
第四篇 以神为我们的信心而恒切祷告

Praying Persistently with God as Our Faith



壹 在马可十一章二十至二十四节,主耶稣教导祂的门徒,要按着神的经纶,凭信为着执行神的旨意而祷告:─引用经文

I. In Mark 11:20-24 the Lord Jesus taught His disciples to pray by faith for executing God's will according to God's economy:

一 当祷告的人与神调和,并与神成为一时,神就成为他的信;这就是信神的意思─22节。

A. When the praying one is mingled with God and is one with God, God becomes his faith; this is what it means to have faith in God—v. 22.

二 只有出于信心的祷告,才能摸着神;信一少,祷告就没有用─23节。

B. Only prayers that are out of faith will touch God; without faith prayer is ineffectual—v. 23.

三 信就是信我们已经得着所求的─24节:

C. Faith is believing that we have received what we have asked for—v. 24:

1 按照主的话,我们该相信我们已经得着了,不是我们将要得着。

1.  According to the Lord's word, we should believe that we have received, not that we will receive.

2 盼望是期待将来的事,相信乃是看事情已经作成。

2.  To hope means to expect something in the future; to believe means to con-sider something as having been done.

3 信心不但相信神能、神肯,并且相信神已经作了。

3.  Faith is not only believing that God can or will do a certain thing but also believing that God has done that thing already.

四 马可十一章二十至二十四节的祷告是权柄的祷告;这种祷告不是对神说,乃是对“这座山”说─23节:

D. The prayer in Mark 11:20-24 is a prayer with authority; this kind of prayer is directed not toward God but toward "this mountain"—v. 23:

1 权柄的祷告,不是求神作什么,乃是用神的权柄,把神的权柄拿来对付难处,对付那该除去的事─亚四7,太二一21。

1.  A prayer with authority does not ask God to do something; instead, it exercises God's authority and applies this authority to deal with problems and things that ought to be removed—Zech. 4:7; Matt. 21:21.

2 神派定我们命令祂所已经命令的事,吩咐祂所已经吩咐的事─十七20。

2.  God has commissioned us to command what He has commanded and give orders to what He has given orders to—17:20.

3 权柄的祷告是我们叫那拦阻我们的离开。

3.  A prayer with authority is one in which we tell the things that are frustrating us to go away.

4 召会有完全的信心,里头不疑惑,清楚知道所作的是完全合乎神旨意的,就能有这样权柄的祷告─六10,十八19~20。

4.  The church can have such a prayer with authority by having full faith, being without doubt, and being clear that what we do is fully according to God's will—6:10; 18:19-20.

5 权柄的祷告是与得胜者极有关系的;每一个得胜者都必须学习对“这座山”说─可十一23。

5.  Prayer with authority has much to do with the overcomers; every overcomer must learn to speak to "this mountain"—Mark 11:23.

贰 在路加十八章一至八节主耶稣对门徒讲了一个比喻,“是要人常常祷告,不可灰心”─1节:

II. In Luke 18:1-8 the Lord Jesus told the disciples a parable "to the end that they ought always to pray and not lose heart"—v. 1:

一 这比喻的意义很深奥,我们需要认识这里所启示的神─7~8节。

A. The significance of this parable is profound, and we need to know God as He is revealed here—vv. 7-8.

二 三节的“寡妇”表征信徒;就某种意义说,在基督里的信徒在今世是寡妇,因他们的丈夫基督表面上不在他们这里了─林后十一2。

B. The widow in verse 3 signifies the believers; in a sense, the believers in Christ are a widow in the present age because their Husband, Christ, is apparently absent from them—2 Cor. 11:2.

三 就如这比喻里的寡妇(路十八3),我们在基督里的信徒有一个对头,就是魔鬼撒但,对这对头我们需要神的伸冤:─引用经文

C. Like the widow in the parable (Luke 18:3), we believers in Christ have an opponent, Satan the devil, concerning whom we need God's avenging:

1 这比喻指明主表面上不在的期间,我们因对头所受的苦。

1.  This parable indicates the suffering we have from our opponent during the Lord's apparent absence.

2 祂表面上不在的期间,我们是寡妇,我们的反对者一直搅扰我们。

2.  During His apparent absence, we are a widow whose opponent is troubling her all the time.

四 我们的反对者逼迫我们的时候,似乎我们的神不是公义的,因祂允许祂的儿女受不义的逼迫─彼前二20,三14、17,四13~16、19:

D. While our opponent is persecuting us, it seems that our God is not righteous, for He allows His children to be unrighteously persecuted—1 Pet. 2:20; 3:14, 17; 4:13-16, 19:

1 历世纪以来,千千万万主耶稣诚实忠信的跟从者受了不义的逼迫;甚至今天许多仍在受不义的对待─启二8~10。

1.  Throughout the centuries, thousands upon thousands of honest and faithful followers of the Lord Jesus have suffered unrighteous persecution; even today many are undergoing unrighteous treatment—Rev. 2:8-10.

