
第六篇 认识并传布那按照时代的职事之今日的真理─神永远经纶的最高福音

Knowing and Spreading the Up-to-date Truth of the Highest Gospel of God's Eternal Economy according to the Ministry of the Age



壹 神在一个时代里所作特别的恢复与工作,就是那个时代的职事;时代的职事将现有的真理供应给神的子民;彼后一章十二节的“现有的真理”,也可译为“今日的真理”:─引用经文

I. The particular recovery and work that God is doing in one age is the ministry of that age; the ministry of the age ministers the present truth to God's people; in 2 Peter 1:12 the present truth can also be rendered "the up-to-date truth":

一 虽然所有的真理都在圣经里,却因着人的愚昧、不忠心、失职和不顺服,以致许多真理都失落了,向人隐藏起来─参王下二二8。

A. Although all the truths are in the Bible, through man's foolishness, unfaithfulness, negligence, and disobedience many truths were lost and hidden from man—cf. 2 Kings 22:8.

二 重新显现的真理并不是神的新创造,乃是人的新发现;每一个主的工人都需要在神面前求问,什么是现有的真理。

B. Freshly revealed truths are not God's new inventions; rather, they are man's new discoveries; every worker of the Lord should inquire before God as to what the present truth is.

三 神的真理是累积的,而不是推翻已往;我们今天所看见的,都是神累积的启示。

C. God's truths are cumulative; later truths do not negate earlier ones; what we see today are the cumulative revelations of God.

四 但愿神恩待我们,叫我们不作“现有真理”的落伍者;但愿我们儆醒,不让肉体渗入,不让自己有地位。

D. May God be gracious to us that we do not become castaways of "the present truth"; may we be watchful and not allow the flesh to come in or the self to gain any ground.

贰 神借着今时代的职事所赐给我们现有的真理,神圣启示的最高峰,乃是神永远经纶的启示;神永远经纶的福音乃是那给祖宗之应许的福音(徒十三32),就是应许大卫的后裔要成为神的儿子,也就是说,人的后裔要成为神圣的儿子(22~23、33~34,二六6、16~19,撒下七12~14上,罗一3~4,太二二41~45):─引用经文

II. The present truth, the highest peak of the divine revelation given to us by God through the ministry of this age, is the revelation of the eternal economy of God; the gospel of God's eternal economy is "the gospel of the promise made to the fathers" (Acts 13:32)—the promise that the seed of David would become the Son of God, that is, that a human seed would become a divine Son (vv. 22-23, 33-34; 26:6, 16-19; 2 Sam. 7:12-14a; Rom. 1:3-4; Matt. 22:41-45):

一 我们所传的福音,不该降低到我们以为是人所能懂的标准上;我们应当传扬拔高的福音,绝不能把观念降低(帖前一1、3~4、10,五23,林前二7~13);我们必须相信,在人里头有一种神所创造的能力,为着接受并领会神的事物(伯三二8,亚十二1,传三11,徒十七26~29,赛四三7)。─引用经文

A. We should not preach a gospel that has been lowered down to what we think is the level of people's understanding; we should preach an uplifted gospel and never lower the concept (1 Thes. 1:1, 3-4, 10; 5:23; 1 Cor. 2:7-13); we must believe that within man there is a God-created ability to receive and understand the things of God (Job 32:8; Zech. 12:1; Eccl. 3:11; Acts 17:26-29; Isa. 43:7).

二 我们必须根据整本圣经,一点一点地陈明神永远经纶的真理;这是主所给我们特别的托付─林前一9,九16~17、23,提前一3~4,二7,四16,提后一11,二2、15,西一28。

B. We must present the truth concerning the eternal economy of God item by item according to the entire Bible; this is the Lord's special commission to us—1 Cor. 1:9; 9:16-17, 23; 1 Tim. 1:3-4; 2:7; 4:16; 2 Tim. 1:11; 2:2, 15; Col. 1:28.

叁 “大卫的后裔要成为神的儿子”,是说到基督借着复活被标出为神长子的过程─罗一3~4:

III. The seed of David becoming the Son of God speaks of the process of Christ's being designated the firstborn Son of God by resurrection—Rom. 1:3-4:

一 保罗说他被分别出来归于神的福音,这福音是论到神的儿子,这指明神的福音乃是儿子名分的福音,为着基督身体的实际─1、3~4节,八28~30,十二5.

