第一篇 在使徒行传的继续里基督的扩增

The Increase of Christ in the Continuation of the Book of Acts



壹 使徒行传这卷书是没有结束的,因为这卷书仍在继续着,为着基督的扩增─二八31:

I. The Acts of the Apostles is a book without an ending because this book is still being continued for the increase of Christ—28:31:

一 主说,“我父作工直到如今,我也作工”(约五17);这表明自从撒但背叛以及人堕落以来,神作工直到如今,并且主也作工。

A. The Lord said, "My Father is working until now, and I also am working" (John 5:17); this shows that since the rebellion of Satan and the fall of man, God has been working until now, and the Lord also is working.

二 使徒行传是记载神的工作;在二十八章以后,还有许多神的器皿在作神的工作;神的工作正在继续,没有停止。

B. The book of Acts is a record of the work of God; after Acts 28 many vessels are still carrying on with His work; His work is continuing and has not stopped.

三 神的工作要一直往前去,直到国度,甚至到新天新地;神总是在往前,从不停止;我们如果知道这事,同时也相信这事,我们就要赞美主;祂的奴仆即使成为新耶路撒冷,仍要作祭司事奉祂─启二二3,参徒十三36上。

C. His work will go on until the kingdom and even until the new heaven and new earth; God is always advancing; He never stops; if we know this and believe in this, we will praise the Lord; even as the New Jerusalem, His slaves will serve Him as priests—Rev. 22:3; cf. Acts 13:36a.

四 圣灵借着基督的信徒传扬基督,使基督得到繁殖、繁增并开展的工作,还没有完成,还需要继续很长一段时间。

D. The work of the Holy Spirit in preaching Christ for His propagation, multiplication, and spread through the believers of Christ was not yet completed and needed to be continued for a long period of time.

五 这种使基督扩增、繁殖、繁增并开展的福音工作,乃是照着神新约的经纶,为神产生许多的儿子(罗八29),作基督的肢体,构成基督的身体(十二5),以完成神永远的计划,成全祂永远的旨意;这是使徒行传以后,二十一卷书信和一卷启示录所接着详尽启示的。─引用经文

E. Such an evangelistic work for Christ's increase, propagation, multiplication, and spread is according to God's New Testament economy for the producing of many sons for God (Rom. 8:29) that they might be the members of Christ to constitute His Body (12:5) for the carrying out of God's eternal plan and the fulfillment of His eternal will; this is revealed in detail in the twenty-one Epistles and the book of Revelation, which follow the book of Acts.

六 既然神所要得着的是团体、照耀、见证的器皿,祂的儿女就必须被带到一个地步,看见什么是基督的身体,并学习活出身体的生命;否则,他们在神手里就没有用处,就绝不能达到神的目标─罗十二1~3,林前十二12,启一10~12。

F. Since God is after a corporate, shining vessel, a vessel of testimony, His children must be brought to the awareness of the Body of Christ and learn to live the Body life; otherwise, they are useless in His hand and can never fulfill His goal—Rom. 12:1-3; 1 Cor. 12:12; Rev. 1:10-12.

七 连得胜者的见证也是为着全召会的;工作是他们作的,好处是全召会都得着的─十二5~9,二7、11、17、26~28,三3、5、12、20~21。

G. Even the testimony of the overcomers is maintained on behalf of the whole church; they do the work, and the whole church receives the benefit—12:5-9; 2:7, 11, 17, 26-28; 3:3, 5, 12, 20-21.

八 得胜者不是为着他们自己;他们乃是站在召会的地位上把召会带到完全的地步;甚至他们的得胜,也是团体的得胜─参腓一19。

H. The overcomers are not for themselves; they stand on the ground of the church, and they are there to bring the whole church to perfection; even the victories of the overcomers are corporate victories—cf. Phil. 1:19.

贰 神的话一直扩长,越发繁增,为着基督的扩增─徒六7,十二24,十九20:

II. The word of God is still growing and being multiplied for the increase of Christ—Acts 6:7; 12:24; 19:20:

一 行传六章七节的“扩长”指生命的长大,这指明神的话是生命的事,如同种子撒在人的心里而长大,为着基督在我们里面的扩增,就是神在我们里面的长大─可四14,西二19。

A. Grew in Acts 6:7 refers to the growth in life, indicating that the word of God is a matter of life that grows as a seed sown into man's heart for the increase of Christ, the growth of God, within us—Mark 4:14; Col. 2:19.

