
第五篇 迦南地的出产以及分配美地的内在意义

The Produce of the Land of Canaan and the Intrinsic Significance of the Allotment of the Good Land



壹 以色列人进入迦南地之后,吗哪止住了;他们不再有吗哪了,却吃迦南地的出产─书五12:

I. After the children of Israel entered the land of Canaan, the manna ceased; there was no longer manna, but they ate of the yield of the land of Canaan—Josh. 5:12:

一 当百姓开始吃那地的出产,吗哪就止住了,这指明那地的出产乃是吗哪的延续。

A. The ceasing of the manna when the people began to eat the produce of the land indicates that the produce of the land was the continuation of the manna.

二 以色列人在旷野飘流时所吃的吗哪(出十六),预表基督是神直接赐给祂选民的属天食物,吃的人不需要劳苦。

B. The manna eaten by Israel in their wandering in the wilderness (Exo. 16) typifies Christ as the heavenly food given directly by God to His chosen people, which requires no labor on the part of the eaters.

三 以色列人在迦南争战时神所赐应许之地丰富的出产,预表基督是赐给信徒那终极完成的生命供应,需要他们在祂身上劳苦─申八7~10:

C. The rich produce of the promised land given by God to Israel in their fighting in Canaan typifies Christ as the consummated life supply given to the believers, which requires them to labor on Him—Deut. 8:7-10:

1 就如这里的预表所描绘的,我们取得基督这地之后,需要在祂身上劳苦,好从祂有所出产,成为我们的食物,我们的生命供应。

1. As portrayed in the typology here, after possessing Christ as the land, we need to labor on Him to produce something of Him that will become our food, our life supply.

2 我们吃基督并享受祂作美地的出产时,就被祂构成,在生命、性情和彰显上与基督一式一样─约六57,腓一19~21上。

2. As we eat Christ and enjoy Him as the produce of the good land, we are constituted with Him, being made the same as Christ in life, nature, and expression—John 6:57; Phil. 1:19-21a.

3 至终,我们对基督作我们的地业、产业的享受,要将我们构成为神的基业、神的珍宝和产业─弗一11~14、18下,参出十九5。

3. Ultimately, our enjoying of Christ as our inheritance, our possession, will constitute us to be God's inheritance, God's treasure and possession—Eph. 1:11-14, 18b; cf. Exo. 19:5.

四 以色列人在埃及、旷野和美地,经历了三个阶段的吃:

D. In Egypt, the wilderness, and the good land, the people of Israel experienced three stages of eating:

1 以色列人在埃及吃逾越节的羊羔─十二3、8~9:

1. In Egypt the people of Israel ate the passover lamb—12:3, 8-9:

a 正如吃逾越节烤羊羔的肉是为得着生命的供应,我们也需要吃基督作我们生命的供应─8~10节,约六53、55~57:

a. Just as the roasted flesh of the passover lamb was to be eaten for life supply, so we need to eat Christ for our life supply—vv. 8-10; John 6:53, 55-57:

㈠ 要解决人堕落的问题并成就神原初的心意,就需要生命与救赎。

1) To solve the problem of the fall of man and to accomplish God's original intention, both life and redemption are needed.

㈡ 神借着基督之血的法理救赎乃是手续,以达到神将基督作为生命分赐到我们里面,作我们生机救恩的目标─罗五10。

2) God's judicial redemption through the blood of Christ is the procedure to reach God's goal of dispensing Christ as life into us for our organic salvation—Rom. 5:10.

b 以色列人吃逾越节的羊羔,要带着头、腿、内脏而吃─出十二9:

b. The children of Israel were to eat the passover lamb with its head, legs, and inward parts—Exo. 12:9:

㈠ 头表征智慧,腿表征举止、行动,内脏表征基督所是的内里诸部分,包括祂的心思、情感、意志和心,连同这些部分的一切功用。

1) The head signifies wisdom, the legs signify activity and move, and the inward parts signify the inward parts of Christ's being, including His mind, emotion, will, and heart with all their functions.

㈡ 吃逾越节的羊羔,要带着头、腿、内脏而吃,表征接受完整的基督,包括祂的智慧、举止、行动和内里的诸部分─约六57,林前一24,启十四4下,腓一8。

2) Eating the passover lamb with the head, legs, and inward parts signifies taking Christ in His entirety with His wisdom, His activity and move, and His inward parts—John 6:57; 1 Cor. 1:24; Rev. 14:4b; Phil. 1:8.

