
第八篇 耶利米书中神的经纶同祂的分赐

God's Economy with His Dispensing in the Book of Jeremiah



壹 耶利米十七章七至八节说,“信靠耶和华,以耶和华为可信靠的,那人有福了。他必像树栽于水旁,沿河边扎根,炎热来到并不惧怕,叶子仍必青翠,在干旱之年毫无挂虑,而且结果不止”:

I. Jeremiah 17:7-8 says, "Blessed is the man who trusts in Jehovah I And whose trust Jehovah is. I And he will be like a tree transplanted beside water, I Which sends out its roots by a stream, I And will not be afraid when heat comes; I For its leaves remain flourishing, I And it will not be anxious in the year of drought I And will not cease to bear fruit":

一 这两节经文可用两种不同的方式领会─照着天然的理解,或照着神的经纶;这两节不是说到信靠神以接受物质的祝福这样肤浅的事;事实上,这两节乃是指神借着祂的分赐完成祂的经纶:

A. These verses can be understood in two different ways—according to the natural under standing or according to God's economy; these verses are not concerned with a shallow matter of trusting in God to receive material blessings; actually, these verses refer to God's economy carried out by His dispensing:

1 这里的启示乃是揭示,按照神的经纶,信靠神的人像树栽于水旁;这表征神乃是活水的泉源(二13上);我们不仅信靠神,并且神自己就是我们对祂的信靠。─引用经文

1. The revelation here reveals that according to God's economy, the one who trusts in God is like a tree transplanted beside water, signifying God as the fountain of living waters (2:13a); we not only trust in God, but also God Himself is our trust in Him.

2 树在水旁,借着吸取水的一切丰富到它里面而生长;这是神分赐的一幅图画;我们这些树要接受神圣的分赐,就必须吸取神这活水,分赐到我们里面,成为我们的构成。

2. The tree grows beside water by absorbing all the riches of the water into it; this is a picture of God's dispensing; in order to receive the divine dispensing, we as the trees must absorb God as the living water to be dispensed into our being in order to become our very constituent.

二 这里的思想与林前三章六节的相同,那里保罗说,“我栽种了,亚波罗浇灌了,唯有神叫他生长”;浇灌是为着树的吸取,而吸取就是接受神的分赐:─引用经文

B. The thought here is the same as that in 1 Corinthians 3:6, where Paul says, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth"; the watering is for the tree's absorbing, and the absorbing is the receiving of God's dispensing:

1 树凭着神作供应者和供应而生长;供应就是这位供应之神的丰富,分赐到我们这些植物里面,使我们长成神的度量;至终,植物与神,神与植物,二者乃是一,有同样的元素、素质、构成和样子─西二19。

1. The tree grows with God as the Supplier and the supply; the supply is the riches of the supplying God dispensed into us as the plants so that we may grow into God's measure; eventually, the plants and God, God and the plants, become one, having the same element, essence, constitution, and appearance—Col. 2:19.

2 我们都需要看见,吸取神作活水,使我们由祂的元素和素质所构成,并以神的增长而长大,这事意义重大;哪里缺少生命的长大,哪里信徒的基督徒生活就会一团糟,召会生活就会受到破坏,身体生活就会被毁坏。

2. We all need to see the crucial significance of absorbing God as the living water that we may be constituted with His element and essence and grow with the growth of God; where the growth in life is lacking, the believers' Christian life will be a mess, the church life will be damaged, and the Body life will be destroyed.

3 我们要在生命里长大以建造基督的身体,就需要吸取神,往下扎根并向上结果(赛三七31);这意思是,我们需要与神有隐密交通的时间(太六6,十四22~23);基督徒的加力,光照,享受安息,喜乐,相信,解决难处,胜过试炼、试探和艰难,以及安慰,都在于他借着祷告和神的话与神秘密的交通(但六10,西四2,提后三14~17)。─引用经文

3. In order to grow in life for the building up of the Body of Christ, we need to absorb God by taking root downward and bearing fruit upward (Isa. 37:31); this means that we need to have hidden times of fellowship with God (Matt. 6:6; 14:22-23); the em powering, enlightening, enjoying of rest, rejoicing, believing, solving of problems, overcoming of trials, temptations, and hardships, and comforting for a Christian all depend upon his secret fellowship with God through prayer and God's word (Dan. 6:10; Col. 4:2; 2 Tim. 3:14-17).

