
第十二篇 在主的恢复里走生命的路

Taking the Way of Life in the Lord's Recovery



壹 约书亚记、士师记和路得记这三卷书陈明神行动的两方面一幅清楚的图画:祂在经纶之灵,就是能力之灵里的行动,与祂在素质之灵,就是生命之灵里的行动─士十三25,十四6,约二十22,徒一8,罗八2:

I. The three books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth present a clear picture of the two aspects of God's move: His move in His economical Spirit, the Spirit of power, and His move in His essential Spirit, the Spirit of life—Judg. 13:25; 14:6; John 20:22; Acts 1:8; Rom. 8:2:

一 在约书亚、迦勒和一切士师身上,我们看见神在能力里的行动,正如参孙的事例所描绘的,他是一个在能力的灵里行动,而不是在生命的灵里行动的人─士十四6。

A. With Joshua, Caleb, and all the judges we see the move of God in power, illustrated by Samson as one who moved in the Spirit of power but not in the Spirit of life—Judg. 14:6.

二 相反的,路得记乃是一卷生命的书;路得记的目的不是要告诉我们任何关于能力的事,乃是要用拿俄米、路得和波阿斯为例子,启示生命的事到极点─一16~17、20~21,三1、7~13,四9~15。

B. In contrast, the book of Ruth is a book of life; the purpose of this book is not to tell us anything about power but to reveal the things of life to the uttermost, using Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz as examples—1:16-17, 20-21; 2:10-16; 3:1, 7-13; 4:9-15.

三 在主的恢复里,我们不该走士师有能力作大工的路;我们若走能力的路,不走生命的路,那么无论我们作成什么,都毫无意义。

C. In the Lord's recovery we should not take the way of the judges to be powerful and to do a great work; if we take the way of power instead of the way of life, whatever we accomplish will mean nothing.

四 看见唯有生命才能生出基督,对我们是很重要的─路一35:

D. It is crucial for us to see that only life can bring forth Christ—Luke 1:35:

1 唯有生命能将神带到人性里,产生基督,供应基督,并将基督供给全人类─太一18、20~21。

1. Only life can bring God into humanity, produce Christ, minister Christ, and supply the entire human race with Christ—Matt. 1:18, 20-21.

2 这乃是借着走生命之路的生命之人路得和波阿斯作成的。

2. This was accomplished by Ruth and Boaz, persons of life, who took the way of life.

贰 照着神的生命神圣、永远的性质,神的生命是唯一的生命;唯有神的生命才算为生命─约一4,十10下,十一25,十四6:

II. According to the divine and eternal nature of the life of God, God's life is the unique life; only the life of God can be counted as life—John 1:4; 10:10b; 11:25; 14:6:

一 生命是奥秘的,因为生命就是神自己─一1、14,五26,弗四18:

A. Life is mysterious, for life is God Himself—1:1, 14; 5:26; Eph. 4:18:

1 神圣的生命可视为神首要且基本的属性─18节,约五26,约壹五11~12,罗八2。

1. The divine life may be considered the first and the basic attribute of God—v. 18; John 5:26; 1 John 5:11-12; Rom. 8:2.

2 生命就是神的内容和神的流出;神的内容是神的所是,神的流出是祂自己作生命分赐给我们─弗四18,启二二1。

2. Life is the content of God and the flowing out of God; God's content is God's being, and God's flowing out is the impartation of Himself as life to us—Eph. 4:18; Rev. 22:1.

3 生命就是基督,生命是基督活在我们里面,并从我们活出来─约十四6,西三4,加二20,腓一21上。

3. Life is Christ, and life is Christ living in us and lived out from us—John 14:6; Col. 3:4; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:21a.

4 生命就是圣灵─约十四16~17,林前十五45下,罗八2,林后三6。

4. Life is the Holy Spirit—John 14:16-17; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 8:2; 2 Cor. 3:6.

5 生命乃是经过过程并终极完成的三一神分赐到我们里面,并活在我们里面─约一14,七37~39,二十22,罗八10、6、11。

5. Life is the processed and consummated Triune God dispensed into us and living in us—John 1:14; 7:37-39; 20:22; Rom. 8:10, 6, 11.

二 神按着祂的形像,照着祂的样式造人,目的是要人接受祂作生命,使人成为生命的人,就是神人,在神的属性里彰显神─创一26,二9。

B. God's purpose in the creation of man in His image and according to His likeness was that man would receive Him as life so that man might become a man of life, a God-man, expressing God in His attributes—Gen. 1:26; 2:9.

