
第三篇 过约但河并预备打仗

Crossing the Jordan River and Being Prepared for Battle



壹 约书亚三章一节至四章二十四节记载以色列人过约但河:

I. Joshua 3:1—4:24 is a record of the people of Israel crossing the Jordan River:

一 当以色列人看见他们神的约柜,又见祭司利未人抬着,就要从所在的地方起行,跟着约柜去─三3、6:

A. When the people of Israel saw the Ark of the Covenant of their God and the Levitical priests bearing the Ark, they set out from their place and followed it—3:3, 6:

1 约柜预表基督作三一神的具体化身─出二五10~22。

1. The Ark was a type of Christ as the embodiment of the Triune God—Exo. 25:10-22.

2 当神的约柜与以色列人一同前行时,三一神与他们同行,在前面领导,因此三一神是头一个踏入水中的─书三8、10~11。

2. When the Ark of God went with the children of Israel, the Triune God went with them, taking the lead and thus being the first to step into the water—Josh. 3:8, 11.

3 约柜扛在祭司的肩头上,指明抬约柜的祭司按预表是与三一神成为一个实体─3节:

3. That the Ark was on the shoulders of the priests indicates that, in type, the priests who bore the Ark became one entity with the Triune God—v. 3:

a 他们与神乃是一个团体人─团体的神人。

a. They and God were one corporate person—a corporate God-man.

b 神在他们的行走里行走,他们在神的行走里行走。

b. God walked in their walking, and they walked in God's walking.

二 约但河预表基督的死与复活─徒二23~24,三15:

B. The Jordan River typifies the death and resurrection of Christ—Acts 2:23-24; 3:15:

1 主的约柜在百姓前头过去,到约但河里─书三10~11。

1. The Ark of the Covenant of the Lord crossed over before the people into the Jordan—Josh. 3:11.

2 约柜进入约但河,并从约但河上来,就是指明基督的死与复活─15节,四11。

2. The Ark's entering into and coming out of the Jordan indicates Christ's death and resurrection—v. 15; 4:11.

三 以色列人过约但河,不是预表信徒肉身的死亡,乃是预表信徒经历基督的死,在这死里旧人被了结并埋葬─罗六3~6,加二20:

C. Israel's crossing of the river Jordan typifies not the believers' physical death but the believers' experience of the death of Christ, in which the old man is terminated and buried—Rom. 6:3-6; Gal. 2:20:

1 约但河就预表的意义说,乃是指信徒受浸所浸入之基督的死─罗六3~4。

1. According to typology, the Jordan River denotes the death of Christ into which the believers have been baptized—Rom. 6:3-4.

2 以色列人经过基督的死,以埋葬他们的旧人,并成为在基督里的新人─林后五17:

2. The children of Israel passed through the death of Christ to bury their old man and become a new man in Christ—2 Cor. 5:17:

a 他们已预备好进入美地,要取得那地作他们的产业,并与迦南人打仗;然而,他们在旧人里无法取得胜利。

a. They were ready to enter into the good land, take the land as their possession, and engage in warfare against the Canaanites; however, in their old man they could not gain the victory.

b 按预表,他们在基督的死里埋葬,然后在基督的复活里复活,成为在基督里的新人,为着打属灵的仗─弗六10~20。

b. In type, they were buried in the death of Christ, and then they were resurrected in the resurrection of Christ to become a new man in Christ for the fighting of the spiritual warfare—Eph. 6:10-20.

c 我们必须看见,我们的旧人,我们天然的人,是完全不合格为得着基督打属灵的仗;在基督里,我们就不再是旧人,乃是新人了─四22~24。

c. We need to realize that our old man, our natural man, is not qualified to fight the spiritual warfare for the gaining of Christ; in Christ we are no longer the old man but a new man—4:22-24.

3 信徒浸入基督的死,乃是过约但河,这引领信徒进入基督的复活─罗六3~6,西二12:

3. The believers' baptism into the death of Christ, as the crossing of the Jordan River, leads the believers into the resurrection of Christ—Rom. 6:3-6; Col. 2:12:

a 受浸在埋葬的一面,是了结我们的旧人。

a. In the aspect of burial, baptism is the termination of our old man.

b 受浸在复活一面,使我们的灵有新生的起头,好叫我们在基督里凭神圣的生命活过来─约三6、15,罗八10。

b. In the aspect of resurrection, baptism is the germination of our spirit so that we may be made alive in Christ with the divine life—John 3:6, 15; Rom. 8:10.

c 在这复活的境地里,我们就得享基督作包罗万有的美地,而在其中生活行动;甚至在其中生根、建造,以完成神的经纶─六4,西二7。

c. In the realm of resurrection we enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive good land in which we walk and even are being rooted and built up for the accomplishment of the economy of God—6:4; Col. 2:7.

四 以色列人过约但河并进入美地,与以色列人据有并享受美地有关;这样的据有并享受美地,预表信徒实际地经历在基督里各样福分的丰富,如以弗所书中所启示的─书四1。

D. Israel's crossing the Jordan and entering into the good land are related to Israel's possessing and enjoying the good land, which typifies the believers' practical experience of the riches of the blessings in Christ as revealed in the book of Ephesians—Josh. 4:1.

