
第三篇 丧失魂生命,有分于得胜者的被提,并得着我们信心的结果─魂的救恩

The Losing of the Soul-life, Participating in the Rapture of the Overcomers, and Receiving the End of Our Faith—the Salvation of the Soul



壹 我们若要救自己的魂生命,必丧失魂生命;但我们若为主的缘故丧失自己的魂生命,必救了魂生命─太十39,路九23~25,十四26~35:

I. If we want to save our soul-life, we will lose it, but if we lose our soul-life for the Lord's sake, we will save it—Matt. 10:39; Luke 9:23-25; 14:26-35:

一 主耶稣在路加九章二十三至二十五节教导门徒,要背起他们的十字架,并借着否认自己的魂生命来跟从祂:─引用经文

A. In Luke 9:23-25 the Lord Jesus taught the disciples to take up their cross and follow Him by denying their soul-life:

1 救魂生命,就是让魂得着享受,不让魂受苦;丧失魂生命,就是使魂失去享受而受痛苦─太十六25。

1. To save the soul-life is to allow the soul to have its enjoyment and to escape suffering; to lose the soul-life is to cause the soul to lose its enjoyment and thereby to suffer—Matt. 16:25.

2 丧失魂生命乃是丧失魂的享受;救魂生命就是保守魂在享受中─可八35。

2. To lose the soul-life is to lose the enjoyment of the soul, and to save the soullife means to preserve the soul in its enjoyment—Mark 8:35.

3 否认己,是弃绝魂的欲望、爱好和选择─路九23。

3. To deny the self is to reject the soul's desire, preference, and choice—Luke 9:23.

4 我们必须在今世否认自己的魂,就是我们的魂生命,连同其一切享乐,使我们来世在对主的享受里可以得着魂─彼前一9。

4. We must deny our soul, our soulish life, with all its pleasures in this age, so that we may gain it in the enjoyment of the Lord in the coming age—1 Pet. 1:9.

5 我们若为主的缘故,在今世让我们的魂失去享受,就会叫我们的魂在国度时代里得着享受;我们要与主同享治理全地的快乐─太二五21、23。

5. If we allow our soul to suffer the loss of its enjoyment in this age for the Lord's sake, we will cause our soul to have its enjoyment in the kingdom age; we will share the Lord's joy in ruling over the earth—Matt. 25:21, 23.

二 主在路加十四章二十六至三十五节教导我们,在跟从祂的事上要绝对,并要恨恶一切打岔、拦阻并阻挠我们忠信跟从祂的事,甚至恨恶我们自己的魂生命:─引用经文

B. In Luke 14:26-35 the Lord taught us to be absolute in following Him and to hate everything, even our own soul-life, that distracts, hinders, and frustrates us from following Him faithfully:

1 信徒是地上的盐(太五13);他们的味道,在于他们对属地事物的舍弃─路十四33~34。

1. As the salt of the earth (Matt. 5:13), the believers' taste depends on their renouncing of the earthly things—Luke 14:33-34.

2 信徒不愿舍弃今生一切的事物,就会失去味道─他们在神国里的功用─34节。

2. Believers may lose their taste—their function in the kingdom of God—by not being willing to renounce all the things of the present life—v. 34.

3 信徒若是失去味道,就是失去功用,用在田里就不合式,田表征召会是神的耕地(林前三9),带进要来的国度(启十一15);堆在粪里也不合式,粪堆表征火坑,宇宙中的污秽之地(二一8);他们已经得救,免去了永远的沉沦,但他们不适合于要来的国度,他们要从千年国的荣耀里被扔出去,撇在一旁受管教─路十四35。

3. If the believers lose their taste, their function, they will be fit neither for the land, signifying the church as God's farm (1 Cor. 3:9), which issues in the coming kingdom (Rev. 11:15), nor for the manure pile, signifying hell, the filthy place in the universe (21:8); having been saved from eternal perdition but being unfit for the coming kingdom, they will be thrown out from the glory of the kingdom in the millennium and be put aside for discipline—Luke 14:35.

