
第三篇 祭司和利未人为着神行动的事奉

The Service of the Priests and the Levites for God's Move



壹 民数记是一卷事奉的书,三至四章论到圣别的事奉:

I. Numbers is a book of service, and chapters 3 and 4 cover the holy service:

一 在民数记里有召会事奉的完全预表;民数记里的事奉是召会事奉的图画─三1~39,四1~33,罗十二5~8、11。

A. In Numbers we have a full type of the church service; the service in Numbers is a picture of the church service—3:1-39; 4:1-33; Rom. 12:5-8, 11.

二 事奉是圣别的,因为这事奉照管神见证的帐幕─民三7~8,四4~16。

B. The service is holy because it takes care of the Tabernacle of the Testimony of God—Num. 3:7-8; 4:4-16.

三 圣别事奉的基本原则是:事奉乃是基于生命,因此没有混乱;在圣别的事奉里,每件事都在神圣的行政之下,因此很有秩序─三7。

C. The basic principle of the holy service is that it is without confusion because it is based on life; everything in the holy service is under the divine administration, and thus it is in good order—3:7.

贰 圣别的事奉是由祭司和利未人执行的─3、6、9~10节:

II. The holy service was carried out by the priests and the Levites—vv. 3, 6, 9-10:

一 祭司是直接事奉神的受膏者─3节:

A. The priests were the anointed ones who served God directly—v. 3:

1 祭司要在帐幕前面、东边,向日出之地安营;他们看守会幕的入口,任何人要事奉神,都必须先通过祭司─38节。

1. The priests were to camp before the tabernacle, on the east, toward the sunrise; they guarded the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, and anyone who wanted to serve God had to pass through the priests—v. 38.

2 祭司要看守圣所,指帐幕,包括圣所和至圣所─32、38节:

2. The priests were to keep the charge of the sanctuary, the tabernacle with the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies—vv. 32, 38:

a “看守”一辞指责任─7、32、38节。

a. The word charge refers to responsibility—vv. 7, 32, 38.

b 祭司看守圣所,意思就是对整个圣所以及与圣所有关的一切负责任。

b. For the priests to keep the charge of the sanctuary meant that they were responsible for the entire sanctuary and everything related to it.

二 利未人不是直接作祭司的,他们是祭司职任中服事的人─9、12、17节:

B. The Levites were not priests directly but were the serving ones of the priesthood—vv. 9, 12, 17:

1 在祭司职任,就是在祭司的服事中,有许多事务都需要利未人的服事─25~37节。

1. In the priesthood, the ministry of the priests, there were many business affairs that required the service of the Levites—vv. 25-37.

2 利未人的服事乃是照管会幕,就是预表基督与召会之见证的帐幕─十八1~4、6:

2. The service of the Levites was to take care of the Tent of Meeting—the Tabernacle of the Testimony—which is a type of Christ and the church—18:1-4, 6:

a 利未人在照管帐幕及其内的物件时,并不是直接事奉神;他们乃是服事祭司职任和祭司,而祭司是直接事奉神的人─三9、12、17。

a. In taking care of the tabernacle and its contents, the Levites did not serve God directly; rather, they served the priesthood and the priests, who served God directly—3:9, 12, 17.

b 祭司要看守圣所和坛,而利未人是在祭司以下服事,照管圣所和坛─十八5~6。

b. The priests were to keep the charge of the sanctuary and the altar, and the Levites served under the priests in caring for the sanctuary and the altar—18:5-6.

三 见证的帐幕及其一切物件和祭坛,由祭司所服事,预表基督各面的丰富,由新约信徒服事给人─三25~26、31、36~37,弗三8,林后三3,提前四6:

C. The Tabernacle of the Testimony with all its furnishings and the altar, to which the priests ministered, are types of Christ in all His rich aspects, whom the New Testament believers minister to others—3:25-26, 31, 36-37; Eph. 3:8; 2 Cor. 3:3; 1 Tim. 4:6:

1 祭坛表征十字架(来十三10),指基督的救赎;帐幕指基督是神的具体化身(西二9),借着祂,神住在人中间(约一14),人也能进入神里面,享受祂一切的所是(约十四2、6、20)。─引用经文

1. The altar, signifying the cross (Heb. 13:10), refers to Christ's redemption, and the tabernacle refers to Christ as the embodiment of God (Col. 2:9), through whom God dwells among men (John 1:14) and through whom men can enter into God to enjoy all that He is (14:2, 6, 20).

2 祭司和利未人的服事总是用基督的丰富供应人─弗三8:

2. The ministry of the priests and the Levites always supplies people with the riches of Christ—Eph. 3:8:

a 服事就是事奉,事奉就是借服事供应人─林后四1,三3、6、8,彼前四10~11。

a. To minister is to serve, and to serve is to supply people by ministering to them—2 Cor. 4:1; 3:3, 6, 8; 1 Pet. 4:10-11.

b 新约的信徒乃是将基督的十字架服事给人,使人得着救赎(林前一23,二2);并将基督的丰富服事给人,使人得着生命的供应(弗三8,西一27~28)。─引用经文

b. The New Testament believers serve others the cross of Christ for redemption (1 Cor. 1:23; 2:2) and the riches of Christ for the life supply (Eph. 3:8; Col. 1:27-28).

