
第五篇 以弗所书中所启示神圣三一的神圣分赐

The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity Revealed in the Book of Ephesians



壹 圣言中关于三一神的启示,并不是为着道理的领会,乃是为着神在祂的神圣三一里,将祂自己分赐到祂所拣选并救赎的人里面,给他们经历并享受─林后十三14:

I. The revelation concerning the Triune God in the holy Word is not for doctrinal understanding but for the dispensing of God in His Divine Trinity into His chosen and redeemed people for their experience and enjoyment—2 Cor. 13:14:

一 圣经启示三一神不仅仅是我们信仰的对象;祂对我们是主观的,住在我们里面,并分赐到我们里面,作我们的生命和生命的供应─罗八2、6、10~11。

A. The Bible reveals that the Triune God is not merely the object of our faith; He is subjective to us, dwelling in us and dispensing Himself into us to be our life and life supply—Rom. 8:2, 6, 10-11.

二 圣经是按着这管制原则写的:三一神将祂自己作到祂所拣选并救赎的人里面,作他们的生命和生命的供应─诗三六8~9。

B. The Bible was written according to the governing principle of the Triune God working Himself into His chosen and redeemed people as their life and life supply—Psa. 36:8-9.

贰 神圣的三一乃是整本圣经的架构;整本圣经,特别是以弗所书,乃是以神圣的三一构成的:

II. The Divine Trinity is the framework of the entire Bible; the whole Bible, especially the book of Ephesians, is constructed with the Divine Trinity:

一 以弗所书是圣经中唯一以神圣三一为每章之基本元素构成的一卷书。

A. Ephesians is the only book in the Bible in which every chapter is structured with the Divine Trinity as its basic element.

二 我们若不认识三一神,就不能领悟以弗所书的深奥,因为这卷书的每一章都以神圣的三一为架构─一3~14,二18,三16~17上,四4~6,五19~20,六10~11、17。

B. If we do not know the Triune God, we cannot comprehend the profoundness of Ephesians, because every chapter of this book has the Divine Trinity as its framework—1:3-14; 2:18; 3:16-17a; 4:4-6; 5:19-20; 6:10-11, 17.

叁 以弗所书的整个启示,说到召会这基督身体的产生、存在、长大、建造和争战,乃是由神圣的经纶以及神圣的三一神圣的分赐到基督身体的肢体里所组成的;因此,以弗所书的中心要点乃是神圣的三一神圣地分赐到信徒里面:

III. The entire revelation in Ephesians concerning the producing, existing, growing, building up, and fighting of the church as the Body of Christ is composed of the divine economy and the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into the members of the Body of Christ; thus, the crucial focus of Ephesians is the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into the believers:

一 一章揭示父神如何在永远里拣选并预定这些肢体,子神如何救赎他们,灵神如何作凭质印他们,借此将祂自己分赐到祂的信徒里面,以形成召会,就是基督的身体,那在万有中充满万有者的丰满─3~14、18~23节:

A. Chapter 1 unveils how God the Father chose and predestinated the members in eternity, God the Son redeemed them, and God the Spirit sealed them as a pledge, thus imparting Himself into His believers for the formation of the church, which is the Body of Christ, the fullness of the One who fills all in all—vv. 3-14, 18-23:

1 一章启示经过过程的神圣三一之分赐与超越基督之输供的结果。

1. Chapter 1 of Ephesians reveals the issue of the dispensing of the processed Trinity and the transmitting of the transcending Christ.

2 父神分赐的结果说出神永远的定旨(3~6),子神分赐的结果说出神永远定旨的完成(7~12),灵神分赐的结果说出神所完成之定旨的应用(13~14)。─引用经文

2. The issue of God the Father's dispensing speaks forth God's eternal purpose (vv. 3-6), the issue of God the Son's dispensing speaks forth the accomplishment of God's eternal purpose (vv. 7-12), and the issue of God the Spirit's dispensing speaks forth the application of God's accomplished purpose (vv. 13-14).

3 因着超越的基督乃是三一神的具体化身,所以祂超越的输供包括了三一神一切丰富的分赐;三一神三重的分赐,包括在超越基督的输供里,也完成并终结于超越基督包罗万有的输供─15~23节。

3. Since the transcending Christ is the embodiment of the Triune God, His transcending transmission includes all the rich dispensing of the Triune God; the Triune God's threefold dispensing is included in the transmission of the transcending Christ and is completed and consummated in the all-inclusive transmission of the transcending Christ—vv. 15-23.

二 二章给我们看见,在神圣的三一里,所有犹太和外邦的信徒,都借着子神,在灵神里,得以进到父神面前─18节:

B. Chapter 2 shows us that in the Divine Trinity all the believers, both Jewish and Gentile, have access unto God the Father through God the Son, in God the Spirit—v. 18:

1 这指明甚至在成为肉体、人性生活、钉死十架以及复活这一切过程之后,这三者仍然同时存在,且互相内在。

1. This indicates that the three coexist and coinhere simultaneously, even after all the processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection.

2 借着子神,祂是完成者,是凭借;在灵神里,祂是执行者,是应用;我们得以进到父神面前,祂是起源,是我们享受的源头。

2. Through God the Son, who is the Accomplisher, the means, and in God the Spirit, who is the Executor, the application, we have access unto God the Father, who is the Originator, the source of our enjoyment.

