第一篇 神(借着在会幕里说话)训练祂的子民(借着祭物和祭司体系)敬拜并有分于祂,而过圣别、洁净、喜乐的生活

God Training His People to Worship and Partake of Him and to Live a Holy, Clean, and Rejoicing Life



壹 在利未记中,神是在帐幕里,在会幕里,且在会幕里说话─一1,二七34:

I. In Leviticus God was in the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting, and spoke in the Tent of Meeting—1:1; 27:34:

一 整卷利未记就是神从会幕这个建造中说话的记载─一1。

A. The entire book of Leviticus is a record of God’s speaking in the tabernacle, which is a building—1:1.

二 今天神的说话是在祂的帐幕里,这帐幕就是召会─约一14,十四2,提前三15:

B. God’s speaking today is in His tabernacle, and this tabernacle is the church—John 1:14; 14:2; 1 Tim. 3:15:

1 按照预表的原则,神是在作祂帐幕的召会中说话;这会幕就是神的出口,神说话的地方─利一1。

1. According to the principle of the typology, God speaks in the church as His tabernacle; this Tent of Meeting is the oracle, the place of God’s speaking—Lev. 1:1.

2 帐幕的宝贵乃在于神的说话;今天召会的宝贵乃在于说话的神和神的说话─二七34。

2. The preciousness of the tabernacle was God’s speaking; today the preciousness of the church is the speaking God and God’s speaking—27:34.

贰 神训练祂的子民借着祭物和祭司体系敬拜并有分于祂─一~十章:

II. God trained His people to worship and partake of Him through the offerings and the priesthood—chs. 1—10:

一 基督是祭物的实际─约一29:

A. Christ is the reality of the offerings—John 1:29:

1 那完全为着神满足的燔祭,预表基督是神的喜悦和满足,祂在地上的生活绝对为着神─利一3,民二八2~3,约七16~18。

1. The burnt offering, which was wholly for God’s satisfaction, typifies Christ as God’s pleasure and satisfaction, the One whose living on earth was absolutely for God—Lev. 1:3; Num. 28:2-3; John 7:16-18.

2 素祭预表基督在祂完美的人性里是神的食物,也是那些与神交通并事奉神之人的食物─利二1、4,约七46,十八38,十九4、6。

2. The meal offering typifies Christ in His perfect humanity as food for God and for those who have fellowship with God and serve Him—Lev. 2:1, 4; John 7:46; 18:38; 19:4, 6.

3 平安祭预表基督是成就和平者,祂为我们受死,作了我们与神之间的和平与交通,使我们能与神共同享受基督,在祂里面与神相交,神人同得满足─利三1,弗二14~15,约十二1~3,二十21。

3. The peace offering typifies Christ as the Peacemaker, the One who became the peace and the fellowship between us and God by dying for us, enabling us to enjoy Christ with God and to have fellowship with God in Christ for our mutual satisfaction with God—Lev. 3:1; Eph. 2:14-15; John 12:1-3; 20:21.

4 赎罪祭预表基督是为我们成为罪的那一位,也是死在十字架上,对付我们堕落之人罪性的那一位─利四3,林后五21,罗八3,约一29,三14。

4. The sin offering typifies Christ as the One who was made sin for us and who died on the cross to deal with the sinful nature of our fallen being—Lev. 4:3; 2 Cor. 5:21; Rom. 8:3; John 1:29; 3:14.

5 赎愆祭预表基督是在自己的身体里担当我们诸罪的那一位,祂在十字架上受神审判,对付我们的罪行,使我们罪的行为得着赦免─利五6,彼前二24,三18,赛五三5~6、10~11,约四15~18。

5. The trespass offering typifies Christ as the One who bore our sins in His own body and was judged by God on the cross to deal with our sinful deeds that we might be forgiven in our sinful conduct—Lev. 5:6; 1 Pet. 2:24; 3:18; Isa. 53:5-6, 10-11; John 4:15-18.

6 摇祭预表在爱中复活的基督─利七30,十15。

6. The wave offering typifies Christ as the resurrected One in love—Lev. 7:30; 10:15.

7 举祭预表在升天与高举里有能力的基督─七32,出二九27,弗一21。

7. The heave offering typifies the powerful Christ in ascension and exaltation—7:32; Exo. 29:27; Eph. 1:21.

8 奠祭预表基督是在神前,像酒一样倾倒出来,使神得着满足的那一位,也是用自己作属天的酒浸透我们,而被倾倒出来,使神得着享受和满足的那一位─利二三13,出二九40,民二八7~10,赛五三12,腓二17,提后四6,士九13。

8. The drink offering typifies Christ, the One poured out as wine before God for His satisfaction and also the One who saturates us with Himself as heavenly wine to be poured out for God’s enjoyment and satisfaction—Lev. 23:13; Exo. 29:40; Num. 28:7-10; Isa. 53:12; Phil. 2:17; 2 Tim. 4:6; Judg. 9:13.

