
第八篇 接受、经历并享受基督作我们的王、我们的主、我们的头和我们的丈夫,为着建造基督的身体,以终极完成新耶路撒冷

Taking, Experiencing, and Enjoying Christ as Our King, Our Lord, Our Head, and Our Husband for the Building Up of the Body of Christ to Consummate the New Jerusalem



壹 我们必须接受、经历并享受基督作我们的王:

I. We must take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our King:

一 我们属灵经历中的最高点乃是有清明的天,其上有宝座─结一22、26~28:

A. The highest point in our spiritual experience is having a clear sky with the throne above it—Ezek. 1:22, 26-28:

1 我们基督徒有哪一种的天,乃在于我们的良心;我们的良心是与我们的天相联的─罗九1,林后一12。

1. The kind of sky we have as Christians depends on our conscience; our conscience is connected to our sky—Rom. 9:1; 2 Cor. 1:12.

2 当我们与主之间,并和彼此之间,一无间隔的时候,我们的天就明如水晶,我们就不仅有无亏的良心,也有清洁的良心─徒二四16,提前一5、19,三9,提后一3,参太五8,箴二二11,提后二22。

2. When there is nothing between us and the Lord and nothing between us and one another, our sky will be crystal clear, and we will have not only a good conscience but also a pure conscience—Acts 24:16; 1 Tim. 1:5, 19; 3:9; 2 Tim. 1:3; cf. Matt. 5:8; Prov. 22:11; 2 Tim. 2:22.

二 宝座是宇宙的中心并主管治的同在;我们灵里的宝座,事实上就是基督自己─赛二二23,来四16,罗五21,启二二1:

B. The throne is the center of the universe, and it is the Lord's ruling presence; the throne in our spirit is actually Christ Himself—Isa. 22:23; Heb. 4:16; Rom. 5:21; Rev. 22:1:

1 我们若有清明的天,就有宝座,我们自然而然就在宝座的管治和掌权之下;神在我们里面有宝座,意思就是神在我们里面有地位掌权─参但四17、25~26,五18~31,赛六1~8。

1. If we have a clear sky, the throne will be present, and we will spontaneously be under the ruling and reigning of the throne; for God to have the throne in us means that He has the position to reign in us—cf. Dan. 4:17, 25-26; 5:18-31; Isa. 6:1-8.

2 在清明的天以上有宝座,乃是让神在我们基督徒生活中有最高、最显著的地位;在我们属灵经历中达到在清明的天以上有宝座这点,意思就是在凡事上完全服从神的权柄和行政。

2. To have the throne above a clear sky is to allow God to have the highest and most prominent position in our Christian life; in our spiritual experience, to reach the point of having the throne above a clear sky means that in everything we are completely submissive to God's authority and administration.

三 以西结一章二十六节中“宝座的样式”乃是“像蓝宝石的样子”;蓝宝石是蓝色的,而蓝是天的颜色,指明神管治的同在有属天的情形、气氛和光景─出二四10。

C. In Ezekiel 1:26 "the likeness of the throne" is "like the appearance of a sapphire stone"; a sapphire stone is blue in color, which is a heavenly color, indicating the heavenly situation, atmosphere, and condition of God's ruling presence—Exo. 24:10.

四 神所要的乃是借着人彰显祂自己,并借着人来掌权;祂要人彰显祂,并执行祂的权柄;神完全的救恩是要使我们借着洋溢之恩,并洋溢之义的恩赐,在生命里得救,并在生命中作王─创一26,启十一15,三21,二二3~5,罗五17、21。

D. God desires to manifest Himself through man and to reign through man; He wants man to express Him and to exercise His authority; God's complete salvation is for us to be saved in life and to reign in life by the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness—Gen. 1:26; Rev. 11:15; 3:21; 22:3-5; Rom. 5:17, 21.

贰 我们必须接受、经历并享受基督作我们的主:

II. We must take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our Lord:

一 我们必须是向主活的人,而非仅是为主活─林后五9、14~15:

A. We must be people who live to the Lord, not merely for the Lord—2 Cor. 5:9, 14-15:

1 原来基督的爱困迫我们,意即强加限制,将我们限于一条线和一个目的,如同在有墙的窄路上;使徒们乃是这样受困迫,不再向自己活,乃向主活─14~15节。

1. For the love of Christ to constrain us means that it forcibly limits us and shuts us up to one line and purpose, as in a narrow, walled road; in such a way the apostles were constrained to no longer live to themselves but to the Lord—vv. 14-15.

