪”受差遣,使神能在肉体中定罪了罪─罗八3:

II. As the reality of the sin offering, Christ the Son was sent “in the likeness of the flesh of sin and concerning sin” so that God could condemn sin in the flesh—Rom. 8:3:

一 基督是那与神同在,并且就是神的话,成了肉体─约一1、14:

A. As the Word that was with God and that was God, Christ became flesh—John 1:1, 14:

1 在圣经里,尤其在新约里,肉体是指堕落的人,不是指神原初所造的人─创一26,六3,罗三20。

1. In the Bible, especially in the New Testament, flesh denotes the fallen man, not the God-created man—Gen. 1:26; 6:3; Rom. 3:20.

2 我们的肉体不仅是肉体,更是有罪的肉体;然而,基督的肉体不是有罪的。

2. Our flesh is not only flesh but also sinful flesh; however, the flesh of Christ was not sinful flesh.

3 当话成了肉体,耶稣的肉体就联于那带着罪之肉体的堕落之人,但在祂的肉体里没有罪的元素;撒但不能进入耶稣的肉体里。

3. When the Word became flesh, the flesh of Jesus was joined to fallen man with sinful flesh, but in His flesh there was not the element of sin; Satan could not enter into Jesus’ flesh.

二 神只是“在罪之肉体的样式里”差遣祂的儿子;实际上,子没有罪的肉体,只有罪之肉体的形状,样式─八3:

B. God sent His Son only “in the likeness of the flesh of sin”; the Son did not actually have the flesh of sin but only the form, the likeness, of the flesh of sin—8:3:

1 话成为肉体,乃是三一神成为肉体的人,有那有罪之人的样式─约一1、14。

1. That the Word became flesh means that the Triune God became a man of flesh in the likeness of a sinful man—John 1:1, 14.

2 基督成为肉体,间接地与罪有关联,只有罪之肉体的样式,没有罪的实际─罗八3。

2. Christ became flesh to be indirectly involved with sin—only in the likeness of the flesh of sin but not in the reality—Rom. 8:3.

3 借此神进入人性,与有罪的人联结为一;然而,祂只有这有罪之人的样式,却没有这有罪之人的罪,只有堕落之人的形状,没有堕落之人的罪性。

3. By so doing, God entered into humanity and became one with sinful man; however, He had only the likeness of a sinful man but not the sin of a sinful man, only the form of a fallen man but not the sinful nature of a fallen man.

4 基督在祂的死里是在肉体中的人,使罪在肉体中被神定罪─3节:

4. In His death Christ as a man in the flesh caused sin to be condemned in the flesh by God—v. 3:

a 肉体是属于罪的,但神的儿子竟成了肉体(来二14,提前三16);然而,祂并没有肉体的罪。─引用经文

a. The flesh is of sin, and the Son of God did indeed become flesh (Heb. 2:14; 1 Tim. 3:16); however, He had no participation in the sin of the flesh.

b 当父神为着罪差来子神,要对付罪,甚至废除罪时,祂不是在罪之肉体的实际里,乃是在罪之肉体的样式、外表里,差来子神─约一14,罗八3。

b. When God the Father sent God the Son concerning sin and to deal with sin, even to abolish it, He sent Him not in the reality of the flesh of sin but in the likeness, the appearance, of the flesh of sin—John 1:14; Rom. 8:3.

c 当基督在十字架上时,神在耶稣基督,那在罪之肉体的样式里受差者的肉体里面定罪了罪─3节。

c. While Christ was on the cross, God condemned sin in the flesh of Jesus Christ, the One who was sent in the likeness of the flesh of sin—v. 3.

叁 “摩西在旷野怎样举蛇,人子也必照样被举起来”─约三14:

III. “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up”—John 3:14:

一 基督作为父所差,在罪之肉体的样式里而来的一位,由民数记二十一章四至九节的铜蛇所表征:─引用经文

A. As the One who was sent by the Father in the likeness of the flesh of sin, Christ is typified by the bronze serpent in Numbers 21:4-9:

1 以色列人毁谤神和摩西时,“耶和华打发火蛇进入百姓中间,蛇就咬他们,以致以色列中死了许多人”─6节。

1. When the children of Israel spoke against God and against Moses, “Jehovah sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died”—v. 6.

