
第四篇 神的话─神圣的供应作食物

God's Words—the Divine Supply as Food



壹 “我得着你的言语,就当食物吃了”─耶十五16上:

I. "Your words were found and I ate them"—Jer. 15:16a:

一 圣经里首先有神,然后有神的说话,就是从祂口里所出的话─创一1、3,太四4。

A. In the Bible we first have God, and then we have God's speaking, the word that proceeds out of His mouth—Gen. 1:1, 3; Matt. 4:4.

二 圣经都是神的呼出;因此,经上的话就是神口里所出的话─提后三16。

B. All Scripture is God-breathed; hence, the words in the Scriptures are the words that proceed out through the mouth of God— 2 Tim. 3:16.

三 圣经作为神的话乃是神、基督、那灵和生命的具体化─约一1、4,六63,十四6、17、20,十五7,约壹一1,罗八2。

C. The Bible as the Word of God is the embodiment of God, Christ, the Spirit, and life—John 1:1, 4; 6:63; 14:6, 17, 20; 15:7; 1 John 1:1; Rom. 8:2.

四 圣经作为神的话是由三种成分组成的─基督、基督的死以及基督的复活─腓一20~21,二16,三10~11,四13。

D. The Bible as the Word of God is composed of three elements— Christ, the death of Christ, and the resurrection of Christ—Phil. 1:20-21; 2:16; 3:10-11; 4:13.

五 主耶稣所说的话,就是灵,就是生命─约六63:

E. The words spoken by the Lord Jesus are spirit and life—John 6:63:

1 主所说的话乃是生命之灵的具体化─罗八2。

1. The Lord's spoken words are the embodiment of the Spirit of life—Rom. 8:2.

2 现今基督在复活里是赐生命的灵,而这灵又具体化于祂的话─林前十五45下,林后三17,约一1、4,六63。

2. Christ is now the life-giving Spirit in resurrection, and the Spirit is embodied in His words—1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:17; John 1:1, 4; 6:63.

3 我们运用灵接受祂的话,就得着那是生命的灵─五39~40。

3. When we receive His words by exercising our spirit, we get the Spirit, who is life—5:39-40.

六 神的话是神圣的供应,作食物滋养我们─申八3,太四4:

F. God's word is the divine supply as food to nourish us—Deut. 8:3; Matt. 4:4:

1 关于神的话,神圣的观念乃是,神的话是食物,为叫我们得着滋养─林前三1~2上,来五12~14。

1. The divine concept concerning God's word is that it is food by which we are nourished—1 Cor. 3:1-2a; Heb. 5:12-14.

2 神的话是神自己作我们的食物─约一1、4、14,六33、51、57。

2. The word of God is God Himself as our food—John 1:1, 4, 14; 6:33, 51, 57.

3 主耶稣取用圣经上神的话作祂的食物,并靠此而活─太四4。

3. The Lord Jesus took the word of God in the Scriptures as His bread and lived by it—Matt. 4:4.

4 神口里所出的每一句话,都是属灵的食粮,为着喂养我们;这是我们必须凭以活着的食粮─约六51,57:

4. Every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God is spiritual food to nourish us; this is the food by which we must live—John 6:51, 57.

5 话是我们的食物,借此神将祂的丰富分赐到我们里面的人里,使我们得以由祂的元素所构成。

5. Through the word as our food, God dispenses His riches into our inner being so that we may be constituted with His element.

