第十篇 避免那与我们所保守的一相对的分裂,并拒绝那与我们为其争辩之信仰相对的背道

Avoiding Division, Which Is versus the Oneness That We Keep, and Rejecting Apostasy, Which Is versus the Faith That We Contend For



壹 按照摩西在申命记十二、十三章的话,我们必须避免分裂并拒绝背道:

I. According to Moses' word in Deuteronomy 12 and 13, we must avoid division and reject apostasy:

一 我们必须保守神子民独一的一,并持守对基督身位和救赎工作的独一信仰。

A. We must keep the unique oneness of God's people and the unique faith in the person and redemptive work of Christ.

二 在旧约里,背道指放弃神,并且离弃神而转向偶像;在新约里,背道乃是异端,指否认基督的神性,不信耶稣基督是神成为肉体来作人─约一1、14,约壹二18、22,四2~3。

B. Apostasy in the Old Testament denotes giving up God and turning away from God to idols; in the New Testament apostasy is heresy, denoting the denial of Christ's deity and not believing that Jesus Christ is God incarnated to be a man—— John 1:1, 14; 1 John 2:18, 22; 4:2-3.

三 背道,或异端,侮辱神并破坏基督的身位;分裂则破坏那作基督团体彰显之基督的身体;因此,背道和分裂破坏神的整个经纶。

C. Apostasy, or heresy, insults and damages the person of Christ, and division destroys the Body of Christ as Christ's corporate expression; thus, apostasy and division damage the entire economy of God.

四 因这缘故,使徒保罗嘱咐我们要避开制造分裂的人(罗十六17),使徒约翰吩咐我们要拒绝异端者(约贰9~11)。─引用经文

D. Because of this, the apostle Paul charges us to turn away from the divisive ones (Rom. 16:17), and the apostle John enjoins us to reject the heretical ones (2 John 9-11).

五 我们必须像申命记中的摩西和新约中的使徒们一样,严格地对付分裂和背道;我们必须保守神子民独一的一,并持守对基督身位和救赎工作的独一信仰─弗四3、13。

E. Like Moses in Deuteronomy and the apostles in the New Testament, we must be very strict concerning division and apostasy; we must keep the unique oneness of God's people and the unique faith in the person and redemptive work of Christ——Eph. 4:3, 13.

贰 分裂是无所不包的;它包含了各种消极的事物,就如撒但、罪恶、世界、肉体、己、旧人,以及坏脾气─罗十六17~18,多三10:

II. Division is all-inclusive; it includes all negative things, such as Satan, sin, worldliness, the flesh, the self, the old man, and evil temper——Rom. 16:17-18; Titus 3:10:

一 我们不该以为分裂是独立的,与肉体、己、世界无关─加五19~21,太十六23~24,约壹二15~16。

A. We should not think that division stands by itself and is not related to the flesh, the self, and worldliness——Gal. 5:19-21; Matt. 16:23-24; 1 John 2:15-16.

二 关于分裂的性质,如果我们蒙了光照,就会看见分裂不仅与一切消极的事物有关,并且包含了一切消极的事物。

B. If we are enlightened concerning the nature of division, we will see that it is not only related to all negative things but includes all negative things.

三 在分裂里就是在死亡里;基督教因为缺少生命里真正的一,所以充满了死亡与黑暗。

C. To be in division is to be in death; Christianity is filled with death and darkness because the genuine oneness in life is lacking.

四 分裂出于不同的教训,就是神经纶以外的教训─提前一3~4:

D. Divisions come out of different teachings, teachings other than God's economy——1 Tim. 1:3-4:

1 我们所教导的,不该由对错来衡量,而必须由是否制造分裂来衡量;只有一种职事建造人,绝不使人分裂,就是神经纶那唯一的职事。

1. Whatever we teach should not be measured by whether it is wrong or right; it must be measured by whether it is divisive or not; only one kind of ministry builds up and never divides——this is the unique ministry of God's economy.

2 教导不同的事,会把人杀死,拆毁神的建造,而废除神的整个经纶;我们都必须看见,甚至教导一点点不同的事,也会将主的恢复拆毁。

2. It kills people to teach differently; to teach differently tears down God's building and annuls God's entire economy; we all must realize that even a small amount of teaching in a different way destroys the recovery.

