第四篇 基督的扩增,为着召会的扩增与开展,乃是借着同心合意,连同祷告、那灵、话与家

The Increase of Christ for the Increase and Spread of the Church through the One Accord with Prayer, the Spirit, the Word, and the Homes



壹 我们要有基督的扩增,而使召会得以扩增并开展,就必须同心合意;同心合意,原文是homothumadon,由homo,意“相同”,和thumos,意“心思、意志、目的(魂、心)”所组成:

I. In order to have the increase of Christ for the increase and spread of the church, we must have the one accord; the Greek word for one accord is homothumadon from homo, "same," and thumos, "mind, will, purpose (soul, heart)":

一 同心合意是开启新约中一切福分的万能钥匙;应用一就是保守一,而保守一就是实行同心合意─徒一14,二46,四24,五12,十五25,腓一27,弗一3,罗十五29。

A. The one accord is the master key to every blessing in the New Testament; to apply the oneness is to keep it, and to keep it is to practice the one accord—Acts 1:14; 2:46; 4:24; 5:12; 15:25; Phil. 1:27; Eph. 1:3; Rom. 15:29.

二 我们要有同心合意,就需要顾到同一件事;在主恢复里的同一件事,唯一的事,乃是神永远的经纶,以基督为中心和普及─西三10~11:

B. In order to have the one accord, we need to care for one thing; the one thing, the unique thing, in the Lord's recovery is God's eternal economy with Christ as the centrality and universality—Col. 3:10-11:

1 在主的恢复里,唯一该专注、强调并供应的事,乃是神永远的经纶─提前一3~4。

1. The one thing that should be focused on, stressed, and ministered in the Lord's recovery is the eternal economy of God—1 Tim. 1:3-4.

2 神永远经纶的内容乃是基督;实际上,基督自己在三个时期中丰满的职事就是神圣的经纶─约一14,林前十五45下,启一4,三1,四5,五6。

2. The content of God's eternal economy is Christ; actually, Christ Himself in His full ministry of three stages is the divine economy—John 1:14; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rev. 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6.

3 神渴望要得着一个恢复,纯粹且完全是基督这人位─西一17下、18下,林后十二2,二10,三3。

3. God's desire is to have a recovery purely and wholly of the person of Christ—Col. 1:17b, 18b; 2 Cor. 12:2; 2:10; 3:3.

三 腓立比书中的“同一件事”,是指对基督主观的认识和经历;“同一件事”乃是追求基督以赢得祂,取得祂,并据有祂─一20~21,二5,三7~14,四13:

C. The one thing in Philippians refers to the subjective knowledge and experience of Christ; the one thing is the pursuing of Christ to gain Him, lay hold of Him, and possess Him—1:20-21; 2:5; 3:7-14; 4:13:

1 基督,唯有基督,该是我们全人的中心和普及─西一17下、18下。

1. Christ and Christ alone should be the centrality and universality of our entire being—Col. 1:17b, 18b.

2 我们的思念应当集中在对基督宝贵的认识和经历上;专注于任何别的事物,都会使我们的思念不同,而造成我们中间的不合─参林前一10,腓四2:

2. Our thinking should be focused on the excellency of the knowledge and experience of Christ; focusing on anything else causes us to think differently, thus creating dissensions among us—cf. 1 Cor. 1:10; Phil. 4:2:

a “你们就要使我的喜乐满足,就是要思念相同的事,有相同的爱,魂里联结,思念同一件事”─二2。

a. "Make my joy full, that you think the same thing, having the same love, joined in soul, thinking the one thing"—2:2.

b “这不是说,我已经得着了,或已经完全了,我乃是竭力追求,或者可以取得基督耶稣所以取得我的。弟兄们,我不是以为自己已经取得了,我只有一件事,就是忘记背后,努力面前的,向着标竿竭力追求,要得神在基督耶稣里,召我向上去得的奖赏”─三12~14。

b. "Not that I have already obtained or am already perfected, but I pursue, if even I may lay hold of that for which I also have been laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brothers, I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one thing: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before, I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward"—3:12-14 (lit.).

c “马大,马大,你为许多的事思虑烦扰;但是不可少的只有一件,马利亚已经选择那美好的分,是不能从她夺去的”─路十41下~42。

c. "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; but there is need of one thing, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her"—Luke 10:41b-42.

d “有一件事,我曾求耶和华,我仍要寻求;就是一生一世住在耶和华的殿中,瞻仰祂的荣美,在祂的殿里求问”─诗二七4。

d. "One thing I have asked from Jehovah; / That do I seek: / To dwell in the house of Jehovah / All the days of my life, / To behold the beauty of Jehovah, / And to inquire in His temple"—Psa. 27:4.