叁 民数记所描绘圣别的事奉,不是为着不活动的基督,乃是为着极其活跃的基督;在祂的活动或行动中,我们必须与祂相配─四1~33:

III. The holy service portrayed in Numbers is not for a Christ who is inactive but for a Christ who is very active; in His activity, in His move, we must match Him—4:1-33:

一 祭司与利未人在帐幕出发(往前行)时有明确的职责:

A. The priests and the Levites had certain duties in the tabernacle's setting out, in its going forward:

1 祭司要指派利未人所当办的─19、27~28、33节:

1. The priests appointed the Levites to do their service—vv. 19, 27-28, 33:

a 利未人的事奉不是照着自己的作法,乃是在受膏祭司的指引之下。

a. The Levites did their service not according to their way but under the direction of the anointed priests.

b 这指明我们作为事奉神的新约祭司,不该照着自己的观念行动,乃该在受膏眼光的指引之下,就是在那膏我们之灵的指引之下─三3,出二八41。

b. This indicates that we, the New Testament priests serving God, should not act according to our own idea but under the direction of the anointed view, that is, under the direction of the Spirit who anoints us—3:3; Exo. 28:41.

2 祭司照管主要的东西,重要的东西,而哥辖人(利未人)照管一些次要的东西─民四5~14:

2. The priests took care of the primary things, the important things, and the Kohathites (Levites) took care of some of the secondary things—Num. 4:5-14:

a 照管圣所的物件就是照管主要的东西。

a. To take care of the furnishings of the sanctuary is to take care of the primary things.

b 祭司照管约柜;这是直接照管基督并供应基督─5~6节。

b. The priests took care of the Ark; this is to take care of Christ directly and to minister Christ—vv. 5-6.

c 哥辖人抬圣所的物件(2~4、15、17~20、34~37);今天这样作,就是对人说到召会作基督的扩大。─引用经文

c. The Kohathites carried the furnishings of the sanctuary (vv. 2-4, 15, 17-20, 34-37); to do this today is to speak concerning the church as the expansion of Christ.

二 我们要看见基督如何在地上行动,就应当看帐幕的行动─5、25、31~32节:

B. In order to see how Christ moves on earth, we should look at the move of the tabernacle—vv. 5, 25, 31-32:

1 帐幕是在利未三个儿子后裔的肩头上行动─书三10~11、13~15、17。

1. The tabernacle moved on the shoulders of the descendants of the three sons of Levi—Josh. 3:11, 13-15, 17.

2 主乃是借着我们背负约柜、圣所的物件和会幕而行动─3、10~11、13~15节。

2. The Lord moves through our bearing the Ark, the furnishings of the sanctuary, and the Tent of Meeting—vv. 3, 11, 13-15.

三 神新约经纶的原则,就是神需要人在祂地上的行动上与祂配合─太二八18~20:

C. The principle in God's New Testament economy is that God needs man to match Him in His move on earth—Matt. 28:18-20:

1 没有人,神就不能作什么;在神新约的经纶里,神没有人就不作什么─徒一8,十三1~3。

1. Without man, God can do nothing; in His New Testament economy, God does nothing without man—Acts 1:8; 13:1-3.

2 神必须有人与祂配合,与祂是一,与祂配搭;这是神新约经纶的基本原则─结一15~21,林前六17。

2. God must have man to match Him, to be one with Him, to coordinate with Him; this is the basic principle of God's New Testament economy—Ezek. 1:15-21; 1 Cor. 6:17.

3 今天基督正在全地行动,并且祂是同那些与祂是一的人在行动─徒一8,约十五4~5、16:

3. Christ is moving today throughout the earth, and He is moving with those who are one with Him—Acts 1:8; John 15:4-5, 16:

a 我们是今日的革顺人、哥辖人和米拉利的子孙。

a. We are today's sons of Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.

b 为神的扩大作神具体化身的基督,乃是借着那些爱祂的人而行动─歌七11~12,启二4~5。

b. Christ, the embodiment of God for His expansion, moves through those who love Him—S. S. 7:11-12; Rev. 2:4-5.

肆 在旧约,祭司和利未人是有区别的,但在新约里只有一班人,就是祭司─罗十五16,彼前二5、9,启一6,五10:

IV. In the Old Testament there was a distinction between the priests and the Levites; in the New Testament there is only one class, that of the priests—Rom. 15:16; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9; Rev. 1:6; 5:10:

一 祭司除了在帐幕出发时执行自己的职责之外,也要指派利未人所当办的─民四5~14、19、27~28、33。

A. In addition to carrying out their own duties in the setting out of the tabernacle, the priests appointed the Levites to do their service—Num. 4:5-14, 19, 27-28, 33.

