The Urgent Need for Our Culture to Be Replaced by the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ
壹 使徒写歌罗西书,乃因在歌罗西的召会已经被文化渗透,并且圣徒们被文化打岔离开了基督─西二8、16~17,三10~11:
I. The book of Colossians was written because the church in Colossae had been pervaded with culture, and the saints had been distracted from Christ by culture—2:8, 16-17; 3:10-11:
一 在歌罗西,文化已经充斥在召会中,顶替基督,并且将圣徒掳去─二8。
A. In Colossae culture had flooded the church, replaced Christ, and carried off the saints as spoil—2:8.
二 神的仇敌利用文化来顶替基督;他会尝试用文化好的方面来顶替基督─参腓三4~8。
B. The enemy of God uses culture to replace Christ; he will try to use the good aspects of culture to replace Christ—cf. Phil. 3:4-8.
三 按照歌罗西书,基督被文化所顶替;歌罗西书指明,基督最终的代替品乃是我们的文化。
C. According to the book of Colossians, Christ is replaced by culture; Colossians indicates that the ultimate replacement for Christ is our culture.
四 在歌罗西书,“黑暗的权势”特别是指文化以及我们天然人好的一面─一12~13:
D. In Colossians the authority of darkness refers especially to the good aspects of culture and of our natural being—1:12-13:
1 在歌罗西的圣徒因着容让文化的最高方面侵入召会,而落到黑暗的权势之下─二8。
1. The saints in Colossae came under the authority of darkness by allowing the highest aspects of culture to invade the church—2:8.
2 文化的最高产物不过就是黑暗权势的各方面,为撒但所用以控制人─一13。
2. The highest products of culture are nonetheless aspects of the authority of darkness by which Satan controls people—1:13.
3 任何代替基督的事物都成了控制我们的黑暗权势─13节。
3. Anything that is a substitute for Christ becomes the authority of darkness to control us—v. 13.
贰 人类文化是在人堕落之后兴起的─创四16~22:
II. Human culture arose after the fall of man—Gen. 4:16-22:
一 该隐离开神的面之后,为着保护和自存,就建造了一座城─16~17节:
A. After leaving God's presence, Cain constructed a city for his protection and self-existence—vv. 16-17:
1 他在这城里产生了无神文化。
1. Within this city he produced a culture without God, a godless culture.
2 在伊甸园中,神是人的一切─人的保护、维持、供应和娱乐;人失去神,就失去了一切。
2. In the garden God was everything to man—his protection, maintenance, supply, and amusement; when man lost God, he lost everything.
3 人失去神,迫使人发明人的文化,其主要元素是城为着生存、畜牧为着维生、音乐为着娱乐以及武器为着防御─20~22节。
3. Man's loss of God forced man to invent human culture, the main elements of which were cities for existence, cattle-raising for making a living, music for enjoyment, and weapons for defense—vv. 20-22.
二 表面看来,这种无神的文化是不走神的路而失去神的人所发明的;其实,文化的内在因素,乃是神的仇敌撒但在远离神之人里面的煽动和挑唆─7、16~17节,太十二26:
B. Apparently, a culture without God was invented by the man who refused to go God's way and thereby lost God; actually, the intrinsic factor of culture was the instigation and incitement of Satan, God's enemy, within the man who departed from God—vv. 7, 16-17; Matt. 12:26:
1 这种无神而与撒但联结的文化,成了一种典型,代表历代人类所有的文化,表明这些文化都是无神,跟从撒但,与撒但联结的─参路四6注1。
1. Such a culture, which was without God and was united with Satan, became a model representing all human cultures throughout the ages and signifying that these cultures are without God and have followed Satan and are united with Satan—cf. Luke 4:6, footnote 1.
2 无神文化在创世记四章作为种子开始,要在整个人类的历史中发展,直到终极完成于启示录十八章的大巴比伦。
2. The godless culture began as a seed in Genesis 4, and it will develop throughout the history of the human race until it consummates in Babylon the Great in Revelation 18.
3 主在马太二十四章三十七至三十九节的话,指明挪亚时代的无神文化要在主来临的时期发展到极点。─引用经文
3. The Lord's word in Matthew 24:37-39 indicates that the godless culture at the time of Noah will develop to its uttermost in the period of the Lord's coming.