2 以色列人在旷野吃吗哪─出十六14~16、31,民十一7:

2. In the wilderness the people of Israel ate manna—Exo. 16:14-16, 31; Num. 11:7:

a 神将吗哪赐给祂的百姓吃,指明祂的心意是要借着改变饮食来改变他们的构成─出十六14~15:

a. By giving His people manna to eat, God indicated that His intention was to change their constitution by changing their diet—Exo. 16:14-15:

㈠ 在名义上,以色列人不是埃及人;但在性情和构成上,他们与埃及人丝毫没有不同─3节。

1) In name the children of Israel were not Egyptian, but in nature and in constitution they did not differ from the Egyptians in the least—v. 3.

㈡ 埃及的饮食是指我们所渴望得喂养,以满足我们的一切事物─民十一4~6。

2) The Egyptian diet denotes all the things we desire to feed on in order to find satisfaction—Num. 11:4-6.

b 神要祂的赎民忘掉埃及的饮食,而有分于属天的食物─申八3:

b. God wanted His redeemed people to forget the Egyptian diet and to partake of heavenly food—Deut. 8:3:

㈠ 我们越多吃吗哪,就越符合神,与祂联合为一,且照着祂的所是生活并行事为人。

1) The more manna we eat, the more we correspond to God, are identified with Him, and live and walk according to what He is.

㈡ 在我们与主同活的日常生活中,帮助我们最大的,就是吃基督作属天的食物;借着吃基督,我们成为基督;也就是说,基督成了我们的构成成分─约六56~58。

2) What helps us most in our daily living with the Lord is eating Christ as the heavenly food; by eating Christ, we become Christ; that is, Christ becomes our constituent—John 6:56-58.

3 以色列人在迦南地吃美地的出产─书五11~12:

3. In Canaan the people of Israel ate the produce of the good land—Josh. 5:11-12:

a 在第三阶段的吃,他们吃美地丰富的供应,这使他们进一步被构成得胜的子民。

a. In the third stage of eating, they ate the rich supply of the good land, which constituted them further to be an overcoming people.

b 美地有小麦、大麦、葡萄树、无花果树、石榴树、出油的橄榄树和蜜;这一切都预表基督那追测不尽的丰富─申八8,弗三8。

b. The good land was a land of wheat, barley, vines, fig trees, pomegranates, olive trees with oil, and honey, all of which typify the unsearchable riches of Christ—Deut. 8:8; Eph. 3:8.

c 以色列人借着享受美地的丰富,就征服那地的各族,建立神的国,并建造殿作神在地上的居所─书五11~12。

c. By enjoying the riches of the good land, the people of Israel conquered the tribes in the land, established the kingdom of God, and built up the temple as God's dwelling place on earth—Josh. 5:11-12.

4 这三个阶段预表信徒借着吃基督而享受基督的三个阶段─约六51~57,林前五7~8,十3~4,腓一19:

4. These three stages typify the three stages of the believers' enjoyment of Christ by eating Him—John 6:51-57; 1 Cor. 5:7-8; 10:3-4; Phil. 1:19:

a 借着头两个阶段的吃,信徒得着加力脱离世界,并被基督这属天元素所构成─约六51~57,林前五7~8,十3~4。

a. By their eating in the first two stages, the believers are energized to leave the world and are constituted with Christ as the heavenly element—John 6:51-57; 1 Cor. 5:7-8; 10:3-4.

b 为着达到神经纶的目标,我们需要往前,直到我们进入最高的阶段,就是吃基督作美地丰富的出产,使我们胜过属灵的仇敌,而被建造成为神的居所,并在地上建立神的国。

b. To reach the goal of God's economy, we need to progress until we enter into the highest stage of eating Christ as the rich produce of the good land so that we may overcome the spiritual enemies, be built up to be God's dwelling place, and establish God's kingdom on earth.

c 我们吃基督作美地的出产时,就被祂构成,在生命、性情和彰显上与基督一式一样,为着建造召会作基督的身体─弗四16。

c. As we eat Christ as the produce of the good land, we are constituted with Him and are made the same as Christ in life, nature, and expression for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ—Eph. 4:16.

贰 分配美地的内在意义乃是:我们这班那地的据有者,经历同一位基督不同的方面─书十三1~二二34:

II. The intrinsic significance of the allotment of the good land is that we, the possessors of the land, experience the one Christ in different ways—Josh. 13:1—22:34:

一 在神的经纶里,有拈阄分地这样一件事─西一12。

A. Within God's economy there is something called the allotment of the land—Col. 1:12.

二 约书亚据有美地以后,神就吩咐他拈阄分配已据有的地,甚至分配还未据有的地,因为在神眼中,那地全是给以色列人的─书十三6:

B. After Joshua took possession of the land, God commanded him to allot the land that had been possessed and even the land that had not yet been possessed, because in God's eyes all the land was for Israel—Josh. 13:6:

1 神在祂的智慧里,不是把美地整个的赐给所有的以色列人;祂乃是将那地,就是基督,分配给不同的支派─7节。

1. In His wisdom, God did not allot the good land as a whole to all the children of Israel; rather, He allotted that land, that is, Christ, to the different tribes—v. 7.

