第三篇 祷告使神的旨意行在地上

Praying for God's Will to Be Done on Earth



壹 虽然一切的事,神都有祂的旨意,但是祂并不单独行动;祂要地上人的意志响应祂的旨意,神才有所举动─太六10,约壹五14~15:

I. Although God has a will for everything, He does not act independently; rather, He wants the human will on earth to echo His will before He does anything—Matt. 6:10; 1 John 5:14-15:

一 在宇宙中有三个意志:神的意志、撒但的意志以及人的意志;神要得着人的意志与祂合起来,与祂是一,好叫人在祷告中发表并响应祂的旨意,为着祂意愿所喜悦的─弗一5、11,赛十四12~15,太六10,七21,二六39,腓二13。

A. In the universe there are three wills: the divine will, the satanic will, and the human will; God wants man's will to be joined to Him and be one with Him so that man may express and echo His will back to Him in prayer for the good pleasure of His will—Eph. 1:5, 11; Isa. 14:12-15; Matt. 6:10; 7:21; 26:39; Phil. 2:13.

二 神不愿独自行动,祂不肯单独成功祂的旨意,乃是当神的子民与祂表同意,并与祂是一时,祂才肯成功─西一9,四12:

B. God will not act independently, and He will not accomplish His will alone; instead, He will accomplish His will only when His people agree with Him and are one with Him—Col. 1:9; 4:12:

1 如果只有天上的旨意,神就不行动;唯有当我们这些神的子民要天上的旨意行在地上的时候,天上的旨意才会成功在地上─太六10。

1. If there is only a will in heaven, God will not move; the will in heaven is accomplished on earth only when we, His people, want the will in heaven to be done on earth—Matt. 6:10.

2 因为神是照祂所立的定律行动,祂不肯用祂自己的旨意来抹煞地上人的意志;祂不肯剥夺人的意志而有单独的行动─书二四15、22。

2. Because God acts according to laws established by Him, He will not annul man's will on earth by His own will; He will not usurp man's will and act independently— Josh. 24:15, 22.

3 所有和神在地上的行动与工作发生关系的事,都得有地上的意志来与神合作才能成功─约七17。

3. Everything related to God's move and work on earth can be accomplished only when there is a will on earth that cooperates with Him— John 7:17.

4 神所要作的,神不能单独去作;唯有召会与神合作,祂才能作;祂是借着召会成功祂的旨意。

4. God cannot do what He wants by Himself; He does it only with the cooperation of the church; He accomplishes His will through the church.

5 什么时候神子民的意志和神的旨意完全合一,神的旨意就要行在地上,如同行在天上─太六10。

5. Whenever God's people place their will in harmony with God's will, the will of God will be done on earth as in heaven—Matt. 6:10.

贰 神的心意是要借着信徒与祂联合的祷告来成功祂的旨意─10节,约十五7:

II. God's intention is to accomplish His will through the believers' prayer in union with Him—v. 10; John 15:7:

一 神的子民必须祷告,神才能在地上行动,成功祂的旨意。

A. God's people must pray before God will move on earth to accomplish His will.

二 神所最喜悦的祷告,乃是求神成功祂旨意的祷告─约壹五14。

B. The prayer that is most pleasing to God is the prayer that asks for the accomplishment of His will—1 John 5:14.

三 神要我们与祂同工来成功祂的旨意;与祂同工的方法就是祷告─路十一1,十八1,帖前五17:

C. God wants us to work with Him to accomplish His will; the way to work together with Him is to pray—Luke 11:1; 18:1; 1 Thes. 5:17:

1 祷告乃是为着与神的旨意联合,使神能在地上作工,以成就祂的定旨─罗八26~29。

1. The purpose of prayer is that we be one with God's will so that God can work on earth to fulfill His purpose—Rom. 8:26-29.

2 我们如果不在祷告里与神同工,使祂的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上,祂就不能在地上行动,成功祂的旨意─太六10。

2. If we do not work together with God in prayer for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, He cannot move on earth to accomplish His will—Matt. 6:10.

3 我们若与主是一,就会要神所要的,我们的意愿也就成为神的意愿─约十五7。

3. If we are one with the Lord, we want what God wants, and our will becomes one with God's will— John 15:7.

4 成功神旨意的祷告,不是要神去作我们所要作的,乃是要神去作神所要作的;这样的祷告是神旨意在地上的出口─约壹五14~16。

4. The prayer for the accomplishment of God's will is not asking God to accomplish what we want Him to do but asking God what He Himself wants to do; such prayer is the outlet of God's will on earth—1 John 5:14-16.

