第二篇 认识并有分于神高大的旨意,就是要使万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下

Knowing and Participating in God's Great and Lofty Will to Head Up All Things in Christ



壹 “照着祂的喜悦,使我们知道祂意愿的奥秘;这喜悦是祂在自己里面预先定下的,为着时期满足时的经纶,要将万有,无论是在诸天之上的,或是在地上的,都在基督里归一于一个元首之下”─弗一9~10:

I. "Making known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Himself, unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in Him"—Eph. 1:9-10:

一 神照着祂的愿望,在祂自己里面计划并定意的经纶(economy),或经纶安排(dispensation),是要在时期满足时,将万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下。

A. The economy, or dispensation, that God, according to His desire, planned and purposed in Himself is to head up all things in Christ at the fullness of the times.

二 这是借着把作生命元素的三一神丰盈生命的供应,分赐到召会所有的肢体里面,使他们从死境中起来,并联于身体而成就的。

B. This is accomplished through the dispensing of the abundant life supply of the Triune God as the life factor into all the members of the church so that they may rise up from the death situation and be attached to the Body.

三 “时期”一辞是指世代说的;时期满足时,就是神在所有世代的一切经纶安排完成后,新天新地来到时:

C. The times refers to the ages, and the fullness of the times will be when the new heaven and new earth appear after all the dispensations of God in all the ages have been completed:

1 经纶安排乃是分赐的行动或步骤,是指神将自己分赐到祂所拣选的人里面说的;我们需要神的元素,带着祂的生命和性情,作到我们全人里面。

1. A dispensation is the act or instance of dispensing, and it refers to God's dispensing of Himself into His chosen people; we need the element of God with His life and nature to be wrought into our being.

2 世代共有四个,即罪(亚当)的世代,律法(摩西)的世代,恩典(基督)的世代,和国度(千年国)的世代。

2. Altogether there are four ages: the age of sin (Adam), the age of the law (Moses), the age of grace (Christ), and the age of the kingdom (the millennium).

3 神将祂自己分赐到亚伯、以挪士、以诺、挪亚、亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各同约瑟里面;祂在摩西身上有更大的经纶安排,在主耶稣身上当然更是如此。

3. God dispensed Himself into Abel, Enosh, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with Joseph; He had an even greater dispensation with Moses and, of course, with the Lord Jesus.

4 这种分赐在新约书信中继续进行;神在今时代的经纶安排比在使徒保罗的时代更大;今天神恩典的经纶安排乃是更深、更高、更广的─参弗三2,彼前四10。

4. This dispensing continues in the New Testament Epistles; God's dispensation is even greater than it was at the time of the apostle Paul; today there is a deeper, higher, and wider dispensation of the grace of God—cf. Eph. 3:2; 1 Pet. 4:10.

5 这经纶安排将继续经过千年国,直到时期满足的时候;终极完成的经纶安排将是三一神分赐到新耶路撒冷的全城里─启二二1~2。

5. This dispensation will continue through the millennium until the fullness of the times; the ultimate, the consummate, dispensation will be the dispensing of the Triune God into the whole city of the New Jerusalem—Rev. 22:1-2.

6 今天我们在召会生活中享受这终极完成之经纶安排的小影;当我们在召会生活中享受那灵作活水,并吃基督作生命树时,我们乃是在等候着终极的经纶安排;在这终极的经纶安排里,我们要完全被三一神浸透─林前十3~4,十二13,启二7,二二2、14,约六57。

6. We enjoy a miniature of this consummate dispensation in the church life today; as we enjoy the Spirit as the living water and eat Christ as the tree of life in the church life, we await the consummate dispensation, in which we will be fully saturated with the Triune God—1 Cor. 10:3-4; 12:13; Rev. 2:7; 22:2, 14; John 6:57.

7 生命在哪里,光也在哪里(一4,八12);新耶路撒冷被光浸透,所以不需要日光;三一神的荣耀将是我们照耀并管制的光(启二一23)。─引用经文

7. Where life is, there is light also (1:4; 8:12); because the New Jerusalem is saturated with light, it has no need of the light of the sun; the glory of the Triune God will be our shining and controlling light (Rev. 21:23).

