第四篇 照着雅歌的内在意义,维持我们对主的爱,而爱主的显现

Loving the Lord's Appearing by Maintaining Our Love for Him according to the Intrinsic Significance of Song of Songs



壹 雅歌是一首诗,其主题是一个绝佳婚姻里爱的历史,启示出个别信徒与基督爱的交通中进展的经历,为着在六个主要阶段中预备祂的新妇─启十九7~9,太二五6~13,启三18~22,亚四1~6、11~14,约壹四19,诗一一〇3,一一九140:

I. The subject of Song of Songs, a poem, is the history of love in an excellent marriage, revealing the progressive experience of an individual believer's loving fellowship with Christ for the preparation of His bride in six major stages—Rev. 19:7-9; Matt. 25:6-13; Rev. 3:18-22; Zech. 4:1-6, 11-14; 1 John 4:19; Psa. 110:3; 119:140:

一 在雅歌的第一阶段中,基督的佳偶受吸引追求基督以得满足(一2~二7);主要寻求祂者与祂有个人、情深、私下并属灵的关系(一2、4);所有属灵的原则都包括在寻求者得胜生活的第一阶段里;此后所学的,并非新的功课,不过是一次过一次,学得更深而已。─引用经文

A. In the first stage of Song of Songs, the lover of Christ is drawn to pursue Him for satisfaction (1:2—2:7); the Lord wants His seeker to have a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with Him (1:2, 4); all the spiritual principles are contained in this first stage of the seeker's overcoming life; the lessons that follow are not new, but they are old lessons repeated in a deeper way.

二 在雅歌的第二阶段中,基督的佳偶蒙呼召借与基督的十字架合一脱离己─二8~三5:

B. In the second stage of Song of Songs, the lover of Christ is called to be delivered from the self through her oneness with the cross of Christ—2:8—3:5:

1 二章八至九节是说到复活的活泼;在这两节基督被比作羚羊或小牡鹿“蹿山越岭”;山和岭是指艰难和拦阻说的,但没有一件东西够高、够大,可以拦阻复活的基督;我们需要寻求并认识基督蹿山越岭的同在。─引用经文

1. Song of Songs 2:8-9 speaks of the vitality of resurrection; in these verses Christ is likened to a gazelle or a young hart "leaping upon the mountains, / Skipping upon the hills"; mountains and hills refer to difficulties and barriers, but nothing is too high or too great to stop the resurrected Christ; we need to seek for and know Christ's mountain-leaping and hill-skipping presence.

2 基督的佳偶落到内顾自己之中,她的内顾自己成了隔离的墙,使她离开基督的同在(9下);因此基督鼓励她起来,从自己下沉的光景里出来,与祂同在(10~13)。─引用经文

2. The lover of Christ falls into introspection, which becomes a seclusion as a wall that keeps her away from the presence of Christ (v. 9b); hence, Christ encourages her to rise up and come out of her low situation to be with Him (vv. 10-13).

3 我们这些爱基督的人乃是借着复活的大能,不是借着自己天然的生命,才能与基督的十字架成为一,而模成祂的死(14~15);我们乃是在调和的灵里,有分于并经历基督的复活,这使我们能与十字架成为一,得拯救脱离已,并被变化成为神新造里的新人,以建造基督生机的身体,完成神的经纶(罗八2、4、29,加六15,林后五17)。─引用经文

3. It is by the power of resurrection, not by our natural life, that we, the lovers of Christ, are enabled to be conformed to His death by being one with His cross (vv. 14-15); in our mingled spirit we participate in and experience the resurrection of Christ, which en-ables us to be one with the cross to be delivered from the self and to be transformed into a new man in God's new creation for the fulfillment of God's economy in the building up of the organic Body of Christ (Rom. 8:2, 4, 29; Gal. 6:15; 2 Cor. 5:17).

三 在雅歌的第三阶段中,基督的佳偶蒙呼召活在升天里,作复活里的新造─三6~五1:

C. In the third stage of Song of Songs, the lover of Christ is called to live in ascension as the new creation in resurrection—3:6—5:1:

1 活在升天里,就是一直在我们的灵里过生活;当我们活在我们的灵里,就联于诸天之上升天的基督─弗二22,创二八12~17,约一51,启四1~2,来四12、16与注1。

1. To live in ascension is to live continually in our spirit; when we live in our spirit, we are joined to the ascended Christ in the heavens—Eph. 2:22; Gen. 28:12-17; John 1:51; Rev. 4:1-2; Heb. 4:12, 16 and footnote 1.

