
第一篇 借着爱主的显现并且不爱现今的世代,而为着主的来临将自己预备好

Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming by Loving His Appearing and Not Loving the Present Age



壹 我们若是宝贵主的再来,就必爱祂的显现─提后四8:

I. If the Lord's second coming is precious to us, we will love His appearing—2?Tim. 4:8:

一 爱主的显现和爱主自己是分不开的─林前二9,提后四8。

A. Loving the Lord's appearing and loving the Lord Himself are inseparable—1?Cor. 2:9; 2 Tim. 4:8.

二 我们若等候主的来临,就应当是那些爱祂显现的人─帖前一10,提后四8。

B. If we are waiting for the Lord to come, we should be those who love His appearing—1 Thes. 1:10; 2 Tim. 4:8.

三 主的显现,主的回来,对我们乃是警告、鼓励和激励─1、18节:

C. The Lord's appearing, His coming back, is a warning, an encouragement, and an incentive to us—vv. 1, 18:

1 我们应当爱主的显现,并以热切的期待和喜乐盼望这事─启二二20。

1. We should love the Lord's appearing and look forward to it with earnest expectation and joy—Rev. 22:20.

2 我们应当过一种爱主显现的生活,这会使我们不灰心,却维持忠信直到路终─提后四8,启十七14。

2. We should have a living that loves the Lord's appearing; this causes us not to be discouraged but to remain faithful to the end—2 Tim. 4:8; Rev. 17:14.

贰 “不要爱世界,和世界上的事。人若爱世界,爱父的心就不在他里面了”─约壹二15:

II. "Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him"—1 John 2:15:

一 世界是一个邪恶的系统,是撒但系统化的安排─15~17节,雅四4:

A. The world is an evil system arranged systematically by Satan—vv. 15-17; James 4:4:

1 神造人在地上生活,是为了完成祂的定旨;但神的仇敌撒但为了霸占神所造的人,就用文化、教育、工业、商业、娱乐和宗教将人系统起来,在地上形成一个反对神的世界系统─弗三11,创一26~28,二8~9,四16~24。

1. God created man to live on the earth for the fulfillment of His purpose, but?His enemy, Satan, in order to usurp the God-created man, formed an anti-God world system on this earth by systematizing people with culture, education, industry, commerce, entertainment, and religion—Eph. 3:11; Gen. 1:26-28; 2:8-9; 4:16-24.

2 撒但已把地上一切的事物,特别是那些与人类有关的,以及空中的事物,都系统化成为他黑暗的国度,为要霸占人,阻挠人,不让人成全神的定旨,并打岔人对神的享受─约壹二15~17。

2. All the things on the earth, especially those related to mankind, and all the things in the air have been systematized by Satan into his kingdom of darkness to occupy people and frustrate them from accomplishing the purpose of God and to distract them from the enjoyment of God—1 John 2:15-17.

3 世界抵抗父神,世界上的事抵抗神的旨意,那些爱世界的人就是神的仇敌─15~17节,雅四4。

3. The world is against God the Father, the things in the world are against the will of God, and those who love the world are enemies of God—vv. 15-17; James 4:4.

二 “整个世界”,就是撒但的系统,“都卧在那恶者里面”─约壹五19下:

B. "The whole world," the satanic system, "lies in the evil one"—1 John 5:19b:

1 “整个世界”是由撒但的世界系统,和世界上的人,就是堕落的人类组成的。

1. "The whole world" comprises the satanic world system and the people of the world, the fallen human race.

2 “卧”意思是被动地留在那恶者的勢力范围,在他的霸占并操纵之下;整个世界以及世界上的人被动地卧在那恶者撒但霸占并操纵的手下。

2. Lies means remaining passively in the sphere of the evil one's usurpation and manipulation; the whole world and the people of the world are lying passively under the usurping and manipulating hand of Satan, the evil one.

3 约壹五章十九节里的“恶者”,原文乃是指致命、有害的邪恶,影响别人成为邪恶、恶毒的;这样的恶者,就是整个世界都卧在他里面的魔鬼撒但。─引用经文

3. The Greek word rendered "evil" in 1 John 5:19 refers to one who is pernicious, harmfully evil, one who affects others, influencing them to be evil and vicious; such an evil one is Satan, the devil, in whom the whole world lies.

三 撒但在利用物质的世界和世界上的事物,至终将一切归一在敌基督的国里;那时世界的系统会达到顶点,并且世界的每一分子都会显为敌基督的─帖后二3~12。

C. Satan is utilizing the material world and the things that are in the world to eventually head everything up in the kingdom of Antichrist; at that hour the world system will have reached its zenith, and every unit of it will be revealed to be anti-Christian—2 Thes. 2:3-12.