叁 文化阻挠神关于基督与召会的定旨─弗三10~11,五32:
III. Culture is a frustration to God's purpose concerning Christ and the church—Eph. 3:10-11; 5:32:
一 一件很诡诈的东西挡在基督与召会这条路上;这诡诈的敌对元素就是文化─西三10~11,弗二14~15,西二14~15。
A. Something very subtle stands in the way of Christ and the church; this subtle opposing element is culture—Col. 3:10-11; Eph. 2:14-15; Col. 2:14-15.
二 文化是经历基督的一大阻挠;我们在无意中并在下意识里,都受了文化的阻挠,以致无法经历并享受基督─腓三7~8。
B. Culture is a great frustration to experiencing Christ; unconsciously and subconsciously, we are frustrated by culture from the experience and enjoyment of Christ—Phil. 3:7-8.
三 我们在一切事上长到基督里,以及达到长成的人,都受我们诡诈、隐藏的文化所拦阻─西二19,弗四13、15~16。
C. Our growing up into Christ in all things and arriving at a full-grown man is hindered by our subtle, hidden culture—Col. 2:19; Eph. 4:13, 15-16.
肆 人类的文化与神的国敌对─太十16~25、34~39,十二29、46~50:
IV. Human culture stands in opposition to the kingdom of God—Matt. 10:16-25, 34-39; 12:29, 46-50:
一 有罪的事物敌对神的国,不如人类文化敌对神的国那样厉害。
A. Sinful things do not oppose the kingdom of God as much as human culture does.
二 人类文化已成了撒但国度基本的一部分,且是极大的一部分─26节。
B. Human culture has become a basic part and a great portion of the kingdom of Satan—v. 26.
三 文化已成了撒但坚固的营垒;撒但诡诈地把持文化,利用文化敌对神的国─徒二六18,西一12~13。
C. Culture has become a stronghold of Satan; in a subtle way he maintains a hold on culture and utilizes it to oppose God's kingdom—Acts 26:18; Col. 1:12-13.
伍 基督这包罗万有、延展无限的一位与文化相对,并且应当以祂自己顶替我们的文化─18节,三4、10~11:
V. Christ as the all-inclusive, extensive One is versus culture and should replace our culture with Himself—v. 18; 3:4, 10-11:
一 歌罗西书里对基督延展无限的启示,目的乃是要对付文化─二8,三10~11。
A. The purpose of the extensive revelation of Christ in the book of Colossians is to deal with culture—2:8; 3:10-11.
二 在这卷书里,保罗陈明包罗万有、延展无限之基督的异象,为要使我们深刻地看见这位基督应当顶替我们的文化─一27。
B. In this book Paul presents a vision of the all-inclusive, extensive Christ to impress us with the fact that this Christ should replace our culture—1:27.
陆 那位顶替文化的,乃是包罗万有、延展无限、居首位、作神经纶中心与普及的基督─15~18节,二16~17,三4、10~11:
VI. The kind of Christ who replaces culture is the all-inclusive, extensive Christ, the preeminent One, the centrality and universality of God's economy—vv. 15-18; 2:16-17; 3:4, 10-11:
一 那位能顶替我们的文化,并成为我们一切的基督,乃是包罗万有、延展无限的基督─一15、18。
A. The Christ who can replace our culture and become everything to us is the all-inclusive, extensive Christ—1:15, 18.
二 使徒写歌罗西书,是要启示这位包罗万有、延展无限的基督,祂以祂自己对付并顶替我们的文化─三4、10~11。
B. The book of Colossians was written in order to reveal the all-inclusive, extensive Christ who deals with our culture and replaces our culture with Himself—3:4, 10-11.
三 神在祂的救恩里,不仅拯救我们脱离罪、审判、火湖、世界和己;祂也拯救我们脱离一切顶替基督的事物,包括我们的文化─来七25。
C. In His salvation God not only saves us from sin, judgment, the lake of fire, the world, and the self; He also saves us from everything that replaces Christ, including our culture—Heb. 7:25.
四 包罗万有、延展无限的基督在我们里面,我们必须让祂充满我们全人,并以祂自己顶替我们的文化─弗三17上,西一27,三11。
D. The all-inclusive, extensive Christ is in us, and we need to allow Him to fill our entire being and replace our culture with Himself—Eph. 3:17a; Col. 1:27; 3:11.