3 唯一能保守我们在主恢复里的路,就是那唯一的职事;倘若我们说我们是在主的恢复里,而我们却这么轻忽地甚至隐密地教导一些与神的经纶不同的东西,我们就种下了要在分裂里长大的种子;因此,能使我们蒙保守在永远的一里,唯一的路就是教导神的经纶里一样的事。

3. The only way that can preserve us in the recovery is the unique ministry; if we say that we are in the recovery, yet we teach something so lightly, even in a concealed way, that is different from God's economy, we sow the seed that will grow up in division; therefore, the only way that we can be preserved in the eternal oneness is to teach the same thing in God's economy.

4 异议者不同的教训,乃是被神仇敌所利用的风,要打岔神的子民,将他们从神的经纶带开─弗四14。

4. The different teachings of the dissenting ones are winds used by God's enemy to distract His people and carry them away from His economy——Eph. 4:14.

5 分裂的教训为撒但所组织并系统化,造成严重的错谬,因而破坏基督身体生活实行的一─14节。

5. The dividing teachings are organized and systematized by Satan to cause serious error and thus damage the practical oneness of the Body life——v. 14.

6 不同的教训乃是召会败落、堕落并变质的主要根源─提前一3~4、6~7,六3~5、20~21。

6. The different teachings are the major source of the church's decline, degradation, and deterioration——1 Tim. 1:3-4, 6-7; 6:3-5, 20-21.

五 使徒们在各处各召会中,教导所有的圣徒同样的事─林前四17,七17,十一16,十四34:

E. The apostles taught the same thing to all the saints in all the places and in all the churches——1 Cor. 4:17; 7:17; 11:16; 14:33b-34:

1 我们也必须在全地各国的各召会中,教导同样的事─太二八19~20。

1. We also must teach the same thing in all the churches in every country throughout the earth——Matt. 28:19-20.

2 新约里没有一种思想,以为一种教训适合某一个召会,却不适合别的召会;反而,新约启示众召会在接受教训的事上该是相同的─多一9。

2. There is no thought in the New Testament that a teaching is good for one church but not for the other churches; rather, the New Testament reveals that all the churches were the same in receiving the teachings——Titus 1:9.

叁 真正的一乃是包含着一切积极事物之包罗万有、广被的一─诗二三6,三六8~9,四三3~4,八四1~8,10~12,九二10,一三三1、3下:

III. The genuine oneness is an all-inclusive, comprehensive oneness that includes all positive things——Psa. 23:6; 36:8-9; 43:3-4; 84:1-8, 10-12; 92:10; 133:1, 3b:

一 主已将父所赐给祂的荣耀赐给我们,使我们在父里并在子里成为一;这指向在神圣性情和那神圣者里的一;一实际上乃是经过过程并终极完成的三一神与信徒的调和─约十七21~23,弗四3~6。

A. The Lord has given us the glory that the Father has given Him so that we may be one in the Father and in the Son; this points to a oneness in the divine nature and the Divine Being; oneness is actually the mingling of the processed and consummated Triune God with the believers—— John 17:21-23; Eph. 4:3-6.

二 当我们回到一的时候,一切属灵的丰富和一切积极的事物都回来了,因为这一切都存在一里面─3节,三8:

B. When the oneness is recovered, all the spiritual riches and all the positive things are recovered with it, because they all exist in the oneness——v. 3; 3:8:

1 在一的真正立场上,一切敬虔的事和一切属灵的丰富都是我们的─申八7~9,十二12、26~28。

1. All the godly things and all the spiritual riches are ours on the genuine ground of oneness——Deut. 8:7-9; 12:12, 26-28.

2 真正的一不是部分的一,而是伟大、完整、广被、整体的一。

2. The genuine oneness is not a partial oneness; it is a great, complete, comprehensive oneness, a oneness in entirety.

三 诗篇一百三十三篇是一篇一的诗,这一包含一切积极的品性与美德;如果我们看见这整个一的异象,一切分裂的细菌就会被杀死,我们也会蒙拯救脱离各种的分裂。

C. Psalm 133 is a psalm on the oneness that includes all positive attributes and virtues; if we see the vision of the oneness of entirety, all the germs of division will be killed, and we will be delivered from every kind of division.

四 为着恢复并保守真正、包罗万有的一,我们必须毁坏丘坛─王上十一7~8,十二26~33,十三33~34,十四22~23,十五14,二二43,王下十二2~3,十四3~4,十五3~4、34~35:

D. For the recovery and preservation of the genuine, all-inclusive oneness, we must destroy the high places——1 Kings 11:7-8; 12:26-33; 13:33-34; 14:22-23; 15:14; 22:43; 2 Kings 12:2-3; 14:3-4; 15:3-4, 34-35:

1 神在祂的智慧里,要求祂的子民要将那些国民事奉他们神的各地方都毁坏;设立丘坛就是有了分裂;因此,丘坛的意义就是分裂─申十二1~3。

1. In His wisdom God required His people to destroy all the places in which the nations served their gods; to set up a high place is to have a division; hence, the significance of high places is division——Deut. 12:1-3.