五 以色列人过约但河之后进入美地,乃是预表信徒经历接管诸天界,就是撒但和他黑暗权势所在的地方─弗二2,六12。

E. Israel's entering into the good land after crossing the Jordan typifies the believers' experience of taking over the heavenlies, where Satan and his power of darkness are—Eph. 2:2; 6:12.

贰 从约但河中取十二块石头,另把十二块石头立在约但河中─书四3~9:

II. Twelve stones were taken out of the Jordan, and another twelve stones were erected in the Jordan—Josh. 4:3-9:

一 从约但河中取出的十二块石头,表征新以色列的十二支派─3~7节。

A. The twelve stones taken from the Jordan signify the twelve tribes of the new Israel—vv. 3-7.

二 这些石头从约但河的水中被拿起来,表征从死里复活─7节:

B. The stones' being raised up from the waters of the Jordan signifies resurrection from death—v. 7:

1 这十二块石头是一个记号,表明“复活的”新以色列人乃是越过死水的见证─6~7、21~24节。

1. These twelve stones were a sign, showing that the "resurrected" new Israel would be a testimony of the crossing of the death water—vv. 6-7, 21-24.

2 这预表信徒与基督一同经历从死里复活─罗六3~4。

2. This typifies the believers' experiencing with Christ the resurrection from death—Rom. 6:3-4.

三 立在约但河中另外的十二块石头,表征在旧生命和旧性情里的以色列十二支派─书四9:

C. The other twelve stones erected in the middle of the Jordan signify the twelve tribes of Israel in their old life and in their old nature—Josh. 4:9:

1 约书亚把这十二块石头立在约但河中约柜所在的地方,表征主要把在旧性情里的以色列人留在约但河的死水下。

1. Joshua erected these twelve stones in the middle of the Jordan where the Ark was, signifying that the Lord wanted Israel in their old nature to remain under the death water of the Jordan.

2 这预表信徒的旧人应当留在基督的死里─罗六6,加二20,腓三10。

2. This typifies that the old man of the believers should remain in the death of Christ—Rom. 6:6; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:10.

四 两组各十二块的石头,表征我们的旧人已经埋葬,我们复活的新人与三一神一同活着并作工,如同一人;这与以弗所二章一节、四至六节、十五节、十节的启示相符。─引用经文

D. The two sets of twelve stones signify that our old man has been buried and our resurrected new man is living and working with the Triune God as one; this corresponds with the revelation in Ephesians 2:1, 4-6, 15, and 10.

叁 抬见证柜的祭司在约但河中的干地上站定,直到国民尽都过了约但河─书三8、13~15、17,四10~11、15~18:

III. The priests carrying the Ark of the Testimony stood firmly on dry ground at the bottom of the river Jordan until all the nation had completely crossed over the Jordan—Josh. 3:8, 13-15, 17; 4:10-11, 15-18:

一 抬约柜的祭司是首先下水去,末后从水里上来的;他们在河底,直等到神的百姓都过了河,才能出来─三17,四15~16。

A. The priests bearing the Ark were the first ones to go into the water and the last ones to come up out from the water; they waited at the bottom of the river for all of God's people to cross over—3:17; 4:15-16.

二 神把祭司放在死里,好叫以色列人有一条路,到生命之地─10节:

B. God put the priests in the place of death so that the Israelites would have a way to the land of life—v. 10:

1 在河底是死的地位,不是舒服的,不是好看的。

1. The bottom of the river is the position of death; it is not comfortable or attractive.

2 在河底抬见证的柜,是顶苦的。

2. To bear the Ark of the Testimony at the bottom of the river is a great suffering.

3 主今日找一班像约书亚三至四章里的祭司的人,叫他们先下水,先进入死─三8、17:

3. The Lord is seeking for a group of people who, like the priests in Joshua 3 and 4, step into the water, that is, walk into death first—3:8, 17:

a 他们乐意先受十字架的对付,站在死里,好叫召会有一条生命的路─林后四10~12。

a. They are willing to be dealt with by the cross first, to stand in the place of death in order that the church will find the way of life—2 Cor. 4:10-12.

b 神必须先把我们摆在死里,好叫别人得着生命─约二19,十二24,林前十五36。

b. God must first put us in the place of death before others can receive life—John 2:19; 12:24; 1 Cor. 15:36.

