第二篇 公义、圣别、信实、施爱之神的行政管理

The Governmental Administration of the Righteous, Holy, Faithful, and Loving God



壹 圣经启示神的行政─祂对整个宇宙神圣的行政管理─赛九6~7,启四2,五6,申一8~18:

I. The Bible reveals the government of God——His divine governmental administration of the entire universe——Isa. 9:6-7; Rev. 4:2; 5:6; Deut. 1:8-18:

一 神的行政乃是神国的行政中心─太三2,六10、13下。

A. The government of God is the administrative center of the kingdom of God——Matt. 3:2; 6:10, 13b.

二 在神的神圣行政里,祂是君王、设立律法者和审判者;祂是祂行政管理的行政、立法和司法部门─赛三三22。

B. In His divine government God is the King, the Lawmaker, and the Judge; He is the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch of His government——Isa. 33:22.

三 神的行政特别见于祂对祂所拣选之人的对付上─彼前一2,来十二6:

C. God's government is seen especially in His dealings with His chosen people——1 Pet. 1:2; Heb. 12:6:

1 作为在基督里的信徒,我们已由神而生,成为神的儿女,但我们仍在旧造里─约一12~13,三3、5~6,林后五17,约壹三1。

1. As believers in Christ, we have been born of God to be children of God, but we are still in the old creation—— John 1:12-13; 3:3, 5-6; 2 Cor. 5:17; 1 John 3:1.

2 为这缘故,我们需要神行政的对付─彼前一17,四12。

2. For this reason we need God's governmental dealings——1 Pet. 1:17; 4:12.

四 神借着审判来管理;神的审判是为施行祂的行政─一17,四17,五6、9:

D. God governs by judging; the judgment of God is for the carrying out of His government——1:17; 4:17; 5:6, 9:

1 主神要借着各种审判,清理并洁净整个宇宙,使祂得着一个新天新地,成为充满祂义的新宇宙,使祂喜悦─彼后三13。

1. Through various kinds of judgments, the Lord God will clear up the entire universe and purify it so that He may have new heavens and a new earth for a new universe filled with His righteousness for His delight——2 Pet. 3:13.

2 神审判一切不符合祂行政的事物;所以,在今世我们这些神的儿女乃是在神每天的审判之下─彼前一17。

2. God judges everything that does not match His government; therefore, in this age we, the children of God, are under the daily judgment of God——1 Pet. 1:17.

3 神在祂行政管理的审判中,用火炼的试验对付信徒,这审判要从神自己的家起首─四12、17。

3. God uses fiery ordeals to deal with the believers in the judgment of His governmental administration, which begins from His own house——4:12, 17.

五 主耶稣在地上时,承认神的行政,过一种绝对在神行政下的为人生活,并且将一切与祂有关的事都交给神的行政─约六38,彼前二21~23:

E. When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He recognized the government of God, lived a human life that was absolutely under the government of God, and committed everything related to Him to God's government—— John 6:38; 1 Pet. 2:21-23:

1 主总是把所受的一切羞辱和伤害,交给那位在祂的行政里按公义审判的公义之神,使自己服从祂─21~23节。

1. The Lord kept committing all the insults and injuries that He suffered to the One who judges righteously in His government, the righteous God, to whom He submitted Himself—— vv. 21-23.

2 祂信靠这公义的一位,承认祂的行政─23节。

2. He put His trust in this righteous One, recognizing His government——v. 23.

六 作为在基督里的信徒,我们需要领悟我们是在神的行政之下,我们该尊重神的行政,并学习承认神的行政─五6:

F. As believers in Christ, we need to realize that we are under God's government, to respect God's government, and to learn to acknowledge God's government——5:6:

1 神在管理我们时,供应我们所需要的一切;神将祂的供备赐给我们,使我们能与祂的行政配合─5节,彼后一1~4,三13。

1. As God is governing us, He supplies us with whatever we need; God grants us His provision so that we may cooperate with His government——v. 5; 2 Pet. 1:1-4; 3:13.

2 我们该谦卑,服在神那执行祂行政之大能的手下─彼前五6:

2. We should be humbled under the mighty hand of God, which carries out the government of God——1 Pet. 5:6:

a 在六节,“神大能的手”指神执行祂行政的手,特别见于祂的审判中─一17,四17。

a. In verse 6 the mighty hand of God refers to God's administrating hand seen especially in His judgment——1:17; 4:17.

b 谦卑服在神大能的手下,乃是让神作成谦卑的;然而,我们必须与神的运行合作,甘愿在神大能的手下被祂作成谦卑、卑微的─五6。

b. To be humbled under God's mighty hand is to be made humble by God; however, we must cooperate with God's operation and be willing to be made humble, lowly, under His mighty hand——5:6.