二 我们需要经历基督作祭物的实际─约一29,十六13,约壹五6:

B. We need to experience Christ as the reality of the offerings—John 1:29; 16:13; 1 John 5:6:

1 祭物解决我们的问题,除去我们与神之间的隔阂─约十四6。

1. The offerings solve our problems and bridge the gap between us and God—John 14:6.

2 祭物使我们能享受神,与神调和,并将神吸收到我们里面,成为我们的成分─加四19,弗三17,西三10~11。

2. The offerings are good for us to enjoy God, to be mingled with God, and to have God assimilated into our being to become our constituent—Gal. 4:19; Eph. 3:17; Col. 3:10-11.

3 祭物是我们进入神,并成为神与人合并之一部分的路─约十四6、20。

3. The offerings are the way for us to enter into God and become part of the divine-human incorporation—John 14:6, 20.

4 祭物不仅是解决我们问题的祭牲,也是献给神的礼物,使祂得着享受─民二八2。

4. The offerings are not only sacrifices to solve our problems but also presents to God for His enjoyment—Num. 28:2.

三 神的子民受训练借着祭司敬拜并有分于神,祭司预表基督是神的祭司,为我们将祂自己献给神─利一5~8,二2,三2,四5、10,五8,来五5~6,九14、26,十10。

C. God’s people were trained to worship and partake of God through the priests, who typify Christ as God’s Priest offering Himself to God for us—Lev. 1:5-8; 2:2; 3:2; 4:5, 10; 5:8; Heb. 5:5-6; 9:14, 26; 10:10.

四 按照圣言中的记载,宇宙的实际乃是作为帐幕与祭物的基督─约一14、29,十四6:

D. According to the record in the holy Word, the reality of the universe is Christ as the tabernacle and the offerings—John 1:14, 29; 14:6:

1 作为神人,基督乃是帐幕,作神与人的居所,并且也是祭物,使人得以进到神里面─一14,十四20、23,一29。

1. As the God-man, Christ is the tabernacle to be the dwelling place for God and man, and He is the offerings for man to enter into God—1:14; 14:20, 23; 1:29.

2 基督是帐幕与祭物的实际,乃是宇宙的实际和内容─14、17节下。

2. Christ, who is the reality of the tabernacle and the offerings, is the reality and content of the universe—vv. 14, 17b.

3 借着基督作祭物,我们能住在神里面,神也能住在我们里面;这是宇宙的实际和圣经的内容─十五4上。

3. Through Christ as the offerings, we can dwell in God, and God can dwell in us; this is the reality of the universe and the content of the Bible—15:4a.

4 基督作为帐幕,将神带给人,而基督作为祭物,将人带给神,使人与神联结、调和且合并─一14、29。

4. Christ as the tabernacle brings God to man, and Christ as the offerings brings man to God so that man may be united, mingled, and incorporated with God—1:14, 29.

叁 神训练祂的子民过圣别、洁净、喜乐的生活:

III. God trained His people to live a holy, clean, and rejoicing life:

一 神吩咐祂的子民要照着祂的圣别性情,过圣别的生活─利十一44~45,十九2,二十7、26,出十九6,二二31,申十四2,二六19,二八9:

A. God charged His people to have a holy living according to His holy nature—Lev. 11:44-45; 19:2; 20:7, 26; Exo. 19:6; 22:31; Deut. 14:2; 26:19; 28:9:

1 要圣别,因为神是圣别的,表征要照着神的圣别行事,过圣别的生活─利十九2,二十7,彼前一15,彼后三11。

1. Being holy because God is holy signifies walking according to God’s holiness, living a holy life—Lev. 19:2; 20:7; 1 Pet. 1:15; 2 Pet. 3:11.

2 利未记启示,为了要过圣别的生活,我们必须脱去旧生活,穿上新生活(参弗四17~五21);神嘱咐以色列人要脱去从前埃及人的行为(利十八3上),不可照迦南人的风俗而行(3下)。─引用经文

2. Leviticus reveals that in order to live a holy life, we must put off the old life and put on the new (cf. Eph. 4:17—5:21); God charged the people of Israel to put off the former Egyptian conduct (Lev. 18:3a) and not to walk in the statutes of the Canaanites (v. 3b).

3 神与祂的子民之间彼此的享受,使他们从神以外的一切事上分别出来归于祂,成为圣别的国民─出十九6。

3. The mutual enjoyment between God and His people separates His people unto Himself from everything other than Him, making them a holy nation—Exo. 19:6.

4 在创立世界以前神拣选我们,使我们成为圣别─弗一4:

4. Before the foundation of the world, God chose us to be holy—Eph. 1:4:

a 圣别的意思不仅是成圣,分别归神,也是与一切凡俗的不同、有别。

a. Holy means not only sanctified, separated unto God, but also different, distinct, from everything that is common.

b 只有神与一切不同,与一切有别;因此,祂是圣别的,圣别是祂的性情。

b. Only God is different, distinct, from all things; hence, He is holy; holiness is His nature.

c 神使我们成为圣别,乃是将祂自己这圣别者分赐到我们里面,使我们全人被祂圣别的性情充满并浸透─帖前五23。

c. He makes us holy by imparting Himself, the Holy One, into our being so that our whole being is permeated and saturated with His holy nature—1 Thes. 5:23.

d 我们成为圣别,就是有分于神的性情,并使我们全人被神自己所充满─彼后一4。

d. For us to be holy is to partake of God’s nature and to have our whole being permeated with God Himself—2 Pet. 1:4.

