第七篇 基督─由摩西所预表的真申言者

Christ——the True Prophet Typified by Moses



壹 申言者乃是神的发言人─申十八15,摩三7,赛六1~8:

I. Prophets are God's spokesmen——Deut. 18:15; Amos 3:7; Isa. 6:1-8:

一 申言者的功用乃是为神说话─林前十四31,提后四2。

A. The function of the prophets is to speak for God——1 Cor. 14:31; 2 Tim. 4:2.

二 根据圣经,申言者主要的功用不是预言未来,而是凭神的启示为神说话,并将神说出来─摩三7,出四10~16。

B. According to the Bible, the main function of a prophet is not to predict things that are coming but to speak for God and to speak forth God by God's revelation——Amos 3:7; Exo. 4:10-16.

三 神乃是说话的神,在旧约里借着众申言者多分多方向人说话─来一1:

C. God, who is a speaking God, spoke in the Old Testament to people in many portions and in many ways in the prophets——Heb. 1:1:

1 神是隐藏的,但借着申言者的说话,就将祂自己和祂的心意表明出来─赛四五15、19,一1~2上,六1~8。

1. God is hidden, but through the speaking of the prophets, God Himself and His intention are made known——Isa. 45:15, 19; 1:1-2a; 6:1-8.

2 申言者直接得着神的启示,被神的灵推动,为神说话并将神说出来─彼后一20~21:

2. Prophets receive God's revelation directly and are borne by the Spirit of God to speak for God and speak forth God——2 Pet. 1:20-21:

a 申言从来没有发自人的意思─21节。

a. No prophecy was ever borne by the will of man——v. 21.

b 人的意思、意愿和盼望,同他的思想、解释,都不是任何申言的源头。

b. Man's will, desire, and wish, with his thought and exposition, were not the source from which any prophecy came.

c 那源头乃是神,人是被神的圣灵推动,好像船被风带动,而说出神的旨意、意愿和盼望。

c. The source was God, by whose Holy Spirit men were borne, as a ship is borne by the wind, to speak out the will, desire, and wish of God.

d 经上所有的申言,都不是出于申言者或作者的解释,因为申言从来没有发自人的意思,或被人的意思带动,乃是人被圣灵推动,从神说出来的─20~21节。

d. No prophecy of Scripture is of the prophet's or the writer's exposition, for no prophecy was ever borne, or carried along, by the will of man; rather, men spoke from God while being borne by the Spirit——vv. 20-21.

四 假申言者乃是擅自托神的名,说神未曾吩咐他说之话的人─申十八20~22。

D. A false prophet is one who speaks a word presumptuously in God's name, which God did not command him to speak——Deut. 18:20-22.

贰 摩西是申言者;他作为申言者,乃是预表基督─15节:

II. Moses was a prophet, and as a prophet, he typifies Christ—— v. 15:

一 摩西在带领以色列人的四十年间,不断地为神对以色列人说话;特别在申命记中,他一再重复地对他们讲说神的话─一1、9~11、18,四1~2,五11,六1~9。

A. In his forty years of leading the children of Israel, Moses continually spoke to them for God; especially in Deuteronomy, Moses repeatedly spoke God's words to the children of Israel——1:1, 9-11, 18; 4:1-2; 5:11; 6:1-9.

二 摩西是神的发言人,如同年老的慈父,富有爱心和关切地对他的儿女说话─三十1~14:

B. Moses, as the spokesman of God, was like an aged, loving father speaking to his children with much love and concern——30:1-14:

1 虽然是摩西在说话,但他不是说自己的话,乃是说神的话─三二1~47。

1. Although it was Moses who spoke, he did not speak his own words; he spoke God's words——32:1-47.

2 他为神说话,说出神,并将神说到以色列人里面─十一8~25。

2. He spoke for God, spoke forth God, and spoke God into the children of Israel——11:8-25.

三 摩西这人不仅被神的思想所浸透并饱和,更是由这位说话的神自己所构成;所以从他口中出来的话,就是神借这位发言人所说出来的话─出三四29~35,民十二6~8:

C. Moses was a person not only soaked and saturated with the thought of God but also constituted with the speaking God Himself; therefore, the word that proceeded out of his mouth was the word of God spoken through this one spokesman——Exo. 34:29-35; Num. 12:6-8:

1 这四十年之间,摩西是神的发言人,为神说话、说出神并说预言;他所说的每句话都成为神的话─申十12~22。

1. For forty years Moses served as God's spokesman, speaking for God, speaking forth God, and predicting; every word that he spoke became God's word——Deut. 10:12-22.