四 我们必须把以弗所二章十五节的“一个新人”,与罗马十五章六节“同一的口”,以及林前一章十节“说一样的话”连起来看:─引用经文

D. We need to consider one new man in Ephesians 2:15 together with one mouth in Romans 15:6 and speak the same thing in 1 Corinthians 1:10:

1 召会是一个新人,为此我们都要在说话的事上接受基督作我们的人位─太十二34~37,弗三17上,约七16~18,八28、38上,十二49~50,十四10。

1. For the church as the one new man, we all need to take Christ as our person in the matter of speaking—Matt. 12:34-37; Eph. 3:17a; John 7:16-18; 8:28, 38a; 12:49-50; 14:10.

2 整本圣经只有一个口,说的是一样的话─来一1~2上。

2. The entire Bible has one mouth and speaks the same thing—Heb. 1:1-2a.

3 今天的基督教里有许多的口,各说不同的话;这是一种可怜的光景,每一个传道人都想要讲自己的东西,以为讲别人讲过的东西就是羞耻─创十一7、9。

3. In today's Christianity there are many mouths, each speaking a different thing; this is the pitiful situation of every preacher wanting to speak his own thing and thinking it a shame to speak what others have spoken—Gen. 11:7, 9.

4 从前口太多,是因为人位太多了。

4. In the past there were too many mouths because there were too many persons.

5 在一个新人里,有同一的口,说一样的话─罗十五6,林前一10。

5. In the one new man there is one mouth to speak the same thing—Rom. 15:6; 1 Cor. 1:10.

6 新人只有一个,这一个新人只有一个人位,因此一个新人是用同一的口说话,并且说一样的话。

6. There is only one new man, and the one new man has only one person, so the one new man speaks with one mouth and says the same thing.

7 “同心合意”以及“用同一的口”(罗十五6)的意思是,我们人数虽多,并且众人都说话,我们却都“说一样的话”─林前一10:

7. With one accord and with one mouth (Rom. 15:6) mean that even though we are many and all are speaking, we all speak the same thing—1 Cor. 1:10:

a 召会是一个新人,只有一个人位─基督,并且这个人位支配我们的说话;因此,无论祂说什么,都必定是说一样的话。

a. The church is the one new man with only one person—Christ—and this person controls our speaking; thus, whatever He speaks is surely the same thing.

b 当我们要说话时,我们需要解决一个基本问题:在这说话的事上,到底是我作人位,还是基督作人位?

b. When we are about to speak, we need to resolve a basic question: in this matter of speaking, am I the person or is Christ the person?

c 在我们的说话中,我们若不是以自己作人位,乃是让基督作人位,就会有同一的口,人人都会说一样的话。

c. If in our speaking we do not take ourselves as the person but allow Christ to be the person, then there will be one mouth, and everyone will speak the same thing.

8 在一个新人里,只有一个人位,只有这个人位有自由说话─太十七5:

8. In the one new man there is only one person, and only this person has the freedom to speak—Matt. 17:5:

a 在一个新人里,我们没有自由说自己的话。

a. In the one new man there is no freedom for us to speak our own things.

b 主耶稣绝对有自由说话,我们天然的人绝对没有自由说话。

b. The Lord Jesus has the absolute freedom to speak, and our natural man has absolutely no freedom to speak.

9 我们人数虽多,并且来自许多地方,我们却都有同一的口,我们也都说一样的话;这是因为我们众人乃是一个新人,只有一个人位─弗二15,四22~24,三17上,罗十五6,林前一10。

9. Although we are many and come from many places, we all have one mouth and we all speak the same thing; this is because we all are the one new man having only one person—Eph. 2:15; 4:22-24; 3:17a; Rom. 15:6; 1 Cor. 1:10.

