
第三篇 借着思念同一件事,在基督的心肠里与祂是一,并让神为着祂的美意在我们里面运行,使我们立志并行事,而同魂,以享受基督

Being One in Soul to Enjoy Christ by Thinking the One Thing, by Being One with Christ in His Inward Parts, and by Allowing God to Operate in Us the Willing and the Working for His Good Pleasure



壹 严格地说,腓立比书不仅论到经历基督,也论到享受基督;经历基督主要是在我们的灵里,而享受基督乃是在我们的魂(我们的心思、情感和意志)里:

I. Strictly speaking, Philippians is a book not only on the experience of Christ but also on the enjoyment of Christ; the experience of Christ is primarily in our spirit, but the enjoyment of Christ is in our soul (our mind, emotion, and will):

一 腓立比书既是说到对基督的经历和享受,其结果乃是喜乐,所以该书也是充满喜乐、欢喜的书─一4、18、25,二2、17~18、28~29,三1,四1、4。

A. Since Philippians is concerned with the experience and enjoyment of Christ, which issue in joy, it is a book filled with joy and rejoicing—1:4, 18, 25; 2:2, 17-18, 28-29; 3:1; 4:1, 4.

二 在腓立比的圣徒,借着使徒保罗的职事,在推广福音上有交通;这样的有分,包括在财物上供给使徒─四10、15~16:

B. The saints in Philippi had fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel, through the apostle Paul's ministry; this participation included their financial contributions to the apostle—vv. 10, 15-16:

1 经历并享受基督的生活,乃是推广福音、传扬福音的生活;不是个人的,乃是团体的;我们在推广福音上越有交通,就越经历并享受基督;这杀死我们的己、野心、喜好和选择。

1. The Christ-experiencing and Christ-enjoying life is a life in the furtherance of the gospel, a gospel-preaching life, not individualistic but corporate; the more fellowship we have in the furtherance of the gospel, the more Christ we experience and enjoy; this kills our self, ambition, preference, and choice.

2 无论我们说话或保持静默,我们的生命、生活、所是和全人,都必须是传扬基督─一20,四22,参林后三3。

2. Whether we speak or remain silent, our life, our living, our being, and our entire person must be a preaching of Christ—1:20; 4:22; cf. 2 Cor. 3:3.

三 保罗嘱咐我们行事为人要“配得过基督的福音”,就是要“在一个灵里站立得住,同魂与福音的信仰一齐努力”─腓一27:

C. Paul charges us to conduct ourselves "in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ," which is to "stand firm in one spirit, with one soul striving together along with the faith of the gospel"—Phil. 1:27:

1 为着福音的工作同魂,比在一个灵里经历基督更难;提摩太是与使徒保罗同魂的弟兄─二19~21,参30。

1. To be with one soul and to be like-souled for the gospel work are more difficult than to be in one spirit for the experience of Christ; Timothy was a brother who was like- souled with the apostle Paul—2:19-21, cf. v. 30.

2 同魂需要我们在灵里重生以后,进一步在我们魂里得着变化─林后三18,罗十二2。

2. To be with one soul requires that, after having been regenerated in our spirit, we go further to be transformed in our soul—2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 12:2.

3 我们若在情感、思想和决定上不是一,我们就不是同魂;只要我们不是同魂,我们就不在推广福音上所有的交通里,行事为人就配不过福音。

3. If we are not one in our affections, thoughts, and decisions, we are not with one soul; as long as we are not one in soul, we are not in the fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel, and our conduct is not worthy of the gospel.

4 当召会的众肢体都在一个灵里同魂时,这个一就能说服人、征服人并吸引人,我们就会经历基督并享受基督。

4. When all the members in the church are in one spirit with one soul, this oneness will be convincing, subduing, and attractive, and we will experience Christ and enjoy Him.

四 我们可能经历基督而没有享受基督;这里的难处是在于我们的魂─我们的心思、情感和意志;我们就像那些被迫吃食物却没有享受食物的孩子,许多时候我们经历基督却没有享受基督。

D. It is possible for us to have the experience of Christ without the enjoyment of Christ; the problem here is with our soul—our mind, emotion, and will; like children who are made to eat without enjoying their food, many times we experience Christ without enjoying Him.

五 “我多少担心你们对基督的享受可能不是那么多”(李常受文集一九七八年第一册,经历基督,四三八页);许多人失去了对基督的享受,原因是他们在魂里有难处;你们若对基督没有很多的享受,就指明你们没有同魂,没有在魂里联结─腓二2。

E. "I am somewhat concerned that you may not have very much enjoyment of Christ" (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1978, vol. 1, "The Experience of Christ," p. 340); the reason that many lose the enjoyment of Christ is the problem they have in the soul; if you do not have much enjoyment of Christ, it indicates that you are not one in soul, joined in soul—Phil. 2:2.

