第十二篇 神的荣耀回到神的殿中

The Return of the Glory of God to the House of God



壹 神是荣耀的神,家(殿)的神─徒七2,创三五7:

I. God is the God of glory and the God of the house—Acts 7:2; Gen. 35:7:

一 荣耀的神向亚伯拉罕显现并呼召他、吸引他,使他能跟从神;同样的原则,神也用祂看不见的荣耀,呼召新约的信徒─徒七2,彼后一3。

A. The God of glory appeared to Abraham and called him, attracted him, and enabled him to follow God; in the same principle, God calls the New Testament believers by His invisible glory—Acts 7:2; 2 Pet. 1:3.

二 荣耀的父是借着许多儿子所彰显的神─弗一17,来二10:

B. The Father of glory is God expressed through His many sons—Eph. 1:17; Heb. 2:10:

1 “父”这名称含示重生,“荣耀”这辞含示彰显。

1. The title Father implies regeneration, and the word glory implies expression.

2 “荣耀的父”这名称含示重生和彰显;我们已经由神重生,是祂的彰显─约一12~13,帖前二12,帖后一10、12。

2. The title Father of glory implies regeneration and expression; we have been regenerated by God, and we are His expression—John 1:12-13; 1 Thes. 2:12; 2 Thes. 1:10, 12.

三 创世记三十五章七节有一个新的神圣名称─“伊勒伯特利”,神家的神:─引用经文

C. In Genesis 35:7 we have a new divine title—El-bethel, “God of the house of God”:

1 在这一章之前,神是个人的神;在这里,祂不再只是个人的神,乃是伊勒伯特利,就是团体身体的神,神家的神。

1. Before this chapter God was the God of individuals; here He is no longer just the God of individuals but is El-bethel, the God of a corporate body, the God of the house of God.

2 伯特利表征团体的生活,就是基督的身体;因此,雅各称神为伯特利的神时,就从个人的经历往前到团体的经历─林前十二12。

2. Bethel signifies the corporate life, which is the Body of Christ; thus, in calling God the God of Bethel, Jacob advanced from the individual experience to the corporate experience—1 Cor. 12:12.

四 荣耀是神的彰显,建造是三一神团体的彰显;因此,神的荣耀和神的建造是并行的,因为召会作为神的建造,乃是神团体的彰显─出四十34~38,王上八10~11,启二一10~11,弗三19、21,提前三15~16。

D. Glory is the expression of God, and building is the corporate expression of the Triune God; thus, the glory of God and the building of God go together, for the church, as God’s building, is the corporate expression of God—Exo. 40:34-38; 1 Kings 8:10-11; Rev. 21:10-11; Eph. 3:19, 21; 1 Tim. 3:15-16.

贰 在以西结四十三章一至七节,神的荣耀回到殿中:─引用经文

II. In Ezekiel 43:1-7 the glory of God returned to the house:

一 我们必须看见神渴望在地上得着之居所的异象,并领悟神的目标乃是建造─四十4,四三10~11,太十六18,弗二21~22,四16,启二一2。

A. We need to see a vision of the dwelling place that God desires to have on earth and realize that God’s goal is the building—40:4; 43:10-11; Matt. 16:18; Eph. 2:21-22; 4:16; Rev. 21:2.

二 神心头的愿望乃是要在地上得着一个与人同住的居所;神救恩的目标乃是在地上建造祂的居所─出二五8~9,二九45~46,四十1~2、34~38:

B. The desire of God’s heart is to have a dwelling place with man on earth; the goal of God’s salvation is the building of His dwelling place on earth—Exo. 25:8-9; 29:45-46; 40:1-2, 34-38:

1 神要召会在地上建造起来,因为祂渴望在地上得着一个居所─太十六18,六10。

1. God wants to have the church built up on earth because He desires to have a dwelling place on earth—Matt. 16:18; 6:10.

2 祂这位诸天的神,要住在地上;祂所住的地方,祂的居所,就是召会─提前三15,彼前二5。

2. He, the God of the heavens, wants to live on the earth; the place where He lives, His dwelling place, is the church—1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Pet. 2:5.

三 “这是我宝座之处,是我脚掌所踏之处,我要住在这里,在以色列人中间,直到永远”─结四三7:

C. “This is the place of My throne and the place of the soles of My feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel forever”—Ezek. 43:7:

1 宝座是为着神的管理、行政和国度;主的脚掌是为着祂在地上的行动。

1. The throne is for God’s government, administration, and kingdom, and the soles of His feet are for His move on earth.

2 离了殿作祂宝座之处,作祂脚掌所踏之处,主就没有祂在地上行政和行动的根据。

2. Apart from the temple as the place of His throne and the place of the soles of His feet, the Lord has no base for His administration and His move on earth.

