第二篇 实行申言以建造召会作为极大的军队

The Practice of Prophesying for the Building Up of the Church as an Exceedingly Great Army



壹 在召会的聚会中申言(为主说话,说出主来,并将主说到人里面)应验圣经中最大的预言,就是建造召会(在一里作为极大的军队)─太十六18,林前十四4下,结三七4~10。

I. Prophesying (speaking for the Lord and speaking forth the Lord into one another) in the meetings of the church fulfills the greatest prophecy in the Bible, which is to build up the church (in oneness as an exceedingly great army)—Matt. 16:18; 1 Cor. 14:4b; Ezek. 37:4-10.

贰 我们需要爱主到极点,而过申言的生活:

II. We need to live a prophesying life by loving the Lord to the uttermost:

一 我们越爱主,就越有资格、越受成全、越受装备为主说话。

A. The more we love the Lord, the more we are qualified, perfected, and equipped to speak for the Lord.

二 我们对主的爱,乃是我们为主说话时有权柄、冲击力和能力的因素、元素和非常基本的素质(汪佩真是这事的例子─见《为着建造基督的身体讲说基督》,三二至三三页)。─引用经文

B. Our love for the Lord is the factor, the element, and the very basic essence of our having the authority and impact and of our being powerful in our speaking for the Lord (Peace Wang is an example of this—see Speaking Christ for the Building Up of the Body of Christ, pp. 33-34).

三 我们若爱主,就必然被祂充满;凡我们里面所充满的,就会从我们身上涌流出来;外面的涌流来自里面的充满─约七37~39,启二4~5,参玛三14与注。

C. If we love the Lord, we will be filled with Him; whatever fills us within will come out of us; the overflow comes from the infilling—John 7:37-39; Rev. 2:4-5; cf. Mal. 3:14 and footnote.

四 当我们爱主到极点,就必须说话;我们必须释放那在里面充满我们的一位─林前二9~10。

D. When we love the Lord to the uttermost, we must speak; we must release the One who has filled us within—1 Cor. 2:9-10.

叁 借着祷研背讲(祷读、研读、背诵、申言)这条路,我们就能用基督那追测不尽的丰富喂养人:

III. By taking the way of PSRP (pray-reading, studying, reciting, and prophesying), we will be able to nourish people with the unsearchable riches of Christ:

一 祷读是祷研背讲非常重要的部分;我们借着祷读圣经来研读圣经。

A. Pray-reading is a very important part of PSRP; we study the Bible by pray-reading the Bible.

二 申言需要许多的祷告─徒六4,参来七25,八2:

B. Prophesying requires a lot of prayer—Acts 6:4; cf. Heb. 7:25; 8:2:

1 祷告不仅是恳求主为着祂的行动作事,也使我们的灵得着操练并加强。

1. To pray is not only to entreat the Lord to do things for His move but also to cause our spirit to be exercised and strengthened.

2 因此,祷告该在话语职事之前,正如使徒们所实行的;没有这样的祷告,话语的职事就不能得着活力并加强─参约七37~39,林后二17,十三3,三6,彼前四10~11。

2. Hence, prayer should precede the ministry of the word, just as the apostles practiced; without such prayer the ministry of the word will not be enlivened and empowered—cf. John 7:37-39; 2 Cor. 2:17; 13:3; 3:6; 1 Pet. 4:10-11.

3 “我们若照祂的旨意求什么,祂就听我们;这是我们向着祂所存坦然无惧的心。我们若知道祂听我们一切所求的,就知道我们所求于祂的无不得着。”(约壹五14~15,参太七7)这些经节鼓励我们将圣经─主的遗命,主的约─里合乎主旨意的事回头向主祷告。─引用经文

3. “This is the boldness which we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him” (1 John 5:14-15; cf. Matt. 7:7); these verses are an encouragement to pray back to the Lord the things that are according to His will in the Bible, His testament, His covenant.

