
第六篇 进入基督天上职事里美妙的牧养,作神的奴仆牧养神的召会,使神的梦得着应验

Entering into Christ's Wonderful Shepherding in His Heavenly Ministry to Shepherd the Church of God as a Slave of God for the Fulfillment of the Dream of God



壹 我们需要进入基督天上职事里美妙的牧养,享受并供应基督,作神的奴仆牧养神的召会,使神的梦,就是神永远的定旨,得着应验─徒二十19~20、28、31,罗一1,加六17,可九7~8,弗三11:

I. We need to enter into Christ's wonderful shepherding in His heavenly ministry by enjoying and ministering Christ to shepherd the church of God as a slave of God for the fulfillment of the dream of God, the eternal purpose of God—Acts 20:19-20, 28, 31; Rom. 1:1; Gal. 6:17; Mark 9:7-8; Eph. 3:11:

一 神的梦乃是祂永远定旨的梦,要得着伯特利(神的家,神人相互之居所)的实际;神在这宇宙中只作一件事─建造祂永远的居所,使祂得着永远的彰显─创二八11~12、16~19上,太十六18,约十四23,十五5,启二一3、22。

A. God's dream is the dream of His eternal purpose to have the reality of Bethel, the house of God, the mutual dwelling place of God and man; in this universe God is doing only one thing—He is building His eternal habitation for His eternal expression—Gen. 28:11-12, 16-19a; Matt. 16:18; John 14:23; 15:5; Rev. 21:3, 22.

二 基督作为奴仆救主而来,不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人;祂这位群羊的大牧人从前服事我们,现在仍是服事我们,将来还要服事我们─可十45,路二二26~27,十二37,来十三20,启七17,创四八15。

B. Christ as the Slave-Savior did not come to be served, but to serve; as the great Shepherd of the sheep, He served us in the past, He still serves us in the present, and He is going to serve us in the future—Mark 10:45; Luke 22:26-27; 12:37; Heb. 13:20; Rev. 7:17; Gen. 48:15.

三 每当我们有需要时,我们能来到主面前,让祂服事我们,好使祂能借着我们服事别人;奴仆救主作为赐生命的灵,将自己作生命分赐到我们里面,使我们能成为祂将自己作生命分赐到别人里面的凭借,如此,祂就借着我们牧养别人─太二六13,约十三12~17,约壹三16,约十10,林前十五45下,林后三6。

C. Whenever we have a need, we can come to the Lord and let Him serve us so that He can serve others through us; as the life-giving Spirit, the Slave-Savior shepherds others through us by dispensing Himself as life into us so that we can become the channel for Him to dispense Himself as life into others—Matt. 26:13; John 13:12-17; 1 John 3:16; John 10:10; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:6.

四 我们在时间里对主的事奉,乃是为着在来世和永世里对祂的事奉作预备─太二五21,启二二3:

D. Our service to the Lord in time is a preparation for our service to Him in the next age and in eternity—Matt. 25:21; Rev. 22:3:

1 我们在神面前的用处乃是我们与祂调和的结果;神在我们里面的成分有多少,就是我们在神面前的用处有多少─西二19,来十三20,腓二13,三8~9。

1. Our usefulness before God is the result of our being mingled with Him; the measure of God in us is the measure of our usefulness before Him—Col. 2:19; Heb. 13:20; Phil. 2:13; 3:8-9.

2 神在时间里唯一的目标,就是要将祂自己逐日分赐到我们里面,使我们能完全与祂调和;我们所有的事奉,都在于神进到我们里面并从我们里面透出来─约七37~39,林后三2~3、6、16~18。

2. God's only goal in time is to dispense Himself into us day by day so that we may be fully mingled with Him; all our service is a matter of God coming into us and coming out of us—John 7:37-39; 2 Cor. 3:2-3, 6, 16-18.

五 基督是神家中的管家,使我们成为分赐神的奥秘与神诸般恩典的众管家,以完成神永远的经纶,祂的家庭行政─林前四1,弗三2,彼前四10,赛二二15~22。

E. Christ as the Steward in God's house makes us the dispensing stewards of the mysteries of God and of the varied grace of God for the carrying out of His eternal economy, His household administration—1 Cor. 4:1; Eph. 3:2; 1 Pet. 4:10; Isa. 22:15-22.

