第四篇 预备新妇作新郎的配偶(二)赞美作王的基督─在祂自己里,在作祂王后的召会里,并在祂所有子孙,就是在作众首领的得胜者里

To Prepare the Bride as the Counterpart of the Bridegroom (2) Praising Christ as the King in Himself, in the Church as His Queen, and in All His Sons, the Overcomers as the Princes



壹 全本圣经是一部神圣的罗曼史,记载神如何追求祂所拣选的人,最终与他们成为婚配─创二21~24,歌一2~4,赛五四5,六二5,耶二2,三1、14,三一3、32,结十六8,二三5,何二7、19,太九15,约三29,林后十一2,弗五25~27,启十九7,二一2、9~10,二二17:

I. The entire Bible is a divine romance, a record of how God courts His chosen people and eventually marries them—Gen. 2:21-24; S. S. 1:2-4; Isa. 54:5; 62:5; Jer. 2:2; 3:1, 14; 31:3, 32; Ezek. 16:8; 23:5; Hosea 2:7, 19; Matt. 9:15; John 3:29; 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:25-27; Rev. 19:7; 21:2, 9-10; 22:17:

一 主的恢复乃是为着应验马太十六章十八节与启示录十九章七至八节─建造基督的召会并预备基督的新妇。

A. The Lord's recovery is for the fulfillment of Matthew 16:18 and Revelation 19:7-8—the building up of Christ's church and the preparation of Christ's bride.

二 当我们这些神的子民进入与神相爱的关系时,我们就接受祂的生命,正如夏娃接受了亚当的生命一样─创二21~22。

B. When we as God's people enter into a love relationship with God, we receive His life, just as Eve received the life of Adam—Gen. 2:21-22.

三 乃是这生命使我们能与神成为一,并使祂与我们成为一。

C. It is this life that enables us to become one with God and makes Him one with us.

四 我们不是借着心思和意志遵守律法(参罗七18~25),乃是借着爱这位作我们丈夫的主,因而有分于祂的生命和性情,与祂成为一,作祂的扩大和彰显,成为神活的描绘。─引用经文

D. We keep the law, not by exercising our mind and will (cf. Rom. 7:18-25) but by loving the Lord as our Husband and thereby partaking of His life and nature to become one with Him as His enlargement and expression to be the living portrait of God.

五 我们不是遵守律法字句者,而是爱神的寻求者;我们爱那作我们的救赎主,作赐生命的灵,并作我们新郎的基督─诗一一九58,弗五25~27。

E. We are not letter-keepers of the law but loving seekers of God; we love Christ as our Re-deemer, as the life-giving Spirit, and as our Bridegroom—Psa. 119:58; Eph. 5:25-27.

六 神与祂的子民要成为一,他们之间就必须有相互的爱─约十四21、23。

F. In order for God and His people to be one, there must be a mutual love between them— John 14:21, 23.

七 圣经中所揭示神与祂子民之间的爱,主要就像是男女之间情深的爱─耶二2,三一3。

G. The love between God and His people unfolded in the Bible is primarily like the affec-tionate love between a man and a woman—Jer. 2:2; 31:3.

八 当神的子民爱神,花时间在祂的话里与祂交通,神就将祂神圣的元素注入他们里面,使他们与祂成为一,作祂的配偶,在生命、性情和彰显上与祂一样─参创二18~25。

H. As God's people love God and spend time to fellowship with Him in His word, God in-fuses them with His divine element, making them one with Him as His spouse, the same as He is in life, nature, and expression—cf. Gen. 2:18-25.

贰 诗篇四十五篇是所有诗篇中最高、最大的一篇,是可拉子孙的一首诗,也是一首爱的歌,调用百合花;这篇诗赞美作王的基督─在祂自己里,在作祂王后的召会里,并在作祂众首领的得胜者里:

II. Psalm 45, the highest and greatest of all the psalms, is one of the psalms of the sons of Korah, a song of love according to the melody of "lilies"; it praises Christ as the King in Himself, in the church as His queen, and in the overcomers as His princes:

一 神伟大的工作乃是复兴神荒凉的建造,并恢复“可拉的后裔”,借着祂无限的怜悯和恩典,将悖逆的人变化为基督的得胜者,使他们成为祂新妇(祂得胜的王后)的构成分子─民十六1~3,诗一〇六16,二六1,诗四二标题,代上六33~37,诗八八标题,启十九7~9。

A. The great work of God is to restore the desolated building of God and to recover "the sons of Korah" by transforming rebellious ones, through His unlimited mercy and grace, into Christ's overcomers to make them the constituents of His bride, His overcoming queen— Num. 16:1-3; Psa. 106:16; 26:11; ch. 42, title; 1 Chron. 6:33-37; Psa. 88, title; Rev. 19:7-9.

