第四篇 那地的美好─其矿物

The Goodness of the Land——Its Minerals



壹 石头、铁、山和铜,乃是为着建造并为着争战─申八7、9,尼四17:

I. The stones, the iron, the mountains, and the copper are for the building and for the battle——Deut. 8:7, 9; Neh. 4:17:

一 建造与争战总是并行的;我们若要有建造,就必须准备争战─太十六18,弗二21~22,四16,六10~20。

A. The building and the battle always go together; if we would have the building, we must be prepared to fight——Matt. 16:18; Eph. 2:21-22; 4:16; 6:10-20.

二 为着建造,我们需要材料,为着争战,我们需要兵器;这些全靠石头、铁、山和铜。

B. For the building we need the materials, and for the battle we need the weapons; these depend upon the stones, the iron, the mountains, and the copper.

贰 我们需要经历基督为其中的石头是铁的地─申八9下,三三25,彼前二4~5,耶十五12,诗二9,启十二5:

II. We need to experience Christ as a land whose stones are iron——Deut. 8:9c; 33:25; 1 Pet. 2:4-5; Jer. 15:12; Psa. 2:9; Rev. 12:5:

一 基督是为着神建造的石头;这意思是,基督是为着神建造的材料,神的建造完全是出于基督的─徒四10~12,彼前二4~5:

A. Christ is a stone for God's building; this means that Christ is the material for God's building and that God's building is entirely of Christ——Acts 4:10-12; 1 Pet. 2:4-5:

1 石头在圣经中是重大的项目─创二八18,亚三9,彼前二4~5:

1. In the Bible stone is a major item——Gen. 28:18; Zech. 3:9; 1 Pet. 2:4-5:

a 神用泥土造人;因此,头一个人是泥土人─创二7。

a. God created a man of clay; hence, the first man was a clay-man——Gen. 2:7.

b 在基督里神亲自来作人,这人是石头人─徒四10~12。

b. In Christ, God Himself came to be a man, and this man was a stone-man——Acts 4:10-12.

c 在圣经末了,有一座石头城─启二一10~11、18上、19~20。

c. At the end of the Bible we have a stone-city——Rev. 21:10-11, 18a, 19-20.

d 圣经开始于泥土人,继之以石头人,完成于石头城;这是神的经纶。

d. The Bible begins with a clay-man, continues with a stone-man, and consummates in a stone-city; this is God's economy.

2 基督是为着神建造的石头,是我们可以靠着得救的那一位;祂是石头救主─坚实、刚强、可靠─徒四10~12。

2. Christ as a stone for God's building is the One in whom we are saved; He is the Stone-Savior——solid, strong, and reliable—— Acts 4:10-12.

3 基督和信祂的人都是为着神建造的石头─太二一42,约一42,彼前二4~5:

3. Both Christ and His believers are stones for God's building—— Matt. 21:42; John 1:42; 1 Pet. 2:4-5:

a 我们在基督里并借着基督成为活石,被建造成为属灵的殿─5节。

a. In Christ and through Christ we are becoming living stones to be built up as a spiritual house——v. 5.

b 我们正在变化的过程中,好使活石基督构成在我们里面,把我们作成活石,为着神的殿─罗十二2,林后三18。

b. We are undergoing the process of transformation so that Christ, the living stone, may be constituted into us to make us living stones for God's house——Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 3:18.

二 铁表征基督的权柄─诗二9,启十二5,太二八18:

B. Iron signifies the authority of Christ——Psa. 2:9; Rev. 12:5; Matt. 28:18:

1 属灵的权柄总是在复活里的;所以,我们要有权柄,就必须在基督复活的生命里─罗六4~5:

1. Spiritual authority is always in resurrection; therefore, in order to have authority we must be in the resurrection life of Christ——Rom. 6:4-5:

a 我们若在基督复活的生命里行事为人,就有权利支取祂的权柄─林前五3~5,提前一20。

a. If we walk in the resurrection life of Christ, we will have the right to claim His authority——1 Cor. 5:3-5; 1 Tim. 1:20.

b 我们若是活在基督里的石头,就自动有分于基督的权柄。

b. When we are stones living in Christ, we automatically share the authority of Christ.

c 召会的权柄完全是在复活里;召会的权柄乃是在于圣徒知道什么叫作与基督同钉,并活在复活里─太十八18~20,加二20。

c. The authority of the church is absolutely in resurrection; the authority of the church is where the saints know what it means to be crucified with Christ and to live in resurrection——Matt. 18:18-20; Gal. 2:20.