贰 牧养神的群羊,就是与那作圣徒魂的牧人和监督,顾到他们里面各部分的益处,并监督他们真人位光景的主是一,而为圣徒的魂儆醒─约二一15~17,彼前二25,五1~6,来十三17:

II. To shepherd the flock of God is to watch over the souls of the saints, being one with the Lord as the Shepherd and Overseer of their souls in His care for the welfare of their inner being and in His exercising His oversight over the condition of their real person—John 21:15-17; 1 Pet. 2:25; 5:1-6; Heb. 13:17:

一 为着群羊的缘故,长老必须每天享受主作恩典和真理,使他们成为恩典和真理的分赐者─弗三2,四29,提前三2下,五17,提后二24~26,多一9。

A. For the sake of the flock, the elders must enjoy the Lord every day as grace and truth so that they may be dispensers of grace and truth—Eph. 3:2; 4:29; 1 Tim. 3:2b; 5:17; 2 Tim. 2:24-26; Titus 1:9.

二 为着群羊的缘故,长老需要每日买油(太二五3~4、9),付代价得着更多的那灵─借着买神经纶的真理(箴二三23);买火炼的金子,使他们向着神富足;买白衣,使他们凭活出基督而穿上基督;并买眼药,就是膏抹的灵,以医治他们的瞎眼(启三18)。─引用经文

B. For the sake of the flock, the elders need to buy the oil every day (Matt. 25:3-4, 9), to pay the price to gain more of the Spirit, by buying the truth of God's economy (Prov. 23:23), buying gold refined by fire that they may be rich toward God, buying white garments that they may be clothed with Christ by living out Christ, and buying eyesalve as the anointing Spirit to heal their blindness (Rev. 3:18).

三 为着群羊的缘故,同工和长老需要作忠信精明的奴仆,顾到主的家业,并运用他们属灵的恩赐,将神话语的食物,就是神经纶完全的福音,分给罪人、信徒和召会─罗一1,太二四45~47,二五22~23。

C. For the sake of the flock, the co-workers and elders need to be faithful and prudent slaves, taking care of the Lord's possessions and investing their spiritual gift by giving the food of the word of God, the full gospel of God's economy, to the sinners, the believers, and the churches—Rom. 1:1; Matt. 24:45-47; 25:22-23.

叁 长老不该作主辖管神的群羊,就是神的产业;众召会是神的产业,分配给长老们作他们受托的资产,蒙神委托他们照管─彼前五3~4:

III. The elders should not lord it over God's flock, which is God's possession; the churches are God's possession, allotted to the elders as their portion, entrusted to them by God for their care—1 Pet. 5:3-4:

一 作主辖管别人,就是操权管辖被治理的人(太二十25);在信徒中间,我们都是弟兄,唯有基督是我们的主、我们的主人和庄稼的主(二三8、10,路十2)。─引用经文

A. To lord it over others is to exercise lordship over those who are ruled (Matt. 20:25); among the believers we are all brothers, and only Christ is our Lord, our Master, and the Lord of the harvest (23:8, 10; Luke 10:2).

二 召会中的长老只能带领(不能作主),作群羊的榜样,领头事奉并照管召会,使信徒可以跟随─彼前五3,帖前五12~13,提前四12,五17。

B. The elders in the church can take the leadership (not the lordship) only by becoming patterns of the flock, taking the lead to serve and care for the church so that the believers may follow—1 Pet. 5:3; 1 Thes. 5:12-13; 1 Tim. 4:12; 5:17.

三 我们不该告诉圣徒住在哪里,作什么,或去哪里,却没有指引他们去祷告以尊崇作身体元首的基督:

C. We should not tell the saints where to live, what to do, or where to go without directing them to pray so that we can honor Christ as the Head of the Body:

1 你凭自己替别人定规任何事,这对作身体元首的基督都是一种侮辱;我们没有一个人应当告诉别人该去哪里;这对主是何等的侮辱!─西二19,弗四15~16。

1. Any decisions that you make by yourself for others are an insult to Christ as the Head of the Body; none of us should ever tell others where they should go; what an insult this is to the Lord!—Col. 2:19; Eph. 4:15-16.

2 你若告诉别人该迁移到哪里,你就必须悔改,还要求别人赦免你,因为你指示他们该作什么;这样作就篡夺了主的地位,把自己当作主。

2. If you have told others where to move, you must repent and ask them to forgive you because you gave them instructions about what they should do; to do this is to usurp the position of the Lord and to make yourself the Lord.

3 关于你在主恢复里的任何行动,你必须直接到主面前去祷告;你必须有把握是主差遣你;每一件事都必须带到主的面光中,并且每一个人都必须祷告,直到清楚主的引导─可一35~38,林后二12~14。

3. Concerning any move you make in the Lord's recovery, you must go directly to the Lord Himself and pray; you must have the assurance that the Lord is sending you; everything must be brought into the presence of the Lord, and everyone should pray until he is clear about the Lord's leadings—Mark 1:35-38; 2 Cor. 2:12-14.