2 他预言以色列人要离弃神,而被神赶逐到万国,等他们悔改归向神,神就要从万民中将他们招聚回来─二九25~28,三十1~3。

2. He predicted that the children of Israel would forsake God and be cast by God into all the nations but that when they would repent and turn to God, He would gather them from the nations——29:25-28; 30:1-3.

3 作为这样一位申言者,摩西乃是预表基督─徒三22~23。

3. As such a prophet, Moses is a type of Christ——Acts 3:22-23.

4 摩西向以色列人说神所吩咐他说的一切话;照样,主耶稣也说父所吩咐祂说的一切话─约十二49~50。

4. Moses spoke to the children of Israel all that God had commanded him to speak; likewise, the Lord Jesus spoke all that the Father commanded Him to speak—— John 12:49-50.

叁 旧约的申言者摩西预言说,“耶和华你的神要从你们弟兄们中间,给你兴起一位申言者像我,你们要听从祂”─申十八15:

III. The Old Testament prophet Moses prophesied, saying, "A Prophet will Jehovah your God raise up for you from your midst, from among your brothers, like me; you shall listen to Him"——Deut. 18:15:

一 耶和华要将祂的话放在那申言者口中,那申言者要说神一切所吩咐的话─18节下。

A. Jehovah would put His words in the mouth of the Prophet, who would speak all that God commanded Him——v. 18b.

二 神兴起那申言者,乃是照着以色列人在何烈山向耶和华他们的神所求一切的话─16~17节:

B. The Prophet raised up by God would be according to all that the children of Israel asked of Jehovah their God at Horeb——vv. 16-17:

1 以色列人告诉摩西说,他们无法担受听见神的声音─五22~28,出二十18~19。

1. They had told Moses that they could not bear to hear God's voice——5:22-28; Exo. 20:18-19.

2 由于他们想要一位申言者,摩西便应许神会成就他们对申言者的渴望。

2. Because they wanted a prophet, Moses promised that God would fulfill their desire for a prophet.

三 摩西预言耶和华要从他们弟兄们中间兴起一位申言者─申十八15、18上:

C. Moses prophesied that Jehovah would raise up a Prophet from their midst, from among their brothers——Deut. 18:15, 18a:

1 这指明神要借着基督的成为肉体,兴起这位申言者讲说神的话─约一14,三34,七16~17,来一2上。

1. This indicates that God would raise up this Prophet through the incarnation of Christ to speak the word of God—— John 1:14; 3:34; 7:16-17; Heb. 1:2a.

2 “从他们弟兄们中间”(申十八18上)指明基督这位要来的申言者既是神圣的,又是属人的─约一1、14,罗八3:

2. From the midst of their brothers (Deut. 18:18a) indicates that Christ as the coming Prophet would be human as well as divine—— John 1:1, 14; Rom. 8:3:

a 基督若仅仅是神,就不能从以色列人中间被兴起─路一31、35。

a. If Christ were merely God, He could not have been raised up from among the Israelites——Luke 1:31, 35.

b 基督是神,就不能从犹太人中作一位弟兄而被兴起;但基督是成为肉体的─位,穿上了人的性情,作了犹太人,就从祂的弟兄们中间被兴起。

b. As God, Christ could not be from among the Jews as a brother, but as the incarnated One, the One who put on human nature and was a Jew, Christ was from among His brothers.

c 基督是成为肉体的神,穿上了人的性情并成了犹太人;因此,祂是“从你们……中间”兴起的申言者,如摩西所预言的─申十八15、18。

c. As the incarnated God, Christ put on human nature and became a Jew; thus, He is the Prophet raised up "from your midst," as prophesied by Moses——Deut. 18:15, 18.

3 行传三章二十二至二十三节把申命记十八章十五至十九节应用到基督这位神成为肉体来作人者的身上,指明基督就是神应许给祂子民以色列人的申言者。─引用经文

3. Acts 3:22-23 applies Deuteronomy 18:15-19 to Christ, who is God incarnated to be a man, indicating that Christ is the Prophet promised by God to His people, the children of Israel.

肆 基督第一次来时,作神所兴起的申言者供职─徒三22~23,七37:

IV. In His first coming, Christ ministered as the Prophet raised up by God——Acts 3:22-23; 7:37:

一 基督借着成为肉体成为申言者为神说话─约三34。

A. Through incarnation Christ became the Prophet to speak the word of God—— John 3:34.

二 基督是神的话,也是神的说话─一1,启十九13,来一2上:

B. Christ is the Word of God and the speaking of God——1:1; Rev. 19:13; Heb. 1:2a:

1 当基督在地上为神说话并对人施教时,祂的教训不是祂自己的,乃是照着父所教训祂的─约七16,八28下。

1. When Christ was on the earth speaking for God and teaching people, His teaching was not His own but was according to what the Father had taught Him—— John 7:16; 8:28b.