3 只有建造起来的召会才能给主立场,以执行祂的行政,并在地上行动;不仅如此,召会是主能居住而得安息与满足的地方─太十六18~19,徒十三1~3,提前三15。

3. Only the built-up church gives the Lord the standing to administrate His government and to move on earth; furthermore, the church is the place where the Lord can dwell for His rest and satisfaction—Matt. 16:18-19; Acts 13:1-3; 1 Tim. 3:15.

四 因着殿中的偶像,神的荣耀就逐步退出,先离开殿,然后离开城,最后离开祂的百姓─结八3,九3,十19,十一23:

D. Because of the idols in the temple, the glory of God withdrew step by step, leaving first the temple, then the city, and finally the people—Ezek. 8:3; 9:3; 10:19; 11:23:

1 主的荣耀离开,表征神的显现离开召会─启二5,参提前三15~16,林前十四25。

1. The departing of the glory of the Lord signifies the departing of God’s manifestation from the church—Rev. 2:5; cf. 1 Tim. 3:15-16; 1 Cor. 14:25.

2 耶和华的荣耀离开以色列,乃是神审判的结果─结十四21:

2. The departing of the glory of Jehovah from Israel was a result of God’s judgment—Ezek. 14:21:

a 在以色列的历史中,这件事是第二次发生:

a. This is the second time in Israel’s history that this happened:

㈠ 在西乃山下,当帐幕立起时,主的荣耀充满帐幕─出四十34。

1) At Mount Sinai, when the tabernacle was erected, the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle—Exo. 40:34.

㈡ 后来,约柜被非利士人掳去,主的荣耀离开了帐幕;这意思是说,神放弃了帐幕─撒上四。

2) Later, the Ark was captured by the Philistines, and the glory of the Lord left the tabernacle; this means that God gave up the tabernacle—1 Sam. 4.

b 在所罗门的时候,圣殿建造起来,主的荣耀回来充满殿─王上八10~11。

b. When the temple was built at the time of Solomon, the glory of the Lord returned to fill the temple—1 Kings 8:10-11.

c 主的荣耀留在殿里,直到以西结看见主的荣耀离去,离开了殿和城,停在橄榄山,最终回到诸天之上;那就是主的荣耀离开了─结九3,十19,十一23。

c. The glory of the Lord remained in the temple until the time when Ezekiel saw it departing, leaving the temple and the city, resting on the Mount of Olives, and finally returning to the heavens; that was the departure of the glory of the Lord—Ezek. 9:3; 10:19; 11:23.

五 神的荣耀归回,在于殿的建造─四三1~12:

E. The return of God’s glory depends on the building of the house—43:1-12:

1 以西结在他早期的职事里,看见主的荣耀离开殿;但在他晚期的职事里,看见荣耀回到主的殿中─九3,十19,十一23,四三7。

1. In his earlier ministry Ezekiel saw the glory of the Lord leave the temple, but in his later ministry he saw the glory coming back to the house of the Lord—9:3; 10:19; 11:23; 43:7.

2 主的荣耀归回,因为神的殿建造完成─7节,该二7、9:

2. The glory of the Lord returned because the building of God’s house was completed—v. 7; Hag. 2:7, 9:

a 荣耀从东归回,就是从日出的方向归回;日出的方向表征荣耀;主从荣耀归回─结四三2,民二3。

a. The glory returned from the east—the direction of the sunrise, which signifies glory; the Lord came back from the glory—Ezek. 43:2; Num. 2:3.

b 主的荣耀由东门进入殿中;东门乃是为着主的荣耀─结四三4:

b. The glory of the Lord came into the house by the east gate, which was for the glory of the Lord—Ezek. 43:4:

㈠ 在召会生活中,最重要的门是东门,就是向着主的荣耀敞开的门。

1) In the church life the most important gate is the east gate, the gate that is open to the glory of the Lord.

㈡ 在召会生活中,我们该有的第一个考虑乃是主的荣耀─弗三21,林前十31。

2) The first consideration we should have in the church life should be the Lord’s glory—Eph. 3:21; 1 Cor. 10:31.

3 主渴望回到地上,但为着主回来,祂需要有居所─作祂宝座之处和脚掌所踏之处─结四三7:

3. The Lord desires to come back to the earth, but for His coming back He needs a dwelling place—a place for His throne and for the soles of His feet—Ezek. 43:7:

a 祂的居所就是召会,是祂在地上行政和行动的根据─弗二21~22,提前三15。

a. His dwelling place is the church, the base of His administration and move on earth—Eph. 2:21-22; 1 Tim. 3:15.

b 神不是仅仅关切得救或属灵,乃是关切建造─弗四12、16,林前十四4、26。

b. God’s concern is not merely with salvation or with spirituality but with the building—Eph. 4:12, 16; 1 Cor. 14:4, 26.

c 今天召会若是符合以西结书里所说神圣别建造的一切细节,因而在每一方面被建造起来,神就会荣耀地住在召会中─太十六18,弗三21,五27。

c. If the church today corresponds to all the details of the holy building of God covered in Ezekiel and thus is built up in every aspect, God will dwell in the church gloriously—Matt. 16:18; Eph. 3:21; 5:27.

d 若要让荣耀的神住在召会中,召会就必须建造起来,成为神的居所─二21~22。

d. In order for the glorious God to dwell in the church, the church must be built up to become the dwelling place of God—2:21-22.