贰 耶利米十七章十九至二十七节说到持守神的安息日;持守神安息日的路,就是享受祂、安息于祂并满足于祂这活水的泉源─二13:

II. In Jeremiah 17:19-27 we have a word about keeping God's Sabbath; the way to keep God's Sabbath is to enjoy Him, to rest in Him, and to be satisfied in Him as the fountain of living waters—2:13:

一 在论到神居所的建造这一长段的记载之后,出埃及三十一章十二至十七节重申守安息日的诫命;按照歌罗西二章十六至十七节和马太十一章二十八至三十节,基督是安息日之安息的实际─来四7~9,赛三十15上:

A. In Exodus 31:12-17, after a long record concerning the building up of God's dwelling place, there is a repetition of the commandment to keep the Sabbath; according to Colossians 2:16-17 and Matthew 11:28-30, Christ is the reality of the Sabbath rest—Heb. 4:7-9; Isa. 30:15a:

1 倘若我们只知道如何为主作工,而不晓得如何与祂一同安息,我们就违背了神圣的原则:

1. If we only know how to work for the Lord but do not know how to rest with Him, we are acting contrary to the divine principle:

a 神在第七日安息了,因为祂完成了祂的工,并且满足了;神的荣耀得着彰显,因为人有了祂的形像,祂的权柄也即将施行,以征服祂的仇敌撒但;只要人彰显神并对付神的仇敌,神就得着满足而能安息─创一26、31,二1~2。

a. God rested on the seventh day because He had finished His work and was satisfied; God's glory was manifested because man had His image, and His authority was about to be exercised for the subduing of His enemy, Satan; as long as man expresses God and deals with God's enemy, God is satisfied and can rest—Gen. 1:26, 31; 2:1-2.

b 后来第七日蒙记念为安息日(出二十8~11);神的第七日乃是人的第一日;人被造后,并不是加入神的工作,乃是进入神的安息。─引用经文

b. Later, the seventh day was commemorated as the Sabbath (Exo. 20:8-11); God's seventh day was man's first day; after man was created, he did not join in God's work; he entered into God's rest.

2 人受造首先不是为了作工,乃是以神为满足,并与神一同安息;对神而言,是作工而安息,对人而言,是安息而作工;我们对神有完满的享受以后,就能与祂同工,这乃是一个神圣的原则─参太十一28~30:

2. Man was created not to work first but to be satisfied with God and rest with God; with God it is a matter of working and resting, but with man it is a matter of resting and working; it is a divine principle that after a full enjoyment of God, we may work together with Him—cf. Matt. 11:28-30:

a 如果我们不晓得如何享受神自己,以及如何被神充满,我们就不晓得如何与祂同工,并在神圣的工作上与祂成为一;人乃是享受神在祂的工作上所已经成就的。

a. If we do not know how to enjoy God Him self and how to be filled with God, we will not know how to work with Him and be one with Him in His divine work; man enjoys what God has accomplished in His work.

b 五旬节那天门徒被那灵充满,意即他们是充满了对基督这属天之酒的享受;他们唯有被这种享受充满以后,才开始与神是一而与神同工─徒二4上、12~14。

b. On the day of Pentecost the disciples were filled with the Spirit, which means that they were filled with the enjoyment of Christ as the heavenly wine; only after they were filled with this enjoyment did they begin to work with God in oneness with Him—Acts 2:4a, 12-14.

二 我们这些神的子民必须带着一个记号,就是我们与神一同安息,享受神,并且先被神充满,然后与充满我们的那一位同工;此外,我们不仅是与神同工,更是与神是一而作工,有祂作我们作工的力量和劳苦的能力─出三一13、17。

B. As God's people, we must bear a sign that we rest with God, enjoy God, and are filled up with God first; then we work with the very One who fills us; furthermore, we not only work with God but also work by being one with God, having Him as our strength to work and our energy to labor—Exo. 31:13, 17.