8 在新耶路撒冷里没有黑夜,没有死亡,也没有黑暗,反而有生命和光,这将使一切站立,而且秩序井然,完全在基督里归一于一个元首之下(24,弗一10)。─引用经文

8. In the New Jerusalem there will be no night, no death, and no darkness; instead, there will be life and light, causing everything to rise up and be in good order and thus be fully headed up in Christ (v. 24; Eph. 1:10).

9 当我们在新耶路撒冷里,在基督里完全归一于一个元首之下,那将是神永远的行政和经纶。

9. When we are fully headed up in Christ in the New Jerusalem, that will be God's eternal administration and economy.

四 以弗所一章十节的万有归一于一个元首之下;那将是三至九节所说一切项目的结果─神拣选我们,预定我们,救赎我们,赦免我们,并恩赐我们,为要将万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下。─引用经文

D. The heading up of all things in Ephesians 1:10 is the issue of all the things covered in verses 3 through 9—God has chosen us, predestinated us, redeemed us, forgiven us, and graced us for the purpose of heading up all things in Christ.

五 二十二至二十三节进一步启示出万有归一于一个元首之下乃是“向着召会”的,使基督的身体既得着拯救,脱离那由天使和人的背叛所引起,在死亡和黑暗里宇宙性崩溃的乱堆,就得以分享基督这位元首的一切;从崩溃中蒙拯救,就是归一于一个元首之下。─引用经文

E. Verses 22 and 23 reveal further that this heading up is "to the church" so that the Body of Christ may share in all that is of Christ as the Head, having been rescued from the heap of the universal collapse in death and darkness, which was caused by the rebellion of the angels and the rebellion of man; to be rescued from the collapse is to be headed up.

六 当万有都在基督里归一于一个元首之下,就有完全的平安与和谐(赛二4,十一6,五五12,诗九六12~13),完全从崩溃得着拯救;这是从万物复兴时开始(徒三21)。─引用经文

F. When everything is headed up in Christ, there will be absolute peace and harmony (Isa. 2:4; 11:6; 55:12; Psa. 96:12-13), a full rescue out of the collapse; this will begin from the restoration of all things (Acts 3:21).

七 以西结三十七章里死的、枯干的、分散的骸骨这图画给我们看见,要在真正的一里有基督的身体、召会以及神的家,唯一的路乃是生命的路:

G. The picture in Ezekiel 37 of the dead, dry, and scattered bones shows that the unique way to have the Body, the church, and the house of God in the genuine oneness is the way of life:

1 当气息进入死的骸骨,对骸骨就成为生命,骸骨就活了,并且在一里站起来,成为极大的军队。

1. When the breath entered into the dead ones, it became life to them, and they lived and stood up in oneness to become an exceedingly great army.

2 这些死的骸骨活过来并成为一,乃是生命的分赐,以及在生命里长大的结果─1~14节。

2. The dead bones were enlivened and became one as the issue of the dispensing of life and the growth in life—vv. 1-14.

3 神使我们归一于一个元首之下的方式,乃是将祂自己作生命的因素,作到我们里面,使我们站立起来,并且在基督的身体里彼此联络。

3. God's way to head us up is to work Himself as the factor of life into us so that we may rise up and be attached to one another in the Body.

贰 要在基督里归一于一个元首之下,我们需要在一切事上长到元首基督里面─在一切事上,意指在日常生活及工作的一切大小事上─弗四15,亚四10:

II. In order to be headed up in Christ, we need to grow up into Christ, the Head, in all things—in all things means in everything big or small in our daily life and in our work—Eph. 4:15; Zech. 4:10:

一 基督身体生机的建造就是基督身体的长大,也就是神在所有肢体里的增长,神这生命的增加─弗二21~22,四16,西二19。

A. The organic building up of the Body is the growth of the Body, which is the growth of God, the increase of God as life, in all the members—Eph. 2:21-22; 4:16; Col. 2:19.

二 生长的肢体就是建造的肢体;在生命里长大,就是在我们里面有更多的神;我们的问题就是我们缺少神─弗四16,参伯一1~5,四二1~6。

B. The growing members are the building members; to grow in life is to have more of God in us; our problem is that we are short of God—Eph. 4:16; cf. Job 1:1-5; 42:1-6.

