
第一篇 神在今时代的需要

God's Need in the Present Age



壹 神需要我们的合作,好使祂的旨意得以行在地上,并使祂永远的定旨得以成就─林前六17,太七11,十二50:

I. In order for His will to be done on earth and for His eternal purpose to be fulfilled, God needs our cooperation—1 Cor. 6:17; Matt. 7:11; 12:50:

一 神得着人与祂合作,才能把祂在天上所计划的成就到地上─约七17,十五4~5:

A. God can carry out on earth what He has planned in heaven only when He has people who will cooperate with Him—John 7:17; 15:4-5:

1 神需要在地上得着人与祂同情同心,与祂合作并同工─腓三15,西三2。

1. God needs to gain people on earth who will cooperate with Him and work with Him according to His mind—Phil. 3:15; Col. 3:2.

2 只要有人在地上与神同心,愿意和神同工,神的工作就要通到地上─林前十五58,十六10。

2. As long as there are those who are of the same mind as God and are willing to work with Him, God's work will be carried out on earth—1 Cor. 15:58; 16:10.

二 我们的眼睛需要得开,看见神的受限制,并看见我们该如何与祂合作─太六10,十八18~19,林后六1:

B. Our eyes need to be opened to see that God has His limitations and to see how we should cooperate with Him—Matt. 6:10; 18:18-19; 2 Cor. 6:1:

1 神是无所不能的,但祂的无所不能受到限制,因为祂必须有某些适合祂作工的条件─约七17,太七21。

1. God is omnipotent, but His omnipotence is subject to limitations because He must have certain conditions suitable for His working—John 7:17; Matt. 7:21.

2 人被造有自由意志;神在这里开始受限制─创一26:

2. Man was created with a free will; the limitations of God began at this point—Gen. 1:26:

a 在创造里,神将祂的全能置于人意志的限制之下─28节,二9、16~17。

a. In creation God put His almighty power under the limitation of the human will—v. 28; 2:9, 16-17.

b 神要人的意志站在祂那边,所以祂也接受随之而来的限制─约四34,五30,六38,罗十二2~3。

b. God wants the human will to be on His side; therefore, He accepts the limitation that this desire entails—John 4:34; 5:30; 6:38; Rom. 12:2-3.

3 作为基督生机、奥秘之身体的肢体,我们若不是彰显祂,就是限制祂─林前十二12~13、18~20、27:

3. As members of Christ's organic, mystical Body, we are either expressing Him or limiting Him—1 Cor. 12:12-13, 18-20, 27:

a 主需要把我们带到一个地步,叫我们没有什么拦阻祂去作祂所愿意的─六17,太六10,七21,十二50,弗一1、9,五17。

a. The Lord needs to bring us to the point where we have nothing to hinder Him from doing whatever He wills—6:17; Matt. 6:10; 7:21; 12:50; Eph. 1:1, 9; 5:17.

b 一旦主把我们带到一个境地,对祂有完全的回应,祂就有自由无阻的通路,来完成祂的旨意;这样,神的定旨就没有什么是不能作到地上的─太六10,二六39、42,来十三21。

b. Once the Lord has brought us to a place of total responsiveness to Him, He will have a free and unhindered way to accomplish His will; then there will be nothing that God cannot do to carry out His purpose on earth—Matt. 6:10; 26:39, 42; Heb. 13:21.

贰 神需要人恢复地─创一26、28,太六10,启五10:

II. God needs man to recover the earth—Gen. 1:26, 28; Matt. 6:10; Rev. 5:10:

一 人为神所造有权柄管治地,是要制伏地、征服地,因而为神恢复地─创一26、28。

A. Man was created by God to have dominion over the earth, to subdue it, conquer it, and thereby recover the earth for God—Gen. 1:26, 28.

二 神给人管治权,目的是征服神的仇敌,那背叛神的撒但─26、28节:

B. God's intention in giving man dominion is to subdue God's enemy, Satan, who rebelled against God—vv. 26, 28:

1 创世记一章二十八节的“制伏”含示,神在地上与祂的仇敌撒但之间进行着一场激烈的争战;谁赢得地,谁就得胜。─引用经文

1. Subdue in Genesis 1:28 implies that a war is raging on earth between God and His enemy, Satan; whoever gains the earth will have the victory.

2 神有一个难处,就是天使长撒但,他背叛神,并成为神在宇宙中,特别是在地上的仇敌─赛十四12~14,结二八12~18:

2. God has a problem, and this problem is Satan, the archangel who rebelled against God and became His enemy in the universe and especially on the earth—Isa. 14:12-14; Ezek. 28:12-18:

a 神为了征服祂的仇敌,从而解决祂的难处,便赐人权柄管理祂所造的万有─创一26。

a. In order to subdue His enemy and thus solve His problem, God gave man authority to rule over all things created by God—Gen. 1:26.

b 人特别要管理地,甚至制伏地,因为地已经被背叛神的仇敌所篡夺─28节。

b. Man especially must rule over the earth and even subdue the earth because the earth has been usurped by God's rebellious enemy—v. 28.

c 神需要人行使祂对所有爬物的权柄,也需要人制伏并征服背叛的地,好使神能恢复地来为着祂的国─太六9~10,启五10。

c. God needs man to exercise His authority over all the creeping things and to subdue and conquer the rebellious earth so that God may recover the earth for His kingdom—Matt. 6:9-10; Rev. 5:10.

