
第四篇 与神圣三一同活(一)与基督这以马内利同活,并有复活的基督活在我们里面

Living with the Divine Trinity (1) Living with Christ as Emmanuel and Having the Resurrected Christ Living in Us



壹 活在神圣的三一里,就是住留在祂里面,停留在祂里面,以祂作我们的家而居住在祂里面;与神圣三一同活,就是让祂住在我们里面,使我们有祂的同在,祂的人位,作我们的享受─约十五4:

I. To live in the Divine Trinity is to abide in Him, to remain in Him, to dwell in Him as our home; to live with the Divine Trinity is for Him to abide in us so that we may have His presence, His person, with us for our enjoyment—John 15:4:

一 这住留的灵,即内住的灵,乃是我们与三一神互相住留、互相内住的元素和范围─约壹四13、16下。

A. The abiding Spirit, the indwelling Spirit, is the element and sphere of the mutual abiding, the mutual indwelling, of us and the Triune God—1 John 4:13, 16b.

二 我们需要对新约的整个启示有鸟瞰的眼光─新约的四分之一与我们活在三一神里有关,四分之三与我们与三一神同活有关。

B. We need to have a bird's-eye view of the entire revelation of the New Testament—one-fourth of the New Testament is concerning our living in the Triune God, whereas three-fourths of the New Testament is concerning our living with the Triune God.

贰 与神圣三一同活,就是与基督这以马内利同活─“看哪,必有童女怀孕生子,人要称祂的名为以马内利(以马内利翻出来,就是神与我们同在)”─太一23:

II. To live with the Divine Trinity is to live with Christ as Emmanuel—"'Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel' (which is translated, God with us)"—Matt. 1:23:

一 神的心意是要将祂自己作为生命(罗八2、6、10~11),分赐到我们这三部分─灵、魂、体─的人里,使我们成为祂的众子(14~15、19、23、29、17),好构成基督的身体(十二4~5),使我们可以成为新耶路撒冷这生命的城(启二二1~2)。─引用经文

A. God's intention is to dispense Himself as life (Rom. 8:2, 6, 10-11) into us, the tripartite men—into our spirit, soul, and body—to make us His sons (vv. 14-15, 19, 23, 29, 17) for the constituting of the Body of Christ (12:4-5) so that we may become the New Jerusalem as the city of life (Rev. 22:1-2).

二 我们要经历三一神作生命分赐到我们里面,就需要是与基督这以马内利同活的人;马太福音是一卷论到以马内利─神成为肉体与我们同在─的书─一21~23。

B. In order for us to experience the dispensing of the Triune God as life into our being, we need to be those who are living with Christ as Emmanuel; Matthew is a book on Emmanuel—God incarnated to be with us—1:21-23.

三 耶稣的同在就是以马内利,神与我们同在:

C. The presence of Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us:

1 祂在我们的聚集中与我们同在─十八20。

1. He is with us in our gatherings—18:20.

2 祂天天与我们同在─二八20。

2. He is with us all the days—28:20.

3 祂在我们灵里与我们同在─提后四22:

3. He is with us in our spirit—2 Tim. 4:22:

a 今天我们的灵就是以马内利的地─赛八7~8。

a. Today our spirit is the land of Immanuel—Isa. 8:7-8.

b 因为神与我们同在,仇敌绝不能占取以马内利的地─10节,参约壹五4,约三6。

b. Because God is with us, the enemy can never take over the land of Immanuel—v. 10; cf. 1 John 5:4; John 3:6.

四 实际的以马内利,乃是实际的灵,作为终极完成的三一神在我们灵里的同在;祂与我们的同在一直在我们的灵里,不仅是天天的,也是时时刻刻的─一14,十四16~20,林前十五45下,提后四22:

D. The practical Emmanuel is the Spirit of reality as the presence of the consummated Triune God in our spirit; His presence is always with us in our spirit, not only day by day but also moment by moment—1:14; 14:16-20; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Tim. 4:22:

1 我们聚集在一起,教训三一神的圣言,就能享受祂的同在─太十八20,二八20,诗一一九130,徒六4。

1. We can enjoy the presence of the Triune God in gathering together for the teaching of His holy Word—Matt. 18:20; 28:20; Psa. 119:130; Acts 6:4.