2 借着那灵在我们里面变化的工作,我们成为基督行动的器皿,基督的乘具,基督的“车”,为着基督在祂身体里并为着祂身体的行动─歌三9~10,参林后二12~17。

2. By the Spirit's transforming work in us, we become the moving vessel of Christ, the carriage of Christ, the "car" of Christ, for the move of Christ in and for the Body of Christ—S. S. 3:9-10; cf. 2 Cor. 2:12-17.

3 我们被神圣的三一所重建,使我们外在的架构是耶稣复活并升天的人性,并使我们里面的妆饰是我们向着主的爱─歌三9~10。

3. We are rebuilt with the Divine Trinity so that our external structure is the resurrected and ascended humanity of Jesus, and our interior decoration is our love for the Lord— S. S. 3:9-10.

4 基督的佳偶借着在基督的升天里生活,在复活里作新造,而在基督生命的丰富里成熟,使她能成为基督的园子,作祂私有的享受(四12~15);她预备好在任何境遇或环境中,都散发基督的馨香之气(16)。─引用经文

4. Through her living in Christ's ascension as the new creation in resurrection, the lover of Christ becomes mature in the riches of the life of Christ so that she can become a garden to Christ for His private enjoyment (4:12-15); she is prepared to give forth Christ's fragrance in any circumstance or environment (v. 16).

四 在雅歌的第四阶段中,基督的佳偶蒙更厉害的呼召,借复活后的十字架,在幔内生活─五2~六13:

D. In the fourth stage of Song of Songs, the lover of Christ is called more strongly to live within the veil through the cross after resurrection—5:2—6:13:

1 借着在幔内生活,基督的佳偶被变化成为天上的光体;她向前观望如晨光,美丽如月亮,皎洁如日头─10节。

1. By living within the veil, the lover of Christ is transformed into the heavenly bodies; she looks forth like the dawn, she is as beautiful as the moon, and she is as clear as the sun—v. 10.

2 基督的佳偶在基督的生命里成熟,成了书拉密女(所罗门的女性写法),表征她在生命、性情、彰显和功用上(但不在神格上),成了与基督一样,作基督的复制和复本,配得过祂,好与祂成为婚配─13节,林后三18。

2. In the maturity of Christ's life, the lover of Christ becomes the Shulammite (the feminine form of Solomon), signifying that she has become the same as He is in life, nature, expression, and function (but not in the Godhead) as the reproduction and duplication of Christ to match Him for their marriage—v. 13; 2 Cor. 3:18.

五 在雅歌的第五阶段中,基督的佳偶分担主的工作─七1~13:

E. In the fifth stage of Song of Songs, the lover of Christ shares in the work of the Lord—7:1-13:

1 雅歌七章十一节表明基督的佳偶愿意从一地到另一地寄居(在村庄住宿),为要与她良人一同完成那为着全世界(田间)的工作;这指明她在完成主工作的事上,不是分门结党的,乃是把工作开放,使别人能到那里来寄居,她也能往别处寄居;这是保守一个身体里的一个工作。─引用经文

1. Song of Songs 7:11 shows that Christ's lover wants to carry out with her Beloved the work that is for the entire world (fields) by sojourning from one place to another (lodging in the villages); this indicates that she is not sectarian in carrying out the Lord's work but keeps the work open, so that others can come to sojourn there and she can go to sojourn elsewhere; this is to keep one work in one Body.

2 分担主的工作就是与主同工(林后六1上);我们要与主同工,就需要在生命里成熟,需要与主是一,我们的工作也必须是为着祂的身体(西一28~29,林前十二12~27)。─引用经文

2. To share in the work of the Lord is to work together with Him (2 Cor. 6:1a); to work with Him, we need the maturity in life, we need to be one with the Lord, and our work must be for His Body (Col. 1:28-29; 1 Cor. 12:12-27).