2 向自己活,意即受自己的控制、指引与管理,关心自己的目的和目标;但使徒们怀着雄心大志,要向主活,以讨主的喜悦─9、14~15节,西一10,来十一5~6。

2. To live to ourselves means that we are under our own control, direction, and governing and that we care for our own aims and goals; but the apostles were determined to gain the honor of being well pleasing to the Lord by living to Him—vv. 9, 14-15; Col. 1:10; Heb. 11:5-6.

3 基督的爱困迫我们向主活;向主活,意即完全服在主的管制、指引并管理之下,愿意履行祂的要求,满足祂的渴望,并完成祂所要作的。

3. The love of Christ constrains us to live to the Lord; to live to the Lord means that we are absolutely under the Lord's control, direction, and governing and that we want to fulfill His requirements, satisfy His desires, and complete what He intends.

4 保罗不是作什么工以讨主的喜悦,他乃是在日常生活的每一方面都向主活;照样,我们今天也不该讨自己的喜悦,乃该向主活,以讨主的喜悦;我们所作的一切,都必须是向祂作的。

4. Paul sought to please the Lord not by doing a work but by living to Him in every aspect of his daily life; likewise, we today should not seek to please ourselves but seek to please the Lord by living to Him; all that we do must be to Him.

二 “我们若活着,是向主活;若死了,是向主死。所以我们或活或死,总是主的人。因此基督死了,又活了,为要作……主”─罗十四8~9:

B. "Whether we live, we live to the Lord, and whether we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore whether we live or we die, we are the Lord's. For Christ died and lived again for this, that He might be Lord…"—Rom. 14:8-9:

1 基督为着我们法理的救赎死在十字架上,又为着我们生机的救恩在复活里活在我们里面,使祂得以作内住的主,我们灵里的主灵,就是在我们里面管治的那一位。

1. Christ died on the cross for our judicial redemption, and He lives again in resurrection within us for our organic salvation so that He might be our indwelling Lord, the Lord Spirit in our spirit, as the One who rules within us.

2 我们是用基督之宝血的重价买来的,所以我们“是主的人”(8),应当一直高举祂为主,让祂在我们的生活和工作中居第一位;我们是为着主的工作在主里劳苦的人,主的工作就是职事的工作,要建造基督生机的身体─林前六19~20,十五58,十六10,弗四11~12。

2. Because we have been bought with the price of the precious blood of Christ, "we are the Lord's" (v. 8), and we should continually exalt Him as Lord, giving Him the first place in our life and in our work; we are those who labor in the Lord for the work of the Lord, which is the work of the ministry to build up the organic Body of Christ—1 Cor. 6:19-20; 15:58; 16:10; Eph. 4:11-12.

三 “我们不是传自己,乃是传基督耶稣为主,也传自己为耶稣的缘故,作你们的奴仆”(林后四5);除了基督之外,在信徒中间不该有别的主;所有的人都该是仆人,甚至是奴仆(彼前五3,太二十26~27,二三10~11)。─引用经文

C. "We do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus' sake" (2 Cor. 4:5); among the believers, besides Christ there should be no other lord; all should be servants, even slaves (1 Pet. 5:3; Matt. 20:26-27; 23:10-11).

叁 我们必须接受、经历并享受基督作我们的头:

III. We must take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our Head:

一 我们在基督里归一于一个元首之下,要拯救我们脱离那由天使的背叛和人的背叛所引起,在死亡和黑暗里宇宙性崩溃的乱堆;信徒有分于基督将万有归一于一个元首之下,乃是借着乐意在召会生活中归一于元首之下,借着在生命中长大,并借着活在基督的光之下─弗一10,约一4,启二一23~25,弗五8~9。

A. Our being headed up in Christ rescues us from the heap of the universal collapse in death and darkness, which was caused by the rebellion of the angels and the rebellion of man; the believers participate in Christ's heading up by being willing to be headed up in the church life, by growing in life, and by living under Christ's light—Eph. 1:10; John 1:4; Rev. 21:23-25; Eph. 5:8-9.