七 按照圣经的整个启示,神的话适合给我们吃,我们需要吃神的话─诗一一九103,太四4,来五12~14,彼前二2~3:

G. According to the entire revelation in the Holy Bible, God's words are good for us to eat, and we need to eat them—Psa. 119:103; Matt. 4:4; Heb. 5:12-14; 1 Pet. 2:2-3:

1 神渴望人吃、消化并吸收祂─约六50~51、57:

1. God desires that man eat, digest, and assimilate Him—John 6:50-51, 57:

a 吃乃是接触我们身外之物,将其接受到我们里面,使其至终成为我们的构成─创二16~17。

a. To eat is to contact things outside of us and to receive them into us, with the result that they eventually become our constitution—Gen. 2:16-17.

b 吃就是把食物接受到我们里面,并生机地吸收到我们体内─约六48、50。

b. To eat is to take food into us that it may be assimilated organically into our body—John 6:48, 50.

c 神的话作为我们所吃、所消化、所吸收的食物,实际上成了我们,就是成了我们的构成─太四4,西三16。

c. God's words as food eaten, digested, and assimilated by us actually become us; this is the word becoming our con-stitution—Matt. 4:4; Col. 3:16.

2 每当我们读圣经时,我们必须到主这里来得生命,并吃生命的粮,就是基督自己─约五39~40,六48、50~51、57。

2. Whenever we read the Bible, we must come to the Lord for life and eat the bread of life, which is Christ Himself—John 5:39-40; 6:48, 50-51, 57.

3 吃主这话,就是接受祂作我们生命的供应;祂是生命的粮给我们吃─48、51节。

3. To eat the Lord as the word is to take Him in as our life sup-ply; He is the bread of life for us to eat—vv. 48, 51.

4 吃主的路就是祷告主的话;祷读神的话就是运用我们的灵吃这话─弗六17~18。

4. The way to eat the Lord is to pray the Word; to pray-read the Word of God is to exercise our spirit to eat the word—Eph. 6:17-18.

5 我们越吃神的话,就越被基督构成并浸透─加四19,弗三17,西三4、10~11。

5. The more we eat God's words, the more we will be constituted and saturated with Christ—Gal. 4:19; Eph. 3:17; Col. 3:4, 10-11.

6 我们吃主耶稣时,需要有正确的属灵消化─结二8~三3,耶十五16,启十9~10:

6. As we eat the Lord Jesus, we need to have proper spiritual digestion—Ezek. 2:8—3:3; Jer. 15:16; Rev. 10:9-10:

a 我们若有好的消化,食物就能畅通无阻地进入我们里面之人的各部分─弗三16~17上。

a. If we have good digestion, there will be a thoroughfare for the food to get into every part of our inward being—Eph. 3:16-17a.

b 消化不良,意思就是基督这属灵的食物无法在我们里面通过─来三12~13、15,四2。

b. Indigestion means that there is no way for Christ as the spiritual food to get into our inward parts—Heb. 3:12-13, 15; 4:2.

c 我们必须使我们全人同我们里面所有的部分,一直向主敞开,使属灵的食物在我们里面畅通无阻;我们若如此行,就会有正确的消化和吸收,吸取基督作属灵的养分,并且基督会成为我们的构成成分─西三4、10~11。

c. We need to keep our whole being with all our inward parts open to the Lord so that the spiritual food will have a thoroughfare within us; if we do this, we will have proper digestion and assimilation, we will absorb Christ as spir-itual nourishment, and Christ will become our constitu-ent—Col. 3:4, 10-11.

7 因为我们吃什么就成为什么,我们若吃神作我们的食物,我们就与神成为一,甚至在生命和性情上成为神,但无分于神格─约一1、14,六32~33、48、51、57。

7. Because we are what we eat, if we eat God as our food, we will be one with God and even become God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead—John 1:1, 14; 6:32-33, 48, 51, 57.

贰 “你的言语成了我心中的欢喜快乐”─耶十五16下:

II. "Your word became to me I The gladness and joy of my heart"—Jer. 15:16b:

一 耶利米虽比所有其他申言者受更多苦,但每当他得着神的言语并吃了,他的心中就有欢喜快乐─16节。

A. Although Jeremiah suffered more than all the other prophets, he had gladness and joy in his heart whenever he found God's words and ate them—v. 16.