A. Paul said that he was separated unto the gospel of God concerning God's Son, which indicates that the gospel of God is a gospel of sonship for the reality of the Body of Christ—vv. 1, 3-4; 8:28-30; 12:5.

二 罗马一章三至四节乃是应验撒下七章十二至十四节上半预表中的预言,揭示一个奥秘─神成为人,使人在生命和性情上得以成为神,只是无分于神格。

B. Romans 1:3-4 is the fulfillment of the prophecy in typology in 2 Samuel 7:12-14a, unveiling the mystery of God becoming man to make man God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead.

三 基督在祂的神性里是神的独生子(约一18),借着成为肉体,穿上与神性毫无关系的肉体,就是属人的性情;在祂的人性里,祂不是神的儿子。─引用经文

C. By incarnation Christ, the only begotten Son of God in His divinity (John 1:18), put on the flesh, the human nature, which had nothing to do with divinity; in His humanity He was not the Son of God.

四 在复活里,基督的人性成为神圣的,得以子化,意思是说,祂被标出为神的儿子,成为神的长子,兼有神性和人性─罗八29。

D. In resurrection His humanity was deified, sonized, meaning that He was designated the Son of God in His humanity, becoming the firstborn Son of God and possessing both divinity and humanity—Rom. 8:29.

五 因此,在基督里,神构成到人里面,人也构成到神里面,神与人调和在一起成为一个实体,就是神人。

E. Thus, in Christ God was constituted into man, man was constituted into God, and God and man were mingled together to be one entity, the God-man.

六 神在祂经纶里的福音和祂的目的,乃是要将神建造到人里面,并将人建造到神里面;这建造就是神成为人(大卫的后裔),使人成为神(被标出之神的儿子)─约十四23,十五4~5,罗一3~4。

F. God's gospel and His intention in His economy are to build God into man and man into God; this building is God becoming a man (the seed of David) that man might become God (the designated Son of God)—John 14:23; 15:4-5; Rom. 1:3-4.

七 这是主耶稣所说的福音:“我实实在在地告诉你们,一粒麦子不落在地里死了,仍旧是一粒;若是死了,就结出许多子粒来”─约十二24:

G. This gospel was spoken by the Lord Jesus when He said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit"—John 12:24:

1 一粒种子若埋在土里死了,至终就会在复活里发芽、长大并开花,因为种子生命的作用,在种子死的时候就同时得以发动─林前十五36,彼前三18。

1. If a seed dies by being buried in the soil, it will eventually sprout, grow, and blossom in resurrection, because the operation of the seed's life is activated simultaneously with its death—1 Cor. 15:36; 1 Pet. 3:18.

2 基督里的神性,就是圣别的灵,在祂死时就起作用,并且在复活里,祂“开花”成为神的长子和分赐生命的灵,将祂神圣的生命分授到我们里面,使我们成为祂许多的弟兄─罗八29,林前十五45下。

2. The divinity, the Spirit of holiness, in Christ became operative in His death, and in resurrection He "blossomed" to be the firstborn Son of God and the life-dispensing Spirit, imparting His divine life into us to make us His many brothers—Rom. 8:29; 1 Cor. 15:45b.

3 原型是神的长子,复制品是神的众子,就是原型的众肢体,作祂的身体,终极完成于新耶路撒冷─西一18,彼前一3。

3. The prototype is the firstborn Son of God, and the reproduction is the many sons of God, the members of the prototype to be His Body, which consummates in the New Jerusalem—Col. 1:18; 1 Pet. 1:3.

肆 “大卫的后裔要成为神的儿子”,说到我们借着复活被标出为神众子的过程─来二10~11:

IV. The seed of David becoming the Son of God speaks of the process of our being designated the many sons of God by resurrection—Heb. 2:10-11:

一 基督已经被标出为神的儿子,但我们仍在标出的过程中,就是在得以子化,得以成为神的过程中─罗八28~29。

A. Christ has already been designated the Son of God, but we are still in the process of designation, the process of being sonized, deified—Rom. 8:28-29.

二 神儿子的生命已经栽种到我们灵里─10节:

B. The life of the Son of God has been implanted into our spirit—v. 10:

1 我们现今就像种在地里的种子,必须经过死而复活的过程─约十二24~26。

1. Now we, like the seed that is sown into the earth, must pass through the process of death and resurrection—John 12:24-26.