二 我们若是热情爱主的人,至终就会成为祂所爱的,祂的至爱─歌一1~4、14~15,二4。

B. If we are those who affectionately love the Lord, we eventually become His love, His fa-vorite—S. S. 1:1-4, 14-15; 2:4.

三 百合花指纯洁、简单、单一地信靠神的生活─1~2节,太六28~29,参王上七17~19。

C. A lily denotes a pure, simple, single life of trusting in God—vv. 1-2; Matt. 6:28-29; cf. 1 Kings 7:17-19.

四 我们对主耶稣若有情深的爱,我们的舌头就会是快手的笔,照着我们对祂丰满职事里一切所是的经历和享受,迅速写出我们对祂的爱和赞美─诗四五1,参太十二34下,林后三3、6,赛六5~7。

D. If we have an affectionate love for the Lord Jesus, our tongue will be the pen of a ready writer, ready to write our love for Him and our praise to Him with our experience and enjoyment of Him according to all that He is in His full ministry—Psa. 45:1; cf. Matt. 12:34b; 2 Cor. 3:3, 6; Isa. 6:5-7.

五 诗篇四十五篇赞美作王的基督,如四福音所揭示的─诗四五1~8,太一1:

E. Psalm 45 praises Christ the King as unveiled in the four Gospels—Psa. 45:1-8; Matt. 1:1:

1 诗人因作王之基督的佳美而赞美祂;基督比世人更美─诗四五1~2,参二七4下,歌五9~16:

1. The psalmist praises Christ the King in His fairness; Christ is fairer than the sons of men—Psa. 45:1-2; cf. 27:4; S. S. 5:9-16:

a 基督的嘴唇满溢恩典─路四17~22,参弗四29~30。

a. Grace is poured upon Christ's lips—Luke 4:17-22; cf. Eph. 4:29-30.

b 因为那人耶稣是佳美、甜美且满有恩典,神就受感,赐福给祂,直到永远─罗九5。

b. Because the man Jesus is fair, sweet, and full of grace, God has been moved to bless Him forever—Rom. 9:5.

2 诗人因作王之基督的得胜而赞美祂─诗四五3~5:

2. The psalmist praises Christ the King in His victory—Psa. 45:3-5:

a 在撒但和他堕落的天使眼中,基督是腰间佩刀的大能者,大有尊荣和威严的一位;祂的尊荣和威严乃是祂得胜的标记─3节。

a. In the eyes of Satan and his fallen angels, Christ is the mighty One who has girded His sword upon His thigh, the One with majesty and splendor as signs of His vic-tory—v. 3.

b 为了真理、温柔、公义,基督在威严中坐车前往,无不得胜;无论地上的情形如何,无论列国在作什么,基督都得胜、亨通地坐车前往;从祂升天那日,祂就开始坐车前往;祂要继续坐车前往,直到祂在得胜里回来─4节上,徒五31,启六1~2,十九11~16。

b. In His splendor Christ rides on victoriously because of truth, meekness, and right-eousness; regardless of what the situation is on earth, regardless of what the nations are doing, Christ is riding on triumphantly, prosperously; from the day of His ascension, He began to ride on, and He will continue to ride until He comes back in victory—v. 4a; Acts 5:31; Rev. 6:1-2; 19:11-16.

c 祂的右手施行可畏的事;基督所行可畏的事,包括祂的钉十字架、复活和升天;主耶稣所作的每一件事,无论大小,都是可畏的─诗四五4下。

c. His right hand performs awesome deeds; Christ's awesome deeds include His cru-cifixion, resurrection, and ascension; everything that the Lord Jesus does, whether great or small, is awesome—Psa. 45:4b.

d 祂的箭锐利,射中仇敌的心;众民仆倒在祂以下─5节,参启六2。

d. His arrows are sharp in the heart of His enemies, and the peoples fall under Him—v. 5; cf. Rev. 6:2.

3 诗人因作王之基督的国而赞美祂─诗四五6~7:

3. The psalmist praises Christ the King in His kingdom—Psa. 45:6-7:

a 基督是神,祂的宝座是永永远远的,祂国的权杖是正直的权杖─6节,来一8。

a. As God, Christ's throne is forever and ever, and the scepter of uprightness is the scepter of His kingdom—v. 6; Heb. 1:8.

b 基督是王,祂爱公义,恨恶邪恶,父神用欢乐的油膏基督,胜过膏祂的同伙─诗四五7,来一9。

b. As the King, Christ has loved righteousness and hated wickedness, and God the Father has anointed Christ with the oil of gladness above His companions—Psa. 45:7; Heb. 1:9.