2 我们借着作三一神同在的那灵,享受恩典与平安─加六18,徒九31。

2. We enjoy grace and peace through the Spirit as the presence of the Triune God—Gal. 6:18; Acts 9:31.

3 那灵的引导和见证,就是祂的同在─罗八14、16。

3. The Spirit's leading and witnessing are His presence—Rom. 8:14, 16.

4 我们借着三一神作为那灵的同在,享受三一神的分赐─林后十三14。

4. We enjoy the dispensing of the Triune God through His presence as the Spirit—2 Cor. 13:14.

五 我们要与基督这以马内利同活,就需要在祂神圣的同在里,祂的同在就是赐生命的灵作为三一神的终极完成─加五25:

E. To live with Christ as Emmanuel, we need to be in His divine presence, which is the life-giving Spirit as the consummation of the Triune God—Gal. 5:25:

1 与基督同活,我们仍然活着,但不是单凭我们自己,乃凭基督这以马内利活在我们里面并与我们同活;三一神无法在我们外面完成祂将自己分赐到我们里面的心意;因此,祂与我们的同在必须是里面的─二20。

1. To live with Christ, we still live, yet not by ourselves alone but by Christ living in us and with us as Emmanuel; the Triune God cannot complete His intention to dispense Himself into our being outside of us; therefore, His being with us must be inward—2:20.

2 以马内利是我们的生命和人位,我们是祂的器官,与祂一同生活如同一人;我们的得胜在于以马内利,耶稣的同在。

2. Emmanuel is our life and person, and we are His organ, living together with Him as one person; our victory depends upon Emmanuel, the presence of Jesus.

3 我们若有主的同在,就有智慧、眼光、先见以及对事物内里的认识;主的同在对我们乃是一切─林后二10,四6~7,加五25,创五22~24,来十一5~6。

3. If we have the Lord's presence, we have wisdom, insight, foresight, and the inner knowledge concerning things; the Lord's presence is everything to us—2 Cor. 2:10; 4:6-7; Gal. 5:25; Gen. 5:22-24; Heb. 11:5-6.

六 我们若要进入、据有并享受包罗万有的基督作美地的实际,就必须是凭主的同在而作;主应许摩西:“我的同在必和你同去,我必使你得安息”(出三三14);神的同在就是祂的道路,就是将我们(祂的子民)当行的路指示我们的“地图”:

F. If we would enter, possess, and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land, we must do so by the presence of the Lord; the Lord promised Moses, "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest" (Exo. 33:14); God's presence is His way, the "map" that shows us, His people, the way we should take:

1 我们要为着神的建造完全得着并据有基督这包罗万有的地,就必须抓牢这一个原则:神的同在乃是一切问题的准则;我们无论作什么,都必须注意我们有否神的同在;我们若有神的同在,就有一切,但我们若失去神的同在,就失去一切─太一23,提后四22,加六18,诗二七4、8,五一11,林后二10。

1. In order for us to fully gain and possess Christ as the all-inclusive land for God's building, we must hold on to the principle that God's presence is the criterion for every matter; regardless of what we do, we must pay attention to whether or not we have God's presence; if we have God's presence, we have everything, but if we lose God's presence, we lose everything—Matt. 1:23; 2 Tim. 4:22; Gal. 6:18; Psa. 27:4, 8; 51:11; 2 Cor. 2:10.

2 主的同在,主的微笑,是支配的原则;我们必须学习受主直接、头手的同在(不是祂间接的同在)的保守、掌管、管理并指引。

2. The presence of the Lord, the smile of the Lord, is the governing principle; we must learn to be kept, to be ruled, to be governed, and to be guided not by His secondhand presence but by the direct, firsthand presence of the Lord.

3 “我年轻时,人教导我各种得胜、圣别并属灵的方法。然而,这些方法没有一样管用。至终,经过六十八年以上的经历,我发现除了主的同在以外,没有一样管用。祂与我们同在,乃是一切”─约书亚记生命读经,五八至五九页。

3. "In my youth I was taught various ways to overcome, to be victorious, to be holy, and to be spiritual. However, not any of these ways worked. Eventually, through more than sixty-eight years of experience, I have found out that nothing works but the Lord's presence. His being with us is everything"—Life-study of Joshua, p. 48.

七 整个新约就是以马内利;我们现今是这伟大以马内利的一部分,这以马内利要完成于新天新地的新耶路撒冷,直到永远;新约开始于一个神人,祂是“神与我们同在”,结束于一个伟大的神人,新耶路撒冷,就是“耶和华的所在”─太一23,林前六17,徒九4,提前三15~16,启二一3、22,结四八35。

G. The entire New Testament is an Emmanuel, and we are now a part of this great Emmanuel that will consummate in the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth for eternity; the New Testament begins with a God-man, who is "God with us," and ends with a great God-man, the New Jerusalem, which is "Jehovah Is There"—Matt. 1:23; 1 Cor. 6:17; Acts 9:4; 1 Tim. 3:15-16; Rev. 21:3, 22; Ezek. 48:35.