2 祂所讲的没有出于自己的,乃是父怎样告诉祂,祂就照样讲─十二49~50。

2. He did not speak from Himself; as the Father spoke to Him, so He spoke——12:49-50.

3 基督是神的申言者,为神说话,说出神,并将神向门徒启示出来─太十一27。

3. As God's Prophet, Christ spoke for God, spoke forth God, and revealed God to the disciples——Matt. 11:27.

三 基督在祂地上的职事里,也借着宣示那要来的事而申言、预言─约十六12~13,太二四2~二五46。

C. During His earthly ministry, Christ also prophesied, predicted, by declaring the things that are coming—— John 16:12-13; Matt. 24:2——25:46.

四 今天基督这位申言者在我们里面一直为神说话,启示神并将神说到人里面─罗八10,林后十三5,西一27。

D. Today Christ as the Prophet is in us still speaking for God to reveal God and speaking God into people——Rom. 8:10; 2 Cor. 13:5; Col. 1:27.

伍 摩西作申言者乃是基督这真申言者的预表,他可能发表一些自己的感觉,但甚至这些也成了神的话;他在申命记中的说话,就像保罗在林前七章的说话一样:

V. As a prophet typifying Christ as the true Prophet, Moses might have spoken something of his own feeling, but even this became the word of God; his speaking in Deuteronomy was like Paul's speaking in 1 Corinthians 7:

一 因着保罗是被神构成的人,至终他的意见成了新约神圣启示里神的话的一部分:

A. Because Paul was a man constituted with God, his opinion became a part of God's word as the divine revelation in the New Testament:

1 保罗在说话时与神是一;所以,他的说话就是神的说话─六17,七25。

1. In his speaking, Paul was one with God; therefore, what he spoke was God's speaking——6:17; 7:25.

2 摩西在申命记里的说话,原则也一样。

2. The principle is the same with Moses' speaking in Deuteronomy.

二 林前七章表达一个爱主之人的灵,他关切主在地上的权益,绝对为着主,与主是一,并且在各面都顺从、服从神,满意于神和祂所安排的环境。

B. First Corinthians 7 conveys the spirit of a person who loves the Lord, who cares for the Lord's interests on earth, who is absolutely for the Lord and one with the Lord, and who in every respect is obedient, submissive, and satisfied with God and the circumstances arranged by Him.

三 因为保罗与主是一,他说话时,主就与他一同说话;因此,在林前七章,我们看见新约话成肉体这个原则的榜样─10、12、25、40节:

C. Because Paul was one with the Lord, when he spoke, the Lord spoke with him; thus, in 1 Corinthians 7 we have an example of the New Testament principle of incarnation——vv. 10, 12, 25, 40:

1 话成肉体的原则就是神进到人里面,将祂自己与人调和,使人与祂成为一;因此,神在人里,人也在神里─约十五4~5。

1. The principle of incarnation is that God enters into man and mingles Himself with man to make man one with Himself; thus, God is in man, and man is in God—— John 15:4-5.

2 在新约里,主与祂的使徒成为一,他们也与祂成为一,并且与祂一同说话;因此,祂的话成了他们的话,而且不论他们说什么,都是祂的话─林前二12~13。

2. In the New Testament the Lord becomes one with His apostles, and they become one with Him and speak together with Him; thus, His word becomes their word, and whatever they utter is His word——1 Cor. 2:12-13.

3 林前七章十节的原则与加拉太二章二十节的原则相同:话成肉体的原则─二人活着如同一人。

3. The principle in 1 Corinthians 7:10 is the same as that in Galatians 2:20, the principle of incarnation——two persons living as one person.

4 在林前七章二十五节和四十节我们看见最高的属灵─一个人与主是一到一个地步,被主浸透,甚至他的意见也发表出主的心意。

4. In 1 Corinthians 7:25 and 40 we see the highest spirituality—— the spirituality of a person who is so one with the Lord and permeated with Him that even his opinion expresses the Lord's mind.

5 如果我们被那灵浸透,我们所发表的乃是我们所想的,但这也会是出于主的,因为我们与祂是一;这就是经历基督作申言者活在我们里面,为神说话并将神说出来─六17。

5. If we are saturated with the Spirit, what we express will be our thought, but it will also be something of the Lord because we are one with Him; this is the experience of Christ as the Prophet living in us to speak for God and to speak forth God—— 6:17.