二 在利未记十二至十五章里,神训练祂的子民过洁净的生活:

B. In Leviticus 12—15 God trained His people to live a clean life:

1 十二章给我们看见,要从人类生产的不洁中得洁净;十三章和十四章说到从麻风得洁净。

1. Chapter 12 shows us the cleansing from the human impurity by birth, and chapters 13 and 14 speak of being cleansed from leprosy.

2 十五章启示,我们必须从人一切不洁的漏泄中得洁净;任何从我们出来的东西,包括我们的话语,都是不洁的。

2. Chapter 15 reveals that we need to be cleansed from all unclean discharges from the human being; anything discharged from our being, including our words, is unclean.

3 我们需要基督的十字架了结我们的旧生命,并需要基督的复活使我们有新的开始─罗六6,加二20,林前十五3,林后五17。

3. We need the cross of Christ to end our old life and the resurrection of Christ to give us a new beginning—Rom. 6:6; Gal. 2:20; 1 Cor. 15:3; 2 Cor. 5:17.

4 我们也需要生命的水,就是那具体化在话中,洗涤、洁净的生命之灵─弗五26。

4. We also need the water of life, which is the washing, cleansing Spirit of life embodied in the word—Eph. 5:26.

三 神训练以色列人过喜乐的生活,欢乐的生活─腓四4:

C. God trained the people of Israel to live a rejoicing life, a happy life—Phil. 4:4:

1 每周的安息日是每年一切节期的主要意义;这些节期都是安息日,使蒙神救赎的人与神一同安息,并彼此一同安息─利二三1~3。

1. The weekly Sabbath was the principle denotation of all the annual feasts; these feasts were a Sabbath, which was for God’s redeemed people to rest with God and with one another—Lev. 23:1-3.

2 每月的月朔节期,表征我们可以在基督里经历新的开始,以基督为我们的喜乐、享受并黑暗中的亮光─民十10,二八11~15。

2. The monthly new moon feast signifies that we can experience a new beginning in Christ as our joy and enjoyment with light in darkness—Num. 10:10; 28:11-15.

3 逾越节预表基督作我们的逾越,为着我们起初和基本的救恩,乃是喜乐的时刻─利二三4~5,出十二2~14,林前五7。

3. The Feast of the Passover typifies Christ as our Passover for our initial and foundational salvation—a time of rejoicing—Lev. 23:4-5; Exo. 12:2-14; 1 Cor. 5:7.

4 无酵节预表我们基督徒生活的整个期间,乃是无罪的─利二三6~8,出十二15~20。

4. The Feast of Unleavened Bread typifies the entire course of our Christian life without sin—Lev. 23:6-8; Exo. 12:15-20.

5 初熟节预表复活的基督在祂的复活里,作为给我们享受的筵席─利二三9~14,林前十五20。

5. The Feast of Firstfruits typifies the resurrected Christ for our enjoyment as a feast in His resurrection—Lev. 23:9-14; 1 Cor. 15:20.

6 五旬节预表享受那灵的浇灌,为着构成召会─利二三15~22。

6. The Feast of Pentecost typifies the enjoyment of the outpouring of the Spirit for the formation of the church—Lev. 23:15-22.

7 吹角节预表神召聚祂四散的子民─23~25节,太二四30~31。

7. The Feast of the Blowing of Trumpets typifies God’s calling together of His scattered people—vv. 23-25; Matt. 24:30-31.

8 遮罪节预表以色列全家被神召聚后的享受─利二三26~32,罗十一25~27,亚十二10~14。

8. The Feast of Expiation typifies the enjoyment for the whole house of Israel after they will be gathered together by God—Lev. 23:26-32; Rom. 11:25-27; Zech. 12:10-14.

9 住棚节预表复兴时代的享受,要应验于千年国─利二三33~34 ,太十九28,启二十4、6。

9. The Feast of Tabernacles typifies the enjoyment of the age of restoration to be fulfilled in the millennium—Lev. 23:33-44; Matt. 19:28; Rev. 20:4, 6.

10 安息年预表基督作我们完满的安息─利二五1~7、18~22。

10. The Sabbath year typifies Christ as our rest in full—Lev. 25:1-7, 18-22.

11 禧年,就是五旬年,预表基督借着赎回我们所失去的权利,以及我们所卖掉的自己,而作我们完全的释放、安息并喜乐─8~17节。

11. The jubilee, the Pentecostal year, typifies Christ as our full release, rest, and joy by His redeeming back what we have lost in our rights and have sold in ourselves—vv. 8-17.

四 利未记给我们看见我们的神是怎样的一位神;我们的神要我们成为“阿利路亚的人”,一直在主里喜乐─腓四4。

D. The book of Leviticus shows us what kind of God our God is; our God wants us to be “Hallelujah people,” who rejoice in the Lord always—Phil. 4:4.
