• 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope,
  • 照着神我们的救主、和基督耶稣我们的盼望的命令,作基督耶稣使徒的保罗,
  • 1:2 To Timothy, genuine child in faith: Grace, mercy, peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
  • 写信给那凭信作我真孩子的提摩太:愿恩典、怜悯、平安,从父神和我们的主基督耶稣归与你。
  • 1:3 Even as I exhorted you, when I was going into Macedonia, to remain in Ephesus in order that you might charge certain ones not to teach different things
  • 我往马其顿去的时候,曾劝你仍住在以弗所,好嘱咐那几个人,不可教导与神的经纶不同的事,
  • 1:4 Nor to give heed to myths and unending genealogies, which produce questionings rather than God's economy, which is in faith.
  • 也不可注意虚构无稽之事,和无穷的家谱;这等事只引起辩论,对于神在信仰里的经纶并无助益。
  • 1:5 But the end of the charge is love out of a pure heart and out of a good conscience and out of unfeigned faith;
  • 这嘱咐的目的乃是爱,这爱是出于清洁的心、无亏的良心、并无伪的信心。
  • 1:6 From which things some, having misaimed, have turned aside to vain talking,
  • 有人失去目标,偏离这些,转向虚空的谈论,
  • 1:7 Desiring to be teachers of the law, though they understand neither the things that they say, nor concerning what they confidently affirm.
  • 想要作律法的教师,却不明白自己所讲说、所断定的。
  • 1:8 But we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully
  • 我们晓得律法是好的,只要人用得合法,
  • 1:9 And knows this, that the law is not enacted for a righteous man but for the lawless and unruly, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and those who strike their mothers, for murderers,
  • 知道律法不是为义人设立的,乃是为不法和不服的、不敬虔和犯罪的、不圣和世俗的、殴打父母的、杀人的、
  • 1:10 For fornicators, homosexuals, kidnappers, liars, perjurers, and whatever other thing that is opposed to the healthy teaching,
  • 淫乱的、同性恋的、拐人的、说谎的、起假誓的、以及其他敌对健康教训之事设立的,
  • 1:11 According to the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, with which I was entrusted.
  • 这是照着那托付与我,可称颂之神荣耀的福音说的。
  • 1:12 I give thanks to Him who empowers me, Christ Jesus our Lord, that He has counted me faithful, appointing me to the ministry,
  • 我感谢那加我能力的,我们的主基督耶稣,因祂以我为忠信,派我尽职事。
  • 1:13 Who formerly was a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insulting person; but I was shown mercy because, being ignorant, I acted in unbelief.
  • 我从前是亵渎神的、逼迫人的、侮慢人的;然而我蒙了怜悯,因我是在不信中,无知而作的。
  • 1:14 And the grace of our Lord superabounded with faith and love in Christ Jesus.
  • 并且我们主的恩是格外增多,使我在基督耶稣里有信,又有爱。
  • 1:15 Faithful is the word and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am foremost.
  • 基督耶稣降世,为要拯救罪人,这话是可信的,是值得完全接受的;在罪人中我是个罪魁。
  • 1:16 But because of this I was shown mercy, that in me, the foremost, Jesus Christ might display all His long-suffering for a pattern to those who are to believe on Him unto eternal life.
  • 然而,我所以蒙了怜悯,是要叫耶稣基督在我这罪魁身上,显示祂一切的恒忍,给后来信靠祂得永远生命的人作榜样。
  • 1:17 Now to the King of the ages, incorruptible, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
  • 但愿尊贵荣耀归与那永世的君王,就是那不能朽坏、不能看见、独一的神,直到永永远远。阿们。
  • 1:18 This charge I commit to you, my child Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you might war the good warfare,
  • 孩子提摩太,我照从前指着你所说的预言,将这嘱咐交托你,叫你凭这些预言,可以打那美好的仗,
  • 1:19 Holding faith and a good conscience, concerning which some, thrusting these away, have become shipwrecked regarding the faith;
  • 持守信心和无亏的良心;有人丢弃这些,就在信仰上犹如船破,
  • 1:20 Of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have delivered to Satan that they may be disciplined not to blaspheme.
  • 其中有许米乃和亚力山大,我已经把他们交给撒但,使他们受管教,不再谤讟。