三 因着使徒保罗借着死供应生命,他能见证说,“这样,死是在我们身上发动,生命却在你们身上发动”─林后四12:

C. Because the apostle Paul ministered life by dying, he could testify, saying, "So then death operates in us, but life in you"—2 Cor. 4:12:

1 使徒们的工作乃是死在他们身上发动,使生命在信徒身上发动─10~12节。

1. The work of the apostles is the work of death operating in them so that life may operate in the believers—vv. 10-12.

2 死在我们身上发动的结果是美妙的,就是生命在别人身上发动─12节。

2. The issue, the result, of the operation of death in us is wonderful—it is life in others—v. 12.

3 新约职事真实的工作不是作工的问题,乃是死的问题─1节,三8~9,五18。

3. The real work of the new covenant ministry is not a matter of working; it is a matter of dying—v. 1; 3:8-9; 5:18.

4 在主的恢复里,我们需要死,好叫生命在别人身上作工;因此,我们死就是我们作工─四12。

4. In the Lord's recovery we need to die so that life may work in others; hence, our dying is our working—4:12.

5 “主不需要你为祂完成什么工作。祂需要你死。如果你死了,生命就会在别人身上作工。借着死,你就把生命供应人。因此,我们的工作乃是被治死”─哥林多后书生命读经,三四七页。

5. "The Lord does not need you to accomplish a work for Him. He needs you to die. If you die, life will work in others. You will minister life to others by dying. Therefore, our work is to be put to death"—Life-study of 2 Corinthians, p. 295.

肆 以色列人虽然受了管教、训练,并且合格,但在过约但河以后,他们在攻击前仍需要进一步的预备─书五1~10:

IV. Although the Israelites had been disciplined, trained, and qualified, after crossing the Jordan they still needed further preparation before the attack—Josh. 5:1-10:

一 过约但河是为着与迦南七族打仗─四12~13。

A. The crossing of the river Jordan was for war against the seven tribes in Canaan—4:12-13.

二 约书亚有分于过约但河的神迹,他就得着加力,能带领以色列人与一切属鬼魔的迦南人打仗─三6~7、10,四14。

B. As Joshua was participating in the miracle of crossing the Jordan, he was strengthened to take the lead to war against the demonic Canaanites—3:6-7, 10; 4:14.

三 耶和华吩咐约书亚“第二次给以色列人行割礼”─五2:

C. Jehovah charged Joshua to "circumcise again the children of Israel a second time"—5:2:

1 行割礼的目的是要使神的选民成为新的百姓,好承受神应许之地─参创十七7~12。

1. The purpose of circumcision was to make God's chosen people a new people for the inheriting of God's promised land—cf. Gen. 17:7-12.

2 给新以色列人行割礼,预表基督借着祂的死所成就的割礼,应用在信徒身上,使他们脱去肉体的身体,好在复活里承受基督作神分给他们的分─西二11~12,一12。

2. The circumcising of the new Israel typifies the circumcision of Christ, by His death, applied to the believers in the putting off of the body of the flesh that they may inherit Christ in resurrection as the portion allotted to them by God—Col. 2:11-12; 1:12.

3 属灵的割礼是在基督的死里埋葬的延续─罗六3~4:

3. Spiritual circumcision is a continuation of the burial in the death of Christ—Rom. 6:3-4:

a 借着过约但河,旧以色列人被埋葬,新以色列人出来;这是神所作客观的工作。

a. Through the crossing of the river Jordan, the old Israel was buried and a new Israel came forth; this was an objective work done by God.

b 以色列人受割礼,就是实际应用神在过约但河的事上所作的─书五2~9。

b. The children of Israel's being circumcised was their practical application of what God had done in the crossing of the river Jordan—Josh. 5:2-9.

4 在新约里,属灵的割礼乃是不断地将基督的死应用于我们的肉体─腓三3,西二11:

4. In the New Testament spiritual circumcision is the constant application of Christ's death to our flesh—Phil. 3:3; Col. 2:11:

a 虽然在事实上,我们已浸入基督的死,与祂一同埋葬并复活,但在实行上,我们仍然必须靠着那灵,天天将十字架的割除应用在我们的肉体上─罗八13,加五24。

a. Although in fact we have been baptized into the death of Christ and have been buried and raised with Him, in practicality we still must apply the circumcision of the cross to our f lesh by the Spirit day by day—Rom. 8:13; Gal. 5:24.

b 这是留在基督之死与埋葬里的实际与实行。

b. This is the reality and practicality of remaining in the death and burial of Christ.

四 以色列人在吉甲安营,并在耶利哥的平原守逾越节─书五10:

D. The children of Israel camped in Gilgal and held the Passover on the plains of Jericho—Josh. 5:10:

1 守逾越节是记念耶和华救赎以色列人长子脱离死的审判;也是记念耶和华拯救以色列人脱离埃及和法老的暴政─出十二3~7、11~14,十四13~30。

1. The Feast of the Passover was held to remember Jehovah's redeeming of Israel from the death-judgment on their firstborn sons and also Jehovah's saving of Israel from Egypt and from the tyranny of Pharaoh—Exo. 12:3-7, 11-14; 14:13-30.

2 守逾越节指明,耶和华怎样拯救以色列人脱离法老和埃及,祂也照样要毁灭迦南各族,拯救以色列人脱离他们─书五10。

2. The keeping of the Passover indicated that just as Jehovah had saved Israel from Pharaoh and Egypt, so He would destroy the tribes of Canaan and deliver Israel from them—Josh. 5:10.

3 以色列人守逾越节,预表信徒赴主的筵席,记念主是他们的救赎主和救主─太二六26~28。

3. Israel's keeping of the Passover typifies the believers' keeping of the Lord's table to remember the Lord as their Redeemer and Savior—Matt. 26:26-28.