2 我们若能运用基督的权柄,我们就有安全和保护─申三三25。

2. If we are able to exercise the authority of Christ, we will have safety and security——Deut. 33:25.

叁 我们需要经历基督为山内可以挖铜的地─八9下,结三四13,三七22,撒上十七5~6,但十6下,启一15上:

III. We need to experience Christ as a land from whose mountains we can mine copper——8:9d; Ezek. 34:13; 37:22; 1 Sam. 17:5-6; Dan. 10:6d; Rev. 1:15a:

一 在圣经中,山表征复活和升天─太二八16:

A. In the Bible mountains signify resurrection and ascension—— Matt. 28:16:

1 美地的山预表复活并升天的基督─结三四13,三七22。

1. The mountains in the good land typify the resurrected and ascended Christ——Ezek. 34:13; 37:22.

2 基督是复活并升上高处的那一位,祂乃是高山─徒二32~33,弗一19~21,四8、10。

2. As the One who has resurrected and ascended on high, Christ is the high mountain——Acts 2:32-33; Eph. 1:19-21; 4:8, 10.

3 我们在升天的基督里能从事属灵的争战,因为在基督的升天里有实际(亚玛拿)、得胜(示尼珥)以及毁灭仇敌(黑门)等高峰─二6,六10~20,歌四8。

3. In the ascended Christ we may engage in spiritual warfare, for in Christ's ascension there are the peaks of reality (Amana), victory (Senir), and the destruction of the enemy (Hermon)—— 2:6; 6:10-20; S. S. 4:8.

二 在旧约里,青铜(Bronze)和铜(Copper)二字交互使用,指相同的材料。

B. Bronze and copper are words used interchangeably for the same materials in the Old Testament.

三 铜表征基督的审判─申八9下,但十6下,启一15上:

C. Copper (bronze) signifies the judgment of Christ——Deut. 8:9d; Dan. 10:6d; Rev. 1:15a:

1 基督工作和行动的闪耀,是由祂的手和脚如闪耀发亮的铜所表征─但十6下:

1. Christ's gleam in His work and move is signified by His arms and His feet being like the gleam of polished bronze——Dan. 10:6d:

a 铜表征神的审判,使人明亮。

a. Bronze signifies God's judgment, which makes people bright.

b 基督受神审判、试炼,而神的试炼和审判就使祂明亮如闪耀发亮的铜。

b. Christ was judged and tried by God, and God's trial and judgment made Christ bright like polished bronze.

2 基督的脚好像明亮的铜,表征祂完全且明亮的行事为人,使他够资格施行神圣的审判─启一15上。

2. The feet of Christ are like shining bronze, signifying that His perfect and bright walk qualifies Him to exercise divine judgment——Rev. 1:15a.

3 应用基督作铜,就是看见祂是完全的一位,发光的一位,是受试验并被验证的一位─弗六11:

3. To apply Christ as the copper (bronze) is to realize that He is the perfect One, the shining One, the One who has been tested and proved——Eph. 6:11:

a 基督这受试验、被验证的一位,是完全、光明、照亮的一位;祂是我们的遮盖;仇敌在祂身上不能作什么─约十四30。

a. Christ, the tested and proved One, the perfect, bright, and shining One, is our covering; the enemy can do nothing with Him—— John 14:30.

b 我们需要应用基督作我们的遮盖─弗六13,参撒上十七5~6:

b. We need to apply Christ as our covering——Eph. 6:13; cf. 1 Sam. 17:5-6:

一 义的胸甲遮盖我们的良心,保护我们脱离撒但的控告;这胸甲是基督作我们的义─弗六14下,林前一30。

1) The breastplate of righteousness covers our conscience and guards us from Satan's accusations; this breastplate is Christ as our righteousness——Eph. 6:14b; 1 Cor. 1:30.

二 救恩的头盔是为着遮盖我们的心思,乃是我们在日常生活中所经历那拯救的基督─弗六17上,帖前五8,约十六33。

2) The helmet of salvation for covering our mind is the saving Christ we experience in our daily life——Eph. 6:17a; 1 Thes. 5:8; John 16:33.