4 诗人因作王之基督美德的甜美而赞美祂─诗四五8,参彼前二9:

4. The psalmist praises Christ the King in the sweetness of His virtues—Psa. 45:8; cf. 1 Pet. 2:9:

a 祂的衣服,都有没药、沉香、桂皮的香气─诗四五8上:

a. All His garments smell of myrrh and aloes and of cassia—Psa. 45:8a:

㈠ 衣服表征基督的行为和美德;没药和沉香表征祂死的甜美;桂皮表征基督复活的馨香和驱逐的能力。

(1) Garments signify Christ's deeds and virtues, myrrh and aloes signify the sweet-ness of His death, and cassia signifies the fragrance and repelling power of Christ's resurrection.

㈡ 凭基督复活的大能,经历祂钉死的路,乃是借着在我们灵里的那灵自己─参歌二8~14,罗八16,腓三10。

(2) The way to experience Christ in His crucifixion by the power of His resurrec-tion is by the Spirit Himself, who is in our spirit—cf. S. S. 2:8-14; Rom. 8:16; Phil. 3:10.

b 象牙宫中有丝弦乐器的声音,使祂快乐─诗四五8下:

b. From palaces of ivory, harpstrings have made Him glad—Psa. 45:8b:

㈠ 宫表征众地方召会;象牙表征基督的复活生命(约十九36,参歌七4,四4,王上十18);丝弦乐器表征赞美。─引用经文

(1) Palaces signify the local churches, ivory signifies the resurrection life of Christ (John 19:36; cf. S. S. 7:4; 4:4; 1 Kings 10:18), and harpstrings signify praises.

㈡ 众地方召会在主眼中是美丽的,并且是祂的彰显,乃是用基督复活的生命建造的;众地方召会中有赞美的声音,使祂快乐。

(2) The local churches are beautiful in the eyes of the Lord and are His expression, and they are built with the resurrection life of Christ; from the local churches come the praises that make Him glad.

六 诗篇四十五篇借着对王后─召会,基督的妻子─的赞美,而赞美作王的基督,如书信所启示的─诗四五9~15:

F. Psalm 45 praises Christ the King in praising the queen, the church, His wife, as revealed in the Epistles—Psa. 45:9-15:

1 王后预表召会,特别是得胜者,乃是基督独一的妻子;王后周围的尊贵妇女,表征基督得胜的宾客;这指明基督的新妇实际上是一班得胜者─9~10节:

1. The queen typifies the church, especially the overcomers, as the unique wife of Christ, and the honorable women around the queen signify Christ's overcoming guests; this indicates that the bride of Christ is actually a group of overcomers—vv. 9-10:

a 君王的女儿,表征基督君尊的信徒。

a. The daughters of kings signify the believers of Christ in their royalty.

b 王尊贵的妇女,表征基督尊贵、尊荣的信徒。

b. The king's most prized women signify the believers of Christ in their honor and majesty.

c 我们越听那灵活而即时的说话,越忘记过去,我们在基督眼中就越美丽─10~11节。

c. The more we hear the Spirit's living, up-to-date speaking and forget the past, the more beautiful we become in Christ's eyes—vv. 10-11.

2 王羡慕王后的美貌;王后的美貌,表征借着召会所彰显之基督的美德─11节:

2. The king desires the queen's beauty; the queen's beauty signifies the virtues of Christ expressed through the church—v. 11:

a 在一节基督是王,在二节祂是人,在六节祂是神,在十一节祂是主。─引用经文

a. In verse 1 Christ is the King, in verse 2 He is a man, in verse 6 He is God, and in verse 11 He is the Lord.

b 基督不仅配得召会的爱,也配得召会的敬拜。

b. Christ is worthy not only of the church's love but also of her worship.

3 在诗篇四十五篇王后有两件衣服:

3. In Psalm 45 the queen has two garments:

a 第一件衣服是俄斐金子,是用金线交织成的─9节下、13节下:

a. The first garment is the gold of Ophir, the woven work inwrought with gold— vv. 9b, 13b:

㈠ 这件衣服相当于基督作我们客观的义,使我们得救─路十五22,林前一30,赛六一10。

(1) This garment corresponds to Christ as our objective righteousness, which is for our salvation—Luke 15:22; 1 Cor. 1:30; Isa. 61:10.