2 因为各支派有所不同,神就无法以相同的方式将相同的地分给每一支派。

2. Because the tribes were different, God could not give the same land in the same way to every tribe.

3 所有的支派都是那地的据有者,但各支派照着他们的所是,分别据有特定的一分地─十四6~15,十八1~十九27。

3. All the tribes were possessors of the land, but the tribes possessed particular portions of the land according to what they were—14:6-15; 18:1—19:27.

4 拈阄分地这预表,今天应验在我们中间─西一12:

4. The fulfillment of this type of the allotment of the land is among us today—Col. 1:12:

a 我们都有同一位基督,但我们却经历基督不同的方面─林前一2。

a. We all have the same Christ, but we experience Christ in different ways—1 Cor. 1:2.

b 我们所据有的地(基督),乃是照着我们的所是─罗十二3,弗四7。

b. The land (Christ) we possess is according to what we are—Rom. 12:3; Eph. 4:7.

三 在歌罗西一章十二节保罗使用包罗万有之地的观念,说到“众圣徒的分”:─引用经文

C. In Colossians 1:12 Paul employs the concept of the all-inclusive land, speaking of "the allotted portion of the saints":

1 在原文,译为“分”的字,也可译为“业分”,指分得的分。

1. The Greek word rendered "portion" can also be rendered "lot," referring to an allotment.

2 保罗写歌罗西书时,一定是想到旧约中分配美地给以色列人的图画;他使用“分”这辞,是以旧约记载土地的业分为背景─书十四2:

2. When Paul was writing the Epistle to the Colossians, he had in mind the picture of the allotting of the good land to the children of Israel; he used the word portion with the Old Testament record of the land as the background—Josh. 14:2:

a 歌罗西书启示基督是我们的分,我们的业分─一15~19,二6~15。

a. In Colossians Christ is revealed as our portion, our lot—1:15-19; 2:6-15.

b 正如迦南地对以色列人是一切;照样,基督是美地这预表的实际,对我们也是一切─一12。

b. Just as the land of Canaan was everything to the children of Israel, so Christ, the reality of the type of the good land, is everything to us—1:12.

3 基督这居首位并包罗万有者乃是所分给众圣徒的分─12节。

3. Christ as the preeminent and all-inclusive One is the allotted portion of the saints—v. 12.

4 新约信徒所分得的分,不是物质的土地,乃是包罗万有的基督,作为赐生命的灵─西二6~7,加三14:

4. The New Testament believers' allotted portion is not a physical land; it is the all-inclusive Christ as the life-giving Spirit—2:6-7; Gal. 3:14:

a 美地的丰富预表基督那追测不尽之丰富的不同方面,在祂的灵里作祂信徒全备的供应─申八7~10,弗三8,腓一19。

a. The riches of the good land typify the unsearchable riches of Christ in different aspects as the bountiful supply to His believers in His Spirit—Deut. 8:7-10; Eph. 3:8; Phil. 1:19.

b 在基督里的信徒借着享受那地的丰富,被建造为基督的身体,作神的家与神的国─弗一22~23,二21~22,提前三15,太十六18~19,罗十四17。

b. By enjoying the riches of the land, the believers in Christ are built up to be His Body as the house of God and the kingdom of God—Eph. 1:22-23; 2:21-22; 1 Tim. 3:15; Matt. 16:18-19; Rom. 14:17.

四 在行传二十六章十八节,保罗说到包罗万有的基督是我们的基业:─引用经文

D. In Acts 26:18 Paul refers to the all-inclusive Christ as our inheritance:

1 我们的眼睛得开,并从撒但权下转向神,结果,我们不仅罪得赦免,也得着神圣的基业。

1. As the result of having our eyes opened and of being transferred from the authority of Satan to God, we not only have the forgiveness of sins, but we also receive a divine inheritance.

2 这基业就是三一神自己带着祂所有的一切、所作的一切以及祂为赎民所要作的一切;这位三一神具体化身在包罗万有的基督里面,基督是所分给众圣徒的分,作他们的基业─西二9。

2. This inheritance is the Triune God Himself with all that He has, all that He has done, and all that He will do for His redeemed people; this Triune God is embodied in the all-inclusive Christ, who is the portion allotted to the saints as their inheritance—Col. 2:9.

3 美地的确预表包罗万有的基督,经过过程并终极完成之三一神的具体化身,已赐给我们作我们的基业─一12。

3. The good land truly is a type of the all-inclusive Christ, the embodiment of the processed and consummated Triune God, who has been given to us as our inheritance—1:12.
