
第八篇 神从荣耀的基路伯中间说话

God's Speaking from between the Cherubim of Glory



壹 主与摩西面对面说话,好像人与同伴说话一般─出三三11,民十二7~8:

I. The Lord spoke to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his companion—Exo. 33:11; Num. 12:7-8:

一 神与摩西是同伴、伙伴、同伙,同有一个事业,并在一个大企业中有共同的权益。

A. God and Moses were companions, associates, partners, involved in the same career and having a common interest in a great enterprise.

二 因为摩西与神是亲密的,他是一个懂得神心的人,是合乎神心并能摸着神心的人;因此,他有神的同在,到了完满的地步─出三三14。

B. Because Moses was intimate with God, he was a person who knew God's heart, who was according to God's heart, and who could touch God's heart; thus, he had God's presence to a full extent—Exo. 33:14.

三 在出埃及二十四章十五至十八节,摩西是在至圣所里,那里有看得见的荣光:─引用经文

C. In Exodus 24:15-18 Moses was in the Holy of Holies, where the shekinah glory was:

1 在何烈山,至少有三班人在不同的距离:

1. There were at least three classes of people at different distances in relation to Mount Horeb:

a 大部分的以色列人在山脚下远远地站立,尽都战抖─二十18。

a. The majority of the children of Israel were at the bottom of the mountain standing at a distance and trembling—20:18.

b 亚伦、拿答、亚比户以及七十位长老在山上,远远地敬拜并观看─二四1、9。

b. Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and the seventy elders were on the mountain worshipping at a distance and watching—24:1, 9.

c 摩西在山顶上,在神的荣耀下被神灌注,并领受那作神在地上居所之帐幕的异象─13、16节上,二五1、8~9。

c. Moses was on the mountaintop being infused with God under His glory and receiving the vision of the tabernacle as God's dwelling place on earth—vv. 13, 16a; 25:1, 8-9.

2 这三个地点─相当于帐幕的三部分(外院子、圣所和至圣所)─说明神子民当中与神的交通,有不同的程度。

2. These three locations—corresponding to the three parts of the tabernacle (the outer court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies)—illustrate the fact that among God's people there are different degrees of fellowship with Him.

3 在出埃及二十四章,摩西在山顶上、在神的荣耀之下,领受从神来的诫命,其原则与民数记七章八十九节里,摩西在会幕里与神说话的原则一样。─引用经文

3. The principle in Exodus 24 with Moses on the mountaintop under God's glory receiving commandments from God is the same as that in Numbers 7:89, which concerns Moses speaking with God in the Tent of Meeting.

贰 摩西进会幕与神说话时,听见从见证柜的遮罪盖以上、二基路伯中间,有向他说话的声音─89节,出二五17~22:

II. When Moses went into the Tent of Meeting to speak with God, he heard the voice speaking to him from above the expiation cover that was upon the Ark of the Testimony, from between the two cherubim—v. 89; Exo. 25:17-22:

一 遮罪盖表征基督作神在恩典中与祂的赎民相会,对他们说话的地方─22节,民七89。

A. The expiation cover signifies Christ as the place where God meets with His redeemed people and speaks to them in grace—v. 22; Num. 7:89.

二 遮罪盖上的基路伯表征神的荣耀(结十18),称为“荣耀的基路伯”(来九5);因此,遮罪盖上的基路伯指明基督彰显神的荣耀(约一14):─引用经文

B. The cherubim on the expiation cover signify God's glory (Ezek. 10:18) and are called "cherubim of glory" (Heb. 9:5); thus, the cherubim on the expiation cover indicate that Christ expresses God's glory (John 1:14):

1 两个基路伯与遮罪盖接连一块,指明神的荣耀是从基督这遮罪盖照耀出来,并照耀在基督这遮罪盖上,成为一个见证─出二五19,参约一14,林后四4、6:

1. The two cherubim were one piece with the expiation cover; this indicates that God's glory shines out from Christ and upon Christ as the expiation cover to be a testimony—Exo. 25:19; cf. John 1:14; 2 Cor. 4:4, 6:

a 神的这彰显,神的这荣耀,就是神的见证─出三七7~8。

a. This manifestation of God, this glory of God, is the testimony of God—Exo. 37:7-8.

b 二是见证的数字;神的荣耀成了神的见证。

b. Two is the number of testimony; the glory of God becomes the testimony of God.

c 在基督身上,同着基督,就有神的彰显,神的荣耀;这彰显作为神的荣耀,乃是神的见证。

c. Upon Christ and with Christ, there is the manifestation of God, which is the glory of God, and this manifestation as the glory of God is the testimony of God.

2 基路伯和遮罪盖是用纯金作的,表征基督是神荣耀的光辉,其照耀是神圣的─二五17~18,来一3。

2. The cherubim and the expiation cover were made of pure gold; this signifies that the shining of Christ as the effulgence of God's glory is divine—25:17-18; Heb. 1:3.

