
第六篇 与神圣三一同活(三)丰满地经历并享受神圣的三一

Living with the Divine Trinity (3) Experiencing and Enjoying the Divine Trinity in Full



壹 新约里神圣三一最清楚的启示是在马太二十八章十九节,说到将人浸“入父、子、圣灵的名里”:

I. The clearest revelation of the Divine Trinity in the New Testament is in Matthew 28:19, which speaks of baptizing "into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit":

一 神虽然是独一的一位,却有三个身位─父、子、灵─19节。

A. Although God is uniquely one, there are three persons—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—v. 19.

二 一面,马太二十八章十九节说到父、子、圣灵;另一面,本节只有一个名,就是父、子、圣灵的名:─引用经文

B. On the one hand, Matthew 28:19 speaks of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; on the other hand, in this verse there is only one name—the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit:

1 这名乃是那神圣者的总称,等于祂的人位。

1. The name is the sum total of the Divine Being, equivalent to His person.

2 这一个名包括三者─父、子、圣灵─启示神是三而一。

2. The one name includes three—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—and reveals that God is three-in-one.

3 将信徒浸入三一神的名里,就是将他们浸入三一神一切的所是里,并将他们带进三一神的人位里,使他们与这神圣的人位有生机的联结─19节。

3. To baptize believers into the name of the Triune God is to immerse them into all that the Triune God is and to bring them into the person of the Triune God so that they may have an organic union with this divine person—v. 19.

三 浸入父、子、圣灵的名里乃是很深的事─林前十二13,加三27:

C. To be baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit is a deep matter—1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:27:

1 马太二十八章十九节里的“入”指明联合,如在罗马六章三节和加拉太三章二十七节者。─引用经文

1. In Matthew 28:19 into indicates union, as in Romans 6:3 and Galatians 3:27.

2 浸入三一神的名里,乃是被摆到与祂奥秘的联合里,而且将神一切的所是取用到我们里面─太二八19。

2. To be baptized into the name of the Triune God is to be put into a mystical union with Him and to appropriate whatever God is into our being—Matt. 28:19.

四 马太二十八章十九节是主耶稣进入复活以后所嘱咐的;复活乃是三一神之过程的完成:─引用经文

D. The charge given in Matthew 28:19 was given by the Lord Jesus after He had entered into resurrection, which was the consummation of the process of the Triune God:

1 三一神经过了一段过程,开始于成为肉体,包括人性生活和钉十字架,完成于复活─约一14,罗六4。

1. The Triune God has passed through a process that began with incarnation, included human living and crucifixion, and consummated with resurrection—John 1:14; Rom. 6:4.

2 在复活里,基督这三一神的具体化身成了赐生命的灵,就是三一神的终极完成,使信徒得以浸入神圣的三一里─林前十五45,林后三17。

2. In resurrection Christ, the embodiment of the Triune God, became the life-giving Spirit, the consummation of the Triune God, for the believers to be baptized into the Divine Trinity—1 Cor. 15:45; 2 Cor. 3:17.

3 浸入三一神的人位里,就是浸入包罗万有、终极完成的灵里;这灵是经过过程之三一神的终极完成─太二八19:

3. To be baptized into the person of the Trinity is to be baptized in the all-inclusive, consummated Spirit who is the ultimate consummation of the processed Triune God—Matt. 28:19:

a 这就是浸入父的丰富,浸入子的丰富,浸入灵的丰富─弗三8。

a. This is to be baptized into the riches of the Father, into the riches of the Son, and into the riches of the Spirit—Eph. 3:8.

b 如今我们受了浸的人,乃是在与三一神生机的联结里;所以,凡父所有的,子所有的,灵所领受的,都成了我们的─林前六17,约十五4~5、7。

b. As the baptized ones, we are now in an organic union with the Triune God; therefore, whatever the Father has, whatever the Son has, and whatever the Spirit receives become ours—1 Cor. 6:17; John 15:4-5, 7.

贰 丰满的经历并享受神圣三一,乃是有分于神的爱,主耶稣基督的恩,并圣灵的交通─林后十三14:

II. To experience and enjoy the Divine Trinity in full is to participate in the love of God, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit—2 Cor. 13:14:

一 林后十三章十四节给我们看见三个身位在三方面─父神(爱)、神的儿子主耶稣基督(恩),和圣灵(交通)。─引用经文

A. Second Corinthians 13:14 shows us three persons in three aspects—God the Father (love), the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God (grace), and the Holy Spirit (fellowship).

