
第六篇 因素六:为着我们生命的长大并事奉上的用处,对付我们天然的个性

The Factor of Dealing with Our Natural Disposition for Our Growth in Life and Our Usefulness in Service



壹 为着我们生命的长大并事奉上的用处,我们必须对付天然的个性:

I. We must deal with our natural disposition for our growth in life and our usefulness in service:

一 我们天然的个性是我们与生俱来的所是,而我们的性格是我们天然个性外在的表现;天然的个性是我们里面的所是,性格是我们外在的表现。

A. Our natural disposition denotes what we are in our makeup by birth, and our character is the outward expression of our natural disposition; natural disposition is what we are within, and character is what we express without.

二 里面的天然个性和外面的性格,乃是我们这人的精粹、素质;己在里面,就是我们天然的个性,己显于外,就是我们的性格。

B. The inward natural disposition and the outward character are the extract, the essence, of our being; the self within is our natural disposition, and the self expressed is our character.

三 在我们的基督徒生活与召会生活中,最损害我们用处的,就是照我们天然的个性而活;个性是我们在神圣生命的长大上真正的敌人,也是破坏我们在主手中用处的主要因素。

C. The thing that most damages our usefulness in the Christian life and church life is our living according to our natural disposition; it is the real enemy of our growth in the divine life and the major factor that spoils our usefulness in the hand of the Lord.

四 我们必须留意我们本性中,天然个性中的“瘤”;我们若对付这个“瘤”,就会长得快,在生命长大上没有什么阻挠,对主也会更为有用。

D. We must learn to take care of the "burl" in our makeup, our natural disposition; if we deal with this "burl," we will grow quickly without any hindrances to our growth in life, and we will also become more useful to the Lord.

五 个性含示于马太十六章二十三至二十六节的“思念”、“己”和“魂生命”这几个辞;个性包含这一切的元素;事实上,我们可以说我们天然的个性就是我们的己。─引用经文

E. Disposition is implied in the terms used in Matthew 16:23-26—mind, himself, and soul-life; disposition includes all these elements; actually, we may say that our natural disposition is our self.

六 对付我们天然的个性,意思就是对付我们的己、我们的魂生命(22~26)、我们的旧人(罗六6)和“我”(加二20);你对主有多少用处,或对召会造成多少难处,乃在于你天然的个性有多少被治死;对付我们天然个性的路,乃是领悟并记住我们是钉了十字架的人,并且整天留在这个领悟和实际里(20,五24~25,罗六6,八13下)。─引用经文

F. To deal with our natural disposition means to deal with our self, our soul-life (vv. 22-26), our old man (Rom. 6:6), and the "I" (Gal. 2:20); how useful you will be to the Lord or how much trouble you will make to the church depends upon how much your natural disposition is killed; the way to deal with our natural disposition is to realize and remember that we are crucified persons and remain under that realization and reality throughout the day (v. 20; 5:24-25; Rom. 6:6; 8:13b).

七 我们天然的个性就是我们的己;个性在我们里面,个性就是我们;实际地说,否认己就是否认我们天然的个性;我们基督徒必须不断操练我们的灵而拒绝己,并凭另一个生命,就是生命树所表征之钉死并复活的基督而活,借此活基督─创二9,腓一21上,启二7,彼前二24,提前四7~8。

G. Our natural disposition is our self; it is in us, and it is us; practically speaking, to deny the self is simply to deny our natural disposition; as Christians, we have to live Christ by continually exercising our spirit to reject our self and live by another life, the crucified and resurrected Christ, signified by the tree of life—Gen. 2:9; Phil. 1:21a; Rev. 2:7; 1 Pet. 2:24; 1 Tim. 4:7-8.

