第三篇 新人的成分─顶替文化之包罗万有、延展无限的基督

The Constituent of the One New Man— the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ Replacing Culture



壹 我们若进入歌罗西书的深处,就会看见保罗在这卷书里所对付的,乃是人类文化这隐藏的事:

I. If we get into the depths of the book of Colossians, we will see that in this book Paul is dealing with the hidden matter of human culture:

一 保罗在歌罗西三章十一节用“化外人”这辞,有力地指明这封书信对付文化。─引用经文

A. Paul's use of the word barbarian in Colossians 3:11 is a strong indication that this Epistle deals with culture.

二 文化乃是我们发展出来,使我们赖以生存并得以维生的有系统的方法─创四16~22:

B. Culture is the systematic method that we have developed to exist and to maintain our being—Gen. 4:16-22:

1 文化是每一个人不知不觉的生活─弗二2~3,四17。

1. Culture is the unconscious living of every human being—Eph. 2:2-3; 4:17.

2 全世界的人都受文化的影响。

2. People throughout the world are under the influence of their culture.

三 当初文化如何对歌罗西的信徒产生了强烈的影响,今天文化也照样强烈地影响我们─西二8~10、16~18:

C. Just as culture exerted a strong influence on the believers in Colossae, culture today exerts a strong influence on us—Col. 2:8-10, 16-18:

1 我们不知不觉就受到生长于其中的文化所影响;这文化的元素是我们这人的一部分─加四3、9,西二8、20。

1. Unconsciously, we are under the influence of the culture into which we were born; the elements of this culture are part of our being—Gal. 4:3, 9; Col. 2:8, 20.

2 我们进入召会生活时,也带着我们的文化而来;这文化破坏了我们对基督和召会生活的享受。

2. When we came into the church life, we brought our culture with us, and this culture undermines our enjoyment of Christ and the church life.

3 基督本该是召会生活里唯一的元素,却有相当大的程度被文化顶替了─8节,三11:

3. To a large extent, Christ as the unique element in the church life has been replaced by culture—v. 8; 3:11:

a 在下意识里或在无意之中,我们都宝贝自己的文化,并对自己特别的文化背景评价很高。

a. Subconsciously and unconsciously, we all treasure our culture and place a high value on our particular cultural background.

b 在召会生活中,基督被文化顶替,过于被其他任何事物顶替─11节。

b. In the church life Christ is replaced by culture more than by anything else—v. 11.

贰 歌罗西书启示在神的经纶中,包罗万有、延展无限的基督乃是一切─一15~18、27:

II. The book of Colossians reveals that the all-inclusive, extensive Christ is everything in God's economy—1:15-18, 27:

一 我们需要有清楚的异象,看见这位美妙的基督乃是我们的一切。

A. We need a clear vision of this wonderful Christ being everything to us.

二 这样的异象会了结文化对我们经历基督并对召会生活的影响;我们就成为并非讲究文化,乃被基督占有、据有并浸透的人─三11下。

B. Such a vision will terminate the influence of culture on the experience of Christ and on the church life, and instead of being cultured people, we will be people occupied with, possessed by, and saturated with Christ—3:11b.

叁 居首位、包罗万有、延展无限的基督乃是我们的生命和一个新人唯一的成分─4、10~11节:

III. The preeminent, all-inclusive, extensive Christ is our life and the unique constituent of the one new man—vv. 4, 10-11:

一 作为新人之召会的成分乃是基督,并且单单是基督;召会的内容一点不差就是包罗万有、延展无限的基督─一15~18,二9~10。

A. The constituent of the church as the new man is Christ and Christ alone; the content of the church is nothing other than the all-inclusive, extensive Christ—1:15-18; 2:9-10.

二 包罗万有、延展无限的基督,作我们的生命和一个新人的成分,以祂自己顶替了我们的文化─三11。

B. As our life and the constituent of the one new man, the all-inclusive, extensive Christ replaces our culture with Himself—3:11.

三 享受基督作我们的分,结果乃是我们经历祂作一个新人的内容和成分;最终,我们所享受的基督成了新人的成分─一12,三11。

C. The issue of enjoying Christ as our portion is that we experience Him as the con tent and the constituent of the one new man, and ultimately, the Christ we enjoy becomes the constituent of the new man—1:12; 3:11.

四 按照歌罗西三章十一节,在新人里不同文化的区别不可能继续存在:─引用经文

D. According to Colossians 3:11, in the new man there is no possibility for the various cultural distinctions to continue to exist:

1 在一个新人里,没有文化的区别,因为新人的每一部分都由基督所构成─11节。

1. There are no cultural distinctions in the one new man, for every part of the new man is constituted with Christ—v. 11.

