Speaking by the Spirit of Faith
壹 我们的神是一位说话的神─来一1~2上:
I. Our God is a speaking God—Heb. 1:1-2a:
一 整个宇宙是凭神说话而有的─罗四17,来十一3,诗三三9。
A. The whole universe came into being by God's speaking—Rom. 4:17; Heb. 11:3; Psa. 33:9.
二 希伯来书的素质,乃是神在子里说话─一1~2上:
B. The essence of the Epistle to the Hebrews is God's speaking in the Son—1:1-2a:
1 神在子里说话,子作为那灵向众召会说话;至终,那灵同着召会说话─启二7上,二二17。
1. God speaks in the Son, the Son speaks as the Spirit to the churches, and ultimately the Spirit speaks with the church—Rev. 2:7a; 22:17.
2 乃是完全借着这说话的故事,神被带到人里面,人也被带到神里面─约一14,六63。
2. It is altogether by this speaking story that God is brought into man and man is brought into God—John 1:14; 6:63.
3 神向我们说话,证明我们是在祂的祝福之下─参撒上三1、10、21。
3. God's speaking to us proves that we are under His blessing—cf. 1 Sam. 3:1, 10, 21.
4 信徒的一生,都系于主的说话上─来一3,太十七5,启二7上,歌八13,来五13~14。
4. The life of the believers hinges totally upon the Lord's speaking—Heb. 1:3; Matt. 17:5; Rev. 2:7a; S. S. 8:13; Heb. 5:13-14.
5 活神借着说话,将祂自己分赐并注入到我们里面─提后三16~17,结三七4~6:
5. The living God imparts and infuses Himself into us by speaking—2 Tim. 3:16-17; Ezek. 37:4-6:
a 神一说话,光就照亮,带给我们领悟、异象、知识、智慧和口才─诗一一九105、130。
a. When God speaks, the light shines, bringing us understanding, vision, knowledge, wisdom, and utterance—Psa. 119:105, 130.
b 神一说话,生命就分赐出来,而这生命包含基督一切神圣的属性和人性的美德─约六63,一1、4。
b. When God speaks, life is imparted, and this life includes all the divine attributes and human virtues of Christ—John 6:63; 1:1, 4.
c 神一说话,能力就传输出来,而这是生命生长并繁殖的能力─可四14、26。
c. When God speaks, power is transmitted, and this is the growing and reproducing power of life—Mark 4:14, 26.
三 神是说话的神,祂按着自己的形像造人,把人造得和祂一样会说话─创一26~28:
C. Since God is a speaking God, when He created man in His image, He created man with the ability to speak just like Himself—Gen. 1:26-28:
1 在神创造人的事上,最奇妙的就是给人里面造一个灵;第二件奇妙的事就是人会说话─二7、19~20、23。
1. In God's creation of man, the most marvelous thing that He created was a spirit within man, and the second marvelous thing was that man was given the ability to speak—2:7, 19-20, 23.
2 神在圣经中清楚地给我们看见,祂创造人的目的乃是要人为祂说话─约十二50,十四10,徒四20、31。
2. God shows us clearly in the Bible that His purpose in creating man was that man would speak for Him—John 12:50; 14:10; Acts 4:20, 31.
3 神要我们彰显祂并代表祂,主要乃是借着为祂说话─创一26。
3. God wants us to express Him and represent Him mainly by our speaking for Him—Gen. 1:26.
4 作为神的代表,我们必须说神的话─约三34,徒二40,五20。
4. As God's representatives, we must speak God's words—John 3:34; Acts 2:40; 5:20.
贰 “照经上所记:‘我信,所以我说话;’我们既有这同样信心的灵,也就信,所以也就说话”─林后四13:
II. "Having the same spirit of faith according to that which is written, 'I believed, therefore I spoke,' we also believe, therefore we also speak"—2 Cor. 4:13:
一 在我们实际的生活中,凭着信心的灵说话,乃是一个重大的要点。
A. Speaking by the spirit of faith in our practical life is a great, crucial point.
二 在全本圣经里,“信心的灵”这特殊的发表只用过一次─林后四13。
B. Spirit of faith is a very particular expression used only once in the Bible—v. 13.
三 信心的灵乃是圣灵与我们人重生之灵的调和─林前六17:
C. The spirit of faith is a mingling of the Holy Spirit with our regenerated human spirit—1 Cor. 6:17:
1 “信心的灵”这辞将灵和信心摆在同位─林后四13。
1. The phrase spirit of faith places spirit in apposition to faith—2 Cor. 4:13.
2 信心是出于灵的;因此信心的灵就是信心─13节。
2. Faith is of the spirit; therefore, the spirit of faith is faith—v. 13.
3 我们的信心乃是调和的灵─林前六17,林后四13。
3. Our faith is the mingled spirit—1 Cor. 6:17; 2 Cor. 4:13.
四 我们必须像作诗的人,运用这样的灵,信并且说我们所经历于主的事,特别是祂的死和复活─诗二二1~22。
D. We must exercise such a spirit to believe and to speak, like the psalmist, the things we have experienced from the Lord, especially His death and resurrection—Psa. 22:1-22.
五 信心不是在我们的心思里,乃是在我们那与圣灵调和的灵里;怀疑是在我们的心思里─林前六17,罗八6,弗四23。
E. Faith is in our spirit, which is mingled with the Holy Spirit, not in our mind; doubts are in our mind—1 Cor. 6:17; Rom. 8:6; Eph. 4:23.
六 我们相信的信成了说话的信;我们一转向灵,就信─林后四13下。
F. Our believing faith becomes the speaking faith; when we turn to the spirit, we believe—2 Cor. 4:13b.
七 林后四章十至十三节指明,使徒是借着调和的灵,在复活里过钉十字架的生活,以完成他们的职事:─引用经文
G. Second Corinthians 4:10-13 indicates that it is by the mingled spirit that the apostles lived a crucified life in resurrection for the carrying out of their ministry:
1 从十三节的上下文来看,保罗是在说他对主的死与复活的经历:─引用经文
1. From the context of verse 13, we know that Paul was talking about his experience concerning the Lord's death and resurrection:
a 使徒保罗见证耶稣的治死,使耶稣的生命也得以显明在我们的身体上─10节。
a. The apostle Paul testified concerning the putting to death of Jesus that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body—v. 10.
b 在十一节他继续说到,我们这活着的人,是常为耶稣被交于死,使耶稣复活的生命,得以在我们这必死的肉身上显明出来。─引用经文
b. In verse 11 he went on to say that we who are alive are always being delivered unto death for Jesus' sake so that the resurrection life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh.
c 保罗又说到,死在我们身上发动,好叫祂复活的生命得以分赐到别人里面去─12节。
c. Paul also said that death operated in us in order that His resurrection life may be dispensed into others—v. 12.
2 保罗说这些话,都是在信心的灵里说的─13节。
2. Paul spoke all these things in the spirit of faith—v. 13.
八 信心是从听见来的,听见是从话的传扬来的─罗十14:
H. Faith comes from hearing, and hearing comes from the preaching of the word—Rom. 10:14:
1 信心的根源是话;这就是为什么我们必须进入主话的原因─17节。
1. The source of faith is the word; this is why we must get into the Word—v. 17.
2 我们越进入主的话,就越有信心,这信心就是灵─林后四13。
2. The more we get into the Word, the more we will have faith, and this faith is the spirit—2 Cor. 4:13.
3 借着信心的灵,我们能够说主的话,这话就是我们信心的根源。
3. By the spirit of faith we may speak the Word that is the source of our faith.
4 这里有一个循环:主的话产生信心,信心就是灵,我们借着这灵就能说主的话─罗十14、17,林后四13。
4. Here is a cycle: the Word produces faith, faith is the spirit, and by this spirit we can speak the Word—Rom. 10:14, 17; 2 Cor. 4:13.