二 父神的爱是源头,因为神是元始;主的恩是神爱的流道,因为主是神的显出;灵的交通乃是主的恩同神爱的分赐,因为灵是主同着神的传输,给我们经历并享受三一神─父、子、圣灵─14节,太二八19。

B. The love of God the Father is the source, since God is the origin; the grace of the Lord is the course of the love of God, since the Lord is the expression of God; and the fellowship of the Spirit is the impartation of the grace of the Lord with the love of God, since the Spirit is the transmission of the Lord with God, for our experience and enjoyment of the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—v. 14; Matt. 28:19.

三 林后十三章十四节的爱、恩和交通,与马太二十八章十九节的父、子和圣灵相符:─引用经文

C. The love, grace, and fellowship in 2 Corinthians 13:14 correspond to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in Matthew 28:19:

1 主的恩就是主自己作我们的生命,给我们享受─约一17,林前十五10。

1. The grace of the Lord is the Lord Himself as life to us for our enjoyment—John 1:17; 1 Cor. 15:10.

2 神的爱就是神自己,作主恩的源头─约壹四9。

2. The love of God is God Himself as the source of the grace of the Lord—1 John 4:9.

3 灵的交通就是那灵自己,作了主恩同着神爱的传输,给我们有分─林后十三14。

3. The fellowship of the Spirit is the Spirit Himself as the transmission of the grace of the Lord with the love of God for our participation—2 Cor. 13:14.

4 父神的爱彰显于子基督的恩,子基督的恩是在灵神的交通里传输给信徒─约三16,一17、16:

4. The love of God the Father is expressed in the grace of Christ the Son, and the grace of Christ the Son is in the fellowship of God the Spirit to be transmitted to the believers—John 3:16; 1:17, 16:

a 借着圣灵的交通,这恩就能临及我们─林后十三14。

a. It is through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit that grace is able to reach us—2 Cor. 13:14.

b 基督的恩是出于神的爱,这恩是借着圣灵的交通传输给我们并进入我们里面─14节。

b. The grace of Christ comes out of the love of God, and this grace is transmitted to us and comes into us through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit—v. 14.

c 我们要经历并享受主的恩,就必须在圣灵的交通里;我们享受主的恩时,就尝到神的爱─约一14、16,约壹四9~10。

c. In order to experience and enjoy the grace of the Lord, we need to be in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, and as we are enjoying the grace of the Lord, we taste the love of God—John 1:14, 16; 1 John 4:9-10.

四 神圣的三一有源头、流道和流通─林后十三14:

D. With the Divine Trinity are the source, the course, and the flow—2 Cor. 13:14:

1 源头,泉源,乃是神的爱─约三16,四14。

1. The source, the fountain, is the love of God—John 3:16; 4:14.

2 流道,流出,乃是基督所彰显并传输给我们的恩典─林前十六23。

2. The course, the outflow, is the grace expressed and conveyed to us by Christ—1 Cor. 16:23.

3 流通,乃是圣灵作基督的恩同着父爱的交通、传输和循环─林后十三14。

3. The flow is the Holy Spirit as the fellowship, the transmission, the circulation, of the grace of Christ with the love of the Father—2 Cor. 13:14.

叁 对神圣三一丰满的经历和享受,乃是借着那今是昔是以后永是者,借着七灵,并借着那忠信的见证人、死人中的首生者、为地上君王元首的耶稣基督,得着终极完成─启一4~5:

III. The experience and enjoyment of the Divine Trinity in full is consummated by the One who is, who was, and who is coming, by the seven Spirits, and by Jesus Christ, the faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead, and the Ruler of the kings of the earth—Rev. 1:4-5:

一 启示录一章四节说到神是那今是昔是以后永是者:─引用经文

A. Revelation 1:4 speaks of God as the One who is, who was, and who is coming:

1 这是耶和华这名的意义:

1. This is the meaning of the name Jehovah:

a 在希伯来文里,耶和华的意思是“我是那我是”─出三14、6。

a. In Hebrew Jehovah means "I am who I am"—Exo. 3:14, 6.

b 祂是那我是,表征祂是从永远存在到永远者。

b. His being the I Am signifies that He is the One who exists from eternity to eternity.

2 唯有神是那是的一位,唯有祂有存在的实际。

2. God is the only One who is, the only One who has the reality of being.

3 希伯来十一章六节说,“到神面前来的人,必须信神是”(直译):

3. Hebrews 11:6 says that "he who comes forward to God must believe that He is":

a 按希伯来十一章六节,神是,我们必须相信祂是。─引用经文

a. According to Hebrews 11:6, God is, and we must believe that He is.

b 神是那今是昔是以后永是者,是自有者也是永有者,祂的存在不倚赖祂自己以外的事物,并且祂永远存在,既无始也无终─出三14。

b. As the One who is, who was, and who is coming, God is the self-existing One and the ever-existing One, the One whose being depends on nothing apart from Himself, and the One who exists eternally, having neither beginning nor ending—Exo. 3:14.

c 信神是,就是信神是我们的一切,而我们一无所是─约八58,传一2。

c. To believe that God is, is to believe that He is everything to us and that we are nothing—John 8:58; Eccl. 1:2.

d 信神是,含示我们不是;祂必须在凡事上是独一无二的那一位,我们必须在凡事上什么也不是─来十一5,创五22~24。

d. To believe that God is implies that we are not; He must be the only One, the unique One, in everything, and we must be nothing in everything—Heb. 11:5; Gen. 5:22-24.

