
第五篇 维持召会是真理的柱石和根基,也是神团体地显现于肉体这真理,并给这真理作见证

Upholding the Truth and Testifying to the Truth That the Church Is the Pillar and Base of the Truth and the Corporate Manifestation of God in the Flesh



壹 召会是支持真理的柱石,也是托住真理的根基─提前三15:

I. The church is the supporting pillar and holding base of the truth— 1 Tim. 3:15:

一 主要祂的召会认识祂乃是真理,好见证祂是真理─约十四6,十八37,约壹一6,五20。

A. The Lord wants His church to know Him as the truth in order to testify concerning Him as the truth—John 14:6; 18:37; 1 John 1:6; 5:20.

二 提前三章十五节的真理,指神话语所启示一切真实的事物,主要的是作神具体化身的基督,以及作基督身体的召会─二4,西二9、19。

B. Truth in 1 Timothy 3:15 refers to the real things revealed in God's Word, which are mainly Christ as the embodiment of God and the church as the Body of Christ—2:4; Col. 2:9, 19.

三 真理就是三一神,以基督为具体化身、中心和彰显,以产生召会作基督的身体,神的家和神的国─9节,弗一22~23,四16,提前三15,约三3、5。

C. The truth is the Triune God, having Christ as the embodiment, center, and expression to produce the church as the Body of Christ, the house of God, and the kingdom of God—v. 9; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:16; 1 Tim. 3:15; John 3:3, 5.

四 召会支持基督这实际;召会向全宇宙见证基督(并且唯有基督)是实际─一14、17,十四6。

D. The church bears Christ as the reality; the church testifies to the whole universe that Christ, and Christ alone, is the reality—1:14, 17; 14:6.

五 召会是支持真理的柱石,和托住柱石的根基,见证基督是神的奥秘,召会是基督的奥秘这个实际(真理)─西二2,弗三4。

E. As the pillar that bears the truth and the base that upholds the pillar, the church testifies the reality, the truth, of Christ as the mystery of God and the church as the mystery of Christ—Col. 2:2; Eph. 3:4.

六 我们建造怎样的召会,在于我们教导怎样的真理;因此,迫切需要活的真理来产生召会,帮助召会存在,并且建造召会─提前三15。

F. The kind of church that we build up depends on the kind of truth that we teach; thus, there is the desperate need of the living truth to produce the church, to help the church to exist, and to build up the church—1 Tim. 3:15.

七 我们所必须应付的最大需要,乃是带领圣徒进入真理;众圣徒都应当在神圣的启示上受训练─二4。

G. The greatest need that we must meet is to bring the saints into the truth; all the saints should be trained in the divine revelation—2:4.

贰 众圣徒都需要维持真理─三9、15,提后二15:

II. All the saints need to uphold the truth—3:9, 15; 2 Tim. 2:15:

一 支持真理的柱石和托住真理的根基,乃是召会全体,包括众圣徒;召会的每个肢体都是维持真理之柱石和根基的一部分─提前三15。

A. The supporting pillar and holding base of the truth are the entire church, including all the saints; every member of the church is part of the pillar and base that uphold the truth—1 Tim. 3:15.

二 召会是真理的柱石和根基,含示召会的每个肢体都应该认识真理;因此,我们该定意要学习真理─二4:

B. The church being the pillar and base of the truth implies that every member of the church should know the truth; thus, we should make a decision to learn the truth—2:4:

1 召会,包括每一个信徒,必须维持真理─三9。

1. The church, including every believer, must uphold the truth—3:9.

2 召会要刚强,每个弟兄姊妹就必须学习真理,经历真理,并能讲说真理,借此维持真理─二4。

2. In order for the church to be strong, every brother and sister must uphold the truth by learning the truth, experiencing the truth, and being able to speak the truth—2:4.

3 我们若在日常的召会生活里实行真理,就能在维持真理上背负一些责任─约贰4,约叁3~4、8。

3. If we practice the truth in the daily church life, we will be able to bear some responsibility in upholding the truth—2 John 4; 3 John 3-4, 8.