叁 基督徒是一班说话的人;真正的基督徒是说话的基督徒─徒一8,林前十二3、13,十四19、26,弗五18~19:
III. Christians are a speaking people; a genuine Christian is a speaking Christian—Acts 1:8; 1 Cor. 12:3, 13; 14:19, 26; Eph. 5:18-19:
一 说话的神乃是借着祂的说话创造宇宙,并且继续作一切的事;因此,每一个得救、从神所生并有祂生命的人,应当学习为祂说话,并且说祂的话─徒五20,林后四13。
A. The speaking God created the universe and continues to do all things through His speaking; therefore, everyone who has been saved, has been begotten of God, and has His life should learn to speak for Him and to speak His word—Acts 5:20; 2 Cor. 4:13.
二 我们基督徒都能为主说话─徒四20、29、31。
B. As Christians, we all are able to speak for the Lord—Acts 4:20, 29, 31.
三 我们必须领悟,我们这些基督徒已经被作成活的基督的见证人;见证人乃是说话的人─一8、22,二32,三15,五32:
C. We need to realize that as believers we have been made witnesses of the living Christ; witnesses are speakers—1:8, 22; 2:32; 3:15; 5:32:
1 见证人乃是说话的人,单单讲说与他所见证的那一位有关的事─一8。
1. A witness is a speaking one, one who only speaks things concerning the one he is testifying—1:8.
2 无论得时不得时,我们都要说神的话,好完成神永远的经纶─提后四2。
2. We should speak God's word in season and out of season for the carrying out of God's eternal economy—2 Tim. 4:2.
3 我们是祂的见证人,必须随时随地说祂,为祂说话,并说出祂来。
3. We are His witnesses, and we have to speak Him, speak for Him, and speak forth Him on every occasion.
四 在召会聚会中,所有的圣徒都该是说话的人─林前十四19、26、31:
D. In the church meetings, all the saints should be speakers—1 Cor. 14:19, 26, 31:
1 我们是一班说话的人,不该闭口无言,因为我们所敬拜的神乃是说话的神─26节。
1. As speaking people, we should not be dumb or silent, for the God whom we worship is the speaking God—v. 26.
2 基督徒的聚会应该在说话上满了彼此互相─弗五19。
2. Christian meetings should be full of mutuality in speaking—Eph. 5:19.
五 我们这些基督身体的肢体,需要在灵里被充满─18节:
E. As members of the Body of Christ, we need to be filled in spirit—v. 18:
1 那充满我们的,就要从我们里面满溢出来;这满溢就是“用诗章、颂辞、灵歌,彼此对说,从心中向主歌唱、颂咏”─19节。
1. That with which we are filled will overflow from within us; this overflow is "speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and psalming with your heart to the Lord"—v. 19.
2 我们若是在灵里被充满,成为神一切的丰满,就会自然而然地彼此对说基督;因此,说话乃是满溢的路。
2. If we are filled in spirit unto all the fullness of God, we will spontaneously speak to one another concerning Christ; therefore, speaking is the way to overflow.
六 林前十二章十三节启示,基督已经把我们在那灵里浸到身体里,现在我们都得以喝这一位灵:─引用经文
F. First Corinthians 12:13 reveals that Christ has baptized us in the Spirit into the Body, and now we all are drinking of the Spirit:
1 我们在那灵里面,那灵也在我们里面─罗八4、6、10~11、14、16。
1. We are in the Spirit, and the Spirit is in us—Rom. 8:4, 6, 10-11, 14, 16.
2 这使我们完全够资格,并且能在聚会中尽功用,为主说话,甚至把主说出来─林前十二13,十四26、31。
2. This makes us fully qualified and able to function in the meetings by speaking for the Lord and even by speaking Him forth—1 Cor. 12:13; 14:26, 31.