10 只有一种职事是建造而绝不制造分裂的,就是神经纶唯一的职事─提前一3~4:

10. Only one kind of ministry builds up and never divides—this is the unique ministry of God's economy—1 Tim. 1:3-4:

a “人的骄傲总是喜欢把己弄得与众不同。你可能说一件事,但我因着骄傲,就绝不说你所说过的。我要说与你不同的事,说新的事、更好的事。这就是己,这就是属肉体的骄傲。”(神圣的经纶,一四一页)

a. "Human pride always likes to make the self different from others. You may speak one thing, but I would never speak what you speak because of my pride. I want to speak something different from what you speak, something new and something better. This is the self, and this is fleshly pride" (The Divine Economy, p. 124).

b 我们要为着一个新人蒙保守在永远的一里,唯一的路就是教导一样的事,就是教导神的经纶─罗十五6。

b. The only way that we can be preserved in the eternal oneness for the one new man is to teach the same thing, the economy of God—Rom. 15:6.

贰 使徒行传给我们看见,神命定为着执行神的行动以成就祂新约经纶的路,完全是凭着三个主要的实质─祷告、那灵与话:

II. The book of Acts shows that the God-ordained way to carry out God's move to fulfill His New Testament economy is entirely by three main substances—prayer, the Spirit, and the Word:

一 祷告、那灵与话,是主恢复中能力的三个实质─一8、14,四31,六4、7,十二24,十九20。

A. Prayer, the Spirit, and the Word are the three substances of the power in the Lord's recovery—1:8, 14; 4:31; 6:4, 7; 12:24; 19:20.

二 我们该祷告,使我们有那灵作能力来传播主话─六7,十二24,十九20,提前二1~4、8,弗六17~18,参提前五17~18:

B. We must pray that we might have the Spirit as the power to spread the Word—6:7; 12:24; 19:20; 1 Tim. 2:1-4, 8; Eph. 6:17-18; cf. 1 Tim. 5:17-18:

1 我们必须使自己被圣言所浸润、构成甚至泡透;我们若有负担传福音,就必须进入主的话,成为认识主话的人─西三16。

1. We must get ourselves saturated, constituted, and even soaked with the holy Word; if we are burdened to preach the gospel, we must get into the Word and be persons who know the Word—Col. 3:16.

2 我们应当求主把我们全人带进光中,受祂对付,成为有能力,在素质上和经纶上,里外满有那灵的人─弗五18,徒二38,五32下,四8、31,十三9、52。

2. We should ask the Lord to bring our entire being into the light and be dealt with by Him to become persons of power, who are full of the Spirit within and without, essentially and economically—Eph. 5:18; Acts 2:38; 5:32b; 4:8, 31; 13:9, 52.

三 早期的门徒执行主在地上的行动,若是有不同的作法、凭借、媒介或实质,他们就无法维持同心合意;要维持独一的同心合意,我们都必须学习用同样的方法作同样的事─一14,四31。

C. The early disciples could not have maintained the one accord if they had different ways, means, agents, or substances for them to carry out the Lord's move on the earth; in order to maintain the unique one accord, we all have to learn to do the same thing by the same way—1:14; 4:31.

四 我们不要想采取祷告、那灵与话以外的方式;任何别的方式都会引起异议和分裂。

D. We must not think of taking a way other than prayer, the Spirit, and the Word; any other way will cause dissension and division.

五 使徒行传给我们看见,使徒们从来没有不祷告而发起任何工作;每当他们想要作一件事,他们乃是借着祷告停下自己,给神一条路进到他们里面,充满他们,并浸透他们全人,使他们一切的活动都是行动之神的活动─一14,二1~4、16~17上,四24~31,十9~16,十二4~14,十三1~4,十六23~26,二二17~21:

E. The book of Acts shows that the apostles never initiated any work without prayer; whenever they wanted to do something, they stopped themselves by their prayer, giving God a way to come into them, to fill them up, and to saturate their entire being so that all their activities would be the activities of the acting God—1:14; 2:1-4, 16-17a; 4:24-31; 10:9-16; 12:4-14; 13:1-4; 16:23-26; 22:17-21:

1 我们要在主的工作上与祂是一,就需要将自己祷告到神里面,并将神祷告到我们里面,使我们与神调和─太六6。

1. In order to be one with the Lord in His work, we need to pray ourselves into God and pray God into us so that we are mingled with God—Matt. 6:6.

