第一篇 看见神对召会永远的定旨并将那隐藏在神里之奥秘的经纶向众人照明

Seeing God's Eternal Purpose concerning the Church and Enlightening All concerning the Economy of the Mystery Hidden in God

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读经∶ 弗三3~5、8~11,罗八28,十六25

壹 我们要有分于召会的恢复,就需要看见神对召会永远的定旨—— 弗一9、11,三9~11,罗八28:

I. In order to participate in the recovery of the church, we need to see God's eternal purpose concerning the church—Eph. 1:9, 11; 3:9-11; Rom. 8:28:

一 定旨是坚决的定意要作某件事或得着某样东西:

A. A purpose is a determined intent to do something or to gain something:

1 神坚定的意愿成了神的定旨—— 弗一5。

1. The determined will of God became the purpose of God—Eph. 1:5.

2 神的定旨就是祂坚定的意愿,要得着召会—— 9、11节。

2. God's purpose is His determined intent to gain the church—vv. 9, 11.

二 永远的定旨(直译,诸世代的定旨)是神在已过的永远里为着将来的永远所定的—— 三11:

B. The eternal purpose (lit., "the purpose of the ages") was made by God in eternity past for eternity future—3:11:

1 诸世代的定旨就是永世的定旨,永远的定旨。

1. Thepurpose of theagesisthe purposeofeternity, theeternal purpose.

2 在已过的永远里,在创立世界以前,就是天地万物被造以前,神为着将来的永远立了一个定旨;所以,这称为永世的定旨,永远的定旨—— 一4~5、9、11,三11。

2. In eternity past, before the foundation of the world, before the heavens, the earth, and all things were created, God made a purpose for something in the future, in eternity to come; therefore, it is called the purpose of eternity, the eternal purpose—1:4-5, 9, 11; 3:11.

三 以弗所三章十一节的“定旨”这辞等于“计划”;我们也可以说是神在基督里所定下的永远计划:—— 引用经文

C. The word purpose in Ephesians 3:11 is equivalent to the word plan; we may speak of the eternal plan which God planned in Christ:

1 神有一个计划,乃是祂在永远里所计划的;神永远的定旨就是神永远的计划。

1. God has a plan, which He planned in eternity; God's eternal purpose is God's eternal plan.

2 罗马八章二十八节的“祂旨意”,指神计划中有目的的定意。—— 引用经文

2. His purpose in Romans 8:28 refers to the purposeful determination in God's plan.

3 神的计划乃是要在子基督里,凭着那灵,借着一个身体,使神自己得着团体的彰显;这身体是借着祂将自己与人性调和,由许多重生并变化的人所组成并建造的—— 弗一22~23,四16。

3. God's plan is to have a corporate expression of Himself in Christ the Son by the Spirit through the Body composed and built up with many regenerated and transformed people by the mingling of Himself with humanity—Eph. 1:22-23; 4:16.

四 以弗所三章十至十一节启示,召会的存在是照着神在我们的主基督耶稣里所定的永远定旨:—— 引用经文

D. Ephesians 3:10-11 reveals that the existence of the church is according to the eternal purpose which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord:

1 召会乃是神在永远里所计划的;在时间开始之前,在永远里,神就定意要有召会—— 一4~5、9、11、22~23。

1. The church was planned by God in eternity; before time began, in eternity, God purposed to have the church—1:4-5, 9, 11, 22-23.

2 在已过的永远里,并为着将来的永远,神计划并定意要在基督里,为着基督得着召会—— 三10~11:

2. In eternity past and for eternity to come, God planned and purposed to have the church in Christ and for Christ—3:10-11:

a 召会在神永远的定旨里不是短暂的,乃是永远的;召会是神永远计划的中心与主题。

a. The church is not a temporary matter but an eternal matter in the eter-nal purpose of God; the church is the center and subject of God's eternal plan.

b 神在已过的永远里计划要得着召会,祂也期望在将来的永远里得着召会。

b. God planned in eternity past to have the church, and He expects to have the church in eternity to come.

c 召会是在今世,也经过今世,却是从已过的永远就有,也是为着将来的永远—— 太十六18,十八17,启二一2、9~11。

c. The church is in this age and throughout this age, yet it is from eternity past and for eternity future—Matt. 16:18; 18:17; Rev. 21:2, 9-11.

