
第十一篇 合乎神心的牧者

Shepherds according to God's Heart



壹 耶和华借着申言者耶利米说到牧者,就是那些首领─耶二8,十21:

I. Jehovah spoke through the prophet Jeremiah concerning the shepherds, the rulers—Jer. 2:8; 10:21:

一 牧者,就是那些首领,违背耶和华;他们没有寻求耶和华,他们的羊群也分散─二8,十21。

A. The shepherds, the rulers, transgressed against Jehovah; they did not seek Jehovah, and their flock was scattered—2:8; 10:21.

二 牧人摧毁、赶散耶和华草场的羊─二三1~2。

B. The shepherds destroyed and scattered the sheep of Jehovah's pasture—23:1-2.

三 耶和华应许要招聚祂羊群中所余剩的,领他们归回自己的草场,并且祂必兴起照管他们的牧人牧养他们,他们也必繁衍增多─3~4节。

C. Jehovah promised that He would gather the remnant of His flock and bring them back to their pasture and that He would raise up shepherds over them who would shepherd them, and they would be fruitful and multiply—vv. 3-4.

四 耶和华应许将合乎祂心的牧者赐给以色列人;这样的牧者必以对神正确的知识和明智牧养神的百姓─三15。

D. Jehovah promised to give Israel shepherds according to His own heart; such shepherds would give the people of God proper knowl-edge and understanding of God—3:15.

贰 旧约和新约都启示基督是合乎神心的牧者─赛四十11,结三四11~31,约十11,来十三20~21,彼前二25,五4,启七16~17:

II. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament reveal Christ as the Shep herd according to God's heart—Isa. 40:11; Ezek. 34:11-31; John 10:11; Heb. 13:20-21; 1 Pet. 2:25; 5:4; Rev. 7:16-17:

一 基督这位大能者,就是掌权者并审判者,乃是来作牧人;祂照顾祂的羊群,乃是借着管治并改正祂的羊,也是借着喂养祂的羊群,用膀臂聚集羊羔,抱在怀中,并引导那乳养小羊的─赛四十10~11,太二6,九36。

A. As the mighty One, the ruling and judging One, Christ comes to be a Shepherd; He cares for His flock by ruling and correcting His sheep and by feeding His flock, gathering the lambs in His arm, carrying them in His bosom, and leading those who are nursing the young—Isa. 40:10-11; Matt. 2:6; 9:36.

二 以西结三十四章十一至三十一节预言说,主自己这牧者要来寻找祂的羊,将他们寻见:─引用经文

B. Ezekiel 34:11-31 prophesies that the Lord Himself will come as the Shepherd to search for His sheep and seek them out:

1 主这牧人要从万民中聚集祂的百姓,祂的羊,引导他们归回迦南地,住在高山上;迦南地预表包罗万有的基督作分给神子民的分,高山表征复活、升天的基督─11、14节。

1. As the Shepherd, the Lord will gather His people, His sheep, out of the nations and bring them back to the land of Canaan, which typifies the all-inclusive Christ as the allotted portion of God's people, to dwell on the high mountains, signifying the resurrected and ascended Christ—vv. 11, 14.

2 当主耶稣来作牧人照料我们时,祂也来作王管理我们;主作牧人照料我们,结果使我们顺从祂为我们的王,服在祂的君王职分之下,顺从祂在我们里面设立的宝座─23~24节。

2. When the Lord Jesus comes as the Shepherd to care for us, He comes also as the King to govern us; the issue of the Lord's car-ing for us as our Shep herd is that we obey Him as our King and come under His kingship and His throne within us—vv. 23-24.

三 基督是好牧人、大牧人、牧长以及我们魂的牧人─约十9~17,来十三20~21,彼前五4,二25:

C. Christ is the good Shepherd, the great Shepherd, the Chief Shep-herd, and the Shepherd of our souls—John 10:9-17; Heb. 13:20-21; 1 Pet. 5:4; 2:25:

1 主耶稣作好牧人,来使我们得生命,并且得的更丰盛─约十10~11:

1. As the good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus came that we may have life and may have it abundantly—John 10:10-11:

a 祂舍了祂的魂生命,就是人的生命,为祂的羊成功救赎,使他们能有分于祂的奏厄生命,就是祂神圣的生命─11、15、17节。

a. He laid down His soul-life, His human life, to accomplish redemption for His sheep that they may share His zoe life, His divine life—vv. 11, 15, 17.

b 祂领祂的羊出羊圈,进入祂自己这草场,就是得喂养的地方,使他们可以自由地吃祂,得着祂的喂养─9节。

b. He leads His sheep out of the fold into Himself as the pas-ture, the feeding place, where they may eat freely of Him and be nourished by Him—v. 9.

c 主使犹太和外邦信徒在祂的牧养下合为一群(召会,基督的身体)─16节。

c. The Lord has formed the Jewish and Gentile believers into one flock (the church, the Body of Christ) under His shepherding—v. 16.