2 神为保守祂子民的一,就要求他们来到祂所选择的独一地方;丘坛代替了这独一的地方,成了另一选择─8、11、13~14、18节。

2. To preserve the oneness of His people, God required that they come to the unique place of His choice; the high places were a substitute and an alternative for this unique place——vv. 8, 11, 13-14, 18.

3 丘坛是高地,高举在一般水平之上;原则上,每一个丘坛,每一个分裂,都包含着对基督以外某些事物的高举与赞扬─参西一18。

3. A high place is an elevation, something lifted above the common level; in principle, every high place, every division, involves the uplifting, the exaltation, of something other than Christ—— cf. Col. 1:18.

4 所罗门与耶罗波安建立丘坛的记载有属灵的意义,是为着我们属灵的教训而写下的─罗十五4~6:

4. The record of the building of the high places under Solomon and Jeroboam has a spiritual significance; it was written for our spiritual instruction——Rom. 15:4-6:

a 根据这记载,分裂是由于情欲与野心;所罗门是前者的实例,耶罗波安是后者的实例。

a. According to this record, division is caused by lust and ambition; Solomon is an example of the former, and Jeroboam is an example of the latter.

b 所罗门与耶罗波安所建立的丘坛,严重地损害了一的立场─王上十一7~8,十二26~33。

b. The high places built by Solomon and Jeroboam seriously damaged the ground of oneness——1 Kings 11:7-8; 12:26-33.

c 在召会生活中,我们不应有任何“丘坛”;反之,我们都应该在同等地位上高举基督─西一18,三10~11。

c. In the church life we should not have any high places; instead, we should all be on one level to exalt Christ—— Col. 1:18; 3:10-11.

d 基督教的分裂乃是由于自私与野心─腓二21,约叁9~10,罗十六17~18,王上十二26~33。

d. The divisions in Christianity are caused by selfishness and ambition——Phil. 2:21; 3 John 9-10; Rom. 16:17-18; 1 Kings 12:26-33.

5 用属灵的话来说,我们必须毁除召会之外的每一个地方,以及基督的名之外的每一个名;这意思是,我们必须毁除我们的文化、个性、脾气、习惯、天然的特性、爱好、宗教背景同其影响─损害真正的一的一切─加二20,五24,六14。

5. Spiritually speaking, we must destroy every place other than the church and every name other than the name of Christ; this means that we must destroy our culture, disposition, temperament, habits, natural characteristics, preferences, and religious background with its influence——everything that damages the genuine oneness——Gal. 2:20; 5:24; 6:14.

五 在主的恢复里,我们单单高举基督─西一18:

E. In the Lord's recovery we elevate Christ and Christ alone——Col. 1:18:

1 我们能见证,我们与今天的基督教成对比,我们没有“丘坛”。

1. We can testify that, in contrast to today's Christianity, we have no high places.

2 我们既已来到召会,就该没有“丘坛”(高举基督以外事物的高处);我们除了基督的人位与十字架独一的路之外,不该有别的─林前一30,二4,西一20,二11,三11。

2. Having come to the church, we should have no "high places," elevations where something other than Christ is uplifted; we should have nothing other than the person of Christ and the unique way of the cross——1 Cor. 1:30; 2:4; Col. 1:20; 2:11; 3:11.

3 我们在召会中享受基督作那地丰富的出产;我们在神面前对基督的享受成了我们的敬拜、我们的召会生活甚至我们基督徒的生活;并且我们就在一的立场上长大并成熟─弗三8,四3、14~16。

3. In the church we enjoy Christ as the rich produce of the land; our enjoyment of Christ in the presence of God becomes our worship, our church life, and even our Christian living, and we grow and mature on the ground of oneness——Eph. 3:8; 4:3, 14-16.

肆 我们必须竭力使自己从任何异端(背道)和异端者(背道者)分别出来:

IV. We must be fully exercised to separate ourselves from any heresy (apostasy) and heretics (apostates):

一 异端者不承认耶稣是神成为肉体(不承认祂是借着圣灵神圣的成孕,在肉体里来的);因此,他们否认基督的神性─约壹四3,约贰7,参路一31~35,约二十28~29,罗九5。

A. Heretics do not confess that Jesus is God incarnate (not confessing that He has come in the flesh through the divine conception of the Holy Spirit); thus, they deny the deity of Christ——1 John 4:3; 2 John 7; cf. Luke 1:31-35; John 20:28-29; Rom. 9:5.