肆 申言聚会开头和结束的话非常重要:

IV. The opening and closing words of the prophesying meetings are very important:

一 开头和结束的话都应当长约五至八分钟。

A. Both the opening and closing words should be approximately five to eight minutes long.

二 开头的话确保聚会有从主来的确定方向和负担,而有强的开始。

B. The opening word ensures that the meeting starts in a strong way with a definite direction and burden from the Lord.

三 结束的话确保聚会不空洞结束,乃总结于满了实际的供应,使众圣徒充满主同在的喜乐和因主那是灵是生命的话而有的满足(约六63);绝不要让一个聚会空洞且无实际的供应就结束。─引用经文

C. The closing word ensures that the meeting does not end in emptiness and that the meeting concludes with the fullness of the supply of reality, so that the saints are filled with the pleasantness of the Lord’s presence and the satisfaction of the Lord’s words of spirit and life (John 6:63); never let a meeting end in emptiness and without the supply of reality.

四 我们必须用重点和附属的点写申言稿─参申十七18~20(见18注1)。─引用经文

D. We must compose our prophecy with the main points and the subpoints—cf. Deut. 17:18-20 (see footnote 1 on verse 18).

五 在申言聚会中,主所关切的,主要不是分享的圣徒有多少,乃是他们所分享之内容的品质─启二5,林前三12。

E. What the Lord is mainly concerned with in the prophesying meeting is not the quantity of saints who share but the quality of what they share—Rev. 2:5; 1 Cor. 3:12.

六 在申言聚会那天,我们该为着聚会预备全人(专注于我们所要申言的内容),而不被其他事物,甚至属灵的事物打岔。

F. On the day of the prophesying meeting, we should prepare our being for the meeting (focusing on what we will prophesy) and not be distracted by other things, even spiritual things.

伍 我们必须看见三种构成申言的元素─参徒五20,提前四6~7,彼前四10~11,约壹一3,徒四20,二二15:

V. We must see the three constituting elements of prophesying—cf. Acts 5:20; 1 Tim. 4:6-7; 1 Pet. 4:10-11; 1 John 1:3; Acts 4:20; 22:15:

一 我们必须对神的话有认识─属人学习的元素。

A. We must possess knowledge of the Word of God—the human element of learning.

二 我们必须有圣灵即时的感动─神圣感动的元素。

B. We must have the instant inspiration of the Holy Spirit—the divine element of inspiration.

三 我们必须有异象,看见神的权益和经纶,看见召会是基督的身体,看见地方召会,看见世界,看见个别的圣徒,甚至看见自己─借着神圣之光的光照而有所看见:

C. We must have a vision concerning God’s interest and economy, concerning the church as the Body of Christ, concerning the local churches, concerning the world, concerning the individual saints, and even concerning ourselves—the view through the enlightening of the divine light:

1 保罗在劝勉圣徒行事为人要与神的呼召相配时,所用的身分是基督耶稣的囚犯和主的囚犯─弗三1,四1。

1. In beseeching the saints to walk worthily of God’s calling, Paul spoke from his status as a prisoner of Christ Jesus and a prisoner in the Lord—Eph. 3:1; 4:1.

2 每一个神的管家,每一个供应神丰富的执事,每一个忠信爱基督的人,迟早要被基督囚禁,且被囚禁在基督里;我们越爱祂,我们就越在祂里面,到一个地步,祂要成为我们的监牢,使我们享受祂到极致,而有与神呼召相配的生活。

2. Sooner or later, every steward of God, every minister of God’s riches, every faithful lover of Christ, will be imprisoned not only by Christ but also in Christ; the more we love Him, the more we will be in Him to such an extent that He will become our prison for us to enjoy Him to the uttermost so that we may have a walk that is worthy of God’s calling.

3 我们越自由,就越瞎眼;但基督若是我们的监牢,我们的眼睛就会被开启,看见属天的异象,我们也要得着神的经纶最高的启示─三9,徒二六19。

3. The more freedom we have, the more blind we are, but if Christ is our prison, our eyes will be opened to see the heavenly vision, and we will receive the highest revelation of God’s economy—3:9; Acts 26:19.