贰 我们在主的工作上不该受天然的个性限制;反之,我们必须学习过反对自己,就是反对我们个性的生活;凡是我们自己的,凡是出乎我们的,都不能带到对主的事奉中─罗一9,七6,林后三3~6,四5:

II. We should not be limited by our natural disposition in the Lord's work; instead, we should learn to live a life of opposing ourselves, our disposition; whatever we have and whatever comes out of us cannot be brought into the Lord's service—Rom. 1:9; 7:6; 2 Cor. 3:3-6; 4:5:

一 有的弟兄天然的个性非常自信;他们应当不断地拒绝己并倚靠复活的三一神,借此翻掉他们的自信─一8~9。

A. The natural disposition of some brothers reflects a strong self-confidence; their self-confidence must be overthrown by continually rejecting their self and by relying on the resurrecting Triune God—1:8-9.

二 人在神面前越没有蒙光照,越以为顺服神是容易的事;人越是说出便宜的话来,越是证明他还没有出过代价;话说得与神很亲近的人,恐怕离开神最远─太六1~6、16~18,路十八9~14,腓三3。

B. The less a man is enlightened by God, the more he thinks that he will have no trouble obeying God; the quicker a man makes loud claims, the more it proves that he has never paid any price; those whose words pretend intimacy with God are probably farthest away from Him—Matt. 6:1-6, 16-18; Luke 18:9-14; Phil. 3:3.

三 有的弟兄天然的个性是,若是环境不齐备、条件不够,他就不作;我们不要有一种天然的个性,一定要怎样才能作工─彼前四1,林前九23~27。

C. The natural disposition of some brothers is one of refusing to work as long as the circumstances are not perfect or the conditions are not adequate; we must reject the natural disposition that requires a particular environment before we can work—1 Pet. 4:1; 1 Cor. 9:23-27.

四 我们需要靠着生命与神同工,这生命能适应一切处境,忍受任何对待,接受各样环境,在各种情形里作工,并把握各种机会,好完成职事;我们必须学习事事处处经历基督的秘诀─林后六1~2,腓四5~9、11~13。

D. We need to work together with God by a life that is able to fit all situations, that is able to endure any kind of treatment, that is able to accept any kind of environment, that is able to work in any kind of condition, and that is able to take any kind of opportunity, for the carrying out of the ministry; we must learn the secret of experiencing Christ in everything and in every place—2 Cor. 6:1-2; Phil. 4:5-9, 11-13.

五 天然的个性有一类是“英雄”型,这一型的人作什么事都要作得令人印象深刻,作得完全而完整;另一类的天然个性是“非英雄”型,非英雄型的人作什么事都不彻底、不完全。

E. One type of natural disposition is that of the "hero"; this type must do everything in an impressive, perfect, and complete way; another type of natural disposition is that of the "non-hero"; the non-hero does not do anything in a thorough or complete way.

六 有些负责弟兄在他们天然的个性中有很强的成分,使他们不能与别人配搭合作;这样的弟兄通常很能干,但也很容易在召会生活中引起难处;他们的个性甚至会带着支配的态度、压制的灵、批评的说话以及注重规条且不赦免的灵。

F. Some responsible brothers have a strong element in their natural disposition that hinders them from coordinating and cooperating with others; these ones usually are very capable, and they can also easily stir up trouble in the church life; their disposition can even be one with a dominating attitude, a suppressing spirit, critical speaking, and a legalistic and unforgiving spirit.

七 其他的负责弟兄可能有一种天然的个性,希望所有人都喜欢他们,不愿意得罪任何人;这限制了他们在主工作中的功用,因为当主要借着他们诚实坦率地向圣徒们说警戒或警告的话时,他们不会开口─参西一27~29,帖前五12~13,林前十5~13,来三7~19,十二25:

G. Other responsible brothers may have a natural disposition that wants everyone to like them and does not want to offend anyone; this limits their effectiveness in the Lord's work, because when the Lord wants to speak an honest or frank word of admonishment or warning to the saints through them, they will not do it—cf. Col. 1:27-29; 1 Thes. 5:12-13; 1 Cor. 10:5-13; Heb. 3:7-19; 12:25:

1 不仅如此,那些有这样个性的人会对圣徒表现出天然情感的“凡火”,甚至到一个程度,使他们在照料召会、圣徒和工作时缺少正确的鉴别力与合式的监督─利二11,十1~2,民六6~7,腓一9,彼前二25,五2,来十三17。

1. Furthermore, those with such a disposition can express the "strange fire" of natural affection toward the saints, even to such a degree that causes them to be lacking the proper discernment and the proper oversight in their care for the church, the saints, and the work—Lev. 2:11; 10:1-2; Num. 6:6-7; Phil. 1:9; 1 Pet. 2:25; 5:2; Heb. 13:17.