3 书拉密女是所罗门的配偶,作工顾到所有的葡萄园(歌八11),就是全地的众召会和众信徒;我们的工作必须是为着全世界的;这就是保罗所作的,他建立众地方召会,然后作工,把众地方召会带到基督身体完满的实现里(罗十六1~24)。─引用经文

3. The Shulammite works as Solomon's counterpart, taking care of all the vineyards (S. S. 8:11), the churches and the believers on the whole earth; we must have a work that is for the entire world; this is what Paul did by establishing local churches and then working to bring them into the full realization of the Body of Christ (Rom. 16:1-24).

六 在雅歌的第六阶段中,基督的佳偶盼望被提(八1~14);她“靠着她良人”(5)从旷野(属地的范围)上来:─引用经文

F. In the sixth stage of Song of Songs, the lover of Christ is hoping to be raptured (8:1-14); she is coming up from the wilderness (the earthly realm) by "leaning on her beloved" (v. 5):

1 “靠着她良人”含示,她就像雅各一样,大腿窝被摸了一把,天然的力量受了主的对付─创三二24~25。

1. Leaning on her beloved implies that, like Jacob, the socket of her hip has been touched, and her natural strength has been dealt with by the Lord—Gen. 32:24-25.

2 “靠着她良人”也含示,她发现自己力不能胜,这似乎要持续直到旷野的路程过去─林后一8~9,十二9~10,十三3~4。

2. Leaning on her beloved also implies that she finds herself pressed beyond measure, and this seems to last until the wilderness journey is over—2 Cor. 1:8-9; 12:9-10; 13:3-4.

3 她求她的良人将她放在祂爱的心上如印记,带在祂力量的臂上如戳记;此时她感觉到自己的一无所能和无依无靠,并领悟一切都在于神的爱和保守的能力─歌八6~7。

3. She asks her Beloved to set her as a seal on His heart of love and as a seal on His arm of strength; at this point she is conscious of her powerlessness and helplessness, and she realizes that everything depends on God's love and preserving power—S. S. 8:6-7.

4 基督的佳偶求祂这位住在作祂园子之信徒里面的,使她得听见祂的声音;这指明我们为那作我们良人的主工作时,需要维持我们与祂的交通,一直听祂─13节。

4. The lover of Christ asks Him who dwells in the believers as His gardens to let her hear His voice; this indicates that in the work that we do for the Lord as our Beloved, we need to maintain our fellowship with Him, always listening to Him—v. 13.

贰 作为这卷诗意之书的结语,基督的佳偶祷告,求她的良人在祂复活的大能(羚羊和小牡鹿)里快快回来,设立那要充满全地,祂甘甜美丽的国(香草山)─14节,启十一15,但二35:

II. As the concluding word of this poetic book, the lover of Christ prays that her Beloved would make haste to come back in the power of His resurrection (gazelle and young hart) to set up His sweet and beautiful kingdom (mountains of spices), which will fill the whole earth—v. 14; Rev. 11:15; Dan. 2:35:

一 这样的祷告描绘基督这位新郎和祂的佳偶新妇之间,在新婚之爱里的联结与交通;这正如约翰这位爱基督者的祷告(作为圣经的结语)一样,乃是启示神关于祂神圣之爱里基督与召会的永远经纶─启二二20。

A. Such a prayer portrays the union and communion between Christ as the Bridegroom and His lovers as the bride in their bridal love, in the way that the prayer of John, a lover of Christ, as the concluding word of the Holy Scriptures, reveals God's eternal economy concerning Christ and the church in His divine love—Rev. 22:20.

二 “当你来的时候,真的,‘信则变见,赞代祈’,爱就要达到毫无阴翳、完全的地位,能够丝毫无罪地在主面前事奉祂。这是什么日子呢?所以主耶稣啊,求你快来!”─倪柝声文集第二辑第三册,歌中的歌,一四九至一五〇页。

B. "When He comes, faith will be turned to facts, and praise will replace prayer. Love will consummate in a shadowless perfection, and we will serve Him in the sinless domain. What a day that will be! Lord Jesus, come quickly!"—Watchman Nee, The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, vol. 23, "The Song of Songs," p. 126.
