第十篇 基督作神与祂子民之间的平安,使他们在交通中共同享受,而过活力排的召会生活,并终极完成于新耶路撒冷,作终极的平安祭

Christ as the Peace between God and God’s People for Their Co-enjoyment in Fellowship to Have the Vital-group Church Life and to Consummate in the New Jerusalem as the Ultimate Peace Offering



壹 享受基督作我们的燔祭、素祭、赎罪祭、赎愆祭的结果,乃是享受基督作平安祭─利三1~2,六12,七37:

I. The issue of enjoying Christ as our burnt offering, our meal offering, our sin offering, and our trespass offering is the enjoyment of Christ as the peace offering—Lev. 3:1-2; 6:12; 7:37:

一 我们不该想凭自己的努力得平安;我们越想凭自己得平安,就越没有平安;得平安唯一的路乃是每天享受基督─罗十四17,林前十二3下,弗三16~17。

A. We should not try to have peace by our own effort; the more we try in ourselves to have peace, the less peace we will have; the only way to have peace is to enjoy Christ every day—Rom. 14:17; 1 Cor. 12:3b; Eph. 3:16-17.

二 平安乃是一个量度,给我们看见,我们享受基督到什么程度─一2,参太十一28~30。

B. Having peace is a measurement to show us to what degree we enjoy Christ—1:2; cf. Matt. 11:28-30.

三 我们该在今天享受基督,忘记昨天和明天─六25、34,腓三13~14,来三7~8、13。

C. We should enjoy Christ today and forget about yesterday and about tomorrow—6:25, 34; Phil. 3:13-14; Heb. 3:7-8, 13.

贰 基督是神与祂子民之间的平安,使他们在交通中共同享受─参林前一9:

II. Christ is the peace between God and God’s people for their co-enjoyment in fellowship—cf. 1 Cor. 1:9:

一 献平安祭的人要按手在祭物头上,表征献祭者与祭物的联结并联合为一;我们与基督的交通乃是联合为一的事,就是我们成了祂,祂成了我们─利三2、8、13。

A. The one who offered the peace offering was to lay his hand on the head of the offering, signifying the union and identification of the offerer with the offering; our fellowship with Christ is a matter of identification, a matter of us becoming Him and of Him becoming us—Lev. 3:2, 8, 13.

二 在路加十五章二十三至二十四节,平安祭是那肥牛犊,就是接纳的父亲(神)与归回的浪子(罪人)之间平安的享受所描绘的。─引用经文

B. The peace offering is illustrated in Luke 15:23-24 by the fattened calf as a peaceful enjoyment between the receiving father, God, and the returning prodigal son, a sinner.

三 我们需要学习享受基督作平安祭的秘诀,这平安祭乃是神的平安,就是神那超越人所能理解的平安─腓四12、7,约十六33:

C. We need to learn the secret of enjoying Christ as our peace offering—the peace of God, which surpasses every man’s understanding—Phil. 4:12, 7; John 16:33:

1 我们必须学习这秘诀,就是在任何境遇,并在一切事故中,如何以基督为生命,如何活基督,如何显大基督,并如何赢得基督─腓四11~13:

1. We must learn the secret of how to take Christ as life, how to live Christ, how to magnify Christ, and how to gain Christ in any environment and in any matter—Phil. 4:11-13:

a 我们需要将我们所要的告诉神[直译,给神知道],在凡事上与祂谈话并同祂商量─5~6节,参书九14,箴三5~6。

a. We need to let our requests be made known to God, talking with Him and conferring with Him in everything—vv. 5-6; cf. Josh. 9:14; Prov. 3:5-6.

b “不知道这秘诀的人,以为活基督是很难的事;其实你只要操练常与主说话,你自然就会活基督”(神救恩生机的一面,五六页)─腓一19~21上。

b.  “Those who do not know this secret consider to live Christ a difficult thing. Actually, you just need to practice speaking with the Lord constantly; then spontaneously, you will live Christ” (The Organic Aspect of God’s Salvation, p. 55)—Phil. 1:19-21a.