三 耶和华以色列的牧者,坐在二基路伯之间,从那里发出光来─诗八十1,九九1,撒上四4,撒下六2。

C. Jehovah, the Shepherd of Israel, was enthroned between the cherubim, and from there He shined forth—Psa. 80:1; 99:1; 1 Sam. 4:4; 2 Sam. 6:2.

四 从见证的柜遮罪盖上二基路伯中间,神与摩西相会,并与他说话─出二五22:

D. From above the expiation cover, from between the two cherubim which were upon the Ark of the Testimony, God met with Moses and spoke with him—Exo. 25:22:

1 神在遮罪盖上二基路伯中间与祂的子民相会,并向他们说话,表征神在成就平息的基督里,并在那作祂见证、成就平息的基督所彰显的荣耀中,与我们相会,向我们说话─参林后三8~11、18。

1. The fact that God met with His people and spoke to them from above the expiation cover and between the cherubim signifies that God meets with us and speaks to us in the propitiating Christ and in the glory expressed in the propitiating Christ as His testimony—cf. 2 Cor. 3:8-11, 18.

2 神从基路伯中间向祂的子民说话,意思就是神在祂的荣耀中向我们说话─民七89,出二五22,诗八十1、3,九九1。

2. For God to speak to His people from between the cherubim means that He speaks to us in the midst of His glory—Num. 7:89; Exo. 25:22; Psa. 80:1, 3; 99:1.

3 神在其中与我们相会并对我们说话的荣耀,乃是基督的照耀─林后四4、6。

3. The glory in which God meets with us and speaks to us is the shining of Christ—2 Cor. 4:4, 6.

4 平息处,遮罪盖,连同基路伯,一点不差就是我们亲爱的主耶稣自己─罗三25:

4. The place of propitiation, the expiation cover, with the cherubim is nothing less than our dear Lord Jesus Himself—Rom. 3:25:

a 每当神与我们相会并与我们说话时,这位宝贵的基督都与我们同在。

a. Whenever God meets with us and speaks with us, this precious Christ is present.

b 事实上,神乃是在这位照耀的基督里与我们相会,并与我们说话─来一3。

b. Actually, it is in this shining Christ that God meets with us and speaks with us—Heb. 1:3.

5 遮罪盖连同洒在盖上祭牲的血,描绘在人性里救赎的基督(连同祂法理的救赎),以及在神性里照耀的基督(连同祂生机的拯救),是堕落的罪人能与公义、圣别、荣耀的神相会,并听祂说话的地方─利十六14~15、29~30:

5. The expiation cover with the blood of the sacrifices sprinkled on it portrays the redeeming Christ in His humanity (with His judicial redemption) and the shining Christ in His divinity (with His organic salvation) as the place where fallen sinners can meet with the righteous, holy, and glorious God and hear His word—Lev. 16:14-15, 29-30:

a 遮罪盖上的基路伯,表征基督带着祂神性的照耀;弹在遮罪盖上的血,表征祂那为着救赎的人性;现今我们与神能在救赎并照耀的基督里一同聚集,一同谈话。

a. The cherubim on the expiation cover signify Christ's shining with His divinity, and the blood sprinkled on the cover signifies His humanity for redeeming; now we and God can meet together and talk together in the redeeming and shining Christ.

b 在遮罪盖之上,并在神荣耀的照耀中,我们能听见祂的声音,得知祂心头的愿望,并从祂领受异象、启示和指示。

b. Upon the expiation cover and in the midst of the shining of His glory, we can hear God's voice, learn the desire of His heart, and receive vision, revelation, and instruction from Him.

c 当我们在至圣所与主相会,我们就被祂和祂一切的所是灌注─林后三18。

c. When we meet with the Lord in the Holy of Holies, we are infused by Him with all that He is—2 Cor. 3:18.

叁 在至圣所里约柜上的遮罪盖,等于希伯来四章十六节里的施恩宝座:─引用经文

III. The expiation cover on the Ark in the Holy of Holies equals the throne of grace in Hebrews 4:16:

一 我们这些在基督里的信徒,“因耶稣的血,得以坦然进入至圣所”─十19:

A. As believers in Christ, we have "boldness for entering the Holy of Holies in the blood of Jesus"—10:19:

1 进入至圣所是件大事,因为在那里神在基督里坐在施恩的宝座上─四16。

1. It is a great matter to enter into the Holy of Holies, for there God in Christ is sitting on the throne of grace—4:16.