叁 在约翰福音里,我们看见在神建造里之神的荣耀:

III. In the Gospel of John we see the glory of God in the building of God:

一 基督,那成了肉体的话,乃是充满荣耀的帐幕和圣殿─一14,二19,太十七1~2、5,路九32,彼后一16~18。

A. Christ, the incarnated Word, is the tabernacle and the temple filled with glory—1:14; 2:19; Matt. 17:1-2, 5; Luke 9:32; 2 Pet. 1:16-18.

二 基督为父用神圣的荣耀所荣耀的结果,乃是父的家作为神人二性扩大的宇宙合并─约十二23,十三31~32,十七1、5,十四2~3、23。

B. The issue of Christ being glorified by the Father with the divine glory is the Father’s house as the enlarged, universal divine-human incorporation—John 12:23; 13:31-32; 17:1, 5; 14:2-3, 23.

三 按照约翰十七章二十二节,信徒的一就是在神圣荣耀里的一,为着团体的彰显神;在这个一的这面,信徒享受父的荣耀作他们那被成全之一的要素,得被建造而团体地彰显神。─引用经文

C. According to John 17:22, the oneness of the believers is the oneness in the divine glory for the corporate expression of God; in this aspect of oneness the believers enjoy the glory of the Father as the factor of their perfected oneness and thus express God in a corporate, built-up way.

肆 以弗所三章启示,神在召会里得着荣耀:─引用经文

IV. Ephesians 3 reveals that God is glorified in the church:

一 保罗祷告,求父照着祂荣耀的丰富加强众圣徒;这含示神的荣耀可以作到圣徒里面─14~16节。

A. Paul prayed that the Father would strengthen the saints according to the riches of His glory, implying that the glory of God can be wrought into the saints—vv. 14-16.

二 在二十一节保罗说,“愿在召会中,…荣耀归与祂;”这含示神的荣耀作到圣徒里面之后,又回到神那里:─引用经文

B. In verse 21 Paul says, “To Him be the glory in the church,” implying that the glory of God, which has been wrought into the saints, returns to God:

1 这荣耀同着神到我们这里来,在作到我们里面之后,要同着我们回到神那里。

1. This glory comes to us with God and, after being worked into us, will return to God with us.

2 神的荣耀作到召会中,神就在召会中得着彰显。

2. God’s glory is wrought into the church, and He is expressed in the church.

3 在召会中荣耀归与神,就是神在召会中得着荣耀─21节。

3. To God is the glory in the church; that is, God is glorified in the church—v. 21.

伍 新耶路撒冷一个显著的特色,乃是有神的荣耀,有神的彰显─启二一2、10~11:

V. An outstanding feature of the New Jerusalem is that it has the glory of God, His expression—Rev. 21:2, 10-11:

一 我们已被命定要得这荣耀,并蒙召来得这荣耀─林前二7,彼前五10,帖前二12:

A. We have been predestinated for this glory and called to this glory—1 Cor. 2:7; 1 Pet. 5:10; 1 Thes. 2:12:

1 我们正在变化进入这荣耀,并要被带进这荣耀里─林后三18,来二10。

1. We are being transformed into this glory and will be brought into it—2 Cor. 3:18; Heb. 2:10.

2 我们要与基督同得这荣耀,在新耶路撒冷里带着神的荣耀作神团体的彰显─罗八17、30。

2. We will be glorified with Christ and bear the glory of God for God’s corporate expression in the New Jerusalem—Rom. 8:17, 30.

二 新耶路撒冷全城要带着神的荣耀,这荣耀就是神自己透过那城照耀出来─启二一10~11、23:

B. The entire New Jerusalem will bear the glory of God, which is God Himself shining out through the city—Rev. 21:10-11, 23:

1 神的荣耀实际上将会是新耶路撒冷的内容,因为这城将完完全全充满了神的荣耀;这指明这城乃是团体的盛装神并彰显神的器皿。

1. Actually, the glory of God will be the content of the New Jerusalem, for this city is filled with His glory; this indicates that the city is a vessel to contain God and express Him in a corporate way.

2 神的荣耀就是神自己得显明;新耶路撒冷满了神的荣耀,这件事的意思是神在这城里得显明。

2. The glory of God is God Himself being manifested; the fact that the New Jerusalem is full of God’s glory means that God is manifested in this city.

3 今天召会生活也该有神的荣耀,在这奇妙的神圣属性上显明且彰显祂─弗三21。

3. The church life today should also have God’s glory, manifesting and expressing Him corporately in this marvelous divine attribute—Eph. 3:21.
