2:1 He who scatters has come up before you: Keep the fortress, Watch the way, Strengthen the loins, Fortify the power greatly.
2:2 For Jehovah restores The excellency of Jacob As the excellency of Israel; For the emptiers have emptied them out And destroyed their vine branches.
2:3 The shield of His mighty men is red; The valiant men are clad in scarlet; The chariots flash with the shining of steel In the day of His preparation, And the spears are brandished.
2:4 In the streets the chariots rush madly; They dash to and fro in the open squares; Their appearance is like that of torches; They dart like lightning.
2:5 The Assyrian king remembers his glorious ones: They stumble in their march; They hasten to the wall of the city, But the besiegers' shelter is prepared.
2:6 The gates of the rivers are opened, And the palace is dissolved.
2:7 And it is determined: She is uncovered; she is carried away; And her maidens moan, As with the sound of doves, Beating their breasts.
2:8 Though Nineveh has been like a pool of water all her days, Now they are fleeing. Stand! Stand! But no one turns back.
2:9 Plunder the silver! Plunder the gold! And there is no end to what has been prepared. Oh, the glory of all the desirable vessels!
2:10 Emptiness and void and waste! And the heart melts, and the knees knock, And anguish is in all the loins, And the faces of all of them become pale.
2:11 Where is the den of lions And the feeding place of young lions, Where the lion and the lioness walked, And the lion's whelp; and no one frightened them?
2:12 The lion tore in pieces, enough for his whelps, And strangled for his lioness And filled his caves with torn prey And his dens with torn animals.
2:13 Indeed I am against you, Declares Jehovah of hosts; And I will burn your chariots in smoke, And the sword will devour your young lions; And I will cut off your prey from the earth; And the voice of your messengers will no longer be heard.