二 行传十二章二十四节的“繁增”指人数上基督的扩增;实际上,门徒的繁增在于话的扩长。─引用经文

B. Multiplied in Acts 12:24 refers to the increase of Christ in numbers; actually, the multiplication of the disciples depends on the growth of the word.

三 新的门徒“加添归主”,成为基督的各部分,就是基督的肢体─五14,十一24,罗十五16。

C. New disciples are "added to the Lord" to become the parts of Christ, the members of Christ—5:14; 11:24; Rom. 15:16.

四 我们需要鼓励初信者“立定心志,一直与主同在”;这乃是坚定不移地忠于主,依附于祂,并活在与主紧密的交通中─徒十一23。

D. We need to encourage the new believers "to remain with the Lord with purpose of heart"; this is to be persistently faithful to the Lord, cleave to Him, and live in close fellowship with Him—Acts 11:23.

叁 使徒行传的继续乃是基督的继续,以被成全的神人所过的团体生活作为基督身体的实际;使徒保罗,作为所有信徒,基督身体肢体的榜样,活基督以显大基督,作祂的继续─腓一19~21上,徒九4~5,15,二六19,提前一16:

III. The continuation of the book of Acts is the continuation of Christ with the corporate living of the perfected God-men as the reality of the Body of Christ; the apostle Paul, as a pattern to all the believers, the members of the Body of Christ, lived Christ for His magnification as His continuation—Phil. 1:19-21a; Acts 9:4-5, 15; 26:19; 1 Tim. 1:16:

一 保罗是基督的门徒,他看见基督,听见基督,并照着在耶稣身上是实际者学了基督─徒九1~19、25~27,二二14~15,弗四20~21。

A. Paul was a disciple of Christ—seeing Christ, hearing Christ, and learning Christ as the reality is in Jesus—Acts 9:1-19, 25-27; 22:14-15; Eph. 4:20-21.

二 保罗是基督所拣选的器皿,以盛装祂,被祂充满,并溢出祂作祂的丰满─徒九15,林后四7,弗一22~23,三19。

B. Paul was a chosen vessel of Christ to contain Him, be filled with Him, and overflow with Him for His fullness—Acts 9:15; 2 Cor. 4:7; Eph. 1:22-23; 3:19.

三 保罗是一个祷告的人─徒九11,十三1~3,十四23,十六13、25,二十36,二一5,二二17,二八8,弗六18,西四2。

C. Paul was a man of prayer—Acts 9:11; 13:1-3; 14:23; 16:13, 25; 20:36; 21:5; 22:17; 28:8;Eph. 6:18; Col. 4:2.

四 保罗倚靠身体,在身体里、借着身体并为着身体作一切事─徒九11、17~18、25~27,林前一1,十二14~27。

D. Paul depended on the Body, doing everything in the Body, through the Body, and for the Body—Acts 9:11, 17-18, 25-27; 1 Cor. 1:1; 12:14-27.

五 保罗实行呼求主名─徒九14、21,二二16,提后二22,罗十12~13,腓二9~11。

E. Paul practiced calling on the name of the Lord—Acts 9:14, 21; 22:16; 2 Tim. 2:22; Rom. 10:12-13; Phil. 2:9-11.

六 保罗凭包罗万有之耶稣的灵(一个有充足力量忍受苦难之人的灵)而活,为着他传讲的职事,就是在人的生命里,在人类中间为着人类之受苦的职事,以建造基督的身体─约七37~39,徒九16,十六7、22~34,腓三10,西一24,林后六4,十一23,来六19~20,十三13。

F. Paul lived by the all-inclusive Spirit of Jesus (the Spirit of a man with abundant strength for suffering) for his preaching ministry, a ministry of suffering carried out among human beings and for human beings in the human life for the building up of the Body of Christ—John 7:37-39; Acts 9:16; 16:7, 22-34; Phil. 3:10; Col. 1:24; 2 Cor. 6:4; 11:23; Heb. 6:19-20; 13:13.

七 保罗活在他调和的灵(神的灵与他这人的灵调和成一灵)里─徒十七16,十九21,罗八4、6、16,林前六17。

G. Paul lived in his mingled spirit (the divine Spirit mingled with his human spirit as one spirit)—Acts 17:16; 19:21; Rom. 8:4, 6, 16; 1 Cor. 6:17.