2 神“凭永约之血”,使“群羊的大牧人我们的主耶稣”从死人中复活─来十三20:

2. God raised up from the dead "our Lord Jesus, the great Shep-herd of the sheep, in the blood of an eternal covenant"—Heb. 13:20:

a 永约就是新遗命的约,为要得着群羊,就是召会,结果带进基督的身体,并终极完成于新耶路撒冷。

a. The eternal covenant is the covenant of the new testament to gain a flock, which is the church issuing in the Body of Christ and consum mating in the New Jerusalem.

b 主作为大牧人正使新约的内容对我们成为真实的,并正带领我们进入对希伯来书所启示一切积极事物的经历和享受─八8~13,一1~3,二9~18,五6~10、14,七16、22、24~26,十三1、8、12~15。

b. As the great Shepherd, the Lord is making real to us the contents of the new covenant and is leading us into the experience and enjoyment of all the positive matters re-vealed in the book of Hebrews—8:8-13; 1:1-3; 2:9-18; 5:6-10, 14; 7:16, 22, 24-26; 13:1, 8, 12-15.

3 基督作牧长,借着众召会的长老牧养祂的羊群─彼前五4:

3. As the Chief Shepherd, Christ shepherds His flock through the elders of the churches—1 Pet. 5:4:

a 若没有长老的牧养,召会就无法得建造─2节。

a. Without the elders' shepherding, the church cannot be built up—v. 2.

b 长老的牧养该是基督借着他们的牧养。

b. The elders' shepherding should be Christ's shepherding through them.

4 是灵的基督作我们魂的牧人,监督我们里面的光景,顾到我们内里所是的情形─二25:

4. As the Shepherd of our souls, the pneumatic Christ oversees our inward condition, caring for the situation of our inner being—2:25:

a 祂是借着顾到我们魂的益处,并借着监督我们内里所是的光景,而牧养我们。

a. He shepherds us by caring for the welfare of our soul and by exercising His oversight over the condition of our inner being.

b 因为我们的魂很复杂,所以我们需要那在我们灵里是赐生命之灵的基督,在我们的魂里牧养我们,照顾我们的心思、情感和意志,并顾到我们的难处、需要和创伤。

b. Because our soul is very complicated, we need Christ, who is the life-giving Spirit in our spirit, to shepherd us in our soul, to take care of our mind, emotion, and will and of our problems, needs, and wounds.

c 主作我们魂的牧人,使我们的魂苏醒,并使我们的魂得安息─诗二三3上,太十一28~30。

c. As the Shepherd of our souls, the Lord restores our soul and gives rest to our soul—Psa. 23:3a; Matt. 11:28-30.

5 在将来的永远,基督将是我们永远的牧人,领我们到生命水的泉─启七16~17:

5. In eternity future Christ will be our eternal Shepherd guiding us to springs of waters of life—Rev. 7:16-17:

a 基督是我们永远的牧人,要领我们进入祂自己这生命水的泉,使我们得享三一神永远的分赐─17节上。

a. As our eternal Shepherd, Christ will lead us into Himself as the springs of waters of life so that we may enjoy the eternal dispensing of the Triune God—v. 17a.

b 基督要供应我们生命水,并要擦去我们的泪水─17节下。

b. The waters of life will be supplied, and the water of tears will be wiped away—v. 17b.

c 在永世里,在基督的牧养下,必没有眼泪、饥饿或干渴─只有享受─16~17节。

c. Under Christ's shepherding in eternity, there will be no tears, no hunger, and no thirst—only enjoyment—vv. 16-17.

叁 主耶稣在祂天上的职事里,继续祂在地上的职事里所开始的牧养─来十三20~21:

III. In His heavenly ministry the Lord Jesus continues the shep-herding that He began in His earthly ministry—Heb. 13:20-21:

一 在约翰二十一章十五至十七节,主托付彼得,当祂不在这里而在诸天之上时,要喂养祂的小羊,并牧养祂的羊;这是把使徒的职事与基督天上的职事合并,以牧养神的群羊:─引用经文

A. In John 21:15-17 the Lord commissioned Peter to feed His lambs and shepherd His sheep in His absence, while He is in the heav-ens; this was to incorporate the apostolic ministry with Christ's heavenly ministry to shepherd God's flock:

1 祂在诸天之上所作的,使徒就在地上作,以完成祂天上的职事─来十三20~21,约二一15~17。

1. What He was doing in the heavens, the apostles did on earth to carry out His heavenly ministry—Heb. 13:20-21; John 21:15-17.

2 关于牧养,使徒的职事与基督天上的职事合作─15~17节。

2. Regarding shepherding, the apostolic ministry cooperates with Christ's heavenly ministry—vv. 15-17.

二 使徒保罗是与基督在天上职事里的牧养合作,而牧养圣徒的榜样─来十三20~21,七25~26,提前一16,林后一3~4,徒二十20:

B. The apostle Paul is a pattern of shepherding the saints in coop-eration with Christ's shepherding in His heavenly ministry— Heb. 13:20-21; 7:25-26; 1 Tim. 1:16; 2 Cor. 1:3-4; Acts 20:20:

1 保罗牧养圣徒,就像乳养的母亲和劝勉的父亲一样─帖前二7~8、11~12。

1. Paul shepherded the saints as a nursing mother and an exhorting father—1 Thes. 2:7-8, 11-12.

2 保罗牧养在以弗所的圣徒,“或在公众面前,或挨家挨户”(徒二十20)教导他们,并且流泪劝戒每一位圣徒,甚至三年之久(31、19),将神一切的旨意告诉他们(27)。─引用经文

2. Paul shepherded the saints in Ephesus by teaching them "publicly and from house to house" (Acts 20:20) and by admon-ishing each one of the saints with tears even for as long as three years (vv. 31, 19), declaring to them all the counsel of God (v. 27).