2 在召会这新人里,区域、文化或国籍的区别没有地位;任何种族、国籍、文化或社会身分也都没有地位。

2. In the church as the new man, there is no room for regional, cultural, or national distinctions and no place for any race, nationality, culture, or social status.

五 因着基督是新人独一的构成成分,信徒既是这新人的一部分,他们之间就不该有不同,召会与召会之间也不该有不同─林前四17,启一12、20,二二16。

E. Because Christ is the unique constituent of the new man, there should be no differences among the believers who are part of this new man, and there should be no differences among the churches—1 Cor. 4:17; Rev. 1:12, 20; 22:16.

肆 作为新人的构成成分,基督是一切,又在一切之内;基督是一切肢体,又在一切肢体之内─西三11:

IV. As the constituent of the new man, Christ is all and in all; Christ is all the members, and He is in all the members—Col. 3:11:

一 在召会这新人里,基督是每一个人,祂也在每一个人里面─一27,三11。

A. In the church as the new man, Christ is everyone and He is also in everyone—1:27; 3:11.

二 一面,天然的人在新人里没有地位,因为基督是一切的肢体。

B. On the one hand, in the new man there is no place for the natural person, be cause Christ is all the members.

三 另一面,基督在一切之内,这事实指明众肢体仍然存在,但不是没有基督而存在,乃是作为由基督所内住的人而存在─一27。

C. On the other hand, the fact that Christ is in all indicates that the members continue to exist, not without Christ but as those indwelt by Christ—1:27.

四 当我们接受基督作生命和成分,我们深处就感觉我们与基督是一,并感觉基督就是我们,同时我们对于基督在我们里面就有更深的感觉─三4。

D. When we take Christ as our life and constitution, we have the sense deep within that we are one with Christ and that Christ is us, and simultaneously, we have an even deeper sense that Christ is in us—3:4.

五 在召会这新人里,基督乃是一切;这含示所有的信徒都必须由基督所构成─一15~18,二16~17,三4、10~11:

E. In the church as the new man, Christ is everything; this implies that all the believers must be constituted with Christ—1:15-18; 2:16-17; 3:4, 10-11:

1 我们必须被基督漫溢,被基督浸透,并让基督生机地作到我们这人里面─加四19,弗三17上。

1. We must be permeated with Christ, saturated with Christ, and have Christ organically wrought into our being—Gal. 4:19; Eph. 3:17a.

2 至终,我们就会被基督顶替,然后在实际上,基督就是一切,又在一切之内;祂将是新人的每一部分─西三11下。

2. Eventually, we will be replaced by Christ, and then, in reality, Christ will be all and in all; He will be every part of the new man—Col. 3:11b.

六 新人乃是在众圣徒里面的基督漫溢我们、顶替我们,直到所有天然的区别都消失,每一个人都由基督所构成─加四19,弗三17上,西一27。

F. The new man is Christ in all the saints permeating us and replacing us until all natural distinctions have been eliminated, and everyone is constituted with Christ—Gal. 4:19; Eph. 3:17a; Col. 1:27.

七 我们有了包罗万有、延展无限之基督的异象并对基督有充分的经历时,一个新人就会实际地在我们中间出现,我们也会实现新人的生活─三10~17,门10~16。

G. When we have the vision of the all-inclusive, extensive Christ with the adequate experience of Christ, the one new man will appear among us in a practical way, and we will realize the life of the new man—3:10-17; Philem. 10-16.

八 倘若基督是所有圣徒的生活,在新人里将只有基督,所有的圣徒,无论国籍是什么,都将活基督;然后在实际和实行上,基督就要成为新人一切的肢体─西三11,腓一21上。

H. If Christ is the living of all the saints, then only He will be in the new man, and all the saints, whatever their nationality, will live Christ; then in a real and practical way, Christ will be all the members of the new man—Col. 3:11; Phil. 1:21a.

伍 新耶路撒冷将是这一个新人最终的完成─弗二15~16,四24,西三10~11,启二一2、9~10:

V. The New Jerusalem will be the final consummation of the one new man—Eph. 2:15-16; 4:24; Col. 3:10-11; Rev. 21:2, 9-10:

一 当我们成为新耶路撒冷,我们就要享受这一个宇宙新人的生活。

A. When we have become the New Jerusalem, we will enjoy the life of the universal one new man.

二 今天我们借着让包罗万有、延展无限的基督顶替我们的文化,用祂自己构成我们,并在实际和实行上使我们成为一个新人的各部分,我们就能预尝这种享受─西一27,二10,三4、10~11。

B. Today we may have a foretaste of this enjoyment by allowing the all-inclusive, extensive Christ to replace our culture, to constitute us with Himself, and to make us all part of the one new man in reality and practicality—Col. 1:27; 2:10; 3:4, 10-11.