四 我们也必须核对一下,我们从主所得的引导是不是与基督身体的感觉一致─徒十三1~4上,二一4、11:

D. We also need to check whether the leading we have from the Lord corresponds to the feeling of the Body—Acts 13:1-4a; 21:4, 11:

1 假设领头的人经过许多祷告以后,对某件事情有真实的负担,他们该借着交通把负担传给众圣徒,并请求众圣徒祷告;最终,圣徒会从主得着个人的引导,于是有所行动。

1. If the leading ones, after much prayer, are truly burdened about a certain matter, through fellowship they should pass on their burden to the saints and ask the saints to pray; eventually, the saints will receive a personal leading from the Lord, and they may move accordingly.

2 如果你未经祷告和交通就迁移到某地,当试炼、患难和逼迫临到的时候,你就会摇动;如果你有祷告并交通,你就会有把握是主差遣你到那里;无论外面环境如何,你绝不会为着你的迁移后悔。

2. If you move to a place without prayer and fellowship, you will be shaken when tests, afflictions, and persecutions come; if you pray and fellowship, you will have the assurance that the Lord sent you there, and you will never regret your move, no matter what the outward situation may be.

五 对于指引或控制青年圣徒婚姻的事,我们需要谨慎─太十九5~6:

E. We need to be careful about directing or controlling the young saints related to their marriage—Matt. 19:5-6:

1 在召会生活中,对于青年圣徒的婚姻,我们所能作的就是供应他们生命;我们必须帮助他们仰望主的引导,学习如何在灵里生活行动,并帮助他们不要沉湎于情欲,不要有自己的爱好和拣选─创二21~24,二四64~67,四九31。

1. In the church life all we can do concerning the young people's marriage is to minister life to them; we must help them to look to the Lord's leading, to learn how to walk in the Spirit, and help them not to indulge in lust or to have their own taste or choice—Gen. 2:21-24; 24:64-67; 49:31.

2 我们不该想要指引他们进入婚姻,或为他们撮合;只有主知道谁是一个人的好配偶,我们不知道。

2. We should not try to conduct them into a marriage or match them; only the Lord knows who is a good match for another person; we do not know.

3 我们不控制,甚至不指引或指明那位弟兄或姊妹可能最适合他们;我们若将这样的事留给主,为有关的人祷告,我们会为召会省去许多难处。

3. We do not control and, even the more, we do not conduct or indicate what brother or sister might be best for them; if we leave this matter to the Lord and pray for the ones concerned, we will save the church much trouble.

4 一面,我们不该干涉他们;另一面,我们必须在道德、生命、为人生活、前途的顾虑、他们与父母的关系等事上帮助他们,甚至帮助他们祷告并寻求主,使他们结婚的对象不是出于自己的拣选。

4. On the one hand, we should not interfere with them; on the other hand, we have to help them in morality, in life, in human living, in taking care of the future, concerning their parents, and even in praying and seeking the Lord concerning the one whom they marry not being their choice.

肆 我们需要在凡事上并在各方面照顾圣徒,好将基督分赐到他们里面:

IV. We need to take care of the saints in everything and in every way for the dispensing of Christ into them:

一 长老必须供应基督,应付各种人的需要,经常接触人,采访他们,并邀请他们到家中吃饭─提前五1~2,代下一10,西一28~29,犹12,约十二1~11。

A. The elders must minister Christ to meet the need of all kinds of people, contacting and visiting them regularly and inviting them to their home for meals—1 Tim. 5:1-2; 2 Chron. 1:10; Col. 1:28-29; Jude 12; John 12:1-11.

二 我们必须接触圣徒,将基督作为对付罪的生命供应给他们;基督的生命是对付罪的生命─利十17:

B. We must contact the saints and minister Christ to them as the sin-dealing life; the life of Christ is a life that deals with sin, a sin-dealing life—Lev. 10:17:

1 如果我们要去供应基督给一个一直犯罪的人,我们必须信靠主,好叫我们靠着那灵有恩典,使他刚硬的心柔软下来─罗二4,多三3~4,参来三13。

1. If we are going to minister Christ to a person who has been committing sins, we have to trust in the Lord that we may have the grace with the Spirit to soften his hardened heart—Rom. 2:4; Titus 3:3-4; cf. Heb. 3:13.