叁 我们需要认识善恶知识树的意义,并完全从善恶知识树转向生命树─9、16~17节:

III. We need to know the significance of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and turn absolutely from this tree to the tree of life—vv. 9, 16-17:

一 生命树表征三一神在基督里,以食物的形态将祂自己分赐到祂所拣选的人里面作生命─9节。

A. The tree of life signifies the Triune God in Christ to dispense Himself into His chosen people as life in the form of food—v. 9.

二 新约启示基督是生命树这表号的应验─约一1、4、14,十一25,十四6,十五1、5:

B. The New Testament reveals that Christ is the fulfillment of the figure of the tree of life—John 1:1, 4, 14; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1, 5:

1 约翰一章四节论到基督说,“生命在祂里面”;这是指由生命树所表征的生命。

1. Speaking of Christ, John 1:4 says, "In Him was life"; this refers to the life signified by the tree of life.

2 创世记二章所描绘的生命,就是具体化身在基督里的生命─约壹五11~12,约一1、4、14。

2. The life portrayed in Genesis 2 is the life incarnated in Christ—1 John 5:11-12; John 1:1, 4, 14.

3 我们若将约翰一章四节和十五章五节摆在一起,就会领悟基督自己是生命,又是葡萄树,因此是生命树。─引用经文

3. If we put together John 1:4 and 15:5, we will realize that Christ, who Himself is life and also a vine tree, is the tree of life.

三 善恶知识树表征撒但对人乃是死亡的源头─来二14:

C. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil signifies Satan as the source of death to man—Heb. 2:14:

1 善恶知识树也表征神以外一切的事物。

1. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil also signifies all things apart from God.

2 任何不是神自己的事物,包括善的,甚至合乎圣经及宗教的事物,都会被那狡猾者撒但所利用,将死亡带进召会─太十六18,箴十六25,十八21。

2. Anything that is not God Himself, including good things and even scriptural and religious things, can be utilized by Satan, the subtle one, to bring death into the church—Matt. 16:18; Prov. 16:25; 18:21.

四 在约翰四、八、九和十一章,有四件事例,说明生命的原则与善恶相对:

D. In John 4, 8, 9, and 11 are four cases that illustrate the principle of life versus good and evil:

1 我们不该顾到善恶,乃该顾到生命─四10~14、20~21、23~24,八3~9,九1~3,十一20~27。

1. We should care not for good and evil but for life—4:10-14, 20-21, 23-24; 8:3-9; 9:1-3; 11:20-27.

2 辨识一件事最好的办法,乃是按着生命或死亡,而不是按着是与非、善与恶来辨识─罗八6,林后十一3。

2. The best way to discern a matter is to discern according to life or death, not according to right and wrong, good and evil—Rom. 8:6; 2 Cor. 11:3.

肆 基督是我们的生命─西三4:

IV. Christ is our life—Col. 3:4:

一 神的生命就是基督的生命,基督的生命又成了我们的生命─4节,约五26:

A. The life of God is the life of Christ, and the life of Christ has become our life—v. 4; John 5:26:

1 基督是我们的生命,意思就是说,祂对我们是主观到了极点的─一4,十四6上,十10下,林前十五45下,罗八10、6、11。

1. For Christ to be our life means that He is subjective to us to the uttermost—1:4; 14:6a; 10:10b; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 8:10, 6, 11.

2 不可能把一个人和他的生命分开,因为人的生命就是人自己;因此,说基督是我们的生命,意思就是说,基督成了我们,我们与祂同有一个生命和生活─约十四6上,腓一21上。

2. It is impossible to separate a person from the life of that person, for a person's life is the person himself; thus, to say that Christ is our life means that Christ has become us and that we have one life and living with Him—John 14:6a; Phil. 1:21a.

二 基督是我们的生命,这真理有力的指明我们要以祂为生命,并要在日常生活中活祂─西三4,约六57:

B. The truth that Christ is our life is a strong indication that we are to take Him as life and live Him in our daily life—Col. 3:4; John 6:57:

1 基督必须在实际上、在经历上是我们的生命;一天过一天,我们需要在祂的生命里得救─西三4,林前十五45下,罗五10。

1. Christ must be our life in a practical and experiential way; day by day we need to be saved in His life—Col. 3:4; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 5:10.