三 要长到元首里面,我们必须在神圣之爱的元素和范围里持守着真实;以弗所四章十五节的“真实”,意真实的事物─罗三4:

C. In order to grow up into the Head, we must hold to truth in the element and sphere of the divine love; truth in Ephesians 4:15 means things that are true— Rom. 3:4:

1 我们需要持守神永远的经纶─提前一3~4:

1. We need to hold to God's eternal economy—1 Tim. 1:3-4:

a 这是隐藏在神里面奥秘的经纶─弗三9。

a. This is the economy of the mystery hidden in God—Eph. 3:9.

b 这经纶是要得着召会作基督生机的身体,终极完成于新耶路撒冷,以显明基督作神万般的智慧─10~11节,一22~23,林前一30。

b. This economy is to have the church as the organic Body of Christ to consummate in the New Jerusalem for the manifestation of Christ as God's multifarious wisdom—vv. 10-11; 1:22-23; 1 Cor. 1:30.

2 我们需要持守包罗万有的基督─约十四6,弗一23:

2. We need to hold to the all-inclusive Christ— John 14:6; Eph. 1:23:

a 祂的量度无法测量─三18。

a. His measure is immeasurable—3:18.

b 祂的丰富追测不尽─8节。

b. His riches are unsearchable—v. 8.

c 祂的爱超越知识─19节。

c. His love is knowledge-surpassing—v. 19.

3 我们需要持守作基督身体的召会─提前三15:

3. We need to hold to the church as the Body of Christ—1 Tim. 3:15:

a 基督的身体是团体的基督─徒九4,林前十二12。

a. The Body of Christ is the corporate Christ—Acts 9:4; 1 Cor. 12:12.

b 基督的身体是基督和神的丰满、彰显─弗一23,三19。

b. The Body of Christ is the fullness, the expression, of Christ and of God— Eph. 1:23; 3:19.

四 我们长到元首里面,是借着承认基督作头的主权─西二19,参书九14,彼前五3,太二十25~27,二三10~11:

D. We grow up into the Head through acknowledging the authority of the headship of Christ—Col. 2:19; cf. Josh. 9:14; 1 Pet. 5:3; Matt. 20:25-27; 23:10-11:

1 基督是各人的头─林前十一3。

1. Christ is the Head of everyone—1 Cor. 11:3.

2 基督是召会的头─弗五23。

2. Christ is the Head of the church—Eph. 5:23.

3 基督是万有的头─一22、10。

3. Christ is the Head of all things—1:22, 10.

五 信徒有分于基督的归一,乃是借着愿意在召会生活里归一于一个元首之下,在生命里长大,并活在基督的光中─约一4,八12,弗四15~16,五8~9,启二一23~25。

E. The believers participate in Christ's heading up by being willing to be headed up in the church life, that is, by growing in life and by living under Christ's light— John 1:4; 8:12; Eph. 4:15-16; 5:8-9; Rev. 21:23-25.

六 我们长到元首里面,是借着让基督在我们内里的各部分扩增长大:

F. We grow up into the Head by allowing Christ to increase and grow in all the inward parts of our being:

1 要在生命里长大,我们必须注意我们的灵(罗八6);我们必须认识、运用并操练我们调和的灵(提前四6~8):─引用经文

1. In order to grow in life, we must pay attention to our spirit (Rom. 8:6); we must know, we must use, and we must exercise our mingled spirit (1 Tim. 4:6-8):

a 以弗所一章十七节给我们看见,我们需要祷告求智慧和启示的灵,好充分认识基督和神的经纶。─引用经文

a. Ephesians 1:17 shows that we need to pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation to fully know Christ and God's economy.

b 二章二十二节说所有信徒正同被建造,成为神在灵里的居所。─引用经文

b. Ephesians 2:22 says that all the believers are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit.

c 三章五节说基督的奥秘已在灵里启示祂的圣使徒和申言者。─引用经文

c. Ephesians 3:5 says that the mystery of Christ has been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in spirit.

d 十六节给我们看见我们需要祷告,使我们得以加强到里面的人里;里面的人就是我们重生的灵,有神的生命为其生命。─引用经文

d. Ephesians 3:16 shows that we need to pray to be strengthened into the inner man, which is our regenerated spirit with God's life as its life.

e 四章二十三节告诉我们要在我们心思的灵里得更新。─引用经文

e. Ephesians 4:23 tells us to be renewed in the spirit of our mind.

f 五章十八节告诉我们要在灵里被充满。─引用经文

f. Ephesians 5:18 tells us to be filled in spirit.

g 六章十八节告诉我们要时时在灵里祷告。─引用经文

g. Ephesians 6:18 tells us to pray at every time in spirit.

