
第二篇 为着基督身体的实际,在复活里生活

Living in Resurrection for the Reality of the Body of Christ



壹 我们要在复活里生活,就必须看见关于基督复活这个揭示的真理:

I. In order to live in resurrection, we must see the unveiled truth concerning Christ's resurrection:

一 在人性里的基督,在复活里由神生为神的长子,作基督身体的头─徒十三33,罗八29下。

A. Christ in His humanity was begotten by God in His resurrection to be the firstborn Son of God as the Head of the Body-Acts 13:33; Rom. 8:29b.

二 基督所有的信徒,都是由父神借着基督的复活所重生,为着产生召会作基督的身体,就是祂的复制─彼前一3,约十二24,林前十17。

B. All the believers of Christ were regenerated by God the Father through the resurrection of Christ for the producing of the church as His Body, His reproduction-1?Pet. 1:3; John 12:24; 1 Cor. 10:17.

三 基督这末后的亚当,成了赐生命的灵─十五45下。

C. Christ as the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit-15:45b.

四 没有主复活的这些主要项目(神的长子、神的许多儿子和赐生命的灵),就没有召会,没有基督的身体,也没有神的经纶─参西一18,林前十二12,弗四4。

D. Without these major items of the Lord's resurrection (the firstborn Son of God, the many sons of God, and the life-giving Spirit), there would be no church, no Body of Christ, and no economy of God-cf. Col. 1:18; 1 Cor. 12:12; Eph. 4:4.

贰 发芽的杖表征基督这位复活者,该是我们的生命、生活和我们里面复活的生命,并且这生命该发芽、开花并结出熟杏─民十七8:

II. The budding rod signifies that Christ, the resurrected One, should be our life, our living, and the resurrection life within us and that this life should bud, blossom, and bear fruit to maturity-Num. 17:8:

一 在民数记十六章所记载以色列人的背叛之后,神吩咐十二个首领按着以色列十二支派,共取十二根杖,放在会幕内见证的版前(十七4);神说,“我拣选的那人,他的杖必发芽”─5节。

A. After the children of Israel rebelled, as recorded in Numbers?16, God commanded the twelve leaders to take twelve rods according to the twelve tribes of Israel and put them in the Tent of Meeting before the Testimony (17:4); then He said, "The rod of the man whom I?choose shall bud"-v. 5.

二 十二根杖都没有叶子、没有根,都是枯死的;若有那一根能发芽,那一根就是神所拣选的;在此我们看见复活乃是神拣选的根据,而事奉的根据乃是在我们天然的生命之外;因此,发芽的杖表征我们经历复活的基督,使我们蒙神悦纳,在神所赐的职事上有权柄。

B. All twelve rods were leafless, rootless, dry, and dead; whichever one budded was the one chosen by God; here we see that resurrection is the basis of God's selection and that the basis of service is something apart from our natural life; thus, the budding rod signifies our experience of Christ in His resurrection as our acceptance by God for authority in the God-given ministry.

三 一切事奉的原则,乃在于发芽的杖;神把其他的十一根杖都发还各首领,只把亚伦那根发芽的杖留在约柜里,作永远的记念;这意思是,复活乃是事奉神的永远原则─9~10节:

C. The principle to every service lies in the budding rod; God returned all the eleven rods to the leaders but kept Aaron's rod inside the Ark as an eternal memorial; this means that resurrection is an eternal principle in our service to God-vv.?9-10:

1 复活的意思是,一切都是出于神,不是出于我们;复活就是只有神能,我们不能─腓三10~11。

1. Resurrection means that everything is of God and not of us; it means that God alone is able and that we are not able-Phil. 3:10-11.

2 凡是我们能作的,都是在天然的范围里;我们不能作的,才是在复活的范围里;人必须到了尽头,才确知自己一无是处─太十九26,可十27,路十八27。

2. What we can do belongs to the natural realm, and what is impossible for us to do belongs to the realm of resurrection; a man must come to the end of himself before he will be convinced of his utter uselessness-Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27.

3 人如果从未感觉自己不行,就永远无法经历神的行;复活就是说,我们不行,一切乃是神作的─参林后一8~9,四7。

3. If a man has never realized his own inability, he can never experience God's ability; resurrection means that we cannot make it and that God is the One who has done everything-cf. 2?Cor. 1:8-9; 4:7.

叁 我们要在基督身体的实际里,就需要完全在基督复活的生命里:

III. In order to be in the reality of the Body of Christ, we need to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ:

一 召会完全是出于基督的元素,完全是在复活里,也完全是在诸天界里─彼前一3,弗二6,参创二21~24。

A. The church is absolutely of the element of Christ, absolutely in resurrection, and absolutely in the heavenlies-1 Pet. 1:3; Eph. 2:6; cf. Gen. 2:21-24.

二 金灯台预表召会是基督的身体,描绘基督是复活的生命,要生长、分枝、发苞、开花而发光─出二五31~40,民十七8,启一11~12。

B. The golden lampstand, typifying the church as the Body of Christ, portrays Christ as the resurrection life, growing, branching, budding, and blossoming to shine the light-Exo. 25:31-40; Num. 17:8; Rev. 1:11-12.

三 当我们不凭我们天然的生命,乃凭我们里面神圣的生命而活时,我们就在复活里,其结果就是基督的身体─腓三10~11:

C. When we do not live by our natural life but live by the divine life within us, we are in resurrection; the issue of this is the Body of Christ-Phil. 3:10-11:

1 我们都需要被主构成门徒,成为神圣且奥秘的人,否认我们天然的生命,而活神圣的生命─参约三8。

1. We all need to be discipled by the Lord to be divine and mystical persons, living the divine life by denying our natural life-cf. John 3:8.