㈡ 王后穿戴金子,表征召会显出神圣的性情─诗四五9下。

(2) The queen's being covered with gold signifies the church's appearing in the divine nature—Psa. 45:9b.

㈢ 用金线交织成的衣服,表征借着死与复活受了对付的基督,乃是召会的义,满足神公义的要求,使召会在神面前得称义─加二16,罗三26。

(3) The garment of woven work inwrought with gold signifies that the Christ who has been dealt with through death and resurrection is the righteousness of the church to meet the righteous requirement of God for her to be justified before God—Gal. 2:16; Rom. 3:26.

b 第二件衣服是刺绣的衣服─诗四五14上:

b. The second garment is the embroidered clothing—Psa. 45:14a:

㈠ 这件衣服相当于基督借着那灵变化的工作,“刺绣”到我们里面,并从我们活出来,作我们主观的义,使我们得胜─启十九8。

(1) This garment corresponds to Christ "embroidered" into us by the transforming work of the Spirit and lived out of us as our subjective righteousnesses, which are for our victory—Rev. 19:8.

㈡ 基督作我们主观的义,乃是住在我们里面的那一位,为我们过一直蒙神悦纳的生活─腓三9,太五6、20,罗八4,参诗二三3。

(2) As our subjective righteousnesses, Christ is the One dwelling in us to live for us a life that is always acceptable to God—Phil. 3:9; Matt. 5:6, 20; Rom. 8:4; cf. Psa. 23:3.

㈢ 刺绣的衣服,表征召会在婚娶时要穿戴圣徒所行的义,被引到基督面前,以满足基督的要求,与基督成为婚配─启十九8,参太二二11~14。

(3) The garment of embroidered clothing signifies that the church will be led to Christ at their marriage, clothed with the righteousnesses of the saints to meet the requirement of Christ for their marriage—Rev. 19:8; cf. Matt. 22:11-14.

4 王女在君尊的住处极其荣华,众童女要进入王宫─诗四五13上、14~15:

4. The king's daughter is all glorious within the royal abode, and the virgins will enter the King's palace—Psa. 45:13a, 14-15:

a 王女就是王后,表征召会;她在君尊的住处极其荣华,表征荣耀的召会以基督为君尊的住处─13节上,约十五4上。

a. The king's daughter is the queen, signifying the church, and her being all glo-rious within the royal abode signifies the glorious church taking Christ as her royal abode—v. 13a; John 15:4a.

b 我们以基督为住处,我们就成为祂的住处,至终这相互的住处成为那表征新耶路撒冷的王宫─十四23,十五5,诗四五15下,启二一3、22。

b. We take Christ as our abode, we become His abode, and this mutual abode even-tually becomes the palace, which signifies the New Jerusalem—14:23; 15:5; Psa. 45:15b; Rev. 21:3, 22.

七 诗篇四十五篇借着赞美王的子孙,就是作众首领的得胜者,而赞美作王的基督,如在启示录所见的─诗四五16~17:

G. Psalm 45 praises Christ the King in praising His sons, the overcomers as the princes, as seen in Revelation—Psa. 45:16-17:

1 “你的子孙要接续你的列祖;你要立他们在全地作首领”─16节:

1. "In the place of Your fathers will be Your sons; / You will make them princes in all the earth"—v. 16:

a “列祖”在这里表征基督在肉身里的先祖;“子孙”表征基督的得胜者,作祂的后裔;“首领”表征基督的得胜者,要与祂一同作王,治理列国─启二26~27,二十4、6。

a. Here fathers signifies Christ's forefathers in the flesh, sons signifies the over-comers of Christ as His descendants, and princes signifies the overcomers of Christ as His co-kings, who will reign with Christ over the nations—Rev. 2:26-27; 20:4, 6.

b 唯独作王的基督同着在王权上作祂帮助的得胜者在地上掌权,才能解决今天世界的问题─赛四二1~4,该二7上。

b. Only Christ the King reigning on the earth with the overcomers as His helpers in the kingship can solve the problems of today's world—Isa. 42:1-4; Hag. 2:7a.

2 基督的名要借着得胜的圣徒,被万代记念;并且基督要借着祂得胜并同作王的圣徒,得着众民的赞美─诗四五17,参启十二11,赛十二1~6。

2. Christ's name will be remembered in all generations through the overcoming saints, and Christ will be praised by the nations through His overcoming and co-reigning saints—Psa. 45:17; cf. Rev. 12:11; Isa. 12:1-6.