陆 为着建造召会作基督的身体,我们必须学习并受成全,用构成申言的三种元素生机地申言(将主说到人里面)─林前十四4下:

VI. We must learn and be perfected to organically prophesy (to speak the Lord into others) with the constituting elements of prophesying for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ—1 Cor. 14:4b:

一 我们需要赎回光阴,花工夫被神的圣言浸透并泡透,好得着装备以申言─提后三16~17,结三1~4:

A. We need to redeem our time and spend our energy to be saturated and soaked with the holy Word to be equipped to prophesy—2 Tim. 3:16-17; Ezek. 3:1-4:

1 我们需要每早晨在一段主的话里享受主,而被主复兴:

1. We need to be revived by the Lord every morning by enjoying Him in a portion of the Word:

a 主的慈爱和怜恤每早晨都是新的─哀三22~23。

a. The Lord’s lovingkindness and compassions are new every morning—Lam. 3:22-23.

b 义人的途径如日头升起─箴四18,士五31,路一78~79,玛四2。

b. The path of the righteous is like the rising sun—Prov. 4:18; Judg. 5:31; Luke 1:78-79; Mal. 4:2.

c 我们里面的人日日在更新─林后四16~18。

c. Our inner man is being renewed day by day—2 Cor. 4:16-18.

d 我们该趁天未亮仰望神的言语,为要默想神的话,就是接受祂的话,一再地反复思想─诗一一九15、147~148,参利十一3(见诗一一九15注1)。─引用经文

d. We should anticipate the dawning of the morning with our hope in God’s Word, that we might muse upon His word, that is, that we might receive His word with much reconsideration—Psa. 119:15, 147-148; cf. Lev. 11:3 (see footnote 1 on Psa. 119:15).

e 我们该得着并吃神的言语,使神的言语成为我们心中的欢喜快乐─耶十五16。

e. We should find God’s words and eat them for them to become the gladness and joy of our heart—Jer. 15:16.

2 我们必须使用最好的辅助─生命读经的信息、职事的书籍、恢复本的注解─来研读主的话,好开启、解明主的话,并释放其追测不尽的丰富─路二四27、31~32、44~45,徒八30~35。

2. We must study the Word by using the best help to open it, expound it, and release its unsearchable riches—the Life-study messages, the books of the ministry, and the Recovery Version footnotes—Luke 24:27, 31-32, 44-45; Acts 8:30-35.

3 我们必须从创世记一章一节到启示录二十二章二十一节规律地读圣经(“圣经…都是有益的”,并且“人活着…乃是靠神口里所出的一切话”─提后三16,太四4)。─引用经文

3. We must read the Bible (“all Scripture is…profitable” and man shall “live…on every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God”) regularly from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 (2 Tim. 3:16; Matt. 4:4).

4 我们必须每天写下在主话里从主所得的属灵光照、灵感和享受,并在一周的末了将这些点集合一起,写一篇不超过三分钟长的申言稿,好在召会的聚会中讲说。

4. We must write down daily the spiritual enlightenment, inspiration, and enjoyment received from the Lord in His Word and at the end of the week put these points together to compose a prophecy of no longer than three minutes to speak in the church meeting.

5 对主话的认识成为我们申言常时的元素。

5. The knowledge of the Word becomes the constant element for our prophesying.

二 我们必须一直在灵里预备好,得着那灵即时的感动:

B. We must be ready in the spirit to receive the instant inspiration of the Spirit:

1 申言者的灵是他们全人最首要的部分─林前十四32、37上。

1. The spirits of the prophets are the most preeminent part of their being—1 Cor. 14:32, 37a.

2 每当我们为主说话,我们必须运用我们的灵,凭那灵和基督这一切智慧和知识的宝藏讲说─徒七10,赛十一2,代下一10。

2. Whenever we speak for the Lord, we must exercise our spirit to speak with the Spirit and with Christ as all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge—Acts 7:10; Isa. 11:2; 2 Chron. 1:10.

3 我们必须将自己祷告到神里面,接受圣灵那追测不尽的丰富,好喂养自己,使我们能喂养受我们照顾的人─路十一1~13。

3. We must pray ourselves into God to receive the unsearchable riches of the Holy Spirit in order to be fed ourselves so that we can feed those under our care—Luke 11:1-13.

4 我们必须住在与主的交通里,照着灵而行,在灵里事奉,供应那灵,并凭神的灵事奉─约壹一6~7,罗八4,一9,林后三6,腓三3,参亚四6。

4. We must abide in fellowship with the Lord by walking according to our spirit, serving in our spirit, ministering the Spirit, and serving by the Spirit of God—1 John 1:6-7; Rom. 8:4; 1:9; 2 Cor. 3:6; Phil. 3:3; cf. Zech. 4:6.