二 十六节的“成了”这辞指明欢喜快乐是神的话吃、消化、吸收并构成到我们里面的结果,使主的喜乐成为我们的喜乐─约十五7、10~11:

B. The word became in verse 16 indicates that gladness and joy are an issue of God's words being eaten, digested, assimilated, and constituted into our inner being, causing the Lord's joy to be-come our joy—John 15:7, 10-11:

1 我们吃神的话,祂的话就成为我们心中的欢喜快乐─耶十五16。

1. When we eat God's words, His word becomes our heart's gladness and joy—Jer. 15:16.

2 神的话被接受到我们里面并被吸收到我们里面的各部分时,这些话就成为里面的欢喜和外面的快乐。

2. After God's words are taken into us and are assimilated into our inward parts, these words become joy within and gladness without.

三 神是喜乐的神,并且祂要我们享受祂─尼八10,诗三六8:

C. God is a God of joy, and He wants us to enjoy Him—Neh. 8:10; Psa. 36:8:

1 神话语中所启示的一个甜美思想,乃是神在基督里将祂自己作为恩典赐给我们,作我们的享受─约一14、16~17,林后十三14。

1. A sweet thought revealed in the Word of God is that in Christ God has given Himself to us as grace to be our enjoyment— John 1:14, 16-17; 2 Cor. 13:14.

2 在圣经里,头一次提到神之于人,乃是摆在人跟前的食物;这表明神要将祂自己给我们,作我们的享受─创二7、9,诗十六11,耶十五16。

2. In the first reference in the Bible to God's relationship with man, God pre sented Himself to man as food; this shows that God's desire is to give Himself to us to be our enjoyment— Gen. 2:7, 9; Psa. 16:11; Jer. 15:16.

四 罗马十四章十七节说到“圣灵中的喜乐”:─引用经文

D. Romans 14:17 speaks of "joy in the Holy Spirit":

1 这节经文指明,那灵与喜乐有关;喜乐是那灵的一个属性─参帖前一6。

1. This verse indicates that the Spirit is related to joy; joy is an attribute of the Spirit—cf. 1 Thes. 1:6.

2 喜乐也是那灵的果子;内住的灵给信徒喜乐─加五22。

2. Joy is also a fruit of the Spirit; the indwelling Spirit gives joy to the believers—Gal. 5:22.

3 我们在那灵里,就是喜乐的,甚至喜乐到一个地步,可以歌唱并呼喊赞美主─参徒十六25。

3. When we are in the Spirit, we are joyful, so joyful that we may sing and shout praises to the Lord—cf. Acts 16:25.

4 我们可以“欢腾,有说不出来、满有荣光的喜乐”─彼前一8:

4. We may "exult with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory"—1 Pet. 1:8:

a 满有荣光的喜乐乃是浸没在主这荣光里的喜乐;因此,这喜乐满了神的彰显─徒七2、55,彼前五10,彼后一3。

a. The joy full of glory is joy immersed in the Lord as glory; thus, it is full of the expression of God—Acts 7:2, 55; 1 Pet. 5:10; 2 Pet. 1:3.

b 我们因着有一种浸没在荣光里的喜乐而欢腾─彼前一8。

b. We exult with a joy that is immersed in glory—1 Pet. 1:8.

叁 “让基督的话丰丰富富地住在你们里面”─西三16:

III. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly"—Col. 3:16:

一 基督的话就是基督所说的话─约六63:

A. The word of Christ is the word spoken by Christ—John 6:63:

1 在神新约的经纶里,神在子里面说话─来一1~2。

1. In His New Testament economy God speaks in the Son—Heb. 1:1-2.

2 子不仅在福音书里亲自说话,也在使徒行传、书信和启示录里,借着祂的肢体─使徒和申言者─说话;这一切说话都可视为祂的话。

2. The Son speaks not only by Himself in the Gospels but also through His members, the apostles and prophets, in Acts, in the Epistles, and in Revela tion; all these speakings can be considered His word.