四 使神的旨意行在地上的祷告,包含四个步骤─太六10:

D. Prayer for God's will to be done on earth consists of four steps—Matt. 6:10:

1 神按着祂的旨意,起意要作一件事─弗一5、11。

1. God intends to do something according to His will—Eph. 1:5, 11.

2 祂把祂的旨意借着那灵启示给我们,叫我们懂得祂的旨意。

2. He reveals His will to us through the Spirit for us to know His will.

3 我们响应祂的旨意并回头祷告给祂听─约壹五14。

3. We return and echo His will back to Him through prayer—1 John 5:14.

4 神照着祂的旨意作成那件事─15节。

4. God accomplishes His work according to His will—v. 15.

五 神需要我们操练灵以及我们复活的意志,照着祂的神圣意愿祷告,这意愿就是要我们彰显并享受基督,要我们实行身体生活,并要基督的身体借着我们被建造起来─来十5~10,罗十二1~2,弗一4~6、9、11、22下~23,三16~19,四16:

E. God needs us to exercise our spirit with our resurrected will to pray according to His divine will for Christ to be manifested and enjoyed by us, for the Body life to be practiced by us, and for the Body of Christ to be built up through us—Heb. 10:5-10; Rom. 12:1-2; Eph. 1:4-6, 9, 11, 22b-23; 3:16-19; 4:16:

1 一个真实祷告的人,他的心愿完全调到神的心愿里,他的思想与神的思想完全是一;神的愿望翻印到他里面,他是有启示的人,他的心是神心的复制─撒上二35,三21,十二23。

1. A genuine man of prayer is one whose desires are fully blended into God's desires and whose thoughts are fully one with God's thoughts; he is a man in whom God's desires are imprinted, a man of revelation whose heart is a duplication of God's heart—1 Sam. 2:35; 3:21; 12:23.

2 当我们在祷告中来到主这里,我们要让那灵把我们的心愿与祂的心愿调和,把我们的思想带到祂的思想里,并把祂的心愿和思想翻印到我们里面;这样,我们向神发出的祷告,带着祂内里的心愿,对祂会是珍贵、有分量、有价值的,也会叫撒但受亏损─罗八26~27,腓四6,西四2、12,可九28~29,弗六10~20。

2. When we come to the Lord in prayer, we need to allow the Spirit to mingle our desires with His desires, lead our thoughts into His thoughts, and imprint His desires and thoughts into us; then the prayers that we utter to God with His inward desires will be precious, weighty, and valuable to Him and will cause Satan to suffer loss—Rom. 8:26-27; Phil. 4:6; Col. 4:2, 12; Mark 9:28-29; Eph. 6:10-20.

叁 使神的旨意行在地上的有效祷告,乃是神心愿和心意的发表,也是我们住在主里面以及祂的话住在我们里面的结果─约十五4~5、7:

III. Effective prayers for God's will to be done on earth are the expression of God's desire and intention and are the issue of our abiding in the Lord and of His words abiding in us— John 15:4-5, 7:

一 祷告乃是神的心愿经过我们,再回到神里面去:

A. Prayer is God's heart's desire passing through us and returning to God:

1 我们祷告的心愿不是我们发起的,乃是神所发起的,是神心愿的发表─弗一5、11。

1. The desire in our prayers does not originate with us; it originates with God and is an expression of what God desires—Eph. 1:5, 11.

2 神的心愿和心意借着那灵,涂抹在我们里面,变作我们的心愿和心意,我们就在祷告中向神发表─约壹二20、27,五14~15。

2. God's desire and intention are anointed into us through the Spirit and thus become our desire and intention, which we express to God in prayer—1 John 2:20, 27; 5:14-15.

3 所以我们的祷告,是神的心愿和心意从神里面出来,经过我们,再回到祂那里去─14~15节。

3. Our prayer, therefore, is God's desire and intention coming out from God, passing through us, and going back to Him—vv. 14-15.

二 一切有力的祷告,在神面前算得数的祷告,乃是我们住在主里面,也让祂的话住在我们里面而产生出来的─约十五4~5、7:

B. All prevailing prayers—prayers that can be counted effective before God—are the result of our abiding in the Lord and allowing His words to abide in us— John 15:4-5, 7:

1 当我们住在主里面,也让祂的话在我们里面,我们就能摸着神的感觉,明白祂的心愿─7节。

1. When we abide in the Lord and His words abide in us, we touch God's feeling and understand His desire—v. 7.

2 我们摸着了神的感觉,明白了神的意思,我们自然就有神的心愿,这心愿出自祂在我们里面的话─7节。

2. After we touch God's feeling and understand His intention, we will spontaneously have His desire that comes out of His words in us—v. 7.

3 祂的心愿就成了我们的心愿,祂所愿意的就是我们所愿意的,我们就照着这心愿祷告。

3. His desire will become our desire, what He wants will be what we want, and then we will pray according to this desire.

4 主要答应这样的祷告,结果神的旨意就要“行在地上,如同行在天上”─太六10。

4. The Lord will answer this kind of prayer, and thus the will of God "will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth"—Matt. 6:10.