三 在召会生活中,我们也许作了许多事情,而没有先享受主,没有与主是一而事奉;这样的事奉导致属灵的死亡,也失去身体的交通─14~15节。

C. In the church life we may do many things without first enjoying the Lord and without serving the Lord by being one with the Lord; that kind of service results in spiritual death and the loss of the fellowship in the Body—vv. 14-15.

四 主建造召会的工作应当开始于对神的享受,这指明我们为神作工,不是凭着自己的力量,乃是借着享受祂并与祂是一;这就是以基督作我们灵中内里的安息而持守安息日的原则─林前三9,十五58,十六10,林后六1上。

D. The work of the Lord to build up the church should begin with the enjoyment of God, which will indicate that we do not work for God by our own strength but by enjoying Him and being one with Him; this is to keep the principle of the Sabbath with Christ as the inner rest in our spirit—1 Cor. 3:9; 15:58; 16:10; 2 Cor. 6:1a.

叁 耶利米书是全本圣经的摘要;耶利米的预言指明唯有基督能完成神的经纶,并且唯有基督能回应神在祂经纶里的要求;耶利米所描绘的图画表明我们算不得什么,基督对我们才是一切:

III. The book of Jeremiah is an abstract of the entire Bible; Jeremiah's prophecy indicates that only Christ can fulfill God's economy and only Christ is the answer to God's requirements in His economy; the picture portrayed by Jeremiah shows that we are nothing and that Christ is everything to us:

一 耶利米说到基督在完成神的经纶上,是我们的公义和我们的救赎(二三5~6),说到神是活水的泉源(二13),说到基督是我们的食物(十五16),又说到基督是新约及其一切福分的实际(三一31~34,来八8~12):─引用经文

A. Jeremiah speaks of Christ, in the fulfilling of God's economy, being our righteousness and our redemption (23:5-6), of God being the fountain of living waters (2:13), of Christ being our food (15:16), and of Christ as the reality of the new covenant with all its blessings (31:31-34; Heb. 8:8-12):

1 一面,我们可以说,新约是神的经纶的同义辞,是神经纶的内容和实质─耶三一31~34,伯十13,参弗三9:

1. On the one hand, we may say that the new covenant is synonymous with God's economy, being the contents and substance of God's economy—Jer. 31:31-34; Job 10:13; cf. Eph. 3:9:

a 新约的一切主要项目乃是神的经纶以及祂包含法理救赎和生机拯救之分赐的内容,为要使我们成为神,以建造基督的身体,终极完成于新耶路撒冷。

a. All the major items of the new covenant are the contents of God's economy and His dispensing with both His judicial redemption and organic salvation to deify us for the building up of the Body of Christ, consummating in the New Jerusalem.

b 使徒们的职事乃是为着神新约的经纶;这职事是以神的经纶为中心的新约职事─提前一3~4,参林后三3、6。

b. The apostles' ministry is the ministry for God's new covenant economy; it is the new covenant ministry that is centered on the economy of God—1 Tim. 1:3-4; cf. 2 Cor. 3:3, 6.

2 另一面,我们可以说,新约是神成就或完成神经纶的路;哥林多后书启示,新约的职事乃是为着完成神永远的经纶─二12~四1。

2. On the other hand, we may say that the new covenant is the way that God fulfills, or accomplishes, His economy; 2 Corinthians reveals that the ministry of the new covenant is for the accomplishment of God's eternal economy—2:12—4:1.

二 基督是新遗命(新约)的实际,也就是神一切所是,以及神所给我们之一切的实际;所以,基督就是新遗命:

B. Christ is the reality of the new testament, the new covenant, the reality of all that God is and of all that God has given to us; therefore, Christ is the new covenant:

1 遗赠有许多,但这许多的遗赠实际上乃是一个人位,就是那是灵的基督─赛四二6,四九8,耶三一31~34,来八8~12,约二十22,弗三8。

1. The bequests are many, but all these many bequests are actually one person—the pneumatic Christ—Isa. 42:6; 49:8; Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:8-12; John 20:22; Eph. 3:8.