贰 申命记这卷书说到神的行政管理─十六18~20,十七8~20,十九15~21,二一1~9、18~23,二二13~30,二四1~4、7、16,二五1~3、5~16:

II. The book of Deuteronomy speaks regarding the governmental administration of God——16:18-20; 17:8-20; 19:15-21; 21:1-9, 18-23; 22:13-30; 24:1-4, 7, 16; 25:1-3, 5-16:

一 虽然在申命记中找不到“行政管理”一辞,但我们若透彻地读这卷书,就会看见这卷书说到神的行政,甚至说到祂的行政管理。

A. The expression governmental administration is not found in Deuteronomy, but if we read this book thoroughly, we will see that it is a book of God's government, even His governmental administration.

二 神对祂百姓的对付,乃是祂行政管理的一种施行─启三19:

B. God's dealing with His people was an exercise of His governmental administration——Rev. 3:19:

1 智慧的神是成全的父,祂爱祂的儿女,并在行政上对付他们;祂管教我们的目的是为成全我们─来十二6。

1. The wise God is a perfecting Father who loves His children and deals with them governmentally; He disciplines us for the purpose of perfecting us——Heb. 12:6.

2 以色列人因着他们的错误为神所惩治─民十二1~16,十四39~45,十六1~50。

2. The children of Israel were disciplined for their mistakes—— Num. 12:1-16; 14:39-45; 16:1-50.

3 甚至摩西也因着他在二十章二至十三节的错误为神所惩治:─引用经文

3. Even Moses was disciplined by God for his mistake in 20:2-13:

a 摩西犯了严重的错误,这错误是神无法容忍的,因为这摸到祂的行政─10~12节。

a. Moses made a serious mistake, which God could not tolerate, because it touched His administration——vv. 10-12.

b 神的行政管理是公义的,虽然祂爱摩西,但祂无法为此不施行祂的行政。

b. God's administration is righteous, and even though He loved Moses, He could not for this reason fail to exercise His administration.

c 摩西得罪了神,结果就丧失进入美地的权利─12节,申三23~29:

c. Moses offended God, and as a result, he lost his right to enter into the good land——v. 12; Deut. 3:23-29:

一 耶和华让摩西观看那地,却不许他进入─三四1、4。

1) Jehovah allowed Moses to view the land, but He did not permit him to go in——34:1, 4.

二 反之,“耶和华的仆人摩西死在摩押地,正如耶和华所说的”─5节。

2) Rather, "Moses the servant of Jehovah died there in the land of Moab according to the word of Jehovah"——v. 5.

三 摩西忠信地事奉神四十年,但因着他的错误牵涉到神的行政管理,他丧失了进入美地的权利─四21。

3) Moses served God faithfully for forty years, but because his mistake involved God's governmental administration, he lost the right to enter into the good land——4:21.

d 摩西在进入并据有美地的事上被拒绝,这显示神公义的行政管理;这是神行政管理、神行政对付的一例─一37:

d. Moses' being refused in the matter of entering and possessing the good land shows God's righteous governmental administration; this was an instance of God's governmental administration, of God's governmental dealing——1:37:

一 神这样对付摩西,不让他进入美地,就使以色列人更敬畏神公义的对付─四21。

1) The way God dealt with Moses in not allowing him to enter into the good land caused the children of Israel to have more fear of God's righteous dealing——4:21.

二 摩西所受的惩罚有助于对以色列人的成全;他们该从这事学到,公义的神在祂行政的对付上是何等可畏─三二52。

2) The punishment Moses suffered was a perfecting to the children of Israel; they should have learned from this how fearful the righteous God is in His governmental dealings——32:52.

叁 神的行政乃是公义、圣别、信实、施爱之神的行政管理:

III. The government of God is the governmental administration of the righteous, holy, faithful, and loving God:

一 神是公义的,祂的行政建立在公义上─约壹一9,启十五3,诗八九14:

A. God is righteous, and His government is established upon righteousness——1 John 1:9; Rev. 15:3; Psa. 89:14:

1 神的行政要求义;义是神行政的事─14节,彼前二23~24。

1. God's government requires righteousness; righteousness is a matter of God's government——v. 14; 1 Pet. 2:23-24.

2 公义与神外面的行事、作法、行动和活动有关;神所作的一切都是公义的─启十五3。

2. Righteousness is related to God's outward acts, ways, actions, and activities; everything God does is righteous——Rev. 15:3.

