
第七篇 在永远之神耶和华的慈爱、怜恤和信实上认识祂

Knowing Jehovah, the Eternal God, in His Lovingkindness, Compassions, and Faithfulness



壹 耶利米常称神为万军之耶和华─耶二19,五14,六9,七21,九7、15、17,十一17,二十12:

I. Jeremiah often addressed God as Jehovah of hosts—Jer. 2:19; 5:14; 6:9; 7:21; 9:7, 15, 17; 11:17; 20:12:

一 “唯耶和华是真神,是活神,是永远的王”─十10上:

A. "Jehovah is the true God; I He is the living God and the eternal King"—10:10a:

1 “耶和华”的意思是“我是那我是”,指明耶和华是永远者,就是那昔是今是以后永是者─出二14,启一4:

1. Jehovah means "I am who I am," indicating that Jehovah is the eternal One, the One who was in the past, who is in the present, and who will be in the future forever—Exo. 3:14; Rev. 1:4:

a 耶和华是自有永有的神;这一位永远长存,无始无终─出三14。

a. Jehovah is the self-existing and ever-existing God; this One exists eternally, having neither beginning nor ending— Exo. 3:14.

b “我是”指那位不倚靠自己以外的任何事物而存在者─约八24、28、58。

b. I Am denotes the One whose being depends on nothing apart from Himself—John 8:24, 28, 58.

2 唯有耶和华是那是的一位,我们必须信祂是─来十一6:

2. Jehovah is the only One who is, and we must believe that He is—Heb. 11:6.

3 耶和华这我是者,就是那包罗万有的一位,是一切正面事物的实际,也是祂子民一切所需的实际─约六35,八12,十14,十一25,十四6。

3. As the I Am, Jehovah is the all-inclusive One, the reality of every positive thing and of whatever His people need—John 6:35; 8:12; 10:14; 11:25; 14:6.

4 除了耶和华以外,其他一切都是虚无;祂是唯一“是”的那一位,唯一具有存在之实际的那一位─来十一6。

4. Apart from Jehovah, all else is nothing; He is the only One who is, the only One who has the reality of being—Heb. 11:6.

二 “按公义判断,察验人肺腑心肠的万军之耶和华啊”─耶十一20:

B. "O Jehovah of hosts, who judges righteously, I Who tests the in-ward parts and the heart"—Jer. 11:20:

1 “万军之耶和华”这名称表明耶和华神是大能者,是天上众军之主,统帅万军的─二十12,三十8,四八1,五十18,王上二二19:

1. The title Jehovah of hosts indicates that Jehovah God is the Mighty One, the Lord of all the heavenly host, the Commander of all the host—20:12; 30:8; 48:1; 50:18; 1 Kings 22:19.

2 万军之耶和华是荣耀的王,就是那刚强大能者;祂是众军旅的耶和华─诗二四8、10。

2. Jehovah of hosts is the King of glory, the One who is strong and mighty; He is Jehovah of the armies—Psa. 24:8, 10.

3 荣耀的王是万军之耶和华,就是终极完成的三一神具体化身在得胜且要来的基督里。

3. The King of glory, Jehovah of hosts, is the consummated Tri-une God em bodied in the victorious and coming Christ.

4 荣耀的王就是成为肉体、钉十字架并复活的基督,祂要来据有全地作祂的国:

4. As the incarnated, crucified, and resurrected Christ, the King of glory is coming to possess the earth and take it as His kingdom:

a 万军之耶和华止息刀兵,直到地极;祂必在列国中被高举,也必在遍地上被高举─四六9~10。

a. Jehovah of hosts makes wars to cease unto the end of the earth; He will be exalted among the nations, and He will be exalted on earth—46:9-10.

b 万军之耶和华有权能统治管理列国,废王、立王的权柄都握在祂手中─但二21。

b. Jehovah of hosts has the authority to rule over all the na-tions, and His hand holds the authority to remove kings and set up kings—Dan. 2:21.

5 祭司职分败落时,神才启示祂的名为万军之耶和华,指明祂要在祂的行政处于贫乏的时候,亲自出来统治管理整个局面,以带进祂国度的掌权─撒上一3。

5. At a time when the priesthood had become destitute, God re-vealed His name as Jehovah of hosts, indicating that when His administration was in such a destitute state, He would come out to rule over the entire situation to usher in the reign of His kingdom—1 Sam. 1:3.

