
第九篇 神对埃及与巴比伦的审判

God's Judgment upon Egypt and Babylon



壹 耶利米书向我们陈明一幅神进来惩罚并审判列国的图画;列国预表世界的各方面─四六2,四七1,四八1,四九1、7、23、28、34,五十1:

I. The book of Jeremiah presents a picture of God's coming in to punish and judge the nations, which typify aspects of the world—46:2; 47:1; 48:1; 49:1, 7, 23, 28, 34; 50:1:

一 在说到列国时,耶利米首先提到埃及(四六2~28),最后提到巴比伦(五十~五一):─引用经文

A. In speaking concerning the nations, Jeremiah mentions Egypt first (46:2-28) and Babylon last (chs. 50—51):

1 这指明在神看来,世界首先是属埃及,然后是属巴比伦。

1. This indicates that, in God's view, the world is first Egyptian and then Babylonian.

2 照着耶利米书里的图画,最后受审判的国是巴比伦;当神审判巴比伦时,祂对列国的审判就完成了。

2. According to the picture in the book of Jeremiah, the last nation to be judged is Babylon; when God judges Babylon, His judgment of the nations will be complete.

二 为着完成神的经纶,作神新约选民的召会必须从世界的各方面分别出来─约十七14、16,罗十二2,约壹二15~17。

B. For the accomplishment of God's economy, the church, God's New Testament elect, must be separated from the world in all its aspects—John 17:14, 16; Rom. 12:2; 1 John 2:15-17.

贰 耶利米四十六章二至二十八节说到神对埃及的审判:─引用经文

II. Jeremiah 46:2-28 speaks concerning God's judgment on Egypt:

一 埃及预表谋生与享乐的世界,为埃及王法老所预表这世界的王撒但所用,以霸占并篡夺神为祂的经纶所拣选的人─创十二10,四一57~四二3,民十一4~6,来十一25,约十二31:

A. Egypt typifies the world of making a living and of enjoyment, with which Satan, the ruler of the world, typified by Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, occupies and usurps the people chosen by God for His economy—Gen. 12:10; 41:57—42:3; Num. 11:4-6; Heb. 11:25; John 12:31:

1 埃及国表征黑暗的国,黑暗的权势─西一13,太十二26。

1. The nation of Egypt signifies the kingdom of darkness, the authority of dark ness—Col. 1:13; Matt. 12:26.

2 世界不是享受的源头;它乃是暴虐之地,世界的每一方面都是一种暴虐─加四8。

2. The world is not a source of enjoyment; it is a place of tyranny, and every aspect of the world is a form of tyranny—Gal. 4:8.

3 在世界中,撒但将神的选民,就是命定来完成神定旨的人,掌握在他霸占的手下─弗二2,路十三11~12:

3. In the world Satan is keeping God's chosen people, those des-tined for the ful fillment of God's purpose, under his usurping hand—Eph. 2:2; Luke 13:11-12:

a 生存是一回事,但为着神的定旨而生存是另一回事─罗八28,弗一11,三11,提后一9。

a. To exist is one thing, but to exist for the divine purpose is another thing—Rom. 8:28; Eph. 1:11; 3:11; 2 Tim. 1:9.

b 撒但霸占人,使人只顾生存,却不顾神在他们生存中的定旨─太六25、31~33。

b. Satan has usurped people so that they care only for their existence, not for God's purpose in their existence—Matt. 6:25, 31-33.

4 神呼召我们的目的,有一面是使用我们,带领别人脱离撒但及世界的霸占和暴虐─徒二六18,弗三9。

4. One aspect of God's purpose in calling us is to use us to bring others out of the usurpation and tyranny of Satan and the world—Acts 26:18; Eph. 3:9.

二 世界是一个邪恶的系统,是撒但系统化的安排─约壹二15~17,雅四4:

B. The world is an evil system arranged systematically by Satan— 1 John 2:15-17; James 4:4:

1 神造人在地上生活,是为了完成祂的定旨;但神的仇敌撒但为了霸占神所造的人,就用文化、教育、工业、商业、娱乐和宗教将人系统起来,在地上形成一个反对神的世界系统─弗三11,创一26~28,二8~9,四16~24。

1. God created man to live on the earth for the fulfillment of His purpose, but His enemy, Satan, in order to usurp the God-created man, formed an anti-God world system on this earth by systematizing people with culture, education, indus-try, com merce, entertainment, and religion—Eph. 3:11; Gen. 1:26-28; 2:8-9; 4:16-24.

2 撒但已把地上一切的事物,特别是那些与人类有关的,以及空中一切的事物,都系统化成为他黑暗的国度,为要霸占人,阻挠人,不让人成就神的定旨,并打岔人对神的享受─约壹二15~17。

2. All the things on the earth, especially those related to man-kind, and all the things in the air have been systematized by Satan into his kingdom of darkness to occupy people and frus trate them from accomplishing the purpose of God and to distract them from the enjoyment of God—1 John 2:15-17.

3 世界抵抗父神,世界上的事抵抗神的旨意,凡爱世界的,就成了神的仇敌─15~17节,雅四4。

3. The world is against God the Father, the things in the world are against the will of God, and those who love the world are enemies of God—vv. 15-17; James 4:4.