2 神告诉摩西要制造“一条火蛇,挂在杆上”;“摩西便制造一条铜蛇,挂在杆上;蛇若咬了什么人,那人一望这铜蛇就活了”─8~9节。

2. God told Moses to make “a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole”; “Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on the pole; and if a serpent had bitten any man, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived”—vv. 8-9.

二 民数记二十一章的事件是神主宰所预备的,以启示基督一个特别的预表:

B. The incident in Numbers 21 was sovereignly prepared by God to reveal a particular type of Christ:

1 挂在杆子上有蛇形的铜蛇,预表基督为着我们在十字架上被举起来─约三14:

1. As a serpent in form, the bronze serpent lifted up on a pole is a type of Christ lifted up on the cross for us—John 3:14:

a 在十四节,主耶稣把这个预表应用到自己身上,表明祂成为肉体,乃是成为“罪之肉体的样式”(罗八3),就是铜蛇的形状。─引用经文

a. In verse 14 the Lord Jesus applied this type to Himself, indicating that when He was in the flesh, He was in “the likeness of the flesh of sin” (Rom. 8:3), which likeness is equal to the form of the bronze serpent.

b 铜蛇只有蛇形而无蛇毒;基督只是以蛇的形状被举起来,并没有蛇的毒性。

b. The bronze serpent had only the form of the serpent but was without the serpent’s poison; Christ was lifted up only as a serpent in form, for He did not have the poisonous nature of a serpent.

2 我们有罪的人确实有蛇性;在我们堕落的性情里,我们是古蛇魔鬼的儿女─约壹三10,太十二34,二三33,启十二9:

2. As sinful human beings, we actually are serpentine; in our fallen nature we are children of the old serpent, the devil—1 John 3:10; Matt. 12:34; 23:33; Rev. 12:9:

a 在我们的性情上,我们都是有蛇毒的蛇类;在我们堕落的性情里,我们不仅是有罪的,也是有蛇性的。

a. We are all serpentine beings with the poison of the serpent in our nature; in our fallen nature we are not only sinful—we are serpentine as well.

b 在神看来,整个堕落的人类是由毒蛇所组成─太十二34,二三33。

b. In the sight of God, the entire fallen human race consists of poisonous serpents—Matt. 12:34; 23:33.

3 我们是这样的蛇,需要代替;我们需要基督有蛇的形状而没有蛇的毒素,来为我们死─约三14,罗八3。

3. Because we are such serpents, we needed a Substitute; we needed Christ to die for us in the form of a serpent but without the poisonous element of the serpent—John 3:14; Rom. 8:3.

肆 “为此,神的儿子显现出来,是要消除魔鬼的作为”─约壹三8下:

IV. “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil”—1 John 3:8b:

一 我们是罪人,需要神的拯救,并且我们一直受魔鬼的缠累和搅扰,需要主耶稣来消除魔鬼的作为─提前一15,约壹三8。

A. As sinners, we need God’s salvation, and as those who are snared and troubled by the devil, we need the Lord Jesus to destroy the works of the devil—1 Tim. 1:15; 1 John 3:8.

二 神的儿子在地上时,消除了魔鬼的作为─可一23~28,太十二28,十五22~28,路四39,十三10~17:

B. When the Son of God was on earth, He destroyed the works of the devil—Mark 1:23-28; Matt. 12:28; 15:22-28; Luke 4:39; 13:10-17:

1 许多时候,撒但的工作并不是明显地作的,乃是躲在许多天然事情的后面作的。

1. Often Satan’s work was not obvious; he hid behind natural phenomena.

2 虽然魔鬼躲在许多天然事情的后面,但主耶稣责备他─可四35~41。

2. Although the devil hid behind many natural phenomena, the Lord Jesus rebuked him—Mark 4:35-41.

三 在约壹三章八节,译为“消除”的希腊字,也可译为“解除”或“毁坏”:─引用经文

C. In 1 John 3:8 the Greek word translated “destroy” may also be translated “undo, dissolve”:

1 魔鬼从古时就不断地犯罪,并生出罪人与他一同实行罪─8、10节,约八44。

1. The devil has sinned continually from ancient times and begets sinners that they might practice sin with him—vv. 8, 10; John 8:44.