贰 我们若丧失魂生命,就可以有分于得胜者的被提─十七26~36,二一34~36:

II. If we lose our soul-life, we may participate in the rapture of the overcomers—17:26-36; 21:34-36:

一 我们要有分于得胜者的被提,使我们得以享受主的巴路西亚(同在,来临),并逃避大灾难,就必须胜过今天世人生活的麻醉影响─十七26~30:

A. In order to participate in the rapture of the overcomers so that we may enjoy the Lord's parousia (presence, coming) and escape the great tribulation, we must overcome the stupefying effect of man's living today—17:26-30:

1 洪水以前的挪亚世代,和所多玛遭毁灭以前的罗得世代,被邪恶的生活所麻醉,其光景描绘出主的巴路西亚和大灾难以前,世人生活的危险光景─太二四3、21。

1. The conditions of evil living that stupefied the generation of Noah before the deluge and the generation of Lot before the destruction of Sodom portray the perilous condition of man's living before the Lord's parousia and the great tribulation—Matt. 24:3, 21.

2 我们作为主耶稣的跟从者,需要在今世借着丧失魂生命,胜过世界放荡生活的麻醉影响─路十七31~33。

2. As followers of the Lord Jesus, we need to overcome the stupefying effect of the world's indulgent living by losing our soul-life in this age—Luke 17:31-33.

二 保全魂生命,与留恋属地、物质的东西有关─31、33节:

B. Preserving the soul-life is related to lingering in the earthly and material things—vv. 31, 33:

1 我们留恋属地的东西,是因我们顾到今世魂的享受─参提后四10。

1. We linger in the earthly things because we care for our soul's enjoyment in the present age—cf. 2 Tim. 4:10.

2 罗得的妻子变成一根盐柱,是因她留恋所多玛,回头观望;这指明她贪爱并宝贝神即将审判并彻底毁灭的邪恶世界─路十七32:

2. Lot's wife became a pillar of salt because she took a lingering look backward at Sodom, indicating that she loved and treasured the evil world that God was going to judge and utterly destroy—Luke 17:32:

a 她虽被救出所多玛,却没有到达罗得所到的安全地方─创十九15~30。

a. She was rescued from Sodom, but she did not reach the safe place that Lot reached—Gen. 19:15-30.

b 她没有灭亡,也没有完全得救;她就像失了味的盐(路十四34~35),被撇在蒙羞之地;这对贪爱世界的信徒,是个严肃的警告─约壹二15~17、28。

b. Although she did not perish, she was not fully saved, but, like the salt that becomes tasteless (Luke 14:34-35), she was left in a place of shame; this is a solemn warning to the world-loving believers—1 John 2:15-17, 28.

3 为着魂的享受而留恋属地的东西,会使我们丧失魂,就是我们的魂会在要来的国度时代失去享受─路十七33。

3. Lingering in the earthly things for the sake of our soul's enjoyment will cause us to lose our soul; that is, our soul will suffer the loss of its enjoyment in the coming kingdom age—Luke 17:33.

三 路加十七章三十一至三十六节说到我们对被提之呼召的反应:─引用经文

C. Luke 17:31-36 speaks of our reaction to the rapture call:

1 这些经文描述魂生命所行的,不是有罪的事,乃是属地的事;主在这里的嘱咐与信徒在实际生活上的得胜有关─34~36节。

1. These verses depict the soul-life in its engagement not with sinful things but with the things of earth; the Lord's charge here is related to the believers' overcoming in their practical life—vv. 34-36.

2 活着的信徒是否有分于得胜者的被提,在于他们对主呼召他们去的反应;被提要隐秘且突然地发生─31节:

2. Whether or not the living believers participate in the rapture of the overcomers depends on their reaction to the call to go; the rapture will occur secretly and unexpectedly—v. 31:

a 这呼召在我们身上不会产生最后一分钟神奇的改变,而漠视我们先前在主面前的生活。

a. This call will not produce a miraculous last-minute change in us that has no relation to our previous life with the Lord.

b 在那一刻,我们会发现我们的心真正所宝贝的;这宝贝若是主自己,我们就不会回头观望─32节。

b. In that moment we will discover our heart's real treasure; if this treasure is the Lord Himself, there will be no backward look—v. 32.

c 我们需要十字架作工在我们身上,使我们在灵里与主自己以外的一切人事物完全分开─31节。

c. We need the cross to work in us a thorough detachment in spirit from everything and everyone other than the Lord Himself—v. 31.

3 某些人被提,是因为他们胜过今世放纵自己之生活的麻醉影响,使他们可以被提进入主巴路西亚的享受里─26~30、34~36节。

3. Certain ones are taken because they have overcome the stupefying effect of self-indulgent living in this age to be raptured into the enjoyment of the Lord's parousia—vv. 26-30, 34-36.