2 这使外面的人被销毁,却使内里的生命得以从我们里面长大、发展,至终开花;这就是复活─林前十五31、36,林后四10~12、16~18。

2. This causes the outer man to be consumed, but it enables the inner life to grow, to develop, and ultimately, to blossom from within us; this is resurrection—1 Cor. 15:31, 36; 2 Cor. 4:10-12, 16-18.

三 在复活里,基督在祂的人性里被标出为神的儿子;借着这样的复活,我们也在被标出为神儿子的过程中─罗八11:

C. In resurrection Christ in His humanity was designated the Son of God, and by means of such a resurrection we also are in the process of being designated sons of God—Rom. 8:11:

1 我们被标出、得以子化、得以成为神的过程,乃是复活的过程,有四个主要的方面─圣别、变化、模成和得荣─六22,十二2,八29~30。

1. The process of our being designated, sonized, deified, is the process of resurrection with four main aspects—sanctification, transformation, conformation, and glorification—6:22; 12:2; 8:29-30.

2 被标出之过程的关键是复活,就是内住的基督作为我们灵里兴起的灵,标出的灵,生命的能力─约十一25,罗八10~11,徒二24,林前十五26,五4:

2. The key to the process of designation is resurrection, which is the indwelling Christ as the rising-up Spirit, the designating Spirit, the power of life in our spirit—John 11:25; Rom. 8:10-11; Acts 2:24; 1 Cor. 15:26; 5:4:

a 我们急切需要学习如何照着灵而行,享受并经历那标出的灵─罗八4、14,太十四22~23,可一35~38,诗六二8,一〇二篇标题。

a. We urgently need to learn how to walk according to the spirit, to enjoy and experience the designating Spirit—Rom. 8:4, 14; Matt. 14:22-23; Mark 1:35-38; Psa. 62:8; 102 title.

b 我们越摸着那灵,就越被圣别、变化、模成、荣化,而在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成为神,以建造基督的身体,终极完成新耶路撒冷─林前十二3,罗十12~13,八15~16,加四6。

b. The more we touch the Spirit, the more we are sanctified, transformed, con-formed, and glorified to become God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead for the building up of the Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem— 1 Cor. 12:3; Rom. 10:12-13; 8:15-16; Gal. 4:6.

四 我们越在生命里长大,并经过新陈代谢的变化过程,就越被标出为神的儿子─林后三18、6、16,五4、9、14~15,一12,十二7~9:

D. The more we grow in life and pass through the metabolic process of transformation, the more we are designated the sons of God—2 Cor. 3:18, 6, 16; 5:4, 9, 14-15; 1:12; 12:7-9:

1 这新陈代谢的过程,乃是建造召会作为基督的身体和神的家;这是借着将神建造到人里面,并将人建造到神里面─罗十二2,弗一22~23,二20~22。

1. This metabolic process is the building up of the church as the Body of Christ and the house of God by the building of God into man and man into God—Rom. 12:2; Eph. 1:22-23; 2:20-22.

2 人性要在神性里标明出来,神性和人性要调和为一;今天,我们这些人的后裔,正在神建造的过程中,好在神性里成为神的儿子─太十六18,弗三16~19,启二一2、9~10。

2. Humanity is designated in divinity, and divinity and humanity are blended as one; today we, seeds of humanity, are becoming sons of God in divinity through the process of God's building—Matt. 16:18; Eph. 3:16-19; Rev. 21:2, 9-10.

3 神按照祂心头愿望的经纶和目标,乃是要将祂自己建造到人里面,并将人建造到祂里面;这建造要终极完成于新耶路撒冷这伟大的团体神人,就是神众子的总和─7节。

3. God's economy and goal according to His heart's desire are to build Himself into man and to build man into Him; this building will consummate in the New Jerusalem as a great, corporate God-man, the totality of all the sons of God—v. 7.

4 有一天这个过程要完成,我们在灵、魂、体里都要永远与神的长子基督一样─约壹三2,罗八19、23,诗歌七六四首第二节。

4. One day this process will be completed, and for eternity we will be the same as Christ, God's firstborn Son, in our spirit, soul, and body—1 John 3:2; Rom. 8:19, 23; Hymns, #948, stanza 2.

五 在神那一面,是三一神成为肉体,来成为人;在我们这一面,是我们成为神,由经过过程并终极完成的三一神所构成,使我们在生命和性情上─但不在神格上─成为神,作祂团体的彰显,直到永远;这是最高的真理,最高的福音。

E. On God's side, the Triune God has been incarnated to be a man; on our side, we are being deified, constituted with the processed and consummated Triune God so that we may be made God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead to be His corporate expression for eternity; this is the highest truth, and this is the highest gospel.