3 神的公义就是在有关公平和公义之行动上神的所是─约壹一9,启十六7。

3. The righteousness of God is what God is in His actions with respect to justice and righteousness——1 John 1:9; Rev. 16:7.

4 义与神的国有关─罗十四17:

4. Righteousness is related to the kingdom of God——Rom. 14:17:

a 神的宝座是以义为根基而建立的─诗八九14。

a. God's throne is established with righteousness as the foundation——Psa. 89:14.

b 神的义在哪里,神的国也在哪里─赛三二1,来一8~9。

b. Where God's righteousness is, there His kingdom is also—— Isa. 32:1; Heb. 1:8-9.

5 在基督的死里,我们已经向罪死了,使我们得以向义活着─彼前二24:

5. In the death of Christ we have died to sins so that we might live to righteousness——1 Pet. 2:24:

a 我们这些神的子民活在祂的行政之下,必须过公义的生活─太五20,约壹二29,三7。

a. As God's people living under His government, we must live a righteous life——Matt. 5:20; 1 John 2:29; 3:7.

b “向义活着”这辞与满足神行政的要求有关─彼前二24:

b. The expression live to righteousness is related to the fulfilling of God's governmental requirements——1 Pet. 2:24:

一 我们已经得救,好使我们在神的行政下过正确的生活,就是过一种与神的行政中义的要求相合的生活─诗八九14,太五20。

1) We were saved so that we might live rightly under the government of God, that is, in a way that matches the righteous requirements of His government——Psa. 89:14; Matt. 5:20.

二 我们在基督的死里,已经从罪分别出来,并在祂的复活里,已经被点活,使我们在基督徒的生活中,在神的行政下自然而然向义活着─罗六8、10~11、18,弗二5~6,约十四19,提后二11。

2) In Christ's death we have been separated from sins, and in His resurrection we have been enlivened so that in our Christian life we might live spontaneously to righteousness under the government of God——Rom. 6:8, 10-11, 18; Eph. 2:5-6; John 14:19; 2 Tim. 2:11.

6 因着神的行政要求公义,彼后三章十三节说,“我们照祂的应许,期待新天新地,有义居住在其中”:

6. Because God's government requires righteousness, 2 Peter 3:13 says, "According to His promise we are expecting new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells":

a 这意思是说,一切都将井然有序,归一于一个元首之下,并且都得以规正。

a. This means that everything will be in order, headed up, and regulated.

b 一切都要接受管理、管制,并在正当的治理之下,因为神的宝座、国度、神圣的行政是在那里,其结果乃是平安与喜乐─罗十四17,十五13、33。

b. Everything will be governed, controlled, and under the proper rule, for the throne of God, the kingdom, the divine administration, will be there, and the result will be peace and joy——Rom. 14:17; 15:13, 33.

二 神是圣别的;圣别是神一个主要的属性─彼前一15~16:

B. God is holy; holiness is one of the main attributes of God——1 Pet. 1:15-16:

1 “四活物……昼夜不歇息地说,圣哉,圣哉,圣哉,主神是昔是今是以后永是的全能者”─启四8:

1. "The four living creatures…have no rest day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God the Almighty, who was and who is and who is coming"——Rev. 4:8:

a 启示录四章八节强调三一神是圣别的,是三重的圣别,指神的性情─神的所是─的性质;凡神所是的,都是圣别的─赛六3。

a. The emphasis in Revelation 4:8 is that the Triune God is holy and is triply holy, referring to the quality of God's nature——God's being; what He is, is holy——Isa. 6:3.

b 有分于神的圣别,就是有分于祂的性情,祂之所是的性质─来十二10。

b. To partake of God's holiness is to partake of the quality of His nature, of what He is——Heb. 12:10.

2 “我们的神乃是烈火”─29节:

2. "Our God is also a consuming fire"——v. 29:

a 神在祂的圣别和严厉上是烈火─申九3,罗十一22。

a. God is a consuming fire in His holiness and severity—— Deut. 9:3; Rom. 11:22.

b 凡与祂的圣别性情不符的,祂这烈火就要烧尽;因此祂是严厉的,在严厉上彰显祂的圣别─申九3。

b. Whatever does not correspond to His holy nature, He, as the consuming fire, will consume; thus, He is severe, expressing His holiness in severity——Deut. 9:3.