c 在祷告中与神交通的结果乃是神的平安(也就是神作平安)注入我们里面,作我们的享受,使我们抗拒苦恼,化解挂虑,好叫众人知道基督是我们的谦让宜人─四5~7、9,一20,罗八6,约十六33:

c. The result of practicing fellowship with God in prayer is that the peace of God, God as peace, is infused into us for our enjoyment as the counterpoise to troubles and the antidote to anxiety so that Christ as our forbearance can be known to all men—4:5-7, 9; 1:20; Rom. 8:6; John 16:33:

㈠ 我们借着在祷告中与神的交通,就享受主作平安的河与安慰的母─赛六六12~13,参加四26。

1) Through our fellowship with God in prayer, we enjoy the Lord as a river of peace and as a comforting mother—Isa. 66:12-13; cf. Gal. 4:26.

㈡ 我们借着在祷告中与神的交通,就享受主作避风所,避暴雨的隐密处,在干旱之地的河流,在疲乏之地大磐石的影子─赛三二2。

2) Through our fellowship with God in prayer, we enjoy the Lord as a refuge from the wind, a covering from the tempest, streams of water in a dry place, and the shadow of a massive rock in a wasted land—Isa. 32:2.

2 在腓立比四章五至九节我们所经历之基督的美德,乃是活基督作平安祭之生活的彰显─一19~21上,二5~13,三8~10:

2. The virtues of Christ for our experience in Philippians 4:5-9 are the expression of a life that lives Christ as peace—1:19-21a; 2:5-13; 3:8-10:

a 保罗认为谦让宜人和没有挂虑是活基督之生活彰显的头两面。

a. Paul considers forbearance and the lack of anxiety as the first two aspects of the expression of a life that lives Christ.

b 忧虑来自撒但,是人生活的总和,搅扰信徒活基督的生活;谦让宜人来自神,是活基督之生活的总和;二者完全相反。

b. Anxiety, coming from Satan, is the sum total of human life and disturbs the believers’ life of living Christ; forbearance, coming from God, is the sum total of a life that lives Christ; the two are opposites.

3 “当叫众人知道你们的谦让宜人。主是近的”─四5:

3. “Let your forbearance be known to all men. The Lord is near”—4:5:

a 谦让宜人就是待人合理,体谅,顾到别人,不严格要求合法的权利;谦让宜人的意思是我们很容易满足,甚至以少于我们所当得的为满足。

a. Forbearance is reasonableness, considerateness, and consideration in dealing with others, without being strict in claiming one’s legal rights; forbearance means that we are easily satisfied, even with less than our due.

b 按照基督徒的经历,谦让宜人是包罗一切的,因为它包含了基督徒一切的美德:

b. According to Christian experience, forbearance is all-inclusive, for it includes all Christian virtues:

㈠ 谦让宜人包含爱、忍耐、恩慈、谦卑、怜恤、体谅以及服从,就是心甘情愿的降服;我们若有这样一个包罗一切的美德,也就有了公义与圣别。

1) Forbearance includes love, patience, kindness, humility, compassion, considerateness, and submissiveness, a willingness to yield; if we have such an all-inclusive virtue, we shall also have righteousness and holiness.

㈡ 谦让宜人也包括自制、适度、温和、了解、同情、智慧、怜悯、和平、仰望主,甚至包括承认主在一切事上有主宰权柄的美德。

2) Forbearance also includes self-control, moderation, gentleness, understanding, sympathy, wisdom, mercy, peacefulness, looking to the Lord, and even the virtue of admitting that the Lord is sovereign in all things.

c 一个谦让宜人的人总是摆得合式的,他的行为总是合宜的─参林后六1上,十1,腓一19,赛十一2。

c. A forbearing person is one who always fits in, whose behavior is always suitable—cf. 2 Cor. 6:1a; 10:1; Phil. 1:19; Isa. 11:2.