3 神要用人对付祂的仇敌;为这目的,神造了人;神要受造的“人”对付受造而堕落的“撒但”─创一28。

3. God wants to use man to deal with His enemy, and He created man for this purpose; God wants His creature man to deal with His fallen creature Satan—Gen. 1:28.

4 我们若没有从撒但的手下把地收回来,那就还没有达到神创造人的目的,就是要制伏地并施行管治;我们必须对付撒但并恢复地,这是为着神的好处,以满足神的需要─28节,太六9~10。

4. If we do not restore the earth from the hand of Satan, we have not yet achieved God's purpose in creating man to subdue the earth and have dominion; we need to deal with Satan and recover the earth for the benefit of God and to satisfy His need—v. 28; Matt. 6:9-10.

叁 神需要结束这世代─罗十二2,弗二2,林后四4,多二12:

III. God needs to end this age—Rom. 12:2; Eph. 2:2; 2 Cor. 4:4; Titus 2:12:

一 主来临前的光景,要像挪亚日子的光景一样─太二四37~39:

A. The situation before the Lord's coming will be like that in the days of Noah—Matt. 24:37-39:

1 挪亚活在弯曲悖谬的世代─创六1~22。

1. Noah lived in a crooked and perverse age—Gen. 6:1-22.

2 在马太二十四章三十七至三十九节和路加十七章二十六至二十七节,主耶稣把我们这世代比作挪亚的日子:─引用经文

2. In Matthew 24:37-39 and Luke 17:26-27 the Lord Jesus likened our age to the days of Noah:

a 洪水以前的挪亚世代,被邪恶的生活所麻醉,那些光景描绘出大灾难和主的巴路西亚以前,世人生活的危险光景─太二四21、3、27、37、39。

a. The conditions of evil living that stupefied the generation of Noah before the flood portray the perilous condition of man's living before the great tribulation and the Lord's parousia—Matt. 24:21, 3, 27, 37, 39.

b 我们若要有分于得胜者的被提,享受主的巴路西亚,并逃避大灾难,就必须胜过今天世人生活那麻醉人的影响─路二一34~36。

b. If we would participate in the overcomers' rapture to enjoy the Lord's parousia and escape the great tribulation, we must overcome the stupefying effect of man's living today—Luke 21:34-36.

二 今天在地上只有两样东西─弯曲悖谬的世代和作基督团体彰显的召会─徒二40,腓二15,林前一2,十二12、27。

B. Today there are only two things on earth—the crooked and perverted generation and the church as the corporate expression of Christ—Acts 2:40; Phil. 2:15; 1 Cor. 1:2; 12:12, 27.

三 我们若要成为在召会生活中基督团体的彰显,就需要成为今日“挪亚的家”,建造团体的基督为方舟;这方舟要拯我们脱离弯曲悖谬的世代,并将我们引进要来神国度的时代─创六8~八3,林前十二12,腓二12~13,彼前三20~21。

C. If we would be the corporate expression of Christ in the church life, we need to be today's "family of Noah" building the corporate Christ as the ark that will deliver us from the crooked and perverted generation and usher us into the coming age of the kingdom of God—Gen. 6:8—8:3; 1 Cor. 12:12; Phil. 2:12-13; 1 Pet. 3:20-21.

四 挪亚所建造的方舟预表基督是神选民的救恩;我们今日所建造的方舟,乃是团体的基督,就是召会,是使我们脱离今日弯曲悖谬并邪恶之世代的救恩─20~21节,林前十二12、27。

D. The ark built by Noah is a type of Christ as the salvation of God's elect; the ark that we are building today is the corporate Christ, the church, as our salvation from today's crooked, perverted, and evil generation—vv. 20-21; 1 Cor. 12:12, 27.

五 召会生活是今日的方舟,要结束现今的时代,并带进国度─一2,十二12、27,帖前一1、9~10:

E. The church life is today's ark to terminate the present age and bring in God's kingdom—1:2; 12:12, 27; 1 Thes. 1:1, 9-10:

1 主渴望“挪亚的家”建造方舟,作见证对抗这时代的趋势,好让主能使用他们结束这时代,带进国度时代─来十一7,启十一15。

1. The Lord desires "the family of Noah" to build the ark and testify against the trend of the age so that He can use them to terminate the age and bring in the kingdom age—Heb. 11:7; Rev. 11:15.

2 我们在召会生活中所建造的,乃是团体的基督作方舟,使我们得着救恩,也使我们所照顾的人得着救恩─林前十二12,十四26,腓二12~13。

2. What we are building in the church life is the corporate Christ as the ark for our salvation and for the salvation of the ones under our care—1 Cor. 12:12; 14:26; Phil. 2:12-13.