五 神计划要得着由一班重生并变化的人所构成的召会,他们配搭并建造在一起成为团体的身体—— 弗一22~23,二21~22,三14~21:

E. God planned to have the church composed of regenerated and transformed human beings who are coordinated and built together as a corporate Body— Eph. 1:22-23; 2:21-22; 3:14-21:

1 神计划这团体的身体乃是团体的器皿,祂要将祂自己作到其中—— 14~17节。

1. God planned that this corporate Body wouldbeacorporatevesselintowhich He would work Himself—vv. 14-17.

2 神的定旨,祂坚决的定意,乃是要得着一个团体的身体,一个团体的器皿,使祂能够将自己并祂一切所有的与这器皿相调和;这器皿乃是召会—— 四4~6、16。

2. God's purpose, His determined intention, is to have a corporate Body, a cor-porate vessel, with which He could mingle Himself and all that He has; this vessel is the church—4:4-6, 16.

3 召会对神如此可亲、可爱、又宝贵,因为召会乃是神的喜悦,是神心头的愿望—— 一5、9、22~23。

3. The church is dear, lovable, and precious to God because the church is His good pleasure, the desire of His heart—1:5, 9, 22-23.

六 宇宙的存在是照着神要得着召会的永远定旨—— 启四11,弗三9~11:

F. The existence of the universe is according to God's eternal purpose to have the church—Rev. 4:11; Eph. 3:9-11:

1 圣经全部的启示向我们揭示,宇宙中的一切事物都是为着召会—— 9节。

1. The full revelation of the Scriptures unveils to us that all things in the uni-verse are for the church—v. 9.

2 甚至神格的三个身位也是为着这神圣的定旨,就是要得着召会以完成神永远的计划,借着将神在祂的神圣三一里分赐到人性里,使召会得以产生—— 一3~23,太二八19,十六18,林后十三14,一1。

2. Even the three persons of the Godhead are for the divine purpose of having the church to fulfill God's eternal plan through the dispensing of God in His Divine Trinity into humanity so that the church may come into existence— 1:3-23; Matt. 28:19; 16:18; 2 Cor. 13:14; 1:1.

3 为使召会能存在而彰显神,就必须有诸天、地、众多其他的东西以及三部分的人;若没有这些,神在宇宙中就不能得着召会作祂团体的彰显—— 亚十二1,启四11。

3. The heavens, the earth, a multitude of other things, and the tripartite man are required in order that the church may exist to express God; without these things God cannot have the church in the universe to be His corpo-rate expression—Zech. 12:1; Rev. 4:11.

七 神对召会的目的乃是三重的:借着儿子名分彰显祂自己(弗一5),使仇敌得知祂万般的智慧(三10),并将万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下(一10)。—— 引用经文

G. God's intention concerning the church is threefold: to express Himself through the sonship (Eph. 1:5), to make His multifarious wisdom known to the enemy (3:10), and to head up all things in Christ (1:10).

贰 我们需要“将那历世历代隐藏在创造万有之神里的奥秘有何等的经纶,向众人照明”——三9:

II. We need "to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mys-tery is, which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things"—3:9:

一 新约告诉我们,召会是在神里面的奥秘;在新约时代来临以前的历世历代中,召会是一个奥秘—— 弗三3~6、9,五32。

A. The New Testament tells us that the church was a mystery in God; throughout all the generations before the New Testament time, the church was a mystery— vv.3-6,9;5:32.

二 圣经里面所说的奥秘,不光是指那些向我们隐藏,我们所不知道的事,更是指隐藏在神心里的事;这就是圣经里面论到奥秘的原则—— 可四11,罗十六25~26,西一26~27,二2,四3,弗一9,三3~4、9,五32,六19。

B. In the Bible a mystery refers not only to things that are hidden and unknown to us but also to things that are hidden in God's heart; this is the principle con-cerning the mysteries mentioned in the Bible—Mark 4:11; Rom. 16:25-26; Col. 1:26-27;2:2;4:3;Eph.1:9;3:3-4,9;5:32; 6:19.