d 我们若谦让宜人,就会有智慧与能力供应别人的需要;我们也有充分的知识,知道要对别人说什么话,以及该什么时候说─五十4~5,西一28。

d. If we are forbearing, we shall have the wisdom and the ability to supply others with what they need; we shall also have the full knowledge of what to say to them and when to say it—50:4-5; Col. 1:28.

e 谦让宜人就是顾到我们所作或所说的,会怎样影响别人─代下一10。

e. To be forbearing is to consider how others will be affected by what we do or say—2 Chron. 1:10.

f 谦让宜人是包罗一切的美德,也就是基督自己;基督既是谦让宜人,保罗活着就是谦让宜人─腓一21上:

f. As an all-inclusive virtue, forbearance is Christ Himself; since Christ is forbearance, for Paul to live was forbearance—Phil. 1:21a:

㈠ 叫众人知道我们的谦让宜人,就是叫众人知道我们所活、所显大的基督;祂是我们所引以为榜样,以及我们所竭力追求那作标竿的一位。

1) To let our forbearance be known to all men is to let the Christ whom we live and magnify, whom we take as our pattern and pursue as our goal, be known to all men.

㈡ 唯有主耶稣过一种满了谦让宜人的生活,而今天唯有基督才能成为我们完全的谦让宜人。

2) Only the Lord Jesus lived a life full of forbearance, and only Christ can be our perfect forbearance today.

㈢ 叫人知道我们的谦让宜人,乃是过彰显基督作一切人性美德之总和的生活。

3) To make known our forbearance is to live a life that expresses Christ as the totality of all human virtues.

g 保罗说到谦让宜人之后,紧接着就说,主是近的:

g. Immediately after speaking about forbearance, Paul says that the Lord is near:

㈠ 就空间说,主对我们是近的,是很便当的帮助;就时间说,主与我们是近的,不久就要来─参罗十8~13。

1) With respect to space, the Lord is near us, ready to help; with regard to time, the Lord is at hand, coming soon—cf. Rom. 10:8-13.

㈡ 主是近的,主要的是说到主与我们同在─太一23。

2) The Lord’s being near refers primarily to His presence with us—Matt. 1:23.

4 “应当一无挂虑,只要凡事借着祷告、祈求,带着感谢,将你们所要的告诉神;神那超越人所能理解的平安,必在基督耶稣里,保卫你们的心怀意念”─腓四6~7:

4.  “In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses every man’s understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus”—Phil. 4:6-7:

a “凡事”这辞是指每天临到我们许多不同的事。

a. The words in everything refer to the many different things that happen to us day by day.

b 祷告是一般的,带着敬拜和交通的成分;祈求是专一的,为着特殊的需要;我们的祷告和祈求,都该带着对主的感谢。

b. Prayer is general, having worship and fellowship as its essence; petition is special, being for particular needs; both our prayer and our petition should be accompanied by our giving thanks to the Lord.

c 告诉神,直译,给神知道;“给”,表示向前的动作,有活的联合并交往之意,含示交通;因此,这里告诉神的意义,乃是在与神的交通中。

c. To God denotes motion toward, in the sense of a living union and communion, implying fellowship; hence, the sense of to God here is “in the fellowship with God.”

d 平安的神在基督里,在我们的心怀意念前巡查,保守我们平静安宁;正确的基督徒生活是宁静、安宁、平安并安静的生活(提前二1~2,赛三十15上);活基督之生活的头一面乃是安宁─没有争竞、虚荣、发怨言、起争论,没有彼此辩论、争论或争吵。─引用经文

d. The God of peace patrols before our hearts and thoughts in Christ, keeping us calm and tranquil; a proper Christian life is a life of calm, tranquility, peace, and quiet (1 Tim. 2:1-2; Isa. 30:15a); the first aspect of a life that lives Christ is tranquility—without rivalry, vainglory, murmurings, or reasonings and without debate, arguing, or fighting with others.