肆 我们若要经历基督作石头、铁、铜,就必须有某种程度属灵上的成熟;当基督徒中间有了成熟的生命,神居所的建造就得以进行,也能打属灵的仗─来五14,六1,林前十四20,弗四13:

IV. If we would experience Christ as stone, iron, and copper, we must have some degree of spiritual maturity; wherever there is a matured life in Christians, the building of God's house will take place, and the battles of spiritual warfare will be fought——Heb. 5:14; 6:1; 1 Cor. 14:20; Eph. 4:13:

一 约书亚一章三节指明,虽然神已经将美地赐给了以色列,以色列仍然需要去取得美地;他们需要与神合作,起来达成神的使命去据有那地。

A. Joshua 1:3 indicates that although God had given Israel the good land, Israel still needed to take the land; they needed to cooperate with God by rising up to fulfill God's commission to possess the land.

二 我们若要据有基督作美地,仍需要借着相信主并在身体的原则里从事属灵的争战;我们也需要领悟,争战的不是我们,因为神与我们同去,并为我们争战─申一30,三22,二十3~4,三二30,弗六10~13。

B. If we would possess Christ as the good land, we still need to fight the spiritual warfare by faith in the Lord and in the principle of the Body; we also need to realize that we are not the ones fighting, for God goes with us and fights for us——Deut. 1:30; 3:22; 20:3-4; 32:30; Eph. 6:10-13.

三 约书亚引领以色列人进入应许之地,取得那地,据有那地,并享受那地─书一6:

C. Joshua led the children of Israel to enter the promised land and to take it, possess it, and enjoy it—— Josh. 1:6:

1 约书亚要被神的话占有,也要让话占有他─8节。

1. Joshua was to be occupied with God's word and let the word occupy him——v. 8.

2 以色列人对约书亚的回答,含示他们是乐意的,是预备好的,并且他们不只与约书亚同心合意,也与耶和华他们的神同心合意;这显于他们在他们神的名里给约书亚祝福的事上─16~18节。

2. The response of Israel to Joshua implied their willingness, their readiness, and their being in one accord not only with Joshua but also with Jehovah their God, as expressed by their blessing Joshua in the name of their God——vv. 16-18.

3 以色列成了团体的约书亚,蒙神拣选、呼召、救赎、拯救、训练并预备好,已经合格了,他们已经预备好,与神是一,往前去取得迦南地。

3. Israel had become a corporate Joshua, chosen, called, redeemed, saved, trained, prepared, and qualified by God, ready to go on with God as one to take the land of Canaan.

4 为要取得包罗万有的基督,我们必须作今天的约书亚,争战取得那地,并享受基督作我们的基业。

4. To gain the all-inclusive Christ, we need to be today's Joshua, fighting the battle, taking the land, and enjoying Christ as our inheritance.

四 以色列人在基督的死里埋葬,然后在基督的复活里复活─四1~11,罗六3~6:

D. The children of Israel were buried in the death of Christ, and then they were resurrected in the resurrection of Christ——4:1-11; Rom. 6:3-6:

1 他们在旧人里,无法取得胜利;他们的旧人必须埋葬,好使他们能成为新人─书四9。

1. In their old man they could not gain the victory; their old man had to be buried so that they could become a new man—— Josh. 4:9.

2 我们必须领悟,我们的旧人,我们天然的人,是不合格为得着包罗万有的基督打属灵的仗─罗六6。

2. We need to realize that our old man, our natural man, is not qualified to fight the spiritual warfare for gaining the all-inclusive Christ——Rom. 6:6.

五 要据有美地,我们需要对付肉体,享受主的筵席,享受包罗万有的基督作美地的出产,并看见基督作我们的元帅的异象─书五2~15:

E. In order to possess the good land, we need to deal with the flesh, enjoy the Lord's table, enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the produce of the good land, and see a vision of Christ as our Captain—— Josh. 5:2-15:

1 在吉甲的割礼表征将基督的死应用于我们的肉体─2~9节,罗八13,加五24。

1. The circumcision at Gilgal signifies the application of the Lord's death to our flesh——vv. 2-9; Rom. 8:13; Gal. 5:24.

2 以色列人守逾越节,预表信徒赴主的筵席,记念主作他们的救赎主和救主─书五10,太二六26~28,林前五7。

2. Israel's keeping the Passover typifies the believers' keeping of the Lord's table to remember the Lord as their Redeemer and Savior—— Josh. 5:10; Matt. 26:26-28; 1 Cor. 5:7.

3 美地的出产预表基督是神赐给信徒那终极完成的食物,需要他们在祂身上劳苦经营─书五11~12。

3. The produce of the good land typifies Christ as the consummated God-given food to the believers, requiring their labor on Him—— Josh. 5:11-12.