4 “整个世界”,就是撒但的系统,都“卧在那恶者里面”─约壹五19:

4. "The whole world," the satanic system, "lies in the evil one"— 1 John 5:19:

a “整个世界”是由撒但的世界系统,和世界上的人,就是堕落的人类组成的。

a. The whole world comprises the satanic world system and the people of the world, the fallen human race.

b “卧”即被动地留在那恶者的势力范围,在他的霸占并操纵之下;整个世界,以及世界上的人,被动地卧在那恶者撒但的霸占并操纵的手下。

b. Lies means remaining passively in the sphere of the evil one's usurpa tion and manipulation; the whole world and the people of the world are lying passively under the usurp-ing and manipulating hand of Satan, the evil one.

c 约壹五章十九节里的“恶”,原文乃是指致命、有害的邪恶,影响别人成为邪恶、恶毒的;这样的恶者,就是整个世界都卧在他里面的魔鬼撒但。─引用经文

c. The Greek word rendered "evil" in 1 John 5:19 refers to one who is per nicious, harmfully evil, one who affects others, influencing them to be evil and vicious; such an evil one is Satan, the devil, in whom the whole world lies.

5 撒但正利用物质的世界和世上的事,将一切至终归一在敌基督的国里;那时,世界的系统会达到其顶点,并且其中的每一单元都要显明是敌基督的─帖后二3~12。

5. Satan is utilizing the material world and the things that are in the world to eventually head everything up in the king-dom of Antichrist; at that hour the world system will have reached its zenith, and every unit of it will be revealed to be anti- Christian—2 Thes. 2:3-12.

6 撒但邪恶的世界体系,黑暗的国度,借着基督在十字架上的工作受了审判─约十二31~32,十六11:

6. Satan's evil world system, the kingdom of darkness, was judged through Christ's work on the cross—John 12:31-32; 16:11:

a 主在罪之肉体的样式里,死于十字架,就废除了在人肉体里的撒但─罗八3,来二14。

a. Through His death on the cross in the likeness of the flesh of sin, the Lord destroyed Satan, who is in man's flesh— Rom. 8:3; Heb. 2:14.

b 因着这样审判了撒但,主也审判了那挂在撒但身上的世界─约十六11。

b. By judging Satan in this way, the Lord also judged the world, which is hanging on Satan—John 16:11.

c 主在十字架上被举起,就审判了世界,也就把世界的王撒但赶出去了─十二31~32。

c. The Lord's being lifted up on the cross caused the world to be judged and its ruler, Satan, to be cast out—12:31-32.

叁 耶利米五十至五十一章说到神对巴比伦的审判:

III. Jeremiah 50 and 51 speak concerning God's judgment on Bab ylon:

一 巴比伦开始于巴别─创十8~10:

A. Babylon began from Babel—Gen. 10:8-10:

1 在巴别,撒但使人类背叛神,拜偶像,高举人的己;因此,巴别是人背叛神,人拜偶像,以及人高举己的起源,源头─十一1~9。

1. At Babel Satan caused the human race to rebel against God, to worship idols, and to exalt man's self; thus, Babel was the origin, the source, of man's rebellion against God, man's wor-ship of idols, and human self-exaltation—11:1-9.

2 巴别的延续是巴比伦;在神看来,巴比伦是人类政权的完成─耶五十1,但二32~34:

2. Babel had its continuation in Babylon, which, in the sight of God, is the consummation of human government—Jer. 50:1; Dan. 2:32-34:

a 巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒甚至与撒但联合为一,作为撒但的具体化身─赛十四4、11~15。

a. Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, was even identified with Satan as Satan's embodiment—Isa. 14:4, 11-15.

b 巴比伦毁灭神的圣城和祂的圣殿,将神的圣民和神殿中的器皿掳去─代下三六17~20。

b. Babylon destroyed God's holy city and His holy temple and carried God's holy people and the vessels of God's temple into captivity—2 Chron. 36:17-20.

二 在启示录十七至十八章里,复兴的罗马帝国称为大巴比伦;大巴比伦有两面─宗教的一面和物质的一面:

B. In Revelation 17 and 18 the restored Roman Empire is called Bab-ylon the Great, which has two aspects—religious and material:

1 启示录十七章揭示宗教的巴比伦,就是背道的罗马天主教:

1. Revelation 17 is an unveiling of religious Babylon—the apos-tate Roman Catholic Church:

a 在神眼中,那存留了犹太教、又吸收异教许多成分的罗马天主教,就是巴比伦。

a. In the eyes of God the Roman Catholic Church, which per-petuates much of Judaism and has assimilated much of paganism, is Babylon.

b 十七章一节的妓女,乃是背道的罗马天主教。─引用经文

b. The harlot in 17:1 is the apostate Roman Catholic Church.

c 因为神恨恶背道的召会,所以在大灾难的起头,神要使敌基督和他的十王毁灭罗马天主教─16~17节。

c. Because God hates the apostate church, at the beginning of the great tribulation God will cause Antichrist and his ten kings to destroy the Roman Catholic Church—vv. 16-17.