2 主在这新遗命里所遗赠给我们的,乃是取用不尽的,这些都要借着那灵给我们经历并享受,直到永远─来九15。

2. The bequests bequeathed to us by the Lord in the new testament are inexhaustible, and they are for us to experience and enjoy through the Spirit for eternity—Heb. 9:15.

3 我们需要走我们先祖所行的古道,行在以神的经纶为中心之新约的路上,就是引到生命的路上;小路是撒但诡计的路,照着他诡诈的诡计而引到败坏;行小路乃是往下走,但行古道,就是行修筑的路,乃是往上行─耶十八15,参太七13~14。

3. We need to take the ancient paths of our forefathers by walking in the way of the new covenant focused on the economy of God, the way that leads to life; the bypaths are the paths of Satan's schemes according to his devious stratagems that lead to destruction; to take the bypaths is to go downward, but to take the ancient paths, a way that is cast up, is to go upward— Jer. 18:15; cf. Matt. 7:13-14.

4 在新约,就是永远的约里,神赐给我们一个心和一条路(耶三二39~41);一个心就是要爱神、寻求神、活神并被神构成,使我们成为祂的彰显;一条路就是三一神自己作为内里生命的律连同其神圣的性能(三一33~34);这一个心和一条路就是同心合意(徒一14,二46,四24,罗十五6)。─引用经文

4. In the new covenant, the eternal covenant, God gives us one heart and one way (Jer. 32:39-41); the one heart is a heart to love God, to seek God, to live God, and to be constituted with God so that we may be His expression; the one way is the Triune God Himself as the inner law of life with its divine capacity (31:33-34); this one heart and one way are the one accord (Acts 1:14; 2:46; 4:24; Rom. 15:6).

三 基督是在诸天之上坐宝座的升天者,如今在执行新约,就是祂遗赠给我们作遗命的,并在为我们代求,且供应我们,使我们能认识、经历并享受包含在新遗命中的一切遗赠─来十二2,七25,八1~2:

C. As the ascended One sitting on the throne in the heavens, Christ is now executing the new covenant, which He has bequeathed to us as a testament, interceding for us and ministering to us that we may realize, experience, and enjoy all the bequests contained in the new testament—Heb. 12:2; 7:25; 8:1-2:

1 新遗命,新约,遗嘱,因基督的死已经得以生效,且由复活并升天的基督执行并实施。

1. The new testament, the new covenant, the will, has been validated by Christ's death and is being executed and enforced by Christ in His resurrection and ascension.

2 新约已经作为新遗命遗赠给我们,现今基督在祂天上职事奥秘的范围里,正在执行祂所遗赠的。

2. The new covenant has been bequeathed to us as the new testament, and now, in the mystical realm of His heavenly ministry, Christ is executing what He has bequeathed.

3 基督现今在诸天之上是活的、神圣的并有能力的;祂能在每一细节上执行新遗命,新约,使其中所包含的每项遗赠对我们成为便利、实际的:

3. Christ is now in the heavens, living, divine, and capable; He is able to execute the new testament, the new covenant, in every detail, making every bequest in it available and real to us:

a 作为神圣的大祭司,基督借着为我们代求执行新约,为我们祷告,好使我们被带进新约的实际里─七25。

a. As the divine High Priest, Christ is executing the new covenant by interceding for us, praying that we would be brought into the reality of the new covenant—7:25.

b 作为新约的中保、执行者,基督在祂天上的职事里正在执行新遗命,并在我们里面实施其中的每一项遗赠─八6,九15,十二24。

b. As the Mediator, the Executor, of the new covenant, Christ in His heavenly ministry is executing the new testament and carrying out in us every item of its bequests—8:6; 9:15; 12:24.

c 作为新约的保证,基督是其中一切都必成就的凭质;祂担保并保证新遗命的功效─七22。

c. As the surety of the new covenant, Christ is the pledge that everything in the new covenant will be fulfilled; He guarantees and ensures the effectiveness of the new testament—7:22.

d 作为真帐幕(天上帐幕)的执事,基督用新遗命的遗赠、福分服事我们,使新约的事实在我们的经历中有效─八2。

d. As the Minister of the true (heavenly) tabernacle, Christ is serving us with the bequests, the blessings, of the new testament, making the facts of the new covenant effective in our experience—8:2.

e 作为群羊的大牧人,基督借着祂的牧养,按照神的永约,终极完成新耶路撒冷─十三20。

e. As the great Shepherd of the sheep, Christ, by His shepherding, is consummating the New Jerusalem according to God's eternal covenant—13:20.