2 拿细耳人之愿的主要部分乃是使自己与来自天然感情的死亡分开(民六6~7);此外,素祭里没有蜜,意思是在基督里没有天然的感情或天然的良善(利二11,太十二46~50,可十18)。─引用经文

2. A major part of the Nazarite vow is to separate ourselves from the deadness that comes through natural affection (Num. 6:6-7); also, the meal offering being without honey means that in Christ there is no natural affection or natural goodness (Lev. 2:11; Matt. 12:46-50; Mark 10:18).

八 我们中间任何一次背叛的源头乃是与人天然的个性有关;要得地位的野心(从撒但来的)是每一个堕落之人天然个性的主要元素;异议的根源乃是己,天然的个性─赛十四12~13,民十二1~2,十六1~3,撒上十五10~12,太十八1~4,二十20~28,路二二25~27,林后十4~5。

H. The source of any rebellion among us was the natural disposition of the persons involved; ambition for position (which comes from Satan) is the primary element of every fallen person's natural disposition; the root of dissent is the self, the natural disposition—Isa. 14:12-13; Num. 12:1-2; 16:1-3; 1 Sam. 15:10-12; Matt. 18:1-4; 20:20-28; Luke 22:25-27; 2 Cor. 10:4-5.

九 王下四章八至十节说到书念的妇人接待以利沙的事,以利沙每从那里经过,妇人都请他吃饭;他没有讲过一篇道,没有行过一件神迹,但那个妇人凭着他的吃饭,就看出他是“圣别的神人”;这就是以利沙给人的印象,所以我们也要问一问自己:“我们给人的印象是什么?”─参林后二15,五20,弗六20。

I. Second Kings 4:8-10 gives the account of the Shunammite woman's reception of Elisha by providing a meal for him whenever he passed by; he did not give one message or perform one miracle, but the woman identified him as "a holy man of God" by the way he took his meal; this was the impression that Elisha gave to others, so we have to ask ourselves, "What is the impression that we give to others?"—cf. 2 Cor. 2:15; 5:20; Eph. 6:20.

十 如果主拆毁了我们外面的人连同我们天然的个性,我们和人来往的时候,就不再是以我们刚硬的己去碰人;反之,我们每一次遇见人的时候,我们的灵就能出去;我们不可能突破我们天然个性上的难处,但主能作到─约七37~38,路十八24~27,十九2。

J. If the Lord breaks our outer man with our natural disposition, we will no longer present others with our strong self when we touch them; instead, our spirit will flow out whenever we touch men; it is impossible for us to break through the problems of our natural disposition, but it is possible for the Lord to do it—John 7:37-38; Luke 18:24-27; 19:2.

叁 那灵借着复合之灵里十字架杀死的元素,借着那灵的管治,借着作为那灵之基督的光照,并借着召会生活、结果子和喂养小羊,对付我们外面的人、我们的己、我们天然的个性:

III. The Spirit deals with our outer man, our self, our natural disposition, by the killing element of the cross in the compound Spirit, by the discipline of the Spirit, by the shining of Christ as the Spirit, and by the church life, fruit-bearing, and lamb-feeding:

一 我们要对付天然的个性,就必须否认己并应用十字架杀死的能力;我们需要看见并在经历中实化,那在我们灵里之复合且包罗万有的灵所包含基督宝贵的死,以及基督之死的甜美和功效,这些能杀死我们天然的个性─出三十23~25,腓一19,罗八13:

A. In order to deal with our natural disposition, we must deny the self and apply the killing power of the cross; we need to see and realize in our experience that the compound, all-inclusive Spirit in our spirit includes the precious death of Christ and the sweetness and effectiveness of Christ's death, which can kill our natural disposition—Exo. 30:23-25; Phil. 1:19; Rom. 8:13:

1 基督作为复合的灵乃是医治我们、点活我们并杀死我们里面一切消极事物的药剂;当我们取用祂作药剂,我们就享受“耶稣的治死”,或耶稣的杀死─林后四10~11。

1. Christ as the compound Spirit is our medication to heal us, enliven us, and kill all the negative things within us; when we take Him as our medication, we enjoy "the putting to death of Jesus," or the killing of Jesus—2 Cor. 4:10-11.

2 在那灵里面有十字架杀死的元素;我们早晨拒绝己并接受神到我们里面的时候,就在一天当中感觉到,有一个杀死的过程在我们里面进行着。

2. In the Spirit there is the killing element of the cross; when we reject ourselves in the morning to receive God into us, we have the sense during the day that a killing process is going on within us.

二 圣灵管治的目的,就是叫我们作一个被破碎的人;神要把我们摆在完全无能为力、毫无办法的地位上,祂在我们身上才有路;我们所经过的试炼,其目的是叫我们在认识神的事上得益处,好使祂得彰显─一8~9,十二9~10,赛四十28~31,何六1~3:

B. The goal of the discipline of the Holy Spirit is for us to be a broken man; God has to put us in a place of total inability and total helplessness before He can have a way in us; the purpose of the trials through which we pass is so that we can receive the benefit of knowing God for Him to be expressed—1:8-9; 12:9-10; Isa. 40:28-31; Hosea 6:1-3:

1 外面之人的破碎就是我们天然个性的破碎;我们的天然个性使我们难以释放我们的灵;一个没有被神破碎的人,在主的工作上是不可信托的;我们原有的所是,包括天然的样子和口味,都是与神配不来、与神合不来的─耶四八11。

1. The breaking of the outer man is the breaking of our natural disposition; our natural disposition makes it hard for us to release our spirit; a person who is not broken by God cannot be entrusted with the Lord's work; what we are originally, including our natural appearance and taste, does not match God and is not compatible with God— Jer. 48:11.

2 我们与生俱来的所是,无论好坏,无论有没有用,都是天然的,都是拦阻圣灵将神圣的生命构成到我们这人里面;为这缘故,我们天然的力量、天然的智慧、天然的聪明、天然的个性、天然的缺点、天然的美德,加上我们的性格和习惯,都必须被拆毁,好使圣灵在我们里面形成新的个性、新的性格、新的习惯、新的美德和新的属性。

2. Whatever we are by birth, whether good or bad, whether useful or not, is natural and altogether a hindrance to the Holy Spirit in constituting the divine life into our being; for this reason our natural strength, natural wisdom, natural cleverness, natural disposition, natural shortcomings, natural virtues, plus our character and habits, must all be torn down in order that the Holy Spirit may form in us a new disposition, new character, new habits, new virtues, and new attributes.

3 为了完成这重新构成的工作,神的圣灵在我们里面运行,用神圣的生命光照、感动、引导并浸透我们;祂也在我们的环境里作工,安排我们处境里的每一细节和人事物,好拆毁我们天然人的各方面,为要将我们模成神长子基督的形像─罗八28~29。

3. In order to accomplish the work of reconstitution, the Holy Spirit of God moves within us to enlighten, inspire, lead, and saturate us with the divine life; He also works in our environment to arrange every detail, person, matter, and thing in our situation to tear down all aspects of our natural being in order that He might conform us to the image of Christ as the firstborn Son of God—Rom. 8:28-29.