2 新人乃是我们接受基督作生命并活基督的自然结果─西三3~4、10~11。

2. The new man is the spontaneous issue of our taking Christ as our life and living Him—Col. 3:3-4, 10-11.

伍 我们在神面前的生活和工作有两条可能的路─引到生命的路,以及引到毁坏的路─太七13~14:

V. There are two possible ways of our life and work before God—the way that leads to life and the way that leads to destruction—Matt. 7:13-14:

一 我们要走引到生命的路,就需要进窄门,走狭路─13~14节:

A. In order to take the way that leads to life, we need to enter in through the narrow gate and then walk on the constricted way—vv. 13-14:

1 那窄门不仅对付外面的行为,也对付里面的动机。

1. The narrow gate deals not only with outward conduct but also with inward motive.

2 旧人、己、肉体、人的观念、世界同其荣耀,都被摒除在外;只有合乎神旨意的,才能进去─21节,十二50。

2. The old man, the self, the flesh, the human concept, and the world with its glory are all excluded; only that which corresponds with God's will can enter in—v. 21; 12:50.

3 我们要先进窄门,然后走狭路,这路乃是一生之久且引到生命的─七14。

3. First, we need to enter in through the narrow gate and then walk on the constricted way, a way that is lifelong and leads to life—7:14.

4 十四节里的“生命”是指国度永远蒙福的光景,这国度充满了神永远的生命;这生命今天是在国度的实际里,来世要在国度的实现里─十九29,路十八30。

4. The word life in Matthew 7:14 refers to the ever-blessed condition of the kingdom, which is filled with the eternal life of God; this life is in the reality of the kingdom today and will be in the manifestation of the kingdom in the coming age—19:29; Luke 18:30.

二 阔路是按照属世的系统,满足天然的口味,为要得着群众,维持人的事业,成就人的企业;阔路所引到的毁坏,不是指人的沉沦,乃是指人行为和工作的毁坏─林前三15,太十三31~33,启二13、20,十七4~5。

B. The broad way is according to the worldly systems, satisfying the natural tastes, to get the crowd, to maintain a career of man, and to achieve man's enterprise; the destruction to which the broad way leads refers not to the perishing of a person but to the destruction of a person's deeds and works—1 Cor. 3:15; Matt. 13:31-33; Rev. 2:13, 20; 17:4-5.

三 主恢复的路乃是生命的路,要引到来世诸天之国实现时在生命里活的赏赐─诗十六11,耶二一8,太十九29,路十八30,林前三13~15,十五58。

C. The way of the Lord's recovery is the way of life that leads to a living reward in life in the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens in the coming age—Psa. 16:11; Jer. 21:8; Matt. 19:29; Luke 18:30; 1 Cor. 3:13-15; 15:58.

陆 我们需要凭生命的感觉而活;生命的感觉就是在我们里面之神圣生命的感觉、知觉─罗八6,弗四18~19:

VI. We need to live by the sense of life—the feeling, the consciousness, of the divine life within us—Rom. 8:6; Eph. 4:18-19:

一 生命感觉的源头是神圣的生命、生命的律、圣灵、住在我们里面的基督以及在我们里面运行的神─罗八2、10~11,腓二13。

A. The source of the sense of life is the divine life, the law of life, the Holy Spirit, Christ abiding in us, and God operating in us—Rom. 8:2, 10-11; Phil. 2:13.

二 神圣的生命是最高的生命,有最丰富、最强、最敏锐的感觉;这乃是生命的感觉─弗四18。

B. The divine life is the highest life, with the richest, strongest, and keenest feeling; this feeling is the sense of life—Eph. 4:18.

三 生命的感觉引导我们,支配我们,管制我们,并指引我们,使我们知道我们是活在神圣的生命里,或活在天然的生命里,是活在肉体里,或活在灵里─罗八6。

C. The sense of life guides us, governs us, controls us, and directs us, causing us to know whether we are living in the divine life or in the natural life and whether we are living in the flesh or in the spirit—Rom. 8:6.