二 利未人在旧约的预表里所作的,作为新约祭司的信徒也该在实际里作─彼前二5、9:

B. What the Levites did in the Old Testament in type, the believers as the New Testament priests should also do in reality—1 Pet. 2:5, 9:

1 利未人的服事是在祭司的监督之下,这指明当新约祭司在作外面利未人的工作时,必须在新约祭司职任内在、属灵眼光的监督之下─启一6,五10。

1. The fact that the service of the Levites was under the supervision of the priests indicates that when the New Testament priests do the outward Levitical work, they must do it under the supervision of the inward, spiritual view of the New Testament priesthood—Rev. 1:6; 5:10.

2 利未人的服事绝不该与祭司的眼光分开;外面的服事必须成为供应生命给人的属灵活动─罗十二4~13,十五16,彼前二5、9,四10~11。

2. The Levitical service should never be separated from the priestly view; the outward service must become a spiritual activity that ministers life to others—Rom. 12:4-13; 15:16; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9; 4:10-11.

3 我们需要学习在祭司职任内里的眼光下作外面的事。

3. We need to learn to do outward things under the inward view of the priesthood.

4 当我们照管外面实际的事务时,我们该将生命供应给人;我们若这样作,我们的利未人事奉就是在祭司职任的眼光与监督之下─约壹一2~3,二25,五11~16。

4. While we are taking care of outward, practical matters, we should be ministering life to others; if we do this, our Levitical service is under the view and supervision of the priesthood—1 John 1:2-3; 2:25; 5:11-16.

三 一个人事奉神的时候,要有祭司的工作,也要有利未人的工作─罗一9,十五16:

C. When a person serves God, there needs to be both the priestly work and the Levitical work—Rom. 1:9; 15:16:

1 一面,我们有分于属灵的事奉;另一面,我们也顾到实际的事务。

1. On the one hand, we partake of the spiritual service; on the other hand, we should also take care of the practical affairs.

2 在各种事奉之先,我们必须像祭司一样在主面前事奉祂;所有的事奉都必须是祭司性的。

2. Before any kind of service, we must first serve as priests in the Lord's presence; all service must be priestly.

伍 民数记四章三、二十三、三十、三十五、三十九和四十三节的“事奉”一辞,原文是“争战”,指服兵役:─引用经文

V. In Hebrew the word service in Numbers 4:3, 23, 30, 35, 39, and 43 is warfare, indicating military service:

一 祭司与利未人圣别的事奉乃是争战。

A. The holy service of the priests and the Levites involved warfare.

二 今天我们既是神福音的祭司,就该看自己是战士─罗十五16:

B. As priests of the gospel of God, we should consider ourselves warriors—Rom. 15:16:

1 我们传讲、教导、造就别人,并建造基督的身体,就是在争战─弗三8,四12、16,六10~12。

1. While we are preaching, teaching, edifying others, and building up the Body of Christ, we are fighting—Eph. 3:8; 4:12, 16; 6:10-12.

2 新约的祭司是战士,我们祭司的事奉乃是争战─启五10,十九11~14。

2. The New Testament priests are warriors, and our priestly service is a fighting—Rev. 5:10; 19:11-14.

三 我们为神所作一切属灵的工作,不论是用何方式,只要摸着属灵范围的事,性质都是争战─林后十3~5:

C. All the spiritual work that we are doing for God, whatever form it may take, as long as it touches the things of the spiritual realm, is in nature a warfare—2 Cor. 10:3-5:

1 传福音、造就圣徒、治理召会和祷告,都是一种争战─弗一17~18,三8、14~19,四12,六10~12。

1. Preaching the gospel, edifying the saints, administrating the church, and praying are all a kind of warfare—Eph. 1:17-18; 3:8, 14-19; 4:12; 6:10-12.

2 我们的眼睛若是被主开启,就要看见,我们事奉主的工作,其性质都是争战的。

2. If our eyes have been opened by the Lord, we will see that the nature of our work in serving the Lord is that of warfare.

陆 有赏赐或报酬赐给作祭司的亚伦和他的子孙,以及服事的利未人─民十八8~32:

VI. A reward, or compensation, was given to Aaron and his sons as the priests and to the serving Levites—Num. 18:8-32:

一 除了基督之外,祭司和利未人没有别的分;基督是他们的家、产业、地土、衣服、食物和一切─31节。

A. The priests and the Levites had no portion other than Christ; Christ was their house, inheritance, land, clothing, food, and everything—v. 31.

二 如今在新约里,利未人的事奉与祭司的职任合而为一─彼前二5、9:

B. Today, in the New Testament, the Levitical service is combined with the priesthood—1 Pet. 2:5, 9:

1 祭司与祭司的仆人没有分别;在基督里的信徒既是祭司,又是事奉的利未人。

1. There is no difference between the priests and the servants of the priests; the believers in Christ are both the priests and the serving Levites.

2 我们祭司和利未人事奉的唯一赏赐、唯一报酬,乃是基督─太二五23,提后四8,启三20~21。

2. The only reward, the only compensation, for our priestly and Levitical service is Christ—Matt. 25:23; 2 Tim. 4:8; Rev. 3:20-21.