二 持定基督作头,不只是以祂作我们独一的权柄,更要亲密地联于祂,使祂的丰富和生命供应得以分赐到我们里面,使我们以神的增长而长大,在一切事上长到祂里面,并且本于祂而尽功用,全身便叫身体渐渐长大,以致在爱里把自己建造起来─西二19,弗四15~16。

B. To hold Christ as the Head is not only to take Him as our unique authority but also to stay intimately connected to Him so that His riches and life supply are dispensed into our being to cause us to grow with the growth of God, growing up into Him in all things and functioning out from Him so that all the Body causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love—Col. 2:19; Eph. 4:15-16.

三 现今传输到我们里面,神那超越浩大的能力,乃是超越的基督自己作三一神的四重大能(林前一24);正常、真正、正确并真实的召会来自于这四重的大能─复活的大能、升天的大能、归服的大能和归一的大能─以建造召会作祂的身体(弗一19~23):─引用经文

C. God's surpassingly great power that is presently being transmitted into us is the transcending Christ Himself as the fourfold power of the Triune God (1 Cor. 1:24); the normal, genuine, proper, and real church comes out of this great fourfold power—resurrecting power, ascending power, subjecting power, and heading-up power—for the building up of the church as His Body (Eph. 1:19-23):

1 “向着召会”(22)指明神的能力,包括三一神所经过的一切,已经一次永远地放在我们里面,并且还要继续不断地传输到我们里面,使我们丰富地享受基督,并过正当的召会生活,有基督身体的实际。─引用经文

1. To the church (v. 22) indicates that the divine power, which includes all that the Triune God has passed through, has been installed into us once for all and is being transmitted into us continually, causing us to enjoy Christ richly and to have the proper church life with the reality of the Body of Christ.

2 超越之基督的输供将三一神在基督里所成就、所达到并所得着的,都传输到那作基督身体的召会里;这不仅是为着产生召会,更是为着生长、建立并建造召会。

2. The transmitting of the transcending Christ is to transfuse into the church, the Body of Christ, what the Triune God has accomplished, attained, and obtained in Christ; this is not only for producing the church but also for growing, establishing, and building up the church.

四 我们必须求父用那使基督从死人中复活,叫祂在诸天界里坐在神的右边,又将万有服在祂的脚下,并使祂向着召会作万有之头的大能,使我们得以加强到里面的人里,使基督借着信,安家在我们心里─三16~17,一19~23。

D. We must ask the Father to strengthen us into the inner man so that Christ may make His home in our hearts through faith with the power that raised Christ from the dead, that seated Christ at the right hand of God in the heavenlies, that subjected all things under His feet, and that gave Him to be Head over all things to the church—3:16-17; 1:19-23.

五 神能照着运行在我们里面的四重大能,极其充盈地成就关于召会作基督身体的一切,超过我们所求所想的,使神在召会中得着荣耀─三20~21。

E. God is able to do superabundantly above all that we ask or think concerning the church as the Body of Christ, according to this fourfold power that operates in us, so that God is glorified in the church—3:20-21.

肆 我们必须接受、经历并享受基督作我们的丈夫:

IV. We must take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our Husband:

一 雅歌中的罗曼史描绘我们与主的关系必须是个人的─一4上:

A. The romance in Song of Songs portrays that our relationship with the Lord must be personal—1:4a:

1 我们必须跟随亚伯拉罕的榜样,他乃是神的朋友,为着神的愿望(代下二十7,赛四一8,雅二23,创十八1~33);并跟随摩西的榜样,他是神的同伴,为着神的权益(出三三11)。─引用经文

1. We must follow the pattern of Abraham, who was the friend of God for the desire of God (2 Chron. 20:7; Isa. 41:8; James 2:23; Gen. 18:1-33), and the pattern of Moses, who was a companion of God for the interests of God (Exo. 33:11).