贰 “耶和华啊,你存到永远,你的宝座,存到万代”─哀五19:

II. "You, O Jehovah, abide forever; I Your throne is from gener-ation to gener ation"—Lam. 5:19:

一 在十九节,耶利米改变他的立场和角度,从自己转向耶和华,指向神永远的所是和祂不变的行政。─引用经文

A. In verse 19 Jeremiah, changing his position and angle from him-self to God, refers to God's eternal being and unchanging gov-ernment.

二 耶路撒冷被倾覆,圣殿被烧毁,神的百姓被迁徙,但耶和华这位宇宙之主仍旧施行祂的行政。

B. Jerusalem was overthrown, the temple was burned down, and God's people were carried away, but Jehovah, the Lord of the universe, remains to exercise His administration.

三 “耶和华啊,你存到永远”,这话指明神是永远的,并且在祂没有改变─19节:

C. The phrase You, O Jehovah, abide forever indicates that God is eternal and that there is no change in Him—v. 19:

1 神不能改变,不因任何环境和情况而有任何改变─诗九十2,罗十六25~26。

1. God remains immutable, not subject to any change due to any kind of en vironments and circumstances—Psa. 90:2; Rom. 16:25-26.

2 在人的范围里,改变随处发生,但神永远的所是并没有改变;祂永远是一样的。

2. In the human realm changes take place in every way, but there is no change with God's eternal being; He remains for-ever the same.

3 亚伯拉罕“呼求耶和华永远之神的名”─创二一33:

3. Abraham "called on the name of Jehovah, the Eternal God"— Gen. 21:33:

a 在希伯来原文里,“永远之神”是“伊勒俄拉姆”(El Olam);伊勒,意,大能者;俄拉姆,意,永远的或永远,原文字根意,隐藏、遮藏。

a. In Hebrew the Eternal God is El Olam; El means "the Mighty One," and Olam means "eternal" or "eternity" and comes from a Hebrew root mean ing "to conceal" or "to hide."

b “伊勒俄拉姆”这神圣的称呼,含示永远的生命─参约一1、4。

b. The divine title El Olam implies eternal life—cf. John 1:1, 4.

c 亚伯拉罕借着呼求耶和华这永远的大能者,就经历神是永活、隐密、奥秘的一位,祂就是永远的生命。

c. By calling on Jehovah, the Eternal Mighty One, Abraham experienced God as the ever-living, secret, mysterious One, who is the eternal life.

四 “你的宝座,存到万代”,这话是指向神永远不变的行政─哀五19,诗四五6,九三2,启四2~3:

D. The phrase Your throne is from generation to generation refers to God's eternal and unchanging government—Lam. 5:19; Psa. 45:6; 93:2; Rev. 4:2-3:

1 神的宝座无始无终;祂的宝座存到万代。

1. God's throne has no beginning or end; His throne exists from generation to generation.

2 在耶利米哀歌末了耶利米所写关于神永远的所是和祂永远不变的行政,的确是神圣的:

2. Jeremiah's writing at the end of Lamentations concerning God's eternal being and unchanging government surely is divine:

a 耶利米关于神永远的所是和祂的宝座这话,乃是有力的标记,说出他写哀歌时摸着神的经纶。

a. Jeremiah's word about God's eternal being and His throne is a strong sign that in writing Lamentations Jeremiah touched God's economy.

b 他从自己属人的感觉里出来,摸着神的身位和神的宝座,并进到神的神性里。

b. He came out of his human feelings, touched God's person and God's throne, and entered into God's divinity.

五 在新耶路撒冷里,神要在祂的身位和行政上完全得着揭示:祂的身位是永远的王,祂的行政是祂那永远、不能震动的国;这二者乃是神在对付祂子民的事上不可摇动的根基─来十二28,启二二3。

E. In the New Jerusalem God will be fully unveiled in His person as the eternal King and in His government as His eternal, unshak-able kingdom, both of which are the unshakable foundation of His dealing with His people—Heb. 12:28; Rev. 22:3.

