第十二篇 在主的筵席上享受基督作平安祭的实际,以展示神经纶的全幅图画

Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the Peace Offering at the Lord’s Table to Present the Total Picture of God’s Economy



壹 平安祭表征基督是我们与神之间的平安,使我们能在交通和喜乐中与神并与人一同享受基督─利三1~17,民十10,申二七7:

I. The peace offering signifies Christ as our peace with God that we may enjoy Him with God and with man in fellowship and joy—Lev. 3:1-17; Num. 10:10; Deut. 27:7:

一 平安祭主要应验于我们在主的筵席上擘饼记念主以享受基督,并将基督献给父以敬拜父─太二六26~30。

A. The peace offering is fulfilled primarily in our enjoying Christ at the Lord’s table in the breaking of bread for the remembrance of Him and in the offering of Christ to the Father for the worship of the Father—Matt. 26:26-30.

二 平安祭乃是主的筵席在旧约里的预表:

B. The peace offering is the Old Testament type of the Lord’s table:

1 信徒在主的筵席上享受基督作他们的平安祭,使他们与神并彼此有交通;他们在父神面前享受基督;在擘饼聚会中若没有对父的敬拜,向神献上平安祭就不能完全得着应验─利七14~21、28~34。

1. At the Lord’s table, the believers enjoy Christ as their peace offering for their fellowship with God and with one another; they enjoy Christ before