2 启示录十八章揭示物质的巴比伦,就是罗马城:

2. Revelation 18 is an unveiling of material Babylon—the city of Rome:

a 在启示录十七章和十八章,巴比伦的两面,宗教方面和物质方面,混合在一起:

a. In Revelation 17 and 18 two aspects of Babylon—the reli-gious aspect and the material aspect—are mixed together:

㈠ 十七章十六节的妓女指宗教的巴比伦,表征罗马天主教;十八节的那女人指物质的巴比伦,表征罗马城。─引用经文

1) The harlot in 17:16 denotes religious Babylon, signifying the Roman Catholic Church, whereas the woman in verse 18 denotes material Babylon, signifying the city of Rome.

㈡ 大巴比伦既有这两方面,所以从那城出来,就是从宗教的巴比伦和物质的巴比伦出来─十八4。

2) Since Babylon the Great is twofold, to come out of her means to come out of both religious Babylon and mate-rial Babylon—18:4.

b 物质的巴比伦,就是罗马城,要在神眼中变为可憎的,因为她成了属鬼魔的政治和属鬼魔的宗教之源─6~8、20~24节。

b. Material Babylon, the city of Rome, will become hateful in the eyes of God because it has been the source of both devilish politics and devilish religion—vv. 6-8, 20-24.

c 基督作为另一位天使,要照耀地,用祂的大权柄毁灭大巴比伦,就是罗马城─1~2节。

c. Christ as another Angel will shine over the earth to de-stroy Babylon the Great, the city of Rome, with His great authority—vv. 1-2.

三 巴比伦的原则就是将人的事物与神的话搀混,又把属肉体的事物和属灵的事物搀混─十七1~5:

C. The principle of Babylon is mixing the things of man with the Word of God, and the things of the flesh with the things of the Spirit—17:1-5:

1 巴比伦是神的物与偶像之物的混杂:

1. Babylon is the mixture of the things of God with the things of idols:

a 巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒焚毁了在耶路撒冷神的殿,把殿中敬拜神所用的器皿全都带走,放到他在巴比伦偶像的庙里─代下三六6~7,拉一11。

a. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon burned the house of God in Jerusalem, and he carried away all the vessels in God's house for God's worship and put them in the temple of his idols in Babylon—2 Chron. 36:6-7; Ezra 1:11.

b 在新约里,这个混杂扩大为大巴比伦─启十七3~5。

b. In the New Testament this mixture is enlarged with the great Babylon—Rev. 17:3-5.

2 所有把人的能力和神的能力混在一起的,所有把人的本事和神的工作混在一起的,所有把人的意见和神的道混在一起的,我们要从那里出来─十八4注1。

2. We must come out of every situation where man's power is mixed with God's power, where man's ability is mixed with God's work, and where man's opinion is mixed with God's word—18:4, footnote 1.

四 大巴比伦有两次倾倒,就是宗教巴比伦的倾倒和物质巴比伦的倾倒─十四8,十八2:

D. Babylon the Great will have two falls—the fall of religious Bab-ylon and the fall of material Babylon—14:8; 18:2:

1 宗教巴比伦的倾倒要发生在大灾难的起头─十七16~17。

1. The fall of religious Babylon will take place at the beginning of the great tribulation—17:16-17.

2 物质巴比伦的倾倒要发生在大灾难的末了─十八2、21。

2. The fall of material Babylon will take place at the end of the great tribu lation—18:2, 21.

3 十九章一至四节里的赞美,主要的不是关于物质巴比伦的倾倒,而是关于宗教巴比伦的倾倒,因为在神的眼中,宗教的巴比伦比物质的巴比伦更可憎。─引用经文

3. The praise in 19:1-4 is related not mainly to the fall of mate-rial Babylon but to the fall of religious Babylon, because in the eyes of God religious Babylon is more hateful than material Babylon.

五 神要审判巴比伦到一个地步,叫属巴比伦的事物没有一样存留在宇宙中:

E. God will judge Babylon to such an extent that nothing of Babylon will remain in the universe:

1 以赛亚和耶利米都预言说,巴比伦一旦被毁灭,必不再回复─赛十四22~23,耶五十39,五一62。

1. Both Isaiah and Jeremiah prophesied that once Babylon has been destroyed, it will not be restored—Isa. 14:22-23; Jer. 50:39; 51:62.

2 在今世末了,当神毁灭宗教和政治的巴比伦,那将是耶利米五十、五十一章所预言对巴比伦之审判的结束。

2. When God destroys both the religious and the political Bab-ylon at the end of the age, that will be the end of the judgment on Babylon prophesied in chapters 50 and 51.

3 大巴比伦要被毁灭,从地上被消除,并被扔在火湖里;新耶路撒冷要被带进来,在新天新地里成为神永远之国显著的中心─启十一15,二一2、10~11。

3. Babylon the Great will be destroyed, removed from the earth, and cast into the lake of fire, and the New Jerusalem will be brought in to be the prominent center of God's eternal king-dom in the new heaven and new earth—Rev. 11:15; 21:2, 10-11.