2 我们必须跟随大卫和亚萨的榜样,他们在神的殿中,并为着神的殿寻求神发光的脸─诗二七4、8,八十3、7、14~19。

2. We must follow the pattern of David and Asaph, who sought the shining face of God in and for the house of God—Psa. 27:4, 8; 80:3, 7, 14-19.

3 我们必须跟随主耶稣的榜样,祂不断活在神的同在中─徒十38下,约八29,十六32。

3. We must follow the pattern of the Lord Jesus, who lived in the presence of God without ceasing—Acts 10:38c; John 8:29; 16:32.

4 我们必须跟随彼得的榜样,主恢复他对主的爱,使他喂养主的羊,并使他不信靠自己天然的力量,跟随主直至殉道─二一15~19,可十六7。

4. We must follow the pattern of Peter, whose love for the Lord was restored for him to shepherd the Lord's sheep and follow the Lord unto martyrdom without any confidence in his natural strength—21:15-19; Mark 16:7.

5 我们必须跟随保罗的榜样,他被基督的爱所困迫,活在基督面前,作基督的大使,讨基督喜悦─林后二10,五9、14、20。

5. We must follow the pattern of Paul, who was constrained by the love of Christ to live in the person of Christ as an ambassador of Christ to be well pleasing to Christ—2 Cor. 2:10; 5:9, 14, 20.

二 雅歌中的罗曼史描绘我们与主的关系必须是情深的─一1~2:

B. The romance in Song of Songs portrays that our relationship with the Lord must be affectionate—1:1-2:

1 住在我们里面的主,乃是我们的父,恩典是我们的母─罗八15~16,加四24~26,赛六六12~13。

1. The Lord who indwells us is our Father, and grace is our mother—Rom. 8:15-16; Gal. 4:24-26; Isa. 66:12-13.

2 住在我们里面的主,乃是我们的丈夫(太九15,林后十一2~3)和我们的弟兄(约二十17,罗八29)。─引用经文

2. The Lord who indwells us is our Husband (Matt. 9:15; 2 Cor. 11:2-3) and our Brother (John 20:17; Rom. 8:29).

3 住在我们里面的主,乃是我们的朋友(太十一19,约十五12~17)和我们的策士(赛九6)。─引用经文

3. The Lord who indwells us is our Friend (Matt. 11:19; John 15:12-17) and our Counselor (Isa. 9:6).

4 住在我们里面的主,乃是我们的辩护者(约壹二1)、我们的保惠师(约十四16,十六7、13)和我们的牧者(诗二三1,彼前二25)。─引用经文

4. The Lord who indwells us is our Advocate (1 John 2:1), our Comforter (John 14:16; 16:7, 13), and our Shepherd (Psa. 23:1; 1 Pet. 2:25).

三 雅歌中的罗曼史描绘我们与主的关系必须是私下的─一3~4:

C. The romance in Song of Songs portrays that our relationship with the Lord must be private—1:3-4:

1 我们必须接触主,私下花时间以秘密、确定、有功效的方式亲近主,向祂敞开我们全人,让祂光照并注入,使我们能因神发光,将神照耀出来─太六6,出三三11,林后三16~18,赛六十1、5上,太十四22~23,可一35,路五16,六12,九28。

1. We must contact the Lord and spend time with Him privately in a secret, definite, and prevailing way, opening our entire being to Him for His enlightening and infusing, so that we can glow with God and shine forth God—Matt. 6:6; Exo. 33:11; 2 Cor. 3:16-18; Isa. 60:1, 5a; Matt. 14:22-23; Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16; 6:12; 9:28.

2 我们必须经历并享受基督作我们的隐密处、我们的住处和我们知足的秘诀─诗九十1,九一1,三一20,十八1~5,腓四7~13。

2. We must experience and enjoy Christ as our hiding place, our dwelling place, and our secret of sufficiency—Psa. 90:1; 91:1; 31:20; 18:1-5; Phil. 4:7-13.

3 我们碰到一切的问题,都该和主商量;我们必须把每件事都带到主面前,在祂面前并在与祂的交通里来考虑、审核并定规事情─参书九14。

3. We must ask for the counsel of the Lord related to every problem that we encounter; we must bring every matter to the Lord and consider, examine, and determine things before Him and in fellowship with Him—cf. Josh. 9:14.