六 神所要的乃是召会,就是方舟,在其中我们能蒙拯救脱离今日邪恶的世代─徒二40~47:

F. God wants the church, the ark, where we can be saved from today's evil generation—Acts 2:40-47:

1 神要借着这方舟拯救我们脱离弯曲的世代,把我们引进神的国里,以成就祂永远的定旨─太六33,十三43,路十二32,启十一15。

1. God wants to save us—through this ark—from the crooked generation and usher us into God's kingdom to fulfill His eternal purpose—Matt. 6:33; 13:43; Luke 12:32; Rev. 11:15.

2 神在意我们是否在方舟里,就是在正当的召会生活里;祂要我们成为团体基督的一部分,就是耶稣之见证的一部分─林前十二12,启一2、9、11、20,二二16。

2. God cares for whether or not we are in the ark, the proper church life; He wants us to be a part of the corporate Christ, part of the testimony of Jesus—1 Cor. 12:12; Rev. 1:2, 9, 11, 20; 22:16.

七 方舟建造好了,主耶稣就要回来─十九7,二二7、12、20:

G. When this ark is built up, the Lord Jesus will return—19:7; 22:7, 12, 20:

1 主还没有回来,是因为祂仍在等待方舟得着建造─太十六18、27。

1. The Lord has not come back yet because He is still waiting for the ark to be built—Matt. 16:18, 27.

2 当主恢复中召会的见证成熟了,主耶稣就要回来─启十九7,二二7、12、20。

2. When the testimony of the church in the Lord's recovery is matured, the Lord Jesus will return—Rev. 19:7; 22:7, 12, 20.

肆 神需要男孩子为着祂最大的时代行动─十二1~5、7~12:

IV. God needs the man-child for His greatest dispensational move—12:1-5, 7-12:

一 男孩子是指召会中的得胜者,就是指神子民中有一部分人,这一部分人是得胜的─二26~27,十二5。

A. The man-child refers to the overcomers in the church, to the portion of the people of God who are overcomers—2:26-27; 12:5.

二 得胜者是神达到祂目的的凭借;男孩子使神能够行动─10~11节:

B. The overcomers are the instrument that enables God to achieve His purpose; the manchild enables God to move—vv. 10-11:

1 男孩子是由得胜者所组成,他们替召会站住,站在全召会所当站的地位,替召会作事情─二7下、11下、17下、26~28,三5、12、21,十二5、11。

1. The man-child consists of the overcomers who stand on behalf of the church, take the position that the whole church should take, and do the work for the church—2:7b, 11b, 17b, 26-28; 3:5, 12, 21; 12:5, 11.

2 当神得着这些得胜者,祂的目的就达到了,祂也满足了。

2. When God gains these overcomers, His purpose will be attained, and He will be satisfied.

三 宇宙光明的妇人,代表神全体的子民,而男孩子乃是这妇人里面较刚强的部分─创三15,启十二1~2、5:

C. The universal bright woman represents the totality of God's people, and the man-child is the stronger part within the woman—Gen. 3:15; Rev. 12:1-2, 5:

1 在圣经里,神子民中较刚强的人被视为一个集体单位,为神争战,将神的国带到地上─5、10~11节。

1. In the Bible the stronger ones among God's people are considered a collective unit fighting the battle for God and bringing God's kingdom down to earth—vv. 5, 10-11.

2 神要用男孩子来成就祂的经纶,完成祂的定旨─提前一4,提后一9,弗一9、11,三11:

2. God will use the man-child to fulfill His economy and to accomplish His purpose—1 Tim. 1:4; 2 Tim. 1:9; Eph. 1:9, 11; 3:11:

a 神需要男孩子来打败祂的仇敌,带进祂的国,使祂永远的定旨得以完成─启十二10。

a. God needs the man-child to defeat His enemy and to bring in His kingdom so that His eternal purpose might be accomplished—Rev. 12:10.

b 主的恢复就是今天神经纶的实行,而神的经纶只能借男孩子来完成─5节。

b. The Lord's recovery is the practicality of God's economy today, and His economy can be carried out only by the man-child—v. 5.

四 男孩子与神最重要的时代行动有关─太六9~10,启十二10,十一15:

D. The man-child is related to God's most important dispensational move—Matt. 6:9-10; Rev. 12:10; 11:15:

1 神要结束这时代,并带进国度时代;为此神必须得着男孩子作祂时代的凭借。

1. God wants to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom, and for this He must have the man-child as His dispensational instrument.

2 男孩子被提,结束了召会时代,并引进国度时代─十二5、10。

2. The rapture of the man-child brings an end to the church age and introduces the age of the kingdom—12:5, 10.

3 男孩子被提到天上,撒但被摔到地上,以及天上的宣告,表明男孩子要把国度带到地上;这是神最大的时代行动─5、9~10节,十一15。

3. The rapture of the man-child to heaven, the casting of Satan to earth, and the declaration in heaven signify that the man-child will bring the kingdom to earth; this is God's greatest dispensational move—vv. 5, 9-10; 11:15.