4 约书亚看见基督被揭示为耶和华军队元帅的异象;约书亚是神军队看得见的元帅,而基督是神军队看不见的元帅─13~15节。

4. Joshua saw a vision in which Christ was unveiled as the Captain of Jehovah's army; whereas Joshua was the visible captain, Christ was the invisible Captain of God's army—— vv. 13-15.

六 以色列人胜过耶利哥,不是凭着争战,乃是借着他们相信神指示的话,凭着吹号并抬着约柜高举基督─六1~27:

F. The victory of Israel over Jericho was won not by their fighting but by their blowing the trumpets and exalting Christ by bearing the Ark, through their faith in God's word of instruction—— 6:1-27:

1 在属灵的争战里,我们该作的第一件事乃是高举基督。

1. In the spiritual warfare the first thing we should do is exalt Christ.

2 百姓安静,表征与主是一,以主的方式完成事情,而不表达任何思想、意见或感觉─10节。

2. The silence of the people signifies being one with the Lord to carry out the matter in the Lord's way without the expression of any thought, opinion, or feeling——v. 10.

3 争战的是神,以色列人不过呼喊、宣扬、见证。

3. God did the fighting, and Israel simply shouted, proclaimed, and testified.

4 以色列同着祭司扛抬的约柜(预表基督作三一神的具体化身)绕城;这景象的属灵意义乃是一幅团体神人的图画─神与人,人与神一同行走,如同一人。

4. Israel marched around the city with the Ark, a type of Christ as the embodiment of the Triune God, on the shoulders of the priests; the spiritual significance of this scene is that it is a picture of the corporate God-man——God and man, man and God, walking together as one person.

七 以色列人在艾城被击败,因为他们没有与神是一,只关心自己;他们被击败的记载应当教导我们,在一切所作的事上与神是一─七1~5。

G. The children of Israel were defeated at Ai because they were not one with God but cared only for themselves; the account of their defeat should teach us to be one with God in whatever we do—— 7:1-5.

八 以色列人受了基遍人的欺骗,因为他们好像一个忘记丈夫的妻子;他们在约书亚九章所作的,与夏娃在创世记三章所作的完全相同。

H. The children of Israel were deceived by the Gibeonites because they were like a wife who forgot her husband; what they did in Joshua 9 was exactly the same as what Eve did in Genesis 3.

九 约书亚二十二章十至三十四节关于另筑一座坛的记载给我们看见,我们必须避免分裂,也给我们看见,要经历并享受包罗万有的基督,我们必须是一班子民,一个身体,一个宇宙的召会─林前十二12~13。

I. The record in Joshua 22:10-34 about the building of another altar shows us that we must avoid division and that to experience and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ we must be one people, one Body, one universal church——1 Cor. 12:12-13.

十 我们若没有基督的身体,就无法享受基督作美地;我们必须与身体是一,为那地争战、据有那地并分享我们所分得的地─民三二1~32,书二二1~9。

J. We cannot enjoy Christ as the good land without the Body; we must be one with the Body to fight for the land, to possess the land, and to share our portion of the land——Num. 32:1-32; Josh. 22:1-9.

十一 “我们都需要认识什么是恢复,是在何处恢复,怎样的人能带这恢复往前。我们都需要看见,今天在主的恢复里,我们是在战场上。我们该是今天的约书亚和迦勒,与撒但空中的势力争战,使我们更多得着基督,以建造基督的身体,建立并扩展神的国,使基督能回来承受地。我们仅仅属灵、圣别还不够。我们需要向约书亚和迦勒学习,代表神今时代的权益,击败仇敌,使基督给人得着,并使基督借祂的追求者得着扩增。"(约书亚记生命读经,七四页)

K. "We all need to know what the recovery is, where the recovery is, and what kind of persons can take the recovery on. We all need to see that in the Lord's recovery today we are on a battlefield. We should be today's Joshua and Caleb, fighting against Satan's aerial forces so that we can gain more of Christ for the building up of the Body of Christ, setting up and spreading the kingdom of God so that Christ can come back to inherit the earth. It is not adequate for us simply to be spiritual and holy. We need to learn of Joshua and Caleb to represent God's interest in this age to fight down the enemies that Christ can be gained by people and that Christ can be increased by His pursuers" (Life-study of Joshua, p. 61).