叁 “我们不至消灭,是出于耶和华的慈爱,因祂的怜恤不至断绝;每早晨这些都是新的;你的信实,极其广大”─哀三22~23:

III. "It is Jehovah's lovingkindness that we are not consumed, I For His com passions do not fail; I They are new every morn-ing; I Great is Your faith fulness"—Lam. 3:22-23:

一 耶和华向耶利米显现,说,“我以慈爱吸引了你”─耶三一3:

A. Jehovah appeared to Jeremiah, saying, "I have drawn you with lovingkind ness"—Jer. 31:3:

1 耶和华的慈爱宝贵、永远长存、大过诸天,引到基督作神建筑的房角石─诗三六7、9~10,一〇八4,一一八1~4、22~29,一三六1、26。

1. Jehovah's lovingkindness is precious, everlasting, and higher than the heavens and leads to Christ as the cornerstone for God's building—Psa. 36:7, 9-10; 108:4; 118:1-4, 22-29; 136:1, 26.

2 诗篇一百零三篇说到神的历史中祂的慈爱和怜恤,就如赦免祂子民的罪,医治、救赎并顾念他们。

2. Psalm 103 speaks of God's history in His lovingkindness and compassions in His forgiving of sins, healing, redeeming, and caring for His people.

3 诗人对耶和华说,“我必凭你丰盛的慈爱进入你的居所”─五7:

3. The psalmist said to Jehovah, "In the abundance of Your lov-ingkindness I I will come into Your house"—5:7:

a 任何人若有进入锡安山上圣殿的特权,他就必定在神的慈爱之下。

a. Anyone who had the privilege of entering into the temple on Mount Zion had to be under God's lovingkindness.

b 事实上,进入圣殿本身就是享受神丰盛的慈爱。

b. Actually, to enter into the temple in itself was an enjoy-ment of the abundance of God's lovingkindness.

c 在耶和华的殿中想念祂的慈爱,指明我们在召会中摸着祂的慈爱。

c. Considering Jehovah's lovingkindness in the midst of His temple indicates that we touch His lovingkindness in the church.

4 诗篇一百零一篇揭示基督如何按慈爱和公平作王管理地。

4. Psalm 101 unveils how Christ will reign over the earth with lovingkindness and justice.

二 以色列人失败了,但神的怜恤保守了以色列余民,为着完成祂的经纶─哀三22~23:

B. The people of Israel had failed, but God's compassions preserved the remnant of Israel for the carrying out of His economy—Lam. 3:22-23:

1 怜恤比怜悯更深、更细、更丰富─罗九15,诗一〇三8。

1. Compassion is deeper, finer, and richer than mercy—Rom. 9:15; Psa. 103:8.

2 怜恤指神在祂爱的素质里所产生的内在情爱─林后一3,雅五11,路六36。

2. Compassion refers to God's inward affection originating in His loving essence—2 Cor. 1:3; James 5:11; Luke 6:36.

3 因神怜悯的心肠,基督来到地上─一78。

3. Christ came to the earth because of the merciful compassions of God—1:78.

4 耶和华的怜恤“每早晨……都是新的”─哀三23:

4. Jehovah's compassions "are new every morning"—Lam. 3:23:

a 二十三节上半指明耶利米每早晨都接触主这怜恤者。─引用经文

a. Verse 23a indicates that Jeremiah contacted the Lord as the compas sionate One every morning.

b 借着他与主的接触,他得着了关于神的慈爱、怜恤、与信实的这话。

b. It was through his contact with the Lord that he received the word regarding God's lovingkindness, compassions, and faithfulness.

三 耶利米对耶和华说,“你的信实,极其广大”─23节下:

C. Jeremiah said to Jehovah, "Great is Your faithfulness"—v. 23b:

1 神的怜恤不至断绝,因为祂是信实者─诗五七10。

1. God's compassions do not fail, because He is the faithful One— Psa. 57:10.

2 神对祂自己的话是信实的;祂不能否定自己,不能否定祂的性情和所是─提后二13。

2. God is faithful to His own word; He cannot deny Himself; He cannot deny His nature and His being—2 Tim. 2:13.

3 在神的信实里,祂已呼召我们进入祂儿子的交通,并且祂要以祂的信实保守我们在这分享和享受里─林前一9。

3. In His faithfulness God has called us into the fellowship of His Son, and He will keep us in this participation and enjoyment in His faithfulness—1 Cor. 1:9.