伍 我们需要使用生命读经的信息以及恢复本连同注解,而被神永远经纶的最高真理所构成,并传布这最高的真理;生命读经的信息以及恢复本连同注解是为着供应生命、释放真理并解开圣经的各卷─伯十13,参弗三9:

V. We need to be constituted with and spread the highest truth of God's eternal economy by using the Life-studies and the Recovery Version with the footnotes; they are for life ministering, for truth releasing, and for opening up the books of the Bible—Job 10:13; cf. Eph. 3:9:

一 主的恢复乃是恢复真理的亮光;今天地上最急切需要的,就是今时代的真理:

A. The Lord's recovery is the recovery of the light of the truth; the most urgent need on the earth today is the truth of this age:

1 生命读经的信息连同恢复本和所有注解是向我们开启圣经最有效的钥匙;这些不是取代圣经,乃是带领人进入圣经─徒八26~39。

1. The Life-studies with the Recovery Version and all the footnotes are the most prevailing key to open up the Bible to us; they are not to replace the Bible but to bring people into the Bible—Acts 8:26-39.

2 我们必须把恢复本的经文和注解并生命读经的信息,当作教科书,用祷告研读;我们若仅仅轻率地阅读,只会得着暂时的滋养和灵感;但是当我们所读的在我们得着光照的记忆里成为真理,这话就成了我们常时、长期的滋养─诗一一九130。

2. We must consider the text of the Recovery Version with the footnotes and the Life-studies as a textbook for prayerful studying; if we merely read them in a light way, we will only receive some temporary nourishment and inspiration; however, when what we read becomes the truth in our enlightened memory, it becomes a constant and eternal nourishment to us—Psa. 119:130.

3 生命读经信息的用意和目标是要打开圣经真理的矿藏,让我们进去挖掘;“我……出版了许多东西,这些东西需要你们花费年日来进入”─李常受文集一九八四年第二册,“长老训练第三册:实行异象的路”,四〇七页。

3. The intention and goal of the Life-study messages are to "open up the mine" of the truth of the Bible for us to dig out the treasures; "I have published many things that need your spending years to get into"—The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1984, vol. 2, "Elders' Training, Book 3: The Way to Carry Out the Vision," p. 316.

二 今天,为着主的恢复,我们必须负起责任,传布翻译出来、得着解释并解明的神圣真理:

B. Today we must bear the responsibility for spreading the translated, interpreted, and understood divine truths for the Lord's recovery:

1 对圣经正确的领会,已经收集在我们的著作中,好让我们研读、学习并传布神圣的真理;恢复本加上附注,可谓二千年来,各方圣徒对神圣启示认识之“结晶”。

1. The proper understanding of the Bible has been collected in our writings in order for us to study, learn, and spread the divine truths; the Recovery Version and the accompanying footnotes are the "crystallization" of the understanding of the divine revelation which the saints everywhere have attained to in the past two thousand years.

2 主已将这些宝贵的真理给了我们,叫我们不仅将这些真理传给基督徒,更传给不信者;主今天所需要的,乃是千万爱祂、向祂活,不知道别的,只知道祂恢复的亲爱圣徒,同走一条路,传布同样的真理,使他们成为忠信并精明的奴仆,按时分粮给主的子民;这样,我们就会完成主对祂恢复的使命─林后五14~15,太二四45。

2. The Lord has given us these precious truths for us to spread them not only to Christians but even to the unbelievers; what the Lord needs today is for thousands of His dear saints who love Him, who live to Him, and who know nothing but His recovery to take one way to spread the same truths to make them the faithful and prudent slaves to serve food to the Lord's people at the proper time; then we will fulfill the commission of the Lord's recovery—2 Cor. 5:14-15; Matt. 24:45.

3 召会的扩增在于真理的传布;唯有真理能征服人、得着人;从今以后,我们都该花工夫学习神永远经纶的真理,并把基督供应给人,使召会得着繁增与开展─徒六7,十二24,十九20。

3. The increase of the church depends on the spread of the truth; only the truth can subdue and gain people; from now on we all should spend time to learn the truth of God's eternal economy and minister Christ to others for the multiplication and spread of the church—Acts 6:7; 12:24; 19:20.