2 祷告的意思是停下我们自己,不在主以外作任何事,使祂能借着我们作祂的工─十四22~23。

2. To pray means to stop ourselves from doing anything apart from the Lord, so that He can do His work through us—14:22-23.

3 祷告的意思乃是,我们领悟自己一无所是,也一无所能;祷告是真正的否认己─加六3,参可九28~29。

3. To pray means that we realize that we are nothing and can do nothing; prayer is the real denial of the self—Gal. 6:3; cf. Mark 9:28-29.

4 借着呼求主名祷告,就是否认我们自己,并且宣告:“不再是我,乃是基督”─加二20上。

4. To pray by calling on the name of the Lord is to deny ourselves and to declare, "No longer I…but…Christ"—Gal. 2:20a.

叁 在家里聚会,乃是基督徒聚集的作法,符合神新约的经纶:

III. Meeting together in homes as the Christian way of meeting together is fitting to God's New Testament economy:

一 这与犹太人在会堂里聚集的作法不同:

A. This way differs from the Judaic way of meeting in the synagogues:

1 信徒挨家挨户擘饼和祷告─徒二46。

1. The believers broke bread and prayed together from house to house—Acts 2:46.

2 他们也挨家挨户传福音,教导人耶稣是基督;家家都可以,也都应该传福音─五42。

2. They also announced the gospel and taught Jesus as the Christ from house to house; the gospel can be and should be preached in every home—5:42.

3 保罗说到挨家挨户的教导、劝戒信徒─二十20。

3. Paul spoke of teaching and admonishing the believers from house to house—20:20.

二 这成了众召会中持续且普遍的实行─参罗十六5,林前十六19,西四15,门2。

B. This became a continual and general practice in the churches—cf. Rom. 16:5; 1 Cor. 16:19; Col. 4:15; Philem. 2.

三 召会扩增与开展的基础乃是在家中建立小排、活力排聚会:

C. The base for the increase and spread of the church is the establishing of small, vital group meetings in the homes:

1 家中的小排能留住人。

1. Small groups in the homes are able to retain people.

2 小排是家庭培养性质,召会集中聚会和职事聚会是学校教育性质;召会要走得好,我们就必须有小排聚会,为着家庭培养;也必须有集中聚会,以教导真理─参林前十四26,徒十九9与注2,二十7~9,二八30~31:

2. Small groups in the homes are in the nature of home nurturing, whereas joint meetings of the church and the ministry are in the nature of school education; in order for a church to go on in a good way, we must have small group meetings for home nurturing, and we must also have joint meetings to educate in the truth—cf. 1 Cor. 14:26; Acts 19:9 and footnote 2; 20:7-9; 28:30-31:

a 我们需要平衡,因为大会所能帮助我们得着较好的结果;即使我们能一直在家中得着并培育人,但仍必须有大会所作为“大学”,以教导并成全他们。

a. We need to be balanced, because a large meeting hall can help us gain better results; even though we continually beget those who can be nurtured in the homes, there must be a large meeting hall as a "university" to teach and perfect them.

b 家的原则在今天仍然可用,但这并不是说,召会一直是分开聚会的,事实上,所有的信徒经常在一处,是“重要的,也是大有益处的”─林前十四23上。

b. The principle of houses still applies today, but this does not mean that the church will always meet separately; in fact, it is important and of great profit for all the believers to gather quite regularly in one place—1 Cor. 14:23a.

3 小排在“守”一面的功用是托住、挽回弟兄姊妹。

3. The "defensive" function of the small groups is to uphold and restore the saints.

4 小排在“攻”一面的功用是传福音。

4. The "offensive" function of the small groups is to preach the gospel.

四 每一个信徒都是主的见证人,殉道者(徒一8),与人分享并向人作见证,他“所看见所听见的”基督(四20,二二15,约壹一1~3)。─引用经文

D. Every believer should be a witness, a martyr, of the Lord (Acts 1:8), sharing with and testifying to others the Christ whom he has "seen and heard" (4:20; 22:15; 1 John 1:1-3).