4 我们环境中所有的事都是我们的神量给我们的;祂定规一切临到我们身上的事,唯一的目的,就是要打掉我们那个突出点,那个刚硬的地方,那个难对付的地方─诗三九9,太十29~30,路十二6。

4. Everything in our environment has been measured to us by our God; He orders everything around us, the only purpose of which is to break our conspicuous, obtuse, and hard spots—Psa. 39:9; Matt. 10:29-30; Luke 12:6.

5 外面的人不破碎,里面的人就不能出来;瓦器需要打破,宝贝才能显出(林后四7);香膏只要在玉瓶里,香气就不能出来(约十二3)。─引用经文

5. If the outer man is not broken, the inner man will not be released; the earthen vessel has to be broken before the treasure can be released (2 Cor. 4:7); as long as the ointment is in the alabaster box, the fragrance will not be released (John 12:3).

6 一个没有被破碎的人,不能服从别人;唯有那些经历基督作他们服从生命的人,认识他们天然个性的背叛─腓二5~8。

6. A person who is not broken cannot submit to others; only those who have experienced Christ as their life of submission know the rebelliousness of their natural disposition—Phil. 2:5-8.

7 凡能夸口的人,都是没有被破碎的人;会责怪别人的人,都是没有被破碎的人;人若不是什么,还以为是什么,就是没有被破碎的人;常与别人相争的人,都是没有被破碎的人─三3,林前六7,加五25~26,六3。

7. Anyone who is boastful has not been broken, anyone who blames others has not been broken, anyone who thinks he is something when he is nothing has not been broken, and anyone who competes with others has not been broken—3:3; 1 Cor. 6:7; Gal. 5:25-26; 6:3.

8 凡没有受过压,没有受过委屈,没有被贬低过,没有受过人难为的,在神手中是生的、野的,都没有用处;我们不要有一个错误的观念,以为自己是受神差遣、蒙神呼召、受神付托祂工作的人,所有圣徒都该佩服和尊敬我们;可能今天敬佩我们的人,明天就是耻笑我们、将我们踏在脚底下的人;这就是事奉主之人的道路─约二23~25,徒十四11~13、18~21,可十一8~10,参十五9~15。

8. Someone who has never been pressed, mistreated, depreciated, or wronged by others is raw, wild, and useless to God; we should not have the mistaken concept that all the saints will admire and respect us because we have been sent by God, called by God, and entrusted with His work; one who respects us today may deride and trample us under his feet tomorrow; this is the way of one who serves the Lord—John 2:23-25; Acts 14:11-13, 18-21; Mark 11:8-10; cf. 15:9-15.

三 从我们天然的个性得救,也是由于作为大光之基督内里的光照;这光照就是叫我们看见神所看见的─箴四18,二十27,诗十八28~29,太四16,路十一34~36,徒九3~5,二二6~10,二六13~19,弗五13,腓二15~16:

C. Deliverance from our natural disposition also comes from the inner shining of Christ as a great light; this shining is seeing what God sees—Prov. 4:18; 20:27; Psa. 18:28-29; Matt. 4:16; Luke 11:34-36; Acts 9:3-5; 22:6-10; 26:13-19; Eph. 5:13; Phil. 2:15-16:

1 神圣之光的照耀所带来的杀死,乃是基督徒经历中最大的事;光照也就是拯救,看见也就是脱离;每一个真正看见在荣耀中的主这异象的人,都会在良心里蒙光照,看见自己的不洁─赛六1~8。

1. The greatest thing in the Christian experience is the killing that comes from the shining of the divine light; the shining is the saving, and the seeing is the deliverance; everyone who truly sees a vision of the Lord in His glory is enlightened in his conscience regarding his uncleanness—Isa. 6:1-8.

2 主多给我们光,就把我们暴露出来,叫我们谦卑;唯有这种光照才会除掉我们的骄傲,唯有这光会叫我们肉体的活动停止,才会破碎我们外面的壳子连同我们天然的个性;我们越看见神、认识神并爱神,就越厌恶自己,就越否认自己─伯四二5~6,太十六24,路九23,十四26。

2. The Lord grants us much light to expose us and to humble us; only this kind of shining will remove our pride, and only this light will stop our fleshly activities and break our outer shell with our natural disposition; the more we see God, know God, and love God, the more we abhor ourselves and the more we deny ourselves—Job 42:5-6; Matt. 16:24; Luke 9:23; 14:26.