3 保罗的心宽宏,有供应的生命亲密的关切─林后七2~3,帖前二8,腓二19~20。

3. Paul had been enlarged in his heart to have the intimate con-cern of the ministering life—2 Cor. 7:2-3; 1 Thes. 2:8; Phil. 2:19-20.

4 保罗下到软弱之人的水平上,好使他能得着他们─林后十一28~29,林前九22,参太十二20。

4. Paul came down to the weak ones' level so that he could gain them—2 Cor. 11:28-29; 1 Cor. 9:22; cf. Matt. 12:20.

5 保罗作为一个爱召会的人,与那爱召会的基督乃是一,他为着圣徒的缘故,乐意花费他所有的(指他的财物),也乐意花费他所是的(指他这人),以建造基督的身体─弗五25,林后十二15,十一28~29。

5. As a lover of the church in oneness with the church-loving Christ, Paul was willing to spend what he had, referring to his possessions, and to spend what he was, referring to his being, for the sake of the saints in order to build up the Body of Christ—Eph. 5:25; 2 Cor. 12:15; 11:28-29.

肆 那些牧养神的群羊的人,该按着神牧养─彼前五2:

IV. Those who shepherd the flock of God should shepherd accord-ing to God—1 Pet. 5:2:

一 按着神牧养,就是按着神在祂属性上的所是牧养─罗九15~16,十一22、33,弗二7,林前一9,林后一12。

A. To shepherd according to God is to shepherd according to what God is in His attributes—Rom. 9:15-16; 11:22, 33; Eph. 2:7; 1 Cor. 1:9; 2 Cor. 1:12.

二 按着神牧养,意即按着神的性情、心意、作法和荣耀,而不是按着我们的偏好、兴趣、目的和个性牧养。

B. To shepherd according to God is to shepherd according to God's nature, desire, way, and glory, not according to our preference, interest, purpose, and disposi tion.

三 我们要按着神牧养,就需要在生命、性情、彰显和功用上成为神─约一12~13,三15,彼后一4:

C. In order to shepherd according to God, we need to become God in life, nature, expression, and function—John 1:12-13; 3:15; 2 Pet. 1:4:

1 我们需要成为基督的复制,就是神的彰显,使我们在牧养上彰显神,而不是彰显我们的己,连同己的个性与乖僻─约一18,来一3,二10,罗八29,加四19。

1. We need to be the reproduction of Christ, the expression of God, so that in our shepherding we express God, not the self with its disposition and peculiari ties—John 1:18; Heb. 1:3; 2:10; Rom. 8:29; Gal. 4:19.

2 我们需要在神的功用上成为神,照着祂的所是并照着祂经纶中的目标,牧养神的群羊─弗四16,启二一2。

2. We need to become God in His function of shepherding the flock of God according to what He is and according to His goal in His economy—Eph. 4:16; Rev. 21:2.

3 当我们与神是一,我们就在生命和性情上成为神,并且在牧养别人时,就是神─约壹五11~12,彼后一4,彼前五2。

3. When we are one with God, we become God in life and nature and are God in our shepherding of others—1 John 5:11-12; 2 Pet. 1:4; 1 Pet. 5:2.

伍 那建造基督身体的牧养,乃是相互的牧养─林前十二23~26:

V. The shepherding that builds up the Body of Christ is a mutual shepherd ing—1 Cor. 12:23-26:

一 牧养就是周全、柔细地照顾群羊─约二一15~17,徒二十28。

A. To shepherd is to take all-inclusive, tender care of the flock— John 21:15-17; Acts 20:28.

二 所有的信徒,无论他们在属灵上长大到哪一阶段,都需要牧养。

B. All believers, regardless of their stage of spiritual growth, need shepherding.

三 我们众人都需要在基督生机的牧养之下,并与祂是一,而牧养别人─彼前二25,约二一16。

C. All of us need to be under the organic shepherding of Christ and be one with Him to shepherd others—1 Pet. 2:25; John 21:16.

四 我们牧养神的群羊,需要照着父爱和赦免的心,并照着子搜寻、寻找和牧养的灵─路十五4~24、32。

D. We need to shepherd the flock of God according to the Father's loving and forgiving heart and according to the Son's seeking, finding, and shepherding spirit—Luke 15:4-24, 32.

五 我们是羊也是牧人,彼此互相地牧养并接受牧养;借着这相互的牧养,基督的身体就在爱里把自己建造起来─弗四16。

E. We are both sheep and shepherds, shepherding and being shep-herded in mutu ality; through this mutual shepherding, the Body builds itself up in love—Eph. 4:16.