叁 爱主的显现,与爱现今的世代,是相对的─提后四8、10:

III. Loving the Lord's appearing is in contrast to loving the present age—2?Tim. 4:8, 10:

一 世代是撒但世界系统的部分、片段、方面,为撒但所利用,篡夺并霸占人,使人远离神和神的定旨─约壹五19,二15。

A. An age is a part, a section, or an aspect of the world system of Satan, which is used by him to usurp and occupy people and keep them away from God and His purpose—1 John 5:19; 2:15.

二 提后四章十节“现今的世代”,指那围绕我们、吸引我们并试诱我们的世界;我们无法接触世界,除非我们接触世界现今的世代。─引用经文

B. In 2 Timothy 4:10 the present age refers to the world that surrounds, attracts, and tempts us; we cannot contact the world unless we contact the present age of the world.

三 底马爱了现今的世代;由于现今世代的吸引,底马就离弃使徒保罗─10节。

C. Demas loved the present age; due to the attraction of the present age, he forsook the apostle Paul—v. 10.

四 在罗马十二章二节保罗劝勉我们,不要模仿这世代,乃要借着心思的更新而变化:─引用经文

D. In Romans 12:2 Paul exhorts us to not be fashioned according to this age but to be transformed by the renewing of the mind:

1 二节的“这世代”指世界现今、实际的部分,乃是与身体生活敌对,并顶替身体生活的─4~5节。

1. This age in verse 2 denotes the present, practical part of the world, which stands in opposition to the Body life and replaces the Body life—vv. 4-5.

2 模仿这世代,意思就是采取现今世代的时尚;变化就是让生机的元素作到我们这人里面,在里面产生新陈代谢的改变─2节,林后三18。

2. To be fashioned according to this age means to adopt the modern fashions of the present age; to be transformed is to allow an organic element to be wrought into our being, thus producing an inward metabolic change—v. 2; 2?Cor. 3:18.

3 因为现今的世代敌对召会,就是敌对神的旨意,所以我们不可模仿这世代─罗十二2。

3. Because the present age opposes the church, which is God's will, we must not be fashioned according to it—Rom. 12:2.

4 我们若要活在基督的身体里,就不该跟从现今的世代,也不该模仿这世代或模成其样子─4~5节。

4. If we are to live in the Body of Christ, we should not follow the present age or be fashioned according to this age or conformed to it—vv. 4-5.

五 我们若爱现今的世代,就会站在世界的一边;我们若爱主的显现,就会站在主的一边,并为着祂的权益与祂一同争战─提后四1~2、4~8、10。

E. If we love the present age, we will take sides with the world; if we love the Lord's appearing, we will take sides with Him and fight with Him for His interests—2 Tim. 4:1-2, 4-8, 10.

肆 那些爱主、等候祂来并爱主显现的人将会得胜─林前二9,提后四8,启二二20,十七14:

IV. Those who love the Lord, wait for His coming, and love His appearing will overcome—1 Cor. 2:9; 2 Tim. 4:8; Rev. 22:20; 17:14:

一 爱主的显现,乃是我们今天爱主、为主活着的证明;因此也就成了我们将来得着主赏赐的条件─提后四8、18。

A. Loving the Lord's appearing is a proof that we love the Lord and live for Him today; hence, it also becomes a condition for us to receive His reward—2 Tim. 4:8, 18.

二 爱主的显现,并不是说我们就不过正常的生活了;相反的,我们越爱祂的显现,就越需要在今天过一个正常的生活─太二四40~42,帖后一9,三6~12,提前五8。

B. To love the Lord's appearing does not mean that we should not live a normal life; rather, the more we love His appearing, the more we need to live a normal?life today—Matt. 24:40-42; 2 Thes. 1:10; 3:6-12; 1 Tim. 5:8.

三 所有爱主耶稣,以祂为生命,活祂,显大祂的人,都该等候祂来,并且爱祂的显现;这是我们所有盼望进入祂的快乐,蒙拯救进入祂属天的国,并得着公义冠冕的人,该有的心愿和生活─提后四8、18。

C. As those who love the Lord Jesus, take Him as our life, live Him, and magnify Him, we should await His coming and love His appearing; this should be our heart's desire and our living as those who hope to enter into His joy, be saved into the Lord's heavenly kingdom, and receive the crown of righteousness—2?Tim. 4:8, 18.