三 神的奥秘乃是祂隐藏的定旨,就是要将祂自己分赐到祂所拣选的人里面;因此有了神奥秘的经纶—— 三9。

C. God's mystery is His hidden purpose, which is to dispense Himself into His chosen people; hence, there is the economy of the mystery of God—3:9.

四 从创立世界以来,造物的目的隐藏在神里面,乃是一个奥秘;没有人知道创造的目的—— 启四11,弗三9,西一16:

D. From the beginning of the world the purpose of creation was a mystery hidden in God; no one knew what the purpose of creation was—Rev. 4:11; Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:16:

1 约伯说,“这些事,早已藏在你心里;我知道这是你的意思”;约伯是对的;隐藏在神心里的乃是历世历代的奥秘—— 伯十13,弗三9。

1. Job was right in saying, "You have hidden these things in Your heart: / I know that this is with You"; what was hidden in God's heart was the mys-tery of the ages—Job 10:13; Eph. 3:9.

2 神按着自己的形像,照着自己的样式造人后,在历世历代将祂的目的隐藏起来—— 创一26,罗十六25。

2. After creating man in His image and according to His likeness, God kept His intention hidden throughout the ages—Gen. 1:26; Rom. 16:25.

3 在新约时代之前,神没有向任何人揭示祂的定旨;这奥秘,就是神隐藏的定旨,乃是启示给使徒和申言者,叫他们知道—— 弗三3~5。

3. Before the New Testament time God did not unveil to anyone what His pur-pose was; the mystery, God's hidden purpose, was made known by revelation to the apostles and prophets—Eph. 3:3-5.

五 隐藏在神心里的奥秘乃是神永远的经纶(一10,三9,提前一4),就是神永远的目的和祂的心愿,要把祂自己在祂神圣的三一里,就是父在子里,借着灵,分赐到祂所拣选的人里面,作他们的生命和性情,使他们能与祂一样,成为祂的复制(罗八29,约壹三2),成为一个生机体,就是基督的身体,作为新人(弗二15~16)、神的丰满、神的彰显(一22~23,三19),而成为新耶路撒冷(启二一2~二二5)。—— 引用经文

E. The mystery hidden in God's heart is God's eternal economy (1:10; 3:9; 1 Tim. 1:4), which is God's eternal intention with His heart's desire to dispense Him-self in His Divine Trinity as the Father in the Son by the Spirit into His chosen people to be their life and nature so that they may be the same as He is as His duplication (Rom. 8:29; 1 John 3:2), to become an organism, the Body of Christ as the new man (Eph. 2:15-16), for God's fullness, God's expression (1:22-23; 3:19), which will become the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2—22:5).

六 保罗在以弗所三章四节用了“基督的奥秘”一辞,来说明神永远经纶里作基督身体的召会,指明召会乃是基督的奥秘。—— 引用经文

F. In Ephesians 3:4 Paul uses the expression the mystery of Christ to explain the church as the Body of Christ in God's eternal economy, indicating that the church is the mystery of Christ.

七 神奥秘的经纶,乃是要得着召会作神的彰显—— 9~10节。

G. The economy of God's mystery is to have the church for the manifestation of God—vv. 9-10.

八 保罗不仅传基督那追测不尽之丰富的福音;他也传隐藏在神里之奥秘经纶的福音—— 8~9节:

H. Paul preached not only the gospel of the unsearchable riches of Christ; he also preached the gospel concerning the economy of the mystery hidden in God— vv. 8-9:

1 这隐藏在神里之奥秘经纶的福音,是要产生召会,好照着神永远的定旨,作神的彰显,使神得荣耀—— 10~11、21节。

1. The gospel concerning the economy of the mystery hidden in God is to pro-duce the church for God's expression and glorification according to God's eternal purpose—vv. 10-11, 21.

2 今天我们必须传扬这隐藏在神里之奥秘的福音,将那隐藏在创造万有之神里的奥秘有何等的经纶,向众人照明;神创造万有,乃是为着成就祂的意愿、祂心头的愿望以及祂永远的定旨—— 一5、9、11,三8~11。

2. Today we must announce the gospel concerning the mystery hidden in God in order to enlighten all so that they may see what is the economy of the mystery hidden in God, who created all things for the fulfillment of His will, the desire of His heart, and His eternal purpose—1:5, 9, 11; 3:8-11.

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