贰 我们要同魂,就需要思念同一件事:在腓立比书中,“同一件事”是指对基督主观的认识、经历和享受;“同一件事”乃是追求基督以赢得祂,取得祂,并据有祂─一20~21,二2、5,三7~14,四13:

II. In order for us to be one in soul, we need to think the one thing: the one thing in Philippians refers to the subjective knowledge, experience, and enjoyment of Christ; the one thing is the pursuing of Christ to gain Him, lay hold of Him, and possess Him—1:20-21; 2:2, 5; 3:7-14; 4:13:

一 我们要活在基督身体的实际里,就必须借着爱基督到极点而享受祂;我们要爱祂,我们的思想就需要蒙拯救脱离刚硬(林后三14)、被弄瞎(四4)、背叛(十4~5)和败坏(十一2~3)。─引用经文

A. In order to live in the reality of the Body of Christ, we must enjoy Christ by loving Him to the uttermost, and in order to love Him, our thoughts need to be rescued from being hardened (2 Cor. 3:14), blinded (4:4), rebellious (10:4-5), and corrupted (11:2-3).

二 我们的思念应当集中在对基督宝贵的认识,以及对基督的经历和享受上;任何别的事物,都会使我们的思念不同,造成我们中间的不合(林前一10,腓三8~9、15,四2)。─引用经文

B. Our thinking should be focused on the excellency of the knowledge of Christ and the experience and enjoyment of Christ; focusing on anything else causes us to think differently, thus creating dissensions among us—1 Cor. 1:10; Phil. 3:8-9, 15; 4:2.

三 在主恢复里的同一件事,唯一的事,乃是神永远的经纶,以基督为中心和普及─西三10~11:

C. The one thing, the unique thing, in the Lord's recovery is God's eternal economy with Christ as the centrality and universality—Col. 3:10-11:

1 在主的恢复里,唯一该专注、强调并供应的事,乃是神永远的经纶─提前一3~4。

1. The one thing that should be focused on, stressed, and ministered in the Lord's recovery is the eternal economy of God—1 Tim. 1:3-4.

2 神永远经纶的内容乃是基督:实际上,基督自己在三个时期中丰满的职事就是神圣的经纶(约一14,林前十五45下,启一4,三1,四5,五6);神渴望要得着一个恢复,纯粹且完全是恢复基督这人位(西一17下、18下,林后十二2上,二10,三3)。─引用经文

2. The content of God's eternal economy is Christ; actually, Christ Himself in His full ministry of three stages is the divine economy (John 1:14; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rev. 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6); God's desire is to have a recovery purely and wholly of the person of Christ (Col. 1:17b, 18b; 2 Cor. 12:2a; 2:10; 3:3).

四 在腓立比人中间,他们在思念上不合(腓四2),这令使徒受搅扰;因此,他要求他们思念相同的事,甚至思念同一件事,使他的喜乐可以满足(二2):─引用经文

D. Among the Philippians there was dissension in their thinking (Phil. 4:2), which troubled the apostle; hence, he asked them to think the same thing, even the one thing, that they might make his joy full (2:2):

1 不思念同一件事,而思念别的事,就是背叛神的经纶;神的经纶就是要我们思念同一件事;在召会生活中,我们需要帮助所有圣徒思念同一件事;为着召会生活,身体生活,我们的思念该集中于并充满对基督的享受。

1. To think something other than the one thing is to rebel against God's economy; God's economy is that we think the one thing; in the church life we need to help all the saints to think the one thing; our thoughts should be focused on and filled with the enjoyment of Christ for the church life, the Body life.

2 腓立比的信徒因着思念上的不合,而有不同程度的爱(2);他们对众圣徒没有相同的爱以保守一;我们对圣徒的爱若受过调整并对付,我们爱圣徒时就会享受基督。─引用经文

2. Because of the dissension in their thinking, the Philippian believers had different levels of love (v. 2); they did not have the same love toward all the saints for the keeping of oneness; if our love toward the saints has been regulated and dealt with, then we will enjoy Christ as we love the saints.

3 同魂,魂里联结,不仅是为着经历基督,更是为着享受基督;我们要享受基督,就需要有正确的魂,就是与其他圣徒的魂是一的“共同的魂”。

3. Being one in soul, joined in soul, is not only for the experience of Christ but even more for the enjoyment of Christ; in order to enjoy Christ, we need to have a proper soul, a "co-soul" that is one with the souls of other saints.