四 主耶稣在路加二十一章三十四至三十六节警告我们要小心,时时儆醒,常常祈求,使我们“得胜,能逃避这一切要发生的事,得以站立在人子面前”:─引用经文

D. In Luke 21:34-36 the Lord Jesus warns us to take heed to ourselves and to be watchful at every time, beseeching that we would "prevail to escape all these things which are about to happen and stand before the Son of Man":

1 “得胜,能”,即有力量和能力;这种逃避大灾难的力量和能力,来自儆醒和祈求─36节。

1. Prevail here means to have strength and ability; the strength and ability to escape the great tribulation come from watching and beseeching—v. 36.

2 “逃避”指在大灾难以前被提─太二四21。

2. Escape refers to being raptured before the great tribulation—Matt. 24:21.

3 “这一切要发生的事”,指一切大灾难的事。

3. All these things which are about to happen are all the things of the great tribulation.

4 “站立在人子面前”,与启示录十四章一节的“站”相符,指明在大灾难前,被提的得胜者要在天上的锡安山,站立在救主面前。─引用经文

4. Stand before the Son of Man corresponds with standing in Revelation 14:1, indicating that the raptured overcomers will stand before the Savior on Mount Zion in the heavens before the great tribulation.

叁 我们信心所受的试验显为可得称赞、荣耀和尊贵,就会得着我们信心的结果,就是魂的救恩─彼前一7~9:

III. The proving of our faith being found unto praise, glory, and honor results in the receiving of the end of our faith—the salvation of our souls—1 Pet. 1:7-9:

一 当我们活在神的行政之下,就会在诸般的试炼中忧愁,并经历信心的试验─6~7节:

A. As we live under the government of God, we will be made sorrowful by various trials and experience the proving of our faith—vv. 6-7:

1 六节的试炼乃是苦难,以试验我们信徒之生活的品质。─引用经文

1. The trials in verse 6 are sufferings that test the quality of our life as believers.

2 这些苦难是神用来试验并试炼我们的信心,要看我们在受苦的事上,是否跟随基督─二19~23,三14~18。

2. These trials are used by God to prove and try our faith to see whether we will follow Christ in suffering—2:19-23; 3:14-18.

3 一章七节所强调的不是信心,乃是借着苦难在试炼之下对信心的试验。─引用经文

3. The emphasis in 1 Peter 1:7 is not on faith but on the proving of faith by trials that come through sufferings.

二 彼前一章九节之魂的救恩,意为我们的魂要在主显现、回来时得救,脱离苦难得以完满地享受主─7节,三17,四1、12~16、19:

B. The salvation of the soul in 1 Peter 1:9 means that our soul will be saved from sufferings into the full enjoyment of the Lord at His revelation, His coming back—v. 7; 3:17; 4:1, 12-16, 19:

1 主显现时,有些信徒要进去享受主的快乐,有些要哀哭切齿的受苦─太二五21、23、30,二四45~46、51。

1. At the Lord's revelation, some believers will enter into the joy of the Lord, and some will suffer in weeping and gnashing of teeth—Matt. 25:21, 23, 30; 24:45-46, 51.

2 进去享受主的快乐,就是我们魂的得救─二五21、23。

2. To enter into the Lord's joy is the salvation of our souls—25:21, 23.

3 在主耶稣显现、回来时,我们的魂要得救,并且我们会够资格有分于在来世对主的享受─彼前一9、13。

3. At the revelation of the Lord Jesus, His coming, our soul will be saved, and we will be qualified to participate in the Lord's enjoyment in the coming age—1 Pet. 1:9, 13.

三 我们若要得着魂的救恩作我们信心的结果,就不可成为那“退缩以致遭毁坏的人,乃是有信心以致得着魂的人”─来十39:

C. If we would receive as the end of our faith the salvation of our souls, we must not be "of those who shrink back to ruin but of those who have faith to the gaining of the soul"—Heb. 10:39:

1 得着或拯救我们的魂,乃在于我们得救重生之后,在跟从主的事上,如何对付我们的魂。

1. The gaining, or saving, of our soul depends on how we deal with our soul in following the Lord after we are saved and regenerated.

2 我们现今若为主的缘故丧失魂,就必救了魂,我们的魂就要在主回来时得救或被得着─路九24,彼前一9。

2. If we lose our soul now for the Lord's sake, we will save it, and it will be saved, or gained, at the Lord's coming back—Luke 9:24; 1 Pet. 1:9.

3 得着魂乃是国度的赏赐,要赐给跟从主的得胜者─来十35,太十六22~28。

3. The gaining of the soul will be the reward of the kingdom to the overcoming followers of the Lord—Heb. 10:35; Matt. 16:22-28.