三 神是信实的─彼前四19,林前一9,十13,启三14,十九11:

C. God is faithful——1 Pet. 4:19; 1 Cor. 1:9; 10:13; Rev. 3:14; 19:11:

1 神的话是信实的;凡从神口中所出的必要成就─申八3,提前一15,提后二11。

1. God's word is faithful; whatever proceeds out of the mouth of God will be fulfilled——Deut. 8:3; 1 Tim. 1:15; 2 Tim. 2:11.

2 信实的神召了我们,也必要全然圣别我们,并保守我们全人得以完全─帖前五23~24。

2. The faithful God who has called us will also sanctify us wholly and preserve our whole being complete——1 Thes. 5:23-24.

3 神圣的信实是神一个甜美的属性─提后二13,约壹一9。

3. Divine faithfulness is a sweet attribute of God——2 Tim. 2:13; 1 John 1:9.

4 在申命记七章九至十五节,摩西要百姓知道,耶和华他们的神是信实的神,向爱祂、守祂诫命的人守约并施慈爱。─引用经文

4. In Deuteronomy 7:9-15 Moses wanted the people to realize that Jehovah their God is the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and lovingkindness with those who love Him and keep His commandments.

四 神是爱─弗二4,约壹四8~10、16,申七7,十14~15,耶三一3:

D.  God is love——Eph. 2:4; 1 John 4:8-10, 16; Deut. 7:7; 10:14-15; Jer. 31:3:

1 爱是神素质的性质;因此,爱是神素质的属性─罗五5、8,八35、39,十五30。

1. Love is the nature of God's essence; thus, love is an essential attribute of God——Rom. 5:5, 8; 8:35, 39; 15:30.

2 申命记说到神是爱的神─七7,十14~15,十一12:

2. Deuteronomy speaks of God as a God of love——7:7; 10:14-15; 11:12:

a 作为公义的神,神是严格且狭窄的;作为爱的神,他是宽大且包容一切的─耶三一3。

a. As a God of righteousness, God is strict and narrow; as a God of love, He is broad and all-embracing—— Jer. 31:3.

b 神是施爱的神,但祂的爱是成全的爱,不是纵容的爱;神爱我们,也管教我们,因为祂有祂行政的管理─来十二6。

b. God is a loving God, but His love is a perfecting love, not a spoiling love; God loves us and also disciplines us, for He has His governmental administration——Heb. 12:6.

3 整体来说,最终申命记给我们看见,神的爱终极地为祂子民工作,使他们享受按祂旨意和先见而有的丰满祝福─弗一4~5、9、11,彼前一2,罗八29:

3. As a whole, Deuteronomy ultimately shows us that the love of God consummately works for His people so that they may enjoy His full blessing according to His will and foreknowledge——Eph. 1:4-5, 9, 11; 1 Pet. 1:2; Rom. 8:29:

a 尽管我们在爱神并敬畏神的事上失败了,尽管我们不忠信,但神仍要成功─腓一6。

a. In spite of our failure in loving God and fearing Him and in spite of our unfaithfulness, God will be successful——Phil. 1:6.

b 不管祂子民的光景如何,神仍信实到底,至终必完成祂的心意,使我们享受祂完满的祝福─林前一8~9,罗八37~39,民六23~26。

b. No matter what the condition of His people may be, God will be faithful to the end, and eventually, He will accomplish His intention so that we may enjoy His full blessing——1 Cor. 1:8-9; Rom. 8:37-39; Num. 6:23-26.

五 申命记这卷书很特别地启示出神的所是─一6~8,三20~21、24,四1:

E. The book of Deuteronomy is very particular in its revelation of what God is——1:6-8; 3:20-21, 24; 4:1:

1 所有重申的律例和典章,带着新的发展,详尽地说出以色列的神─七7,十14~15,十一12。

1. All the rehearsed statutes and judgments, with the new developments, speak forth in detail concerning the God of Israel——7:7; 10:14-15; 11:12.

2 在申命记所显示的神,不仅是公义、圣别、信实、施爱和恩慈的,也是非常细致、柔和、体贴并同情的;这就是我们的神─弗一3、17,二4,启五12~13。

2. The God manifested in Deuteronomy is not only righteous, holy, faithful, loving, and gracious but also very fine, tender, considerate, and sympathetic; this is our God——Eph. 1:3, 17; 2:4; Rev. 5:12-13.