3 我们是一首诗章,是由父作源头、子作流道、灵作涌流的分赐所写成的─10节。

3. We are a poem written by the dispensing of the Father as the source, the Son as the course, and the Spirit as the flow—v. 10.

4 父的分赐产生杰作,子的分赐产生新人,以及那灵在一个身体里将我们带到父面前,结果带来召会的建造和神永远经纶的完成─10、15~16、21~22节。

4. The Father's dispensing to produce the masterpiece, the Son's dispensing to produce the new man, and the Spirit's bringing us to the Father in one Body result in the building up of the church and the fulfillment of God's eternal economy—vv. 10, 15-16, 21-22.

三 在三章,使徒祷告父神,叫信徒借着灵神,得以用大能加强到里面的人里,使基督(子神)安家在他们心里,就是占有他们全人,使他们被充满,成为三一神一切的丰满;这乃是信徒经历并有分于神在其神圣三一里的最高点─16~19节:

C. In chapter 3 the apostle prays that God the Father will grant the believers to be strengthened with power through God the Spirit into their inner man so that Christ, God the Son, may make His home in their hearts, that is, occupy their entire being, that they might be filled unto all the fullness of the Triune God; this is the climax of the believers' experience and participation in God in His Divine Trinity—vv. 16-19:

1 父是源头,灵是凭借,子是标的,三一神的丰满是结果。

1. The Father is the source, the Spirit is the means, the Son is the object, and the fullness of the Triune God is the issue.

2 这三者都不为自己行事,乃为三一神的丰满行事;这是神圣三一的一幅美丽图画─参太十二28。

2. Each of the three does not act for Himself but for the fullness of the Triune God; this is a beautiful picture of the Divine Trinity—cf. Matt. 12:28.

四 以弗所四章描绘经过过程的神,就是灵、主、父,如何与基督的身体调和,使身体所有的肢体经历神圣的三一─4~6节:

D. Ephesians 4 portrays how the processed God as the Spirit, the Lord, and the Father is mingled with the Body of Christ so that all the members of the Body may experience the Divine Trinity—vv. 4-6:

1 基督的身体是三一神发展的范围。

1. The Body of Christ is the sphere for the development of the Triune God.

2 父神超越众人,子神贯彻众人,灵神在众人之内,这三者的神圣分赐,使基督身体的一切肢体能经历并享受三一神。

2. The divine dispensing of God the Father in His being over all, of the Son in His being through all, and of the Spirit in His being in all enables all the members of the Body of Christ to experience and enjoy the Triune God.

3 这些经节启示四个人位─一个身体、一位灵、一位主和一位父神─调和在一起成为一个实体,成为基督生机的身体;因此,三一神和身体乃是四而一。

3. These verses reveal four persons—the one Body, one Spirit, one Lord, and one God the Father—mingled together as one entity to be the organic Body of Christ; thus, the Triune God and the Body are four-in-one.

五 五章劝勉信徒,要用灵神的歌赞美主(子神),并在我们主耶稣基督(子神)的名里感谢父神─19~20节:

E. Chapter 5 exhorts the believers to praise the Lord, God the Son, with the songs of God the Spirit, and give thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son, to God the Father—vv. 19-20:

1 这乃是在神圣的三一里,赞美并感谢经过过程的神,使我们享受祂这位三一神。

1. This is to praise and thank the processed God in His Divine Trinity for our enjoyment of Him as the Triune God.

2 借着神圣三一的神圣分赐,我们就构成为神的儿女,在是爱和光的神里行事为人─2、8节。

2. Through the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, we are constituted as children of God, walking in God as love and light—vv. 2, 8.

六 六章教导我们要在主(子神)里得着加力,穿戴父神全副的军装,并取用那灵的剑,从事属灵的争战─10~11、17节:

F. Chapter 6 instructs us to fight the spiritual warfare by being empowered in the Lord, God the Son, putting on the whole armor of God the Father, and wielding the sword of the Spirit—vv. 10-11, 17:

1 子神是我们里面的能力,父神实化在子里是我们所穿戴的军装,灵神(就是神的话)是剑。

1. God the Son is the power within us, God the Father realized in the Son is the armor upon us, and God the Spirit is the sword, who is the word of God.

2 这是信徒甚至在属灵的争战中,对三一神的经历和享受。

2. This is the believers' experience and enjoyment of the Triune God even in the spiritual warfare.

肆 按照圣经六十六卷书的全部启示,神圣的三一─父、子、灵─是为着神的分赐,就是将神分授到祂所拣选的人里面;神是三一的,为使祂能将自己分赐到我们里面,作到我们里面,给我们享受,好使我们能被建造成为基督的身体,并被预备好作基督的新妇,为着祂的再来,那时世上的国要成为我主和祂基督的国,让祂作王掌权,直到永永远远─启十一15。

IV. According to the entire revelation of the sixty-six books of the Bible, the Divine Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—is for God's dispensing, that is, for the distribution of God into His chosen people; God is triune so that He can dispense Himself into us, work Himself into us, for us to enjoy so that we can be built up to be the Body of Christ and prepared to be the bride of Christ for His second coming when the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ for Him to reign forever and ever—Rev. 11:15.