八 保罗在素质一面被喜乐的灵所充满,为着他的生存;他也在经纶一面被能力的灵充溢,为着他的功用─徒十三9、52,弗五18。

H. Paul was filled with the Spirit of joy, essentially for his existence, and with the Spirit of power, economically for his function—Acts 13:9, 52; Eph. 5:18.

九 保罗操练自己,常存无亏和清洁的良心─徒二三1,二四16,提前一19,三9。

I. Paul exercised himself to always have a good and pure conscience—Acts 23:1; 24:16; 1 Tim. 1:19; 3:9.

十 保罗过一种生活,常常在主里喜乐,并感谢祂─徒十六25,二七35,腓四4,西三16,帖前五16~18。

J. Paul lived a life of always rejoicing in the Lord and thanking Him—Acts 16:25; 27:35; Phil. 4:4; Col. 3:16; 1 Thes. 5:16-18.

十一 保罗与神联合,并受神协助,在耶稣的名里放胆讲说福音,以扩展耶稣的见证,直到地极─徒九20、27,二六22~29,二八31,一8,帖前二2,参罗十五24、28。

K. Paul was allied with God and assisted by God to speak the gospel boldly in the name of Jesus to spread the testimony of Jesus unto the uttermost part of the earth—Acts 9:20, 27; 26:22-29; 28:31; 1:8; 1 Thes. 2:2; cf. Rom. 15:24, 28.

十二 保罗在耶稣的人性里顾惜圣徒,并在基督的神性里,以神永远经纶的一切真理喂养他们;在他的生活中展示主耶稣的话:施比受更为有福─徒二十18~38,帖前二1~12。

L. Paul cherished the saints in the humanity of Jesus and nourished them in the divinity of Christ with all the truths of God's eternal economy, displaying in his living the word of the Lord Jesus that it is better to give than to receive—Acts 20:18-38; 1 Thes. 2:1-12.

十三 保罗第四次尽职的行程(徒二七~二八)特别显示他的生活─他活基督,显大基督,在基督里作一切事,并竭力追求基督,好给人看出他是在基督里─腓一19~21上,三8~9、14,四13:

M. Paul's fourth ministry journey (Acts 27—28) shows in a particular way his life of living Christ, magnifying Christ, doing all things in Christ, and pursuing Christ in order to be found in Christ—Phil. 1:19-21a; 3:8-9, 14; 4:13:

1 在使徒漫长、不幸且受监禁的航程中,主保守使徒在祂的超越里,使他能活出一种生活,远超忧虑的境域;这种生活是全然尊贵,有人性美德的最高标准,彰显最高超的神圣属性─5~9节。

1. All during the apostle's long and unfortunate imprisonment-voyage, the Lord kept the apostle in His ascendancy and enabled him to live a life far beyond the realm of anxiety; this life was fully dignified, with the highest standard of human virtues expressing the most excellent divine attributes—vv. 5-9.

2 这是耶稣在祂被神性所丰富的人性里,再次活在地上!这是从前活在福音书里那奇妙、超绝、奥秘的神人,借着祂许多肢体中的一个,在使徒行传里继续活着!这是成为肉体、钉死十架、复活、被神高举之基督的活见证人!

2. This was Jesus living again on the earth in His divinely enriched humanity! This was the wonderful, excellent, and mysterious God-man, who lived in the Gospels, continuing to live in the Acts through one of His many members! This was a living witness of the incarnated, crucified, resurrected, and God-exalted Christ!

3 保罗在他的生活和职事中,将真神彰显出来;这位真神在耶稣基督里,经过成为肉体、为人生活、钉死十架、复活的过程,成了包罗万有的灵,活在保罗里面,并借着他活出来─加一15~16、24,二20,三14,参徒二八6。

3. In Paul's living and ministry he expressed the very true God, who in Jesus Christ had gone through the processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection, and who, as the all-inclusive Spirit, was then living in him and through him—Gal. 1:15-16, 24; 2:20; 3:14; cf. Acts 28:6.

4 在风暴的海上,主不仅使保罗成了与他同船之人的主人(二七24),也成了他们生命的保证人和安慰者(22、25);如今在平安的陆地上,主不仅进一步使他在迷信的人眼中成为神奇的吸引(二八1~6),也成为他们的医治者和喜乐(7~10)。─引用经文

4. On the sea in the storm, the Lord had made the apostle not only the owner of his fellow voyagers (27:24) but also their life-guarantor and comforter (vv. 22, 25); now, on the land in peace, the Lord made him furthermore not only a magical attraction in the eyes of the superstitious people (28:1-6) but also a healer and a joy to them (vv. 7-10).