4 每一个信徒从这一面来说,都要软弱到一个地步,每逢碰到一件事的时候,他没法主张,不敢定规,不能去作,必须和主先接触过,先商量过,让祂来定规;这才是基督徒最甜美的生活─林后十二9~10。

4. In this respect every believer needs to be weak to the extent that he does not have his own ideas, make his own decisions, or take any action related to what he encounters without contacting the Lord and consulting with Him, allowing Him to make the decisions; this is the sweetest living of a Christian—2 Cor. 12:9-10.

5 我们别无选择,一切都得和神交通,一切都得和祂商量,一切都得让祂来处理,一切都得让祂来说话,一切都得由祂来主张;在基督徒身上,每一时刻,每一件事,都依赖另一位─神─乃是荣耀的─腓四5~7,箴三5~6,林后一8~9。

5. We have no alternative but to fellowship with God in all things, discuss all things with Him, and allow Him to handle all things, speak in all things, and make every decision; it is glorious for a Christian to be dependent on another One—God—at every moment and in every matter—Phil. 4:5-7; Prov. 3:5-6; 2 Cor. 1:8-9.

四 雅歌中的罗曼史描绘我们与主的关系必须是属灵的─一4下:

D. The romance in Song of Songs portrays that our relationship with the Lord must be spiritual—1:4b:

1 基督眷临我们是属灵的,因为祂是赐生命的灵在我们的灵里;我们的灵是至圣所,是那是灵之基督的内室,祂是万主之主,万王之王─林前十五45下,罗八16,林前六17,提后四22,启十七14,十九16。

1. Christ visits us spiritually because He is the life-giving Spirit in our spirit; our spirit is the Holy of Holies, the chambers of the pneumatic Christ as the Lord of lords and the King of kings—1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 8:16; 1 Cor. 6:17; 2 Tim. 4:22; Rev. 17:14; 19:16.

2 在以弗所书保罗给我们看见,为着接触并享受基督以建造基督的身体,我们必须操练我们的灵─一17,二22,三5、16,四23,五18,六18。

2. In the book of Ephesians, Paul shows that in order to contact Christ and enjoy Christ for the Body of Christ, we must exercise our spirit—1:17; 2:22; 3:5, 16; 4:23; 5:18; 6:18.

3 在罗马书保罗强调,我们所是的一切(二29,八5~6、9),所有的一切(10、16),和向神所作的一切(一9,七6,八4、13,十二11),都必须在我们的灵里。─引用经文

3. In the book of Romans, Paul stresses that whatever we are (2:29; 8:5-6, 9), whatever we have (vv. 10, 16), and whatever we do toward God (1:9; 7:6; 8:4, 13; 12:11) must be in our spirit.

4 父正在寻找真实的敬拜者,就是那些操练他们的灵,喝活水以接触是灵的神的人;喝活水就是对神真正的敬拜─约四23~24、10、14,七37~38,赛十二1~6。

4. The Father is seeking true worshippers, those who will exercise their spirit to contact God the Spirit by drinking of the living water; to drink of the living water is to render real worship to God—John 4:23-24, 10, 14; 7:37-38; Isa. 12:1-6.

5 我们必须建立一个习惯,不断操练我们的灵,在圣灵里祷告,保守自己在神(父)的爱中,等候我们主耶稣基督(再来的子─提后一16~18)的怜悯,以至于永远的生命(成为永远生命的总和─新耶路撒冷)─犹19~21。

5. We must build up the habit of continually exercising our spirit by praying in the Holy Spirit to keep ourselves in the love of God (the Father), awaiting the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Son at His second coming—2 Tim. 1:16-18) unto eternal life (to become the totality of the eternal life—the New Jerusalem)—Jude 19-21.

伍 接受、经历并享受基督作我们的王、我们的主、我们的头和我们的丈夫,乃是为着建造召会作基督的身体,以终极完成新耶路撒冷─太十六18,弗四11~12、16,启十九7,二一2。

V. Taking, experiencing, and enjoying Christ as our King, our Lord, our Head, and our Husband is for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem—Matt. 16:18; Eph. 4:11-12, 16; Rev. 19:7; 21:2.