叁 我们要同魂,就需要在基督的情感里,就是在祂的“心肠”里与祂是一;祂的心肠表征祂里面的情感,柔细的怜悯和同情─腓一8:

III. In order for us to be one in soul, we need to be one with Christ in His emotions, His "inward parts," signifying His inward affection, tender mercy, and sympathy—Phil. 1:8:

一 基督既是人,就有在祂心肠里的经历,包括祂的爱好、愿望、喜悦和感觉─诗十六3、7(见恢复本注解)。─引用经文

A. As a man, Christ's experiences in His inward parts included His love, desire, delight, and feeling—Psa. 16:3, 7 (see footnotes in the Recovery Version).

二 保罗没有在他天然的内在所是里生活,乃在基督的心肠里生活;我们若要在经历上在基督里,就必须在祂的心肠里,在祂柔和、细致的感觉里─西三12。

B. Paul did not live a life in his natural inner being; he lived a life in the inward parts of Christ; if we would be those who are experientially in Christ, we must be in His inward parts, in His tender and delicate feelings—Col. 3:12.

三 在腓利门书,我们有一幅在基督耶稣的心肠里所过基督身体生活的图画─7、10~12、20节:

C. In the book of Philemon we have a picture of the Body life lived in the inward parts of Christ Jesus—vv. 7, 10-12, 20:

1 欧尼西母与保罗一同在罗马的监狱中时,借着保罗而得救,保罗称他为“我在捆锁中所生的孩子”─10节。

1. While Onesimus was in prison at Rome with Paul, he was saved through Paul, who referred to him as "my child, whom I have begotten in my bonds"—v. 10.

2 保罗打发欧尼西母带着他的书信回腓利门那里去时,说,“我现在打发他〔欧尼西母〕回你那里去,他乃是我心上的人”─12节。

2. When Paul sent Onesimus back with his Epistle to Philemon, Paul said, "Him [Onesimus] I have sent back to you—him, that is, my very heart"—v. 12.

3 保罗内在的情爱和怜恤,随同欧尼西母到腓利门那里去;“心上的人”,直译与腓立比一章八节的“心肠”相同,表征内在的情爱、慈心、怜恤─西三12。

3. Paul's inward affection and compassions went with Onesimus to Philemon; the words very heart are literally the same as inward parts in Philippians 1:8, which signify inward affection, tenderheartedness, and compassions—Col. 3:12.

四 保罗以基督的感觉为自己的感觉,而活在基督身体的实际里;基督对身体的感觉成了他对身体的感觉;这对我们过身体生活是极其需要的─林后十二15。

D. Paul lived in the reality of the Body of Christ by taking Christ's feeling as his own feeling; Christ's feeling for the Body became his feeling for the Body; this is most necessary for our living the Body life—2 Cor. 12:15.

五 我们若否认自己,认同身体,就会与身体毫无间隔,更不会脱节;我们所过的生活就完全是身体的生活,主今天也就能在地上得着祂身体的彰显─太十六24,弗四16。

E. If we deny ourselves and identify ourselves with the Body, there will be no separation or disconnection from the Body; the life we live will fully be the Body life, and the Lord will gain the expression of His Body on earth today—Matt. 16:24; Eph. 4:16.

六 我们越活在基督耶稣的心肠里,我们的基督身体感会越重,我们对基督身体的感觉也会越强─林前十二26~27,罗十二15。

F. The more we live in the inward parts of Christ Jesus, the greater will be our consciousness of the Body of Christ and the stronger will be our feeling for the Body of Christ—1 Cor. 12:26-27; Rom. 12:15.

肆 我们要同魂,就需要与内里奋力活动的神合作,借此作成我们自己的救恩;神为着祂的美意在我们里面运行,使我们“立志并行事”─腓二12~13:

IV. In order for us to be one in soul, we need to work out our own salvation by cooperating with the inner energizing God, who operates in us both the "willing and the working for His good pleasure"—Phil. 2:12-13:

一 我们之所以能作成自己的救恩,是因为神在我们里面运行;我们可能说,我们没有立志,但神正在我们里面运行,使我们立志并行事,好成就祂的美意;立志是在里面,行事是在外面。

A. We work out our own salvation because God works within us; we may say that we do not have the willingness, but God is working the willingness into us for the working out of His good pleasure; the willing is within, and the working is without.

二 我们需要操练我们的灵连同降服且复活的意志,而拣选与内住的三一神合作,借此作成我们自己的救恩;三一神在我们里面运行,使我们立志为着祂的美意。

B. We need to exercise our spirit with our subdued and resurrected will to choose to work out our own salvation by cooperating with the indwelling Triune God, who operates within us the willing for His good pleasure.