5 保罗所受从罗马来的弟兄们热烈的欢迎,和在部丢利弟兄们爱心的关切(13~15),显出早期召会和使徒之间美丽的身体生活:─引用经文

5. The warm welcome that Paul received from the brothers in Rome and the loving care of those in Puteoli (vv. 13-15) show the beautiful Body life that existed in the early days among the churches and apostles:

a 表面上,使徒是个在捆锁中的囚犯,进入撒但所霸占之帝国的黑暗首都;实际上,他是基督的大使,带着基督的权柄(弗六20,太二八18~19),在地上神的国中,有分于祂召会之身体生活里的另一部分。─引用经文

a. Apparently, the apostle, as a prisoner in bonds, had entered the region of the dark capital of the Satan-usurped empire; actually, as the ambassador of Christ with His authority (Eph. 6:20; Matt. 28:18-19), he had come into another part of the participation in the Body life of Christ's church in the kingdom of God on earth.

b 当他在撒但的帝国(在旧造里撒但的混乱)受到宗教的逼迫时,他在神的国(为着新造的神圣经纶)中享受着召会生活;这对他是安慰,也是鼓励。

b. While he was suffering the persecution of religion in the empire of Satan (the satanic chaos in the old creation), he was enjoying the church life in the kingdom of God (the divine economy for the new creation); this was a comfort and an encouragement to him.

十四 召会的终极结果乃是将来在永世里的新耶路撒冷,作神完满并永远的彰显;这该是我们今天一切福音传扬的实际和目标,正如我们所跟随使徒保罗的榜样─“全然放胆宣扬神的国,并教导主耶稣基督的事,毫无阻碍”─徒二八31。

N. The ultimate issue of the church will be the New Jerusalem in eternity future as God's full and eternal expression; this should be the reality and goal of all our gospel preaching today as we follow the pattern of the apostle Paul—"proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness, unhindered"—Acts 28:31.

肆 行传二十六章十八节启示,我们今天为着扩增并建造基督的身体所必须作的工;这节圣经揭示我们神圣使命之包罗万有的内容─“叫他们的眼睛得开,从黑暗转入光中,从撒但权下转向神,又因信入我,得蒙赦罪,并在一切圣别的人中得着基业”:─引用经文

IV. Acts 26:18 reveals the work that we must do today for the increase and building up of the Body of Christ; this verse unveils the all-inclusive contents of our divine commission—"to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me":

一 这是要实现神的禧年,主悦纳人的禧年,就是主耶稣在路加四章十八至二十一节照着神新约的经纶所宣扬的。─引用经文

A. This is to carry out the fulfillment of God's jubilee, the acceptable year of the Lord, proclaimed by the Lord Jesus in Luke 4:18-21 according to God's New Testament economy.

二 我们需要为着行传二十六章十八节里我们神圣托付的内容祷告,求主将这内容作成我们的经历和实际,使我们能将别人带进这经历和实际里─弗三8~9。

B. We need to pray over the contents of our divine commission in Acts 26:18, asking the Lord to make them our experience and reality so that we can bring others into this experience and reality—Eph. 3:8-9.

伍 我们若要在使徒行传的继续里,就需要借着有楼房上的奉献,而在主工作独一的水流里,持续活在神圣的历史中─徒一13~14,诗歌六五〇首:

V. If we would be in the continuation of the book of Acts, we need to continue to live in the divine history in the unique stream of the work of the Lord by having an upper-room consecration—1:13-14; Hymns, #907:

一 我们在这里不是为着一个运动,乃是为着主的恢复;这恢复只能借着在楼房上专特、特出的奉献而得着完成。

A. We are not here for a movement but for the Lord's recovery, and the recovery can be carried out only by the specific and extraordinary consecration in the upper room.

二 主的行动乃是在于那些在楼房上的人,在于那些眼睛得开、心被摸着的人─路十二49~50,徒二3~4,十七6下,罗十二11。

B. The Lord's move was with those in the upper room, with those whose eyes had been opened and whose hearts had been touched—Luke 12:49-50; Acts 2:3-4; 17:6b; Rom. 12:11.

三 翻转世界并转移时代的乃是少数人;我们若要在楼房上,就需要有专特的祷告:“主,我愿意在楼房上,为着你见证的恢复。”

C. It is a small number who will turn the world and change the age; if we would be in the upper room, we need to pray in a specific way and say, "Lord, I am willing to be in the upper room for the recovery of Your testimony."