四 我们若要接受新约中一切福分的应用,就必须是对基督天上职事有回应的人─十二1~2,西三1:

D. If we would receive the application of all the blessings in the new covenant, we need to be those who respond to Christ's heavenly ministry—12:1-2; Col. 3:1:

1 基督在诸天之上的职事执行新约,需要我们的回应─来七25,四16,十19、22:

1. Christ's ministry in heaven to execute the new covenant requires our response—Heb. 7:25; 4:16; 10:19, 22:

a 历世纪以来,基督一直想要得着一班人,来回应祂在天上的职事,却没有完全成功。

a. For centuries Christ has tried without adequate success to gain a group of people to respond to His ministry in the heavens.

b 靠着主的怜悯和恩典,今天在地上有一班在主恢复里的人,回应基督天上的职事。

b. By the Lord's mercy and grace, there is on earth today a group of people in the Lord's recovery responding to the heavenly ministry of Christ.

c 当元首在天上为我们代求,并供应我们时,我们作为基督的身体,就在地上回应基督天上的职事,配合并反映祂执行新约时所作的─弗一22~23,四15~16,徒六4。

c. As the Head is in heaven interceding for us and ministering to us, we, the Body, are on earth responding to Christ's heavenly ministry, corresponding to and reflecting what He is doing to execute the new covenant—Eph. 1:22-23; 4:15-16; Acts 6:4.

2 我们的眼必须被开启,看见新遗命,新约,遗嘱,及其一切遗赠的属天异象─弗一17~18,徒二六18~19:

2. Our eyes must be opened to see the heavenly vision of the new testament, the new covenant, the will, with all its bequests— Eph. 1:17-18; Acts 26:18-19:

a 父应许了一切,主耶稣成就了这一切;如今这一切已成的事实,都列在遗嘱里,成为给我们的遗赠─路二二20,来九16~17。

a. The Father promised everything, and the Lord Jesus accomplished everything; now all the accomplished facts have been itemized in the will as our bequests—Luke 22:20; Heb. 9:16-17.

b 我们若有属天的异象,看见神一切的福分都是遗嘱里的遗赠,我们祷告时就不会像可怜的乞丐,乃是荣耀的承受人,凭信领受这些遗赠─罗八17,弗三6,来六17,一14。

b. If we have the heavenly vision to see that all of God's blessings are bequests in the will, we will pray not as poor beggars but as glorious inheritors, receiving the bequests by faith—Rom. 8:17; Eph. 3:6; Heb. 6:17; 1:14.

c 我们对新遗命(新约)若有属天的看见,我们的观念就会改变,我们会有彻底的大改变,并且会癫狂地赞美主─林后五13,启五6~13。

c. If we have the heavenly view of the new testament, the new covenant, our concept will be changed, we will be radically revolutionized, and we will be beside ourselves with praise to the Lord—2 Cor. 5:13; Rev. 5:6-13.

五 我们需要新约全部二十七卷书,来说明耶利米三十一章三十一至三十四节:─引用经文

E. We need all twenty-seven books of the New Testament to define Jeremiah 31:31-34:

1 我们若在整本新约的光中领会这一段,就会看见在这新约里有召会、神的国、神的家人、神的家(就是神在我们灵里的居所)、新人和基督的身体,作经过过程并终极完成之三一神的丰满。

1. If we understand this portion in the light of the entire New Testament, we will see that in this new covenant we have the church, the kingdom of God, God's household, the house of God as God's dwelling place in our spirit, the new man, and the Body of Christ as the fullness of the processed and consummated Triune God.

2 至终,这新约要带进千年国,并要终极完成地带进新天新地里的新耶路撒冷,直到永远。

2. Eventually, this new covenant will bring in the millennium; ultimately and consummately, it will bring in the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth for eternity.