3 我们绝不要凭自己的努力、自己天然的个性学习涵养或容忍,乃要学习伏在神的光中,接受祂的破碎,让环境在我们身上拆毁、破碎我们这人。

3. We should not try to be magnanimous or forbearing by the effort of our self, our natural disposition; rather, we should learn to prostrate ourselves in God's light, receive His breaking, and allow the environment to break us and tear us down.

四 我们在主的手中若没有用处,不能照顾别人,乃是由于我们天然的个性;召会生活、结果子、喂养小羊这三件事治死我们天然的个性;我们要对付天然的个性,就必须爱神,借着接触神而被作为恩典的神所注入,也必须爱人,借着接触他们而将神作为恩典注入到他们里面─约二一15~17,弗三2,四29,彼前四10。

D. If we are not useful in the Lord's hand for taking care of people, it is due to our natural disposition; the church life, fruit-bearing, and lamb-feeding are three matters that kill our natural disposition; to deal with our natural disposition, we must love God by contacting God to be infused with Him as grace, and we must love people by contacting them to infuse them with God as grace—John 21:15-17; Eph. 3:2; 4:29; 1 Pet. 4:10.

肆 神对付雅各乃是一幅完整的图画,表明圣灵在新约信徒里面管教和变化的工作,以对付他们天然的个性,好叫基督成形在他们里面,并在他们里面完全长大而达到成熟;这乃是神赐福与我们,并使我们叫别人得福,使他们能得着神圣三一之神圣分赐的供应─罗十二2,林后三18,来六1上,创十二1~3,结三四26,民六22~27:

IV. God's dealing with Jacob is a full picture of the Holy Spirit's discipline and His transforming work in the New Testament believers to deal with their natural disposition so that Christ may be formed in them, fully grown in them, unto maturity; this is God's blessing us and making us a blessing to others that they may be supplied with the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity—Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 3:18; Heb. 6:1a; Gen. 12:1-3; Ezek. 34:26; Num. 6:22-27:

一 雅各的一生表明一个生来天然的人必须经过破碎,才能成为“以色列”,就是神的王子;神借着我们的环境所拆毁的,不过是我们没有价值的己,我们天然的个性;然而,神所建造到我们里面的,乃是祂自己这至宝、卓越、无限量者─林前三12。

A. Jacob's life shows that a natural person must pass through breaking in order to become Israel, a prince of God; what God tears down through our environment is our worthless self, our natural disposition; however, what God builds into us is Himself, the peerless, supereminent, and infinite One—1 Cor. 3:12.

二 神命定雅各终生要过挣扎的生活;祂主宰安排了雅各一生中的每一个环境、遭遇和人物,并使这些都互相效力,叫雅各得益处,使祂可以将雅各这抓夺者,抓脚跟的人,变化成以色列,神的王子─创二五26,三二24~32。

B. God destined Jacob to live a struggling life all his days; He sovereignly arranged every circumstance, situation, and person in Jacob's life and caused them all to work together for Jacob's good so that He could transform Jacob, a supplanter and a heel holder, into Israel, a prince of God—Gen. 25:26; 32:24-32.

三 雅各生命成熟(变化的最后阶段)最有力的表显,乃是他祝福每一个人;他抓夺的手变成祝福的手;祝福是借着在生命里成熟而将作生命的神涌流给人─四七7、10,四八14~16,四九1~28。

C. The strongest manifestation of Jacob's maturity in life (the last stage of transformation) is the fact that Jacob blessed everyone; his supplanting hands became blessing hands; blessing is the overflow of God as life to others through the maturity in life—47:7, 10; 48:14-16; 49:1-28.