2 我们要在生命里长大,就必须从圣言的奶和粮得着喂养;圣言就是基督的具体化身,基督乃是神的活话─彼前二2,来五13~14。

2. In order to grow in life, we must feed on the milk and food of the holy Word, as the embodiment of Christ, the living Word of God—1 Pet. 2:2; Heb. 5:13-14.

叁 当我们在生命中长到元首里面,我们的功用就会从元首而出,为着基督身体的建造─弗四16,西二19:

III. As we grow up into the Head in life, our function will come out from the Head for the building up of the Body—Eph. 4:16; Col. 2:19:

一 我们在一切事上让基督作元首,在一切事上长到祂里面,就能得着祂生命丰富的供应,从祂有所接受,好传输给身体上其他的肢体─林前十四4下,约七37~39:

A. When we allow Christ to be the Head in everything and when we grow up into Him in all things, we will be supplied with the riches of His life, receiving something from Him to transfuse into other members of the Body—1 Cor. 14:4b; John 7:37-39:

1 建造基督的身体,就是把基督这赐生命的灵供应到圣徒里面,使他们长到基督里─林后三6、8。

1. To build up the Body of Christ is to minister Christ as the life-giving Spirit into the saints for their growth into Christ—2 Cor. 3:6, 8.

2 我们必须帮助圣徒学习享受主,并因主得滋养,好叫他们能长大─腓一25,林后一24。

2. We must help the saints learn to enjoy the Lord and be nourished by the Lord so that they can grow—Phil. 1:25; 2 Cor. 1:24.

二 在基督的元首权柄之下,全身叫基督的身体渐渐长大─弗四15~16:

B. Under Christ's headship all the Body causes the growth of the Body of Christ— Eph. 4:15-16:

1 这长大是借着每一丰富供应的节─基督身体上每一特别的恩赐─11~12节。

1. This growth is through every joint of the rich supply—all the particular gifts in the Body of Christ—vv. 11-12.

2 这长大是借着每一部分─基督身体上每一肢体─依其度量而有的功用─7~8节。

2. This growth is through the operation in the measure of each one part—every member in the Body of Christ—vv. 7-8.

三 在基督的元首权柄之下,基督身体的建造是在爱里并借着爱:

C. The building up of the Body of Christ under His headship is in love and by love:

1 为着我们的所是和所作,爱乃是极超越的路,为要建造基督的身体;唯有爱能保守我们与主有正确的关系─林前十二31下~十三13。

1. Love is the most excellent way to be anything and to do anything for the building up of the Body of Christ; nothing but love can keep us in a proper relationship with the Lord—1 Cor. 12:31b—13:13.

2 以弗所书的目标是要把我们带进爱,就是神内在的本质里(约壹四8、16),好叫我们享受是爱的神,并在这甜美的神圣之爱里享受祂的同在,而像基督一样地爱别人(弗五25,六24,一4,三17,四2、15~16,五2)。─引用经文

2. The goal of the book of Ephesians is to bring us into love as God's inner substance (1 John 4:8, 16) so that we may enjoy God as love and enjoy His presence in the sweetness of the divine love and thereby love others as Christ did (Eph. 5:25; 6:24; 1:4; 3:17; 4:2, 15-16; 5:2).

3 “知识是叫人自高自大,唯有爱建造人”(林前八1下);这是指在基督的元首权柄之下基督团体身体的建造。─引用经文

3. "Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up" (1 Cor. 8:1b); this refers to the building up of the corporate Body of Christ under the headship of Christ.

四 在生命里长大,是长到元首基督里面;但我们在基督身体里尽功用,是本于元首的;首先我们长到元首里面,然后我们有一些本于元首,为着祂的身体建造的东西;这就是有分于神高大的旨意,就是要使万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下─弗四15~16。

D. To grow in life is to grow up into the Head, Christ, but to operate in the Body of Christ is to operate out from Him; first, we grow into the Head, and then we have something that is out from the Head for the building up of the Body; this is to participate in God's great and lofty will to head up all things in Christ— Eph. 4:15-16.