2 我们的神似乎是不义的,因为祂没有进来审判并表白;因着这种光景,主耶稣用一个不义的审判官表征似乎没有为祂受逼迫的子民作什么事的神─路十八2~6:

2.  Our God seems to be unjust, since He does not come in to judge and vindicate; because of this situation, the Lord Jesus used an unjust judge to signify God, who does not seem to do anything on behalf of His persecuted people— Luke 18:2-6:

a 如以斯帖记所指明,我们的神乃是自隐的神─赛四五15。

a.  Our God is a God who hides Himself (Isa. 45:15), as the book of Esther indicates.

b 我们需要领悟,我们所事奉那无所不能且无所不在的神,仍在隐藏自己,尤其是在祂帮助我们的时候─约十四26,罗八26。

b.  We need to realize that the omnipotent and omnipresent God whom we serve hides Himself, especially when He is helping us—John 14:26; Rom. 8:26.

c 我们看不见祂,表面看来,祂没有作什么;事实上,祂隐藏地在为我们作许多事─28、34节,斯四14。

c.  We cannot see Him, and apparently, He is not doing anything; actually, in a hidden way He is doing many things for us—vv. 28, 34; Esth. 4:14.

五 这比喻里的寡妇,常到不义的审判官那里,因她的对头,求审判官给她伸冤;我们应当为这伸冤恒切祷告,不可灰心─路十八1、3:

E. The widow in the parable kept coming to the unrighteous judge and asking him to avenge her of her opponent; we ought to pray persistently for this avenging and should not lose heart—Luke 18:1, 3:

1 我们的丈夫表面上不在,而我们留在地上作寡妇时,我们的神暂时似乎是不义的审判官─6节。

1.  When our Husband is apparently absent and we are left on earth as a widow, temporarily our God seems to be an unrighteous judge—v. 6.

2 虽然祂似乎是不义的,但我们仍须向祂恳求,恒切祷告,一再烦扰祂,因为祂要快快地给祂那些“昼夜呼吁祂”的选民伸冤─7~8节上。

2.  Although He appears to be unrighteous, we still must appeal to Him, pray persistently, and bother Him again and again, for He will carry out quickly the avenging of His chosen ones, who "cry to Him day and night"—vv. 7-8a.

六 启示录八章五节含示对六章九至十一节以及路加十八章七至八节的答应:─引用经文

F. Revelation 8:5 implies the answer to 6:9-11 and Luke 18:7-8:

1 启示录八章三至四节里众圣徒的祷告,必是求神审判这抵挡神经纶的地。─引用经文

1.  The prayer of the saints in Revelation 8:3-4 must be for the judgment of the earth, which opposes God's economy.

2 神对地的审判─将火丢在地上─乃是对那加上了基督作香之众圣徒祷告的答应─3~5节。

2.  God's judgment upon the earth—casting fire to the earth—is the answer to the prayers of the saints with Christ as the incense—vv. 3-5.

七 “人子来的时候,在地上找得到信心么?”─路十八8下:

G. "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"—Luke 18:8b:

1 “信心”,按原文直译为“那信心”,指那使我们恒切祷告的恒切信心,就像这寡妇的信心。

1.  Literally, the Greek words rendered "faith" mean "the faith"; this denotes the persistent faith for our persistent prayer, like that of the widow.

2 我们所借以得救的信乃是信的起始阶段;将我们带进与基督生命联结里的信,乃是联结的信─借着不断接触三一神而进到我们里面,使我们可以凭神的儿子而活的信─罗一17,加二20,约十四19。

2.  The faith through which we were saved is the initial stage of faith; the faith that brought us into a life union with Christ is the linking faith—the faith that comes into us through our contacting the Triune God continually so that we may live by the Son of God—Rom. 1:17; Gal. 2:20; John 14:19.

3 联结的信是对得胜者在基督凯旋回来时与祂相见的神圣要求─路十八8下:

3.  The linking faith is the divine requirement for the overcomers to meet Christ in His triumphant return—Luke 18:8b:

a 联结的信乃是在我们里面运行的三一神,把我们联于祂一切追测不尽的丰富─弗三8。

a.  Linking faith is the Triune God moving in us to link us to His unsearchable riches—Eph. 3:8.

b 联结的信乃是信徒不信靠自己,而一直信靠神的信─林后一9。

b.  Linking faith is the faith of the believers who have no trust in themselves; rather, their trust is in God—2 Cor. 1:9.

c 主耶稣回来时会找着一些凭联结的信而活的得胜者,祂要为着祂作王一千年的国度视他们为珍宝─路十八8下,启二十4、6。

c.  When the Lord Jesus returns, He will find a number of overcomers who are living by the linking faith and will regard them as treasures for His kingdom in the thousand years of His reign—Luke 18:8b; Rev. 20:4, 6.