叁 与神圣三一同活,就是有复活的基督活在我们里面─加二20下,腓一19~21上:

III. To live with the Divine Trinity is to have the resurrected Christ living in us—Gal. 2:20b; Phil. 1:19-21a:

一 复活是一个人位,因为基督说,祂就是复活(约十一25);赐生命的灵作为实际的灵乃是复活基督和基督复活大能的实际(林前十五45下,约十四17,十六13,约壹五6,腓三10,出三十22~25)。─引用经文

A. Resurrection is a person because Christ said that He is the resurrection (John 11:25); the life-giving Spirit as the Spirit of reality is the reality of the resurrected Christ and of the power of Christ's resurrection (1 Cor. 15:45b; John 14:17; 16:13; 1 John 5:6; Phil. 3:10; Exo. 30:22-25).

二 在我们的基督徒生活中,我们借着内住的灵并借着外面的环境,在基督之死的杀死之下;外面的环境与内里的那灵合作,以杀死我们天然的人,使我们里面复活的基督得着显明─罗八9~10、13下、28~29,林后四7~18:

B. In our Christian life we are under the killing of Christ's death by the indwelling Spirit and through our outward environment; the outward environment cooperates with the inward Spirit to kill our natural man for the manifestation of the resurrected Christ within us—Rom. 8:9-10, 13b, 28-29; 2 Cor. 4:7-18:

1 我们若想要从神为我们所安排的环境里逃走,就不会有喜乐和平安;当我们留在这受限制的环境里,就能经历复活─弗四1,六20,林后一8~9、12。

1. If we try to escape from the environment that God has arranged for us, we will not have joy and peace; when we stay in this limited environment, we can experience resurrection—Eph. 4:1; 6:20; 2 Cor. 1:8-9, 12.

2 我们要经历那灵作复活基督的实际,就需要转到我们的灵里祷告、赞美、唱诗或与神交谈;诗篇十八篇的标题指明,这篇诗乃是大卫与神圣的神在人性水平上的谈话,含示大卫与神的亲密;我们和神谈话十分钟并与祂商量之后,就会火热并满了那灵作复活的实际。─引用经文

2. To experience the Spirit as the reality of the resurrected Christ, we need to turn to our spirit to pray, praise, sing, or talk to God; the title of Psalm 18 indicates that this was David's human talk with the divine God, implying David's intimacy with God; after ten minutes of talking to God and consulting with Him, we will be on fire and be full of the Spirit as the reality of resurrection.

三 耶稣的人性乃是祂在复活中的人性生命;主的迷人和顾惜人不是天然的,乃是凭祂在人性里复活的生命;祂在复活里过人性的生活,不是凭自己,乃是凭另一个源头,就是祂的父─约五19、30,十四24:

C. The humanity of Jesus is His human life in resurrection; the Lord's charming and cherishing are not natural but are by His resurrection life in humanity; He lived a human life in resurrection, not by Himself but by another source, that is, His Father—John 5:19, 30; 14:24:

1 因为耶稣在祂的人性生活里活神圣的生命,所以祂的人性生活就成为一个奥秘;作为主的门徒,我们需要在我们的人性生活中活神圣的生命,以显大基督─罗十三14,加二20,腓一19~21。

1. Because Jesus lived the divine life in His human life, His human life became mystical, a mystery; as the Lord's disciples, we need to live the divine life in our human life to magnify Christ—Rom. 13:14; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:19-21.

2 跟从基督的人作门徒受训练,乃是借着基督在地上的人性生活,作神人的模型─借着在人性里否认祂自己而活神(约五19、30),彻底改变了他们对人的观念(腓三10,一21上)。─引用经文

2. The followers of Christ were discipled through Christ's human living on the earth as the model of a God-man—living God by denying Himself in humanity (John 5:19, 30), revolutionizing their concept concerning man (Phil. 3:10; 1:21a).

3 我们都需要作主的门徒受训练,成为神圣且奥秘的人;我们应当凭复活中神圣奥秘的生命顾惜人;“在复活中”意思是说,在我们照顾人的事上,没有一点是天然的。

3. We all need to be discipled by the Lord to be divine and mystical persons; we should cherish people by the divine and mystical life in resurrection; in resurrection means that there is nothing natural in our care for people.

四 发芽的杖表征基督这位复活者,该是我们的生命、生活和我们里面的复活生命,并且这生命该发芽、开花并结出熟杏─民十七8:

D. The budding rod signifies that Christ, the resurrected One, should be our life, our living, and the resurrection life within us and that this life should bud, blossom, and bear fruit to maturity—Num. 17:8:

1 在民数记十六章所记载以色列人的背叛之后,神吩咐十二个首领按着以色列十二支派,共取十二根杖,放在会幕内见证的版前(十七4);神说,“我拣选的那人,他的杖必发芽”─5节。

1. After the children of Israel rebelled, as recorded in Numbers 16, God commanded the twelve leaders to take twelve rods according to the twelve tribes of Israel and put them in the Tent of Meeting before the Testimony (17:4); then He said, "The rod of the man whom I choose shall bud" (v. 5).