3 基督的话包括整本新约,我们需要被这话充满─西三16。

3. The word of Christ includes the entire New Testament, and we need to be filled with this word—Col. 3:16.

二 基督的话实际上就是基督的人位─16节,约十五4、7:

B. The word of Christ is actually the person of Christ—v. 16; John 15:4, 7:

1 保罗几乎将基督的话人位化了;他告诉我们,要让基督的话住在我们里面,好像这话是个活的人位─西三16,参弗三17。

1. Paul almost personifies the word of Christ; he tells us to let this word dwell in us, as if it were a living person—Col. 3:16; cf. Eph. 3:17.

2 首先我们有基督作我们的生命;然后我们有祂人位化的活话,如同祂的人位住在我们里面─西三4、16。

2. First, we have Christ as our life; then we have His living word personified as His person dwelling in us—Col. 3:4, 16.

3 基督的话既能住在我们里面,就必定是个活的人位;因此,让基督的话住在我们里面,指明我们让一个活的人位─基督自己─住在我们里面─16节,一27。

3. Since the word of Christ can dwell in us, it must be a living person; therefore, to let the word of Christ dwell in us indicates that we allow a living per son—Christ Himself—to dwell in us—v. 16; 1:27.

三 我们需要让基督的话丰丰富富地住在我们里面,并且在我们这人里面居首位─三16:

C. We need to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly and have the first place in our being—3:16:

1 “让”字很重要;基督的话已经在这里,然而我们需要让这话在我们里面运行。

1. The word let is important; the word of Christ is already pres-ent, but we need to allow it to operate within us.

2 基督的话丰丰富富地住在我们里面,意思是这话居留并居住在我们里面,是丰丰富富的─16节。

2. For the word of Christ to dwell in us richly means that it inhabits us, in dwells us, in a rich way—v. 16.

3 在希腊原文,翻作“住”的字,意思是“在家里”、“居住”:

3. The Greek word rendered "dwell" literally means "to be in a house," "to indwell," "to inhabit":

a 这指明我们应当让基督的话住在我们里面,定居在我们里面,安家在我们里面─16节。

a. This indicates that we should allow the word of Christ to dwell in us, to inhabit us, to make home in us—v. 16.

b 主的话在我们里面必须有充分的地位,才能把基督的丰富运行并供应到我们里面─弗三8。

b. The word of the Lord must have adequate room within us so that it may operate and minister the riches of Christ into us—Eph. 3:8.

4 基督的话应当有自由在我们里面运行,在我们里面居住并安家─西三16。

4. The word of Christ should be given the freedom to operate within us, inhabit us, and make home in us—Col. 3:16.

四 我们需要让基督的话在我们里面居住,使我们经历神话语的功用在我们里面运行,将基督的丰富供应到我们这人里面─弗三8:

D. We need to let the word of Christ dwell in us so that we may experience the functions of the word of God operating within us, ministering the riches of Christ into our being—Eph. 3:8:

1 神的话光照(诗一一九105、130)、喂养(太四4,提前四6)并滋润我们,解我们的干渴(赛五五1、8~11)。─引用经文

1. The word of God enlightens (Psa. 119:105, 130), nourishes (Matt. 4:4; 1 Tim. 4:6), and waters us to quench our thirst (Isa. 55:8-11).

2 神的话加强(约壹二14,箴四20~22)、洗涤(弗五26)并建造(徒二十32)我们。─引用经文

2. The word of God strengthens (1 John 2:14; Prov. 4:20-22), washes (Eph. 5:26), and builds us up (Acts 20:32).

3 神的话借着圣别我们(约十七17),使我们完备并完全(提后三15~17),且造就我们。─引用经文

3. The word of God completes, perfects (2 Tim. 3:15-17), and edi-fies us by sanc tifying us (John 17:17).

4 我们让基督的话住在我们里面,借此就能成为神人,充满基督作神属性的实际─西三16~25,腓四5~8。

4. By allowing the word of Christ to inhabit us, we can become a God-man filled with Christ as the reality of the attributes of God—Col. 3:16-21; Phil. 4:5-8.