2 任何在天然生命里作的事,即使作得合乎圣经,都不是基督身体的实际─林前三12。

2. Anything that is carried out in the natural life, even if it is carried out scripturally, is not the reality of the Body of Christ-1 Cor. 3:12.

肆 我们要在复活里生活,就必须认识、经历并得着复活的神─林后一8~9:

VI. In order to live in resurrection, we must know, experience, and gain the God of resurrection-2 Cor. 1:8-9:

一 神一直借着十字架作工,了结我们,领我们到尽头,使我们不再信靠自己,只信靠复活的神─9节。

A. God is working through the cross to terminate us, to bring us to an end, so that we will no longer trust in ourselves but in the God of resurrection-v. 9.

二 虽然活的神能为人作许多事,活神的生命和性情却没有作到人里面;当复活的神作工时,祂的生命和性情就作到人里面─四16:

B. Although the living God can perform many acts on man's behalf, the life and nature of the living God are not wrought into man; when the God of resurrection works, His life and nature are wrought into man-4:16:

1 神作工不是以外面的作为使人认识祂的权能,祂作工乃是将祂自己分赐并作到人里面─加四19。

1. God is not working to make His might known in external acts, but He is working to impart and work Himself into man-Gal. 4:19.

2 神使用环境,好将祂的生命和性情作到我们里面─林后四7~12,帖前三3。

2. God uses the environment in order to work His life and nature into us-2 Cor. 4:7-12; 1 Thes. 3:3.

3 我们要在复活里生活并被复活的神所构成,就必须借着“万有”,被模成神长子基督的形像─罗八28~29,来十二10,耶四八11。

3. In order to live in resurrection and be constituted with the God of resurrection, we must be conformed to the image of Christ as the firstborn Son of God through "all things"-Rom. 8:28-29; Heb. 12:10; Jer. 48:11.

4 这宇宙中的苦难,特别是对于神的儿女,其主要的目的乃是借着苦难,神的性情得以作到人的性情里,使人能得着神,达到极完满的地步─林后四16。

4. The primary purpose of suffering in this universe, particularly as it relates to the children of God, is that through it the very nature of God may be wrought into the nature of man so that man may gain God to the fullest extent-2 Cor. 4:16.

5 当我们经过患难时,在我们里面天天需要有不断的更新,好使神完成祂心头的愿望,使我们成为新耶路撒冷─结三六26,林后五17,启二一2。

5. As we pass through afflictions, there needs to be a continual renewing taking place in us day by day so that God can accomplish His heart's desire to make us the New Jerusalem-Ezek. 36:26; 2 Cor. 5:17; Rev. 21:2.

三 我们要在复活里生活,就必须因复活生命新鲜的供应得着滋养,而日日得更新─林后四16:

C. In order to live in resurrection, we must be renewed day by day by being nourished with the fresh supply of the resurrection life-2 Cor. 4:16:

1 真实的基督徒生活乃是在早晨、在晚上,天天都有复活的神加到我们里面─西二19,罗八10、6、11。

1. The real Christian life is to have the God of resurrection added into us morning and evening and day by day-Col. 2:19; Rom. 8:10, 6, 11.

2 我们要得着在复活里神圣生命更新的性能,就需要接触神,将自己向祂敞开,让祂进到我们里面,逐日新鲜地加增到我们里面─腓二13,三10~11:

2. In order to receive the renewing capacity of the divine life in resurrection, we need to contact God, open ourselves up to Him, and let Him come into us to be a new addition into us day by day-Phil. 2:13; 3:10-11:

a 我们凭着十字架、圣灵、我们调和的灵以及神的话,而得更新─林后四10,多三5,弗四23,五26。

a. We are renewed by the cross, the Holy Spirit, our mingled spirit, and the word of God-2 Cor. 4:10; Titus 3:5; Eph. 4:23; 5:26.

b 我们需要晨晨复兴─太十三43,箴四18。

b. We need to be revived every morning-Matt. 13:43; Prov. 4:18.

c 我们应当在新样的原则里来赴主的筵席,要赦免别人,也要寻求得赦免─太二六29,五23~24,十八21~22、35。

c. We should come to the Lord's table in the principle of newness by forgiving others and seeking to be forgiven-Matt. 26:29; 5:23-24; 18:21-22, 35.

3 十字架的杀死,结果叫复活的生命得显明;这种日常的杀死,是要在复活里释放出神圣的生命─林后四10~12。

3. The killing of the cross results in the manifestation of the resurrection life; this daily killing is for the release of the divine life in resurrection-2 Cor. 4:10-12.

四 我们天然的力量和才干需要受十字架的对付,好在复活里成为有用,为着事奉主─腓三3:

D. Our natural strength and ability need to be dealt with by the cross to become useful in resurrection for our service to the Lord-Phil. 3:3:

1 摩西被神摆在一边四十年之久,学会照着神的引导事奉神并信靠神─出二14~15,徒七22~36,来十一28。

1. After being put aside by God for forty years, Moses learned to serve God according to His leading and to trust in Him-Exo. 2:14-15; Acts 7:22-36; Heb. 11:28.

2 彼得经过彻底的失败,学会凭着信心,谦卑地服事弟兄们─路二二32~33,约十八15~18、25~27,太二六69~75,彼前五5~6。

2. After becoming a complete failure, Peter learned to serve the brothers by faith and with humility-Luke 22:32-33; John 18:15-18, 25-27; Matt. 26:69-75; 1 Pet. 5:5-6.

3 七倍加强的赐生命之灵,只尊重在复活里的事;我们所作的任何工,若不在复活里,赐生命的灵是绝不会尊重的─林前十五58,三12。

3. The sevenfold intensified life-giving Spirit honors only the things in resurrection; if we do any work that is not in resurrection, the life-giving Spirit will never honor it-1?Cor. 15:58; 3:12.


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