4 信实的神召了我们,也必要全然圣别我们,并保守我们全人得以完全─帖前五23~24。

4. The faithful God who has called us will also sanctify us wholly and preserve our entire being complete—1 Thes. 5:23-24.

肆 “我的魂说,耶和华是我的分;因此,我要仰望祂”─哀三24:

IV. "Jehovah is my portion, says my soul; I Therefore I hope in Him"—Lam. 3:24:

一 耶利米这话论到耶和华是我们的分以及我们对祂的盼望,有新约的味道─西一12、27:

A. Jeremiah's word concerning Jehovah being our portion and our hoping in Him bears a New Testament flavor—Col. 1:12, 27:

1 耶利米享受耶和华作他的分,并且他不指望自己,也不指望别的事物,只仰望耶和华─哀三24:

1. Jeremiah enjoyed Jehovah as his portion, and he put his hope not in himself nor in anything else but only in Jehovah—Lam. 3:24:

a 一面,耶利米领悟神是慈爱的神,祂是怜恤的,并且祂的话是信实的。

a. On the one hand, Jeremiah realized that God is a God of lovingkindness, that He is compassionate, and that His word is faithful.

b 另一面,耶利米领悟,我们仍需要每早晨接触主,全然仰望祂,等候祂,并呼求祂的名─23~25、55节。

b. On the other hand, Jeremiah realized that we still need to contact the Lord every morning, put our entire hope in Him, wait on Him, and call on His name—vv. 23-25, 55.

2 等诗人进了神的圣所,对自己的情形有了神圣的看法和领会,他才能说神是他的业分,直到永远─诗七三17、26:

2. When the psalmist went into the sanctuary of God and had a divine view and perception of his situation, he could say that God was his portion for ever—Psa. 73:17, 26:

a 诗人在神的圣所里受教导,单单以神自己,而不以神之外的任何事物,作他的分─26节。

a. In God's sanctuary the psalmist was instructed to take only God Him self as his portion, not anything other than God—v. 26.

b 神对寻求之圣民的心意,是要他们在祂里面得着一切,而不被打岔离开对祂自己绝对的享受。

b. God's intention with His seekers is that they may find everything in Him and not be distracted from the abso-lute enjoyment of Himself.

二 “等候耶和华,心里寻求祂的,耶和华必善待他”─哀三25:

B. "Jehovah is good to those who wait on Him, I To the soul that seeks Him"—Lam. 3:25:

1 虽然神是真的、活的、怜恤的并信实的,但祂为了试验祂的子民,常在应验祂的话上耽延─诗二七14,一三〇6,赛八17,三十18,六四4。

1. Although God is true, living, compassionate, and faithful, in order to test His people, He often delays in fulfilling His word—Psa. 27:14; 130:6; Isa. 8:17; 30:18; 64:4.

2 等候永远的神,意即我们了结自己,就是停下我们自己的生活、工作和行动,接受神在基督里作我们的生命、我们的人位和我们的顶替─四十28、31:

2. To wait on the eternal God means that we terminate ourselves; that is, we stop ourselves with our living, our doing, and our activity and receive God in Christ as our life, our person, and our replacement—40:28, 31:

a 我们需要学习等候主的功课─三十18。

a. We need to learn the lesson of waiting on the Lord—30:18.

b 今天还不是终极完成的时候;因此,我们必须等候主─六四4。

b. Today is not the time of the ultimate consummation; there-fore, we need to wait on the Lord—64:4.

3 我们在等候主时,该寻求祂并呼求祂:

3. As we are waiting on the Lord, we should seek Him and call unto Him:

a “你们寻求我,若全心寻求,就必寻见”─耶二九13。

a. "You will seek Me and find Me if you search for Me with all your heart"—Jer. 29:13.

b “你呼求我,我就应允你,并将你所不知道,又大又隐密的事指示你”─三三3。

b. "Call unto Me, and I will answer you and tell you great and hidden things, which you do not know"—33:3.