二 启示录一章四节说到“祂宝座前的七灵”:

B. Revelation 1:4 speaks of "the seven Spirits who are before His throne":

1 在启示录里,那灵称为七灵(一4,四5,五6),就是七倍加强的灵。─引用经文

1. In the book of Revelation the Spirit is called the seven Spirits (1:4; 4:5; 5:6), the sevenfold intensified Spirit.

2 启示录一章四节的七灵,无疑是神的一位灵(弗四4),因为七灵被列在三一神之中。─引用经文

2. The seven Spirits in Revelation 1:4 undoubtedly are the one Spirit of God (Eph. 4:4) because They are ranked among the Triune God.

3 七既是神工作中完整的数字,七灵就必是为着神在地上的行动─启四5:

3. As seven is the number for completion in God's operation, so the seven Spirits must be for God's move on the earth—Rev. 4:5:

a 在素质和存在上,神的灵是一个。

a. In essence and existence, God's Spirit is one.

b 在神行动加强的功用和工作上,神的灵是七倍的─一4。

b. In the intensified function and work of God's operation, His Spirit is sevenfold—1:4.

4 “七灵”这名称指明那灵已加强七倍;七灵加强那灵一切的元素:神性、成为肉体、钉十字架、复活、实际和恩典─三1。

4. The title the seven Spirits indicates that the Spirit has been intensified sevenfold; this Spirit intensifies all the elements of the Spirit: divinity, incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, reality, and grace—3:1.

5 按启示录五章六节,神的七灵乃是羔羊的七眼:─引用经文

5. According to Revelation 5:6, the seven Spirits of God are the seven eyes of the Lamb:

a 基督是宝座上救赎的羔羊,有鉴察并搜寻的七眼,为着执行神对宇宙的审判,以成就神永远的定旨,这要完成于新耶路撒冷的建造─四5,二一2、9~10。

a. Christ as the redeeming Lamb on the throne has seven observing and searching eyes for executing God's judgment upon the universe to fulfill God's eternal purpose, which will consummate in the building up of the New Jerusalem—4:5; 21:2, 9-10.

b 七灵作为羔羊的七眼,也是为着传输。

b. The seven Spirits as the seven eyes of the Lamb are also for transfusing.

c 基督用祂的七眼注视我们的时候,这些眼睛,就是七灵,就要将基督的元素和基督自己传输到我们里面,使我们变化─五6。

c. When Christ looks at us with His seven eyes, these eyes, which are the seven Spirits, will transfuse Christ's element and Christ Himself into us for our transformation—5:6.

三 启示录一章五节说到“那忠信的见证人、死人中的首生者、为地上君王元首的耶稣基督”:

C. Revelation 1:5 speaks of "Jesus Christ, the faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead, and the Ruler of the kings of the earth":

1 基督是神那活着并忠信的见证人,祂见证神,不仅凭祂的言语行为,也凭祂的所是;祂的所是就是神的见证─5节。

1. As the living and faithful Witness of God, Christ is the One who testifies God not only by His word and deeds but also by what He is; His being is the testimony of God—v. 5a.

2 基督是死人中的首生者,这是指祂的复活;祂是那活着的─是那曾死过,现在又活了,直活到永永远远,并且拿着死亡和阴间钥匙的一位─5、18节。

2. Christ's being the Firstborn of the dead refers to His resurrection; He is the living One—the One who became dead and now is living forever and ever, having the keys of death and of Hades—vv. 5b, 18.

3 主耶稣在祂的升天里,是地上君王的元首─5节:

3. In His ascension the Lord Jesus is the Ruler of the kings of the earth—v. 5c:

a 祂经过了成为肉体、人性生活、钉死、复活和升天,现今已登宝座,超过所有的君王─五6。

a. Having passed through incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, He has been enthroned above all kings—5:6.

b 主耶稣这位登宝座者作地上君王的元首,管理全地,就是管理整个世界─一5。

b. The Lord Jesus, the enthroned One, is ruling over the earth, the entire world, as the Ruler of the kings of the earth—1:5c.