e “叫众人知道你们的谦让宜人”,与“将你们所要的告诉神”是平行的─腓四5~6:

e. Let your forbearance be known is parallel to let your requests be made known—Phil. 4:5-6:

㈠ 我们可以借着将每个需要和要求带到神面前,并借着与祂交谈,而把我们的挂虑转成谦让宜人;我们只要告诉祂我们所需要的,也就是说,我们若有什么烦恼或挂虑,我们就应当告诉祂。

1) Our anxiety can be turned into forbearance by bringing every need, every request, to God, and by conversing with Him; we should just tell Him what we need; that is, if we have any worry or anxiety, we should just tell Him.

㈡ 我们让祂知道,乃是我们向着祂的动作;然后,甚至在答应我们所要的之先,祂的反应就是祂的分赐,亦即将祂自己与我们调和;神性与人性实际的调和,是借着六节所描述的交通完成的。

2) Our letting Him know is our motion toward Him; then His response is His dispensing, His mingling Himself with us, even before He answers our request; the practical mingling of divinity with humanity is carried out by the traffic described in verse 6.

f 我们若要过一无挂虑的生活,就必须领悟,我们所有的遭遇,不论是好是坏,都是神派定的,目的是要使我们达到赢得基督、活基督并显大基督的定命─罗八28~29,太十29~30,林后四16~18。

f. If we would have a life free of anxiety, we need to realize that all our circumstances, good or bad, have been assigned to us by God in order to serve us in fulfilling our destiny to gain Christ, live Christ, and magnify Christ—Rom. 8:28-29; Matt. 10:29-30; 2 Cor. 4:16-18.

叁 我们需要学习过活力排之召会生活的秘诀,召会生活作为筵宴之家,就是以基督为平安祭的筵席,在此基督同爱祂的人能得着安息和满足─约十二1~3:

III. We need to learn the secret of how to have the vital-group church life as a house of feasting—a feast of Christ as the peace offering—where He and His lovers can have rest and satisfaction—John 12:1-3:

一 这召会生活是由复活的生命所产生─十一43~44。

A. This church life is produced by the resurrection life—11:43-44.

二 这召会生活是由蒙洁净的罪人所组成─可十四3。

B. This church life is composed of cleansed sinners—Mark 14:3.

三 这召会生活外面是贫穷困苦的─约十二1,十六33。

C. This church life is outwardly poor and afflicted—John 12:1; 16:33.

四 这召会生活是在主的同在中与主同筵的生活─十二2,徒三19下。

D. This church life is a life of feasting in and with the presence of the Lord—12:2; Acts 3:20a.

五 这召会生活的姊妹比弟兄多─约十二2~3。

E. This church life has more sisters than brothers—John 12:2-3.

六 在这召会生活中,有马大的功用(殷勤服事主),拉撒路的功用(见证复活的生命),以及马利亚的功用(倾倒她对主绝对的爱)─2~3、9~11节。

F. In this church life there are the functions of Martha (diligently serving the Lord), Lazarus (testifying of the resurrection life), and Mary (pouring out her absolute love on the Lord)—vv. 2-3, 9-11.

肆 我们在日常生活中并在召会生活中享受基督作我们的平安祭,终极完成于新耶路撒冷这终极的平安祭─启二一2:

IV. Our enjoyment of Christ as our peace offering in our daily life and in the church life consummates in the New Jerusalem as the ultimate peace offering—Rev. 21:2:

一 “耶路撒冷”的意思是“平安的根基”。

A. Jerusalem means “the foundation of peace.”

二 新耶路撒冷是三一神作我们的平安,作我们的安全。

B. The New Jerusalem is the Triune God to be our peace, to be our safety.

三 整个新耶路撒冷将是一个平安的实体。

C. The whole New Jerusalem will be an entity of peace.