2 为这缘故,神的儿子显现出来,要消除并毁灭魔鬼罪恶的作为,就是借十字架上的死,在肉体中定罪那恶者所起始的罪(罗八3);毁灭罪的权势,就是魔鬼罪恶的性情(来二14),并且除去罪与诸罪。─引用经文

2. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might undo and destroy the sinful deeds of the devil, that is, condemn, through His death on the cross in the flesh (Rom. 8:3), sin initiated by him, the evil one; destroy the power of sin, the sinful nature of the devil (Heb. 2:14); and take away both sin and sins.

伍 “儿女既同有血肉之体,祂也照样亲自有分于血肉之体,为要借着死,废除那掌死权的,就是魔鬼”─14节:

V. “Since therefore the children have shared in blood and flesh, He also Himself in like manner partook of the same, that through death He might destroy him who has the might of death, that is, the devil”—v. 14:

一 主耶稣的显现,消除了魔鬼的作为;主耶稣的死,废除了魔鬼自己─约壹三8,约三14,十二31,来二14。

A. The manifestation of the Lord Jesus destroyed the works of the devil, and the death of the Lord Jesus destroyed the devil himself—1 John 3:8; John 3:14; 12:31; Heb. 2:14.

二 主耶稣乃是借着在形状上成为蛇,伤了古蛇魔鬼的头─约三14,创三15,启十二9:

B. It was through His being a serpent in form that the Lord Jesus crushed the head of the old serpent, the devil—John 3:14; Gen. 3:15; Rev. 12:9:

1 蛇是魔鬼的象征;主耶稣以蛇的形状被钉十字架,是为着对付魔鬼撒但。

1. The serpent is a symbol of the devil; the Lord Jesus was crucified as a serpent in form in order to deal with the devil, Satan.

2 这样祂就审判了这世界的王:“现在这世界受审判,这世界的王要被赶出去”─约十二31:

2. In this way He judged the ruler of this world: “Now is the judgment of this world; now shall the ruler of this world be cast out”—John 12:31:

a 古蛇撒但,世界的王,已将他自己注射到人的肉体里。

a. Satan as the old serpent, the ruler of the world, had injected himself into man’s flesh.

b 主在罪之肉体的样式里,死于十字架,就废除了在人肉体里的撒但─罗八3,来二14。

b. Through His death on the cross in the likeness of the flesh of sin, the Lord destroyed Satan, who is in man’s flesh—Rom. 8:3; Heb. 2:14.

c 因着这样审判了撒但,主就使挂在撒但身上的世界也受了审判;因此,主被举起来,就审判了世界,也把世界的王赶出去了─约十六11,十二31。

c. By judging Satan in this way, the Lord also judged the world, which is hanging on Satan; hence, the Lord’s being lifted up caused the world to be judged and its ruler to be cast out—John 16:11; 12:31.

三 基督钉十字架时,废除了魔鬼─来二14:

C. In His crucifixion Christ destroyed the devil—Heb. 2:14:

1 在十四节里,译作“废除”的希腊字,也可译为“使之归于无有,使之失效,废掉,消除,取消,弃绝”。─引用经文

1. In verse 14 the Greek word translated “destroy” can also be rendered as “bring to nought, make of none effect, do away with, abolish, annul, discard.”

2 基督在祂的人性里,并借着祂在十字架上的工作,废除了魔鬼。

2. In His humanity and through His work on the cross, Christ has destroyed the devil.

3 基督不仅代替被蛇所咬的堕落之人受死,并且废除了魔鬼─约三14,来二14。

3. Christ died not only as the Substitute of fallen men, who had been bitten by the serpent, but also to destroy the devil—John 3:14; Heb. 2:14.

四 阿利路亚!借着基督作赎罪祭的实际,魔鬼已经被废除了!

D. Hallelujah, through Christ as the reality of the sin offering, the devil has been destroyed!