2 十二根杖都没有叶子、没有根,都是枯死的;若有哪一根能发芽,哪一根就是神所拣选的;在此我们看见复活乃是神拣选的根据,而事奉的根据乃是在我们天然的生命之外;因此,发芽的杖表征我们经历复活的基督,使我们蒙神悦纳,在神所赐的职事上有权柄。

2. All twelve rods were leafless, rootless, dry, and dead; whichever one budded was the one chosen by God; here we see that resurrection is the basis of God's selection and that the basis of service is something apart from our natural life; thus, the budding rod signifies our experience of Christ in His resurrection as our acceptance by God for authority in the God-given ministry.

3 一切事奉的原则,乃在于发芽的杖;神把其他的十一根杖都发还各首领,只把亚伦那根杖留在约柜里,作永远的记念;这意思是,复活乃是事奉神的永远原则─9~10节。

3. The principle to every service lies in the budding rod; God returned all the eleven rods to the leaders but kept Aaron's rod inside the Ark as an eternal memorial; this means that resurrection is an eternal principle in our service to God—vv. 9-10.

4 亚伦的杖发芽之后,他没有任何立场可以骄傲;他的经历表明,一切都在于神的恩典和怜悯,是我们自己办不到的─林后十二7~9,罗九15~16、21、23,路一78~79。

4. After Aaron's rod budded, there was no ground whatsoever for him to be proud; his experience shows that everything depends upon God's grace and mercy, and we can do nothing in ourselves—2 Cor. 12:7-9; Rom. 9:15-16, 21, 23; Luke 1:78-79.

5 因着我们之所以够资格乃是出于神,我们没有任何立场可以骄傲;愚昧的人才会说自己比别人好(林后三5,太二六33,约二一15,参可十一9);谦卑救我们免去各种的毁坏,而邀来神的恩典(林后十二7~9,雅四6,参罗十二3,加五26,太十八3~4,二十20~28,林后四5)。─引用经文

5. Because our sufficiency is from God, there is no ground whatsoever for us to be proud; only a foolish person would say that he is better than others (2 Cor. 3:5; Matt. 26:33; John 21:15; cf. Mark 11:9); humility saves us from all kinds of destruction and invites God's grace (2 Cor. 12:7-9; James 4:6; cf. Rom. 12:3; Gal. 5:26; Matt. 18:3-4; 20:20-28; 2 Cor. 4:5).

6 复活即不是出乎天然生命的,不是出乎自己的,不是凭自己所能的;复活是我们来不及、办不到的─一8~9,四7。

6. Resurrection is everything that is not out of our natural life, not out of ourselves, and not based on our ability; resurrection speaks of the things that are beyond us, which we cannot do in ourselves—1:8-9; 4:7.

7 复活的意思是,一切都是出于神,不是出于我们;复活就是只有神能,我们不能;复活就是说,我们不行,一切乃是神作的─一12,腓三10~11。

7. Resurrection means that everything is of God and not of us; it means that God alone is able and that we are not able; resurrection means that everything is done by God, not by ourselves—1:12; Phil. 3:10-11.

8 凡是我们能作的,都是在天然的范围里;我们不能作的,才是在复活的范围里;人必须到了尽头,才确知自己一无是处─太十九26,可十27,路十八27。

8. What we can do belongs to the natural realm, and what is impossible for us to do belongs to the realm of resurrection; a man must come to the end of himself before he will be convinced of his utter uselessness—Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27.

9 我们需要看见,作基督徒和得胜者不仅困难,而且不可能;唯有那位经过过程并终极完成的三一神,作为包罗万有的灵活在我们里面,才能作基督徒和得胜者;当我们有需要,有所不能时,或者当我们面对困难的环境时,我们能向祂诉说;然后祂这活在我们里面的一位,就会进来面对环境,作所需要作的一切,我们就会自然而然地活基督─腓四5~7、12,一21上。

9. We need to see that to be a Christian and an overcomer is not merely difficult—it is impossible; only the processed and consummated Triune God living in us as the all-inclusive Spirit can be a Christian and an overcomer; when we have a need, a disability, or when we are facing a difficult situation, we can talk to Him about it; then He, the One who lives in us, will come in to face the situation and to do whatever is needed, and we will spontaneously live Christ—Phil. 4:5-7, 12; 1:21a.