2 要进入这个地方,我们必须是坦然的,而我们之所以能坦然,乃是靠着基督的死和祂的血。

2. In order to enter into such a place, we must have boldness, and we have it by Christ's death and by His blood.

3 我们随时都能靠着耶稣的血,坦然进入至圣所。

3. By the blood of Jesus we have the boldness to enter into the Holy of Holies at any time.

二 今天至圣所是在主耶稣所在的天上(九12、24),但即使我们仍在地上,我们也能进入至圣所:─引用经文

B. The Holy of Holies today is in heaven, where the Lord Jesus is (9:12, 24), but even though we are still on earth, we can enter into the Holy of Holies:

1 秘诀就是我们的灵;这位在天上的基督,也在我们的灵里─提后四22。

1. The secret is our spirit; the Christ who is in heaven is also in our spirit—2 Tim. 4:22.

2 祂是那天梯(创二八12,约一51),将我们的灵联于天,也将天带到我们的灵里。─引用经文

2. As the heavenly ladder (Gen. 28:12; John 1:51), He joins our spirit to heaven and brings heaven into our spirit.

3 我们一转到灵里,就进入至圣所,在那里与施恩宝座上的神相会。

3. Whenever we turn to our spirit, we enter into the Holy of Holies, where we meet with God who is on the throne of grace.

三 每当我们靠耶稣的血进入至圣所,我们就来到幔内施恩的宝座前,从诸天之上升天的基督受怜悯,得恩典─来四14、16,六19~20:

C. Whenever we enter into the Holy of Holies by the blood of Jesus, we come to the throne of grace within the veil to receive mercy and find grace from the ascended Christ in the heavens—Heb. 4:14, 16; 6:19-20:

1 施恩的宝座,毫无疑问,就是神的宝座,对全宇宙是掌权的宝座,但对我们信徒,这是施恩的宝座,由至圣所里见证的柜上面洒了基督之血的遮罪盖所表征─出二五17,罗三25,利十六15,来九3、5、12。

1. The throne of grace is undoubtedly the throne of God, the throne of authority to all the universe, but to us, the believers, it is the throne of grace, signified by the expiation cover over the Ark of the Testimony in the Holy of Holies sprinkled with the blood of Christ—Exo. 25:17; Rom. 3:25; Lev. 16:15; Heb. 9:3, 5, 12.

2 约柜的盖,遮罪盖,表征施恩的宝座;遮罪盖就是施恩的宝座,乃是神与我们相会,与我们说话的地方─民七89,出二五17~22:

2. The covering of the Ark, the expiation cover, signifies the throne of grace; the expiation cover is the throne of grace where God meets with us and speaks with us—Num. 7:89; Exo. 25:17-22:

a 在这里神与祂的子民相会,与他们交通─21~22节,民七89。

a. Here God meets with His people and communes with them—vv. 21-22; Num. 7:89.

b 当我们借着基督的血来到施恩的宝座前,我们就与神相会,与祂交通─来四16,十19。

b. When we come to the throne of grace through the blood of Christ, we meet with God and commune with Him—Heb. 4:16; 10:19.

c 神从施恩的宝座说话,而我们在施恩的宝座,就是神在至圣所里的发言处,听见神的声音,看见祂的面容,享受祂的同在,并在祂的经纶里与祂是一。

c. God speaks from the throne of grace, and at the throne of grace, the oracle in the Holy of Holies, we hear God's voice, see His countenance, enjoy His presence, and are one with Him in His economy.

d 我们在施恩的宝座前仰望宝座上的那一位,感谢、赞美祂。

d. At the throne of grace we look to the One on the throne, thanking Him and praising Him.

3 施恩的宝座─遮罪盖的实际─乃是在我们的灵里;每当我们转向灵而来到施恩的宝座前,我们就呼应基督天上的职事─四12、16,七25~26,八1,十三20~21。

3. The throne of grace, the reality of the expiation cover, is in our spirit; whenever we turn to our spirit and come to the throne of grace, we correspond to Christ's heavenly ministry—4:12, 16; 7:25-26; 8:1; 13:20-21.

四 当我们在至圣所里施恩的宝座前,我们就观看主的荣光,而渐渐变化成为复活并得荣之基督的形像,从荣耀到荣耀,因为我们在耶稣基督的面上,看见了神的荣耀─林后三18,四4、6。

D. When we are at the throne of grace in the Holy of Holies, we behold the glory of the Lord and are transformed into the image of the resurrected and glorified Christ from glory to glory, for we see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ—2 Cor. 3:18; 4:4, 6.

五 在新天新地里,整座新耶路撒冷城就是至圣所,满了神的荣耀,就是在羔羊这灯里照耀的光,而我们要享受神和羔羊的宝座连同生命水的河,事奉祂,得见祂的面,活在祂的照耀下,并且作王,直到永永远远─启二一2~3、10~11、16、22~23,二二1~5。

E. In the new heaven and new earth, the entire city of New Jerusalem will be the Holy of Holies filled with the glory of God, the light, shining in the Lamb as the lamp, and we will enjoy the throne of God and of the Lamb with the river of water of life, serve Him, see His face, live under His shining, and reign forever and ever—Rev. 21:2-3, 10-11, 16, 22-23; 22:1-5.