柒 我们需要胜过死亡对召会的攻击,并在基督复活的生命里建造基督的身体─太十六18,约十一25,弗一22~23,四16:

VII. We need to be victorious over the attack of death upon the church and build up the Body of Christ in the resurrection life of Christ—Matt. 16:18; John 11:25; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:16:

一 借着我们灵里基督复活的生命,我们就能胜过死亡对召会的攻击─太十六18,徒二24,提后一10:

A. By the resurrection life of Christ in our spirit, we can be victorious over the attack of death upon the church—Matt. 16:18; Acts 2:24; 2 Tim. 1:10:

1 自伊甸园开始,神与撒但的争执,一直就是在死亡与生命这个问题上─罗八6、10~11,来二15。

1. From Eden onward, God's controversy with Satan has been on the issue of death and life—Rom. 8:6, 10-11; Heb. 2:15.

2 马太十六章十八节给我们看见,召会所受的攻击是从什么源头而来─“阴间的门”,就是死亡;撒但特别的目的,乃是在召会里散布死亡;他最害怕的就是召会抵挡他死亡的权势─启二8、10~11。

2. Matthew 16:18 shows us from what source the attack upon the church will come—"the gates of Hades," that is, death; Satan's special object is to spread death within the church, and his greatest fear with regard to the church is her resistance to his power of death—Rev. 2:8, 10-11.

二 我们应该操练灵,在基督复活的生命里建造基督的身体─弗二6、21~22,四16,启一18,二8,腓三10:

B. We should be exercised in spirit to build up the Body of Christ in the resurrection life of Christ—Eph. 2:6, 21-22; 4:16; Rev. 1:18; 2:8; Phil. 3:10:

1 召会作为基督的身体,其性质乃是复活;复活的实际乃是基督这赐生命的灵─约十一25,徒二24,弗一19~23,林前十五45下。

1. The nature of the church as the Body of Christ is resurrection, and the reality of resurrection is Christ as the life-giving Spirit—John 11:25; Acts 2:24; Eph. 1:19-23; 1 Cor. 15:45b.

2 当我们凭我们里面神圣的生命而活时,我们就在复活里过生活,使基督的身体得着建造─腓三10~11,弗四15~16,西二19,三15。

2. When we live by the divine life within us, we are living a life in resurrection for the building up of the Body of Christ—Phil. 3:10-11; Eph. 4:15-16; Col. 2:19; 3:15.

捌 “我们因为爱弟兄,就晓得是已经出死入生了”─约壹三14上:

VIII. "We know that we have passed out of death into life because we love the brothers"—1 John 3:14a:

一 死是出于神的仇敌魔鬼撒但,撒但是由带来死的善恶知识树所表征─创二9、17。

A. Death is of the devil, God's enemy, Satan, signified by the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which brings death—Gen. 2:9, 17.

二 生命是出于神这生命的源头,神是由发出生命的生命树所表征─9、16~17节。

B. Life is of God, the source of life, signified by the tree of life, which issues in life—vv. 9, 16-17.

三 死与生命不仅分别出于撒但和神这两个源头,也是两种素质、两种元素、两个范围─约五24。

C. Death and life are not only of two sources, Satan and God; they are also two essences, two elements, and two spheres—John 5:24.

四 出死入生就是从死的源头、素质、元素和范围出来,进入生命的源头、素质、元素和范围;这是在我们重生时发生的─约壹三14上,约三3、5、15。

D. To pass out of death into life is to pass out of the source, the essence, the element, and the sphere of death into the source, the essence, the element, and the sphere of life; this took place at the time of our regeneration—1 John 3:14a; John 3:3, 5, 15.

五 我们晓得─有里面的知觉─我们已经出死入生,乃是因为我们爱弟兄;对弟兄的爱(神的爱)是这件事有力的证明─约壹三14上:

E. We know—have the inner consciousness—that we have passed out of death into life because we love the brothers; love (the love of God) toward the brothers is strong evidence of this—1 John 3:14a:

1 相信主是我们出死入生的路,爱弟兄是我们已经出死入生的证明─约五24,约壹三14上。

1. Faith in the Lord is the way for us to pass out of death into life; love toward the brothers is the evidence that we have passed out of death into life—John 5:24; 1 John 3:14a.

2 信是接受永远的生命,爱是凭着永远的生命而活,并将这生命彰显出来─约三15、36,约壹三11、14~18,四7~12、16、19~21。

2. To have faith is to receive the eternal life; to love is to live by the eternal life and express it—John 3:15, 36; 1 John 3:11, 14-18; 4:7-12, 16, 19-21.