2 我们不需要提起他的软弱、过错或罪恶,因为供应到他里面基督的生命会医治他,杀死病菌,消除难处,并建立起永久长存的那灵的一。

2. We do not need to mention his weakness, fault, or sin, because the life of Christ ministered into him will heal him, killing the germs, destroying the problems, and building up a permanent, lasting oneness of the Spirit.

3 我们必须尽可能恢复堕落的圣徒;即使花八个月到一年的时间,使一两位犯罪的圣徒得着恢复,那也是一件了不起的事─加六1~2,约壹五16上。

3. We have to do our best to recover a fallen saint; even if it took eight months or a year to get one or two sinful saints recovered, this would be a great thing—Gal. 6:1-2; 1 John 5:16a.

4 这就是担当神子民的罪孽,并解决神子民的难处;再者,这种凭着那灵并在爱里的服事,会在召会生活中维持那灵的一─西三12~15。

4. This is to bear away the iniquity and solve the problems of the people of God; furthermore, this kind of ministry by the Spirit and in love will maintain the oneness of the Spirit in the church life—Col. 3:12-15.

伍 长老们彼此交通时,需要在说话上受限制─约六63,徒六10:

V. In their fellowship with one another, the elders need to be restricted in their speaking—John 6:63; Acts 6:10:

一 遮盖别人的罪、缺点、短处者,会享受、得着并接受祝福;揭露却带进咒诅─箴十12,雅五19~20,创九21~27。

A. Those who cover others' sins, defects, and shortcomings enjoy, gain, and receive blessing, but uncovering brings in a curse—Prov. 10:12; James 5:19-20; Gen. 9:21-27.

二 作长老的必须知道,他们在牧养时,必须遮盖别人的罪,不可计算别人的恶─林前十三5~7。

B. The elders need to realize that in their shepherding, they have to cover others' sins, not to take account of others' evils—1 Cor. 13:5-7.

三 爱遮盖一切,不仅遮盖好事,也遮盖坏事;凡揭露召会中肢体的缺点、短处和罪恶的,就没有资格作长老─参太二四49。

C. Love covers all things, not only the good things but also the bad things; whoever uncovers the defects, shortcomings, and sins of the members of the church is disqualified from the eldership—cf. Matt. 24:49.

四 长老不该说毁谤的话(毁谤就是粗暴或恶意的责备或批评,用辱骂的言语攻击人);听毁谤的话,与说毁谤的话一样要负责任;如果召会要维持合一,弟兄姊妹就需要抵挡毁谤的话语─林前六10,参民六6,利五3。

D. The elders should not speak reviling words (to revile is to rebuke or criticize harshly or abusively; to assail with abusive language); those who take in reviling words bear the same responsibility as those who speak reviling words; in order for the church to maintain the oneness, the brothers and sisters must withstand reviling words—1 Cor. 6:10; cf. Num. 6:6; Lev. 5:3.

五 罪的感觉是由认识神而来的;照样,对于毁谤的话的感觉,乃是由认识身体而来的;毁谤的话乃是与身体之见证相反的─林前一10。

E. The consciousness of sin comes from knowing God; in the same way, the consciousness of reviling words comes from the knowledge of the Body; reviling words are opposed to the testimony of the Body—1 Cor. 1:10.

六 神绝不会将权柄交托那些天性喜欢批评别人的人;一面说,长老对人应当有清楚的眼光,极有鉴别力;另一面说,长老应当在属灵上是瞎眼的─弗四29~32。

F. God will never entrust authority to those who by nature like to criticize others; the elders, on the one hand, should have a clear sight over the people with much discernment, and on the other hand, they should be blind spiritually—Eph. 4:29-32.

陆 金灯台生机的维持乃是基督天上的职事,在祂的人性里顾惜众召会,并在祂的神性里喂养众召会,好借着祂生机的牧养产生得胜者─启一13,二7,约十11、14,彼前二25,五4,来十三20。

VI. The organic maintenance of the golden lampstand is Christ's heavenly ministry to cherish the churches in His humanity and nourish the churches in His divinity to produce the overcomers through His organic shepherding—Rev. 1:13; 2:7; John 10:11, 14; 1 Pet. 2:25; 5:4; Heb. 13:20.

柒 基督天上职事里美妙牧养的目标,是要建造新耶路撒冷,以完成神永远的经纶;在永世里,我们要享受宝座中的羔羊牧养我们,一直领我们到生命水的泉─启七13~17。

VII. The goal of Christ's wonderful shepherding in His heavenly ministry is to build up the New Jerusalem for the accomplishment of the eternal economy of God; for eternity we will enjoy the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, shepherding us and continually guiding us to springs of waters of life—Rev. 7:13-17.