三 我们得着变化的意志在预表上可见于雅歌四章四节;这节说,爱主的寻求者“颈项好像大卫建造收藏军器的高楼,其上悬挂一千盾牌,都是勇士的挡牌”:

C. Our transformed will can be seen typologically in Song of Songs 4:4; this verse says that the Lord's loving seeker has a "neck like the tower of David, / Built for an armory: / A thousand bucklers hang on it, / All the shields of the mighty men":

1 人随己意而行、刚硬、骄傲时,圣经就说是“挺项”(硬着颈项)(赛三16);因此,颈项是指人的意志;主看人意志的降服是人身上顶美丽的地方。─引用经文

1. The Bible speaks of those who walk according to their self-will, who are stubborn and proud, as stiff-necked ones (Isa. 3:16); hence, the neck denotes man's will; the Lord considers the submission of man's will as the most beautiful thing in man.

2 颈项好像高楼,表征寻求者的意志已经被神带到了坚固的地步,而不爱世界,不受撒但的影响了;她的意志被带领到一个地步,完全降服于大卫(表征基督),她的意志已被基督所掳。

2. The neck being like a tower signifies that the seeker's will has been strengthened by God to the point that she no longer loves the world and is no longer affected by Satan; her will has been brought into complete submission to David (who signifies Christ), and her will has been taken captive by Christ.

3 高楼里面所收藏的军器,表征基督的得胜为着保守信徒的意志,免得被仇敌夺去;盾牌和挡牌是为着保护的,“勇士”指力量。

3. The armory stored within the tower signifies the victory of Christ for the preservation of the believer's will from the enemy's usurpation; bucklers and shields are for protection; and the mighty men denote strength.

4 在总意上,雅歌四章四节指明,信徒肯降服于基督的旨意,她对于遵行基督的旨意,是像高楼一样坚固;她是严密的布防,不让仇敌夺去她降服的意志。─引用经文

4. In summary, Song of Songs 4:4 indicates that the believer is willing to submit to Christ's will, and her will is as strong as a tower for carrying out His will; she is on guard vigilantly and does not allow the enemy to usurp her submissive will.

四 我们经历基督作我们顺从的生命,以作成自己的救恩,见于挪亚所建造之方舟的预表;建造方舟就是在我们的经历中,建造实际、现今的基督作为神的救恩,为着建造基督的身体这团体的基督,好成就神的美意─腓二8、12~13:

D. Our experience of Christ as our life of obedience in order to work out our own salvation is seen in type with the ark that Noah built; to build the ark is to build up the practical and present Christ as God's salvation in our experience for the building up of the Body of Christ as the corporate Christ for God's good pleasure—Phil. 2:8, 12-13:

1 挪亚所作、所进入的,乃是神的救恩,就是方舟;我们应当有一位实际、现今的基督作为神的救恩,是我们可以进入的。

1. What Noah worked on and entered into was God's salvation, the ark; we should have a practical and present Christ into whom we can enter as God's salvation.

2 方舟是基督的预表,不仅预表个人的基督,也预表团体的基督,召会,就是基督的身体和新人─创六14,林前十二12,弗二15~16,西三10~11。

2. The ark is a type of Christ, not only the individual Christ but also the corporate Christ, the church, which is the Body of Christ and the new man—Gen. 6:14; 1 Cor. 12:12; Eph. 2:15-16; Col. 3:10-11.

3 挪亚借着建造并进入方舟,不仅从神用洪水对邪恶世代的审判蒙拯救,也从那世代分别出来,而被引进新的时代─创八13~19,彼前三20。

3. By building the ark and entering into it, Noah was not only saved from God's judgment on the evil generation through the flood but was also separated from that generation and ushered into a new age—Gen. 8:13-19; 1 Pet. 3:20.

4 照样,我们借着在经历中建造实际、现今的基督作为神的救恩,而建造召会并进入召会生活,也要从神用大灾难(太二四37~39,路十七26~27,帖前五3)对今天邪恶世代的审判蒙拯救,并要从那世代分别出来(路二一36,启三10),而被引进新的时代,就是千年国时代。─引用经文

4. Likewise, by building the church and entering into the church life through building up the practical and present Christ as God's salvation in our experience, we will be saved from God's judgment on today's evil generation through the great tribulation (Matt. 24:37-39; Luke 17:26-27; 1 Thes. 5:3); separated from that generation (Luke 21:36; Rev. 3:10); and ushered into a new age, the age of the millennium.