二 那灵在信徒里面作工,向他们承认基督是在肉体里来的─约壹四1~2:

B. The Spirit works in the believers to confess to them that Christ came in the flesh——1 John 4:1-2:

1 凡弃绝基督的成为肉体,因而弃绝祂救赎的,也就否认基督的复活。

1. Anyone who rejects Christ's incarnation and thereby rejects His redemption also denies Christ's resurrection.

2 任何人如果否认基督的成为肉体,那人就是否认基督圣别的出生、人性、为人生活、借着钉十字架而成的救赎以及复活;这完全消除了对赐生命的灵作为经过过程的三一神之实际的享受─二23。

2. If anyone denies Christ's incarnation, that one denies Christ's holy birth, humanity, human living, redemption through crucifixion, and resurrection; this utterly annuls the enjoyment of the life-giving Spirit as the reality of the processed Triune God——2:23.

三 异端者否认神圣的成孕和基督的神格,如同今天的摩登派;这样的人我们必须弃绝,不要接他到家里,也不要问他的安;这样我们就不会与他有接触,也不会有分于他的异端;这种异端对神是亵渎的,并且像麻风一样传染人─彼后二1~3,约贰10。

C. A heretic is one who denies the divine conception and deity of Christ, as today's modernists do; such a one we must reject, not receiving him into our house nor greeting him; thus, we will not have any contact with him or any share in his heresy, heresy that is blasphemous to God and contagious like leprosy——2 Pet. 2:1-3; 2 John 10.

四 将奇妙基督的神圣真理带给人,怎样是优越的佳行(罗十15),散布那玷污基督荣耀神格之撒但的异端,也照样是可憎的恶行;这对神是亵渎和可憎,对人也是损毁和咒诅。─引用经文

D. Just as bringing to others the divine truth of the wonderful Christ is an excellent deed (Rom. 10:15), so spreading the satanic heresy, which defiles the glorious deity of Christ, is an evil work; it is a blasphemy and abomination to God; it is also a damage and curse to men.

五 凡在基督里的信徒和神的儿女,都不该有分于这恶!甚至向这样的恶人问安也不可!我们当与这恶保持严格且清楚的分别!─约贰8~11。

E. No one who is a believer in Christ and a child of God should have any share in this evil! Even to greet such an evil one is prohibited! A severe and clear separation from this evil should be maintained!——2 John 8-11.

伍 犹大劝我们要竭力为信仰争辩─犹1~3:

V. Jude exhorts us to earnestly contend for the faith—— Jude 1-3:

一 犹大书中的“信仰”不是主观的相信,乃是客观的信仰,指我们所相信的事,就是新约的内容,成了我们的信仰,我们相信,就能得着我们共享的救恩─徒六7,提前一19,三9,四1,五8,六10、21,提后三8,四7,多一13。

A. "The faith" in Jude is not subjective faith as our believing but objective faith as our belief, referring to the things we believe in, the contents of the New Testament as our faith, in which we believe for our common salvation——Acts 6:7; 1 Tim. 1:19; 3:9; 4:1; 5:8; 6:10, 21; 2 Tim. 3:8; 4:7; Titus 1:13.

二 我们基督徒的信仰,是由我们所相信关于圣经、神、基督、基督的工作、救恩和召会这六个基本项目所组成的─弗四13:

B. Our Christian faith is composed of our belief concerning six basic items: the Bible, God, Christ, the work of Christ, salvation, and the church——Eph. 4:13:

1 圣经逐字都是神所默示的,都是神的呼出─彼后一21,提后三16。

1. The Bible, word by word, is divinely inspired by God, as the breath of God——2 Pet. 1:21; 2 Tim. 3:16.

2 神是独一的,却是三一的─父、子、灵─太三16~17,二八19,林后十三14,弗二18,三14~17,启一4~5。

2. God is uniquely one but triune——the Father, the Son, and the Spirit——Matt. 3:16-17; 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 2:18; 3:14-17; Rev. 1:4-5.

3 基督是永远里的神(约一1),在时间里成为人(14);祂的神性是完全的,祂的人性是完美的;因此,祂是神又是人(二十28,罗九5,约十九5,提前二5),具有神性与人性。─引用经文

3. Christ was the very God in eternity (John 1:1) and became a man in time (v. 14); His deity is complete, and His humanity is perfect; hence, He is both God and man (20:28; Rom. 9:5; John 19:5; 1 Tim. 2:5), possessing both divinity and humanity.