5 主耶稣这今日的摩西和以利亚,乃是在我们灵里的真申言者,在信徒里面为神说话并说出神─徒三22,提后四22。

5. The Lord Jesus, as today’s Moses and Elijah, is the real Prophet in our spirit, speaking for God and speaking forth God within His believers—Acts 3:22; 2 Tim. 4:22.

6 圣灵的感动是我们申言即时的元素。

6. The inspiration of the Holy Spirit is the instant element for our prophesying.

三 我们必须借着神圣之光的光照,有清楚的眼光,看清一切情况中的一切事:

C. We must have a clear view with the insight to see through all things in all situations through the enlightening of the divine light:

1 我们唯有在灵里才能得着启示─弗一17,启一10,四2,十七3,二一10。

1. We can receive revelation only in our spirit—Eph. 1:17; Rev. 1:10; 4:2; 17:3; 21:10.

2 我们不仅要有鸽子眼(歌一15),更要有如同水池的眼(七4):─引用经文

2. We must have not only the dove’s eyes (S. S. 1:15) but also, and even more, eyes like pools (7:4):

a 鸽子眼表征那灵的见识和认识─林前二11~12。

a. Dove’s eyes signify the insight and realization of the Spirit—1 Cor. 2:11-12.

b 如同水池的眼表征扩大并宽阔的视野,满了光,包括整个宇宙。

b. Eyes like pools signify the enlarged and broadened vision full of light to cover the whole universe.

3 我们对全宇宙必须有清楚的眼光,看见世界、众召会、与我们同为信徒者以及我们自己真实的情形。

3. We must have a clear view of the entire universe to see the real situation of the world, of the churches, of our fellow believers, and of ourselves.

4 我们必须得着诸天向我们开了,接受主明确的话(传输神圣启示之特别、新鲜、活泼的话),并有主的手临到我们身上,我们就看见神的异象─结一1~3:

4. We must have the heavens opened to us to see visions of God by receiving the express word of the Lord (special, fresh, and vivid words that convey divine revelation) with the hand of the Lord upon us—Ezek. 1:1-3:

a 主的手总是随着祂的话;一个人所供应的若真是神的话,神大能的手就会随着,以完成祂所说的。

a. The hand of the Lord follows the word of the Lord; if what one ministers is truly God’s word, God’s almighty hand will follow to accomplish what He speaks.

b 神的手临到人身上,也是为着带领人,使人采取行动(参王上十八46);耶和华的手临到以西结身上以后,他所作的,不是随着他的挑选,乃是按照耶和华手的带领、指引。─引用经文

b. God’s hand upon man is also for leading man and for causing one to take action (cf. 1 Kings 18:46); after the Lord’s hand came down upon Ezekiel, he did not act according to his own choice but according to the leading and directing of the Lord’s hand.

柒 我们必须用构成申言的元素来讲说─我们在圣灵的感动下,凭着祂的光照,用这生命活的话,来讲说我们所看见并听见的─约壹一3,徒二二13~15,五20:

VII. We must speak with the constituting elements of prophesying—speaking what we have seen and heard with the living words of this life under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and with His enlightenment—1 John 1:3; Acts 22:13-15; 5:20:

一 申言是神奇的平常事:

A. Prophesying is a miraculous normality:

1 申言是平常的,因为申言需要我们学习主的话语并受训练讲说。

1. It is normal because it requires us to learn the Word and be trained to speak.

2 申言是神奇的,因为申言乃是凭神圣的元素、神圣的光和圣灵的感动讲说。

2. It is miraculous because it is speaking with the divine element, the divine light, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

二 申言就是有神的谕言(神的说话,神的发表,将神的启示传输出来)─彼前四11,参林前十四24~25。

B. To prophesy is to have the oracles of God (God’s speaking, God’s utterance, that conveys divine revelation)—1 Pet. 4:11; cf. 1 Cor. 14:24-25.

三 当我们有了对主话语属人的学习,那灵神圣的感动,并清楚的看见,我们就能申言。

C. When we have the human learning of the Word, the divine inspiration of the Spirit, and the clear view, we will be able to prophesy.

四 申言总是由这生命的活话、圣灵的感动以及借着神圣之光的光照而有清楚的看见所构成。

D. Prophesying is always composed of the living words of this life, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and the clear view through the enlightening of the divine light.

五 “那申言的,乃是建造召会”;这是何等大的事!─4节下。

E. What a great thing it is that “he who prophesies builds up the church”—v. 4b!