叁 我们需要维持召会是真理的柱石和根基,也是神团体地显现于肉体这真理,并给这真理作见证─提前三15~16:

III. We need to uphold the truth and testify to the truth that the church is the corporate manifestation of God in the flesh—1 Tim. 3:15-16:

一 神的显现首先是在基督里,那是在肉体里个别的彰显─16节,西二9,约一1、14:

A. God's manifestation was first in Christ as an individual expression in the flesh—v. 16; Col. 2:9; John 1:1, 14:

1 新约不是说,神的儿子成为肉体,乃是启示,神显现于肉体─提前三15~16:

1. The New Testament does not say that the Son of God was incarnated; it reveals that God was manifested in the flesh—1 Tim. 3:15-16:

a 显现于肉体的神,不仅是子,乃是整个的神─父、子、灵。

a. God was manifested in the flesh not only as the Son but as the entire God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.

b 整个神,不仅是子神,成为肉体;因此,基督成为肉体就是整个神显现于肉体:

b. The entire God and not only God the Son was incarnated; hence, Christ in His incarnation was the entire God manifested in the flesh:

㈠ 在基督成为肉体时期的职事里,祂把无限的神带到有限的人里面;在基督里无限的神与有限的人成为一─约八58,七6,十二24。

(1) In His ministry in the stage of incarnation, Christ brought the infinite God into the finite man; in Christ the infinite God and the finite man became one—John 8:58; 7:6; 12:24.

㈡ 借着成为肉体,神圣的合并─神在祂的神圣三一里互相内在成为一而一同作工─被带到人性里;所以基督是三一神与三部分人的合并─十四10~11。

(2) Through incarnation the divine incorporation—God in His Divine Trinity coinhering mutually and working together as one—was brought into humanity; Christ is therefore the incorporation of the Triune God with the tripartite man—14:10-11.

2 神格一切的丰满,都有形有体地居住在基督里面─西二9:

2. In Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily—Col. 2:9:

a “神格一切的丰满”一辞乃指整个的神格,完整的神。

a. All the fullness of the Godhead refers to the entire Godhead, to the complete God.

b 神格既包含父、子、灵,神格的丰满就必是父、子、灵的丰满。

b. Since the Godhead comprises the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, the fullness of the Godhead must be the fullness of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.

c 神格一切的丰满,有形有体地居住在基督里面,意思是说,三一神具体化身在祂里面─约十四10。

c. That all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ bodily means that the Triune God is embodied in Him—John 14:10.

d 基督是神格丰满的具体化身,祂不仅是神的儿子,也是整个的神。

d. As the embodiment of the fullness of the Godhead, Christ is not only the Son of God but also the entire God.

二 提前三章十五至十六节指明,不仅作头的基督自己是神显现于肉体,连作基督身体和神的家的召会也是神显现于肉体─敬虔的奥秘:

B. First Timothy 3:15-16 indicates that not only Christ Himself as the Head is the manifestation of God in the flesh but also that the church as the Body of Christ and the house of God is the manifestation of God in the flesh—the mystery of godliness:

1 十六节的“敬虔”,不仅是指虔诚,乃是指神活在召会中,就是那是生命的神在召会中活了出来,得着了彰显:

1. Godliness in verse 16 refers not only to piety but to the living of God in the church, that is, God as life lived out in the church to be expressed:

a 基督和召会,二者都是敬虔的奥秘,在肉体里彰显神。

a. Both Christ and the church are the mystery of godliness, expressing God in the flesh.

b 召会生活乃是神的显出;因此,敬虔的奥秘就是正当召会的生活─林前一6,十四24~25。

b. The church life is the expression of God; therefore, the mystery of godliness is the living of a proper church—1 Cor. 1:6; 14:24-25.

2 神显现于召会─神的家和基督的身体─就是祂在肉体里扩大的团体彰显─弗二19,一22~23:

2. God is manifested in the church—the house of God and the Body of Christ— as the enlarged corporate expression in the flesh—Eph. 2:19; 1:22-23:

a 神显现于肉体,开始于基督在地上的时候─约十四9。

a. The manifestation of God in the flesh began with Christ when He was on earth—John 14:9.

b 神显现于肉体,在召会中延续;召会是神显现于肉体的扩增、扩大和繁殖─提前三15~16。

b. The manifestation of God in the flesh continues with the church, which is the increase, enlargement, and multiplication of the manifestation of God in the flesh—1 Tim. 3:15-16.

c 这样的召会就成为基督是神显现于肉体的延续─基督从召会活出,成为神的显现。

c. Such a church becomes the continuation of Christ's manifestation of God in the flesh—Christ lived out of the church as the manifestation of God.

3 敬虔的极大奥秘乃是神成为人,使人在生命和性情上,但不在神格上,成为神,以产生一个团体的神人,使神显现于肉体─罗八3,一3~4,弗四24。

3. The great mystery of godliness is that God has become man so that man may become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead to produce a corporate God-man for the manifestation of God in the flesh—Rom. 8:3; 1:3-4; Eph. 4:24.