4 基督首先成为肉体,成了一个人(约一14),为着救赎我们死在十字架上(彼前二24,启五9);然后祂从死人中复活,使我们重生(彼前一3),升上诸天作万有的主(徒二33、36,十36),并且要回来,向着召会作新郎(约三29,启十九7),向着列国作万王之王(16);这些是基督工作的主要方面。─引用经文

4. Christ first became a man in incarnation (John 1:14) and died on the cross for our redemption (1 Pet. 2:24; Rev. 5:9); then He rose from the dead for our regeneration (1 Pet. 1:3), ascended to the heavens to be the Lord of all (Acts 2:33, 36; 10:36), and will come back as the Bridegroom to the church (John 3:29; Rev. 19:7) and the King of kings to all the nations (v. 16); these are the main aspects of the work of Christ.

5 罪人必须向神悔改(徒二38,二六20)、信入基督(约三16,徒十六31),使罪得赦(十43),得着救赎(罗三24)、称义(徒十三39)、重生(约三6),好得着永远的生命(36),成为神的儿女(一12),以及基督的肢体(林前十二27);这是我们借信所得的救恩(弗二4~9)。─引用经文

5. A sinner must repent to God (Acts 2:38; 26:20) and believe into Christ (John 3:16; Acts 16:31) for forgiveness of sins (10:43), for redemption (Rom. 3:24), for justification (Acts 13:39), and for regeneration (John 3:6) in order that he may have eternal life (v. 36) to become a child of God (1:12) and a member of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27); this is our salvation through faith (Eph. 2:4-9).

6 召会由所有在基督里的真信徒所组成,作为基督的身体(一22~23,西一24),在宇宙一面是一(弗四4);地方召会作为基督身体的彰显,在地方上也是一─一城一会(启一11):─引用经文

6. The church, composed of all the genuine believers in Christ, as the Body of Christ (1:22-23; Col. 1:24), is universally one (Eph. 4:4), and a local church as the expression of the Body of Christ is locally one——one city, one church (Rev. 1:11):

a 但这并不是说,在基督里的真信徒若不同意一城一会,就不得救;他是得救的,不过还有所缺欠─不是为着得救,乃是为着过正当的召会生活。

a. This does not mean, however, that a real believer in Christ who does not agree with one city, one church is not saved; he or she is saved, but there is something lacking, not for salvation but for the proper church life.

b 借着站在召会正确的立场上,我们选择爱所有的弟兄,不仅仅爱那些同我们聚会的人。

b. By standing on the proper ground of the church, we are choosing to love all the brothers, not only those who are meeting with us.

三 这信仰(不是任何道理)已经一次永远地交付圣徒;我们应当为这信仰竭力争辩─提前六12。

C. This faith, not any doctrine, has been delivered once for all to the saints; for this faith we should earnestly contend——1 Tim. 6:12.

四 我们借着享受整个可称颂的神圣三一,就在这至圣信仰的根基上,建造自己,使我们成为新耶路撒冷,就是永远生命的总和─犹19~21,参约四14下。

D. We build up ourselves upon the foundation of this most holy faith by enjoying the entire Blessed Trinity so that we may become the New Jerusalem as the totality of the eternal life—— Jude 19-21; cf. John 4:14b.

五 当我们“在圣灵里祷告”操练我们的灵,保守自己“在神的爱中,等候我们主耶稣基督的怜悯,以至于永远的生命”,借此就应用并享受整个可称颂的神圣三一─犹20~21:

E. The entire Blessed Trinity is employed and enjoyed by us as we exercise our spirit by "praying in the Holy Spirit" to keep ourselves "in the love of God, awaiting the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life"—— Jude 20-21:

1 “以至于永远的生命”(21),或“直涌入永远的生命”(约四14下),是特别的发表;“以至于”或“直涌入”说到目的地,也有“成为”的意思。─引用经文

1. Unto eternal life (v. 21), or into eternal life (John 4:14b), is a particular expression; unto, or into, speaks of destination and also means "to become."

2 我们借着操练灵享受可称颂的神圣三一并为信仰争辩,就成为新耶路撒冷,就是永远生命的总和─启二二1~2上,二一10~11。

2. By exercising our spirit to enjoy the Blessed Trinity and contend for the faith, we become the New Jerusalem as the totality of the eternal life——Rev. 22:1-2a; 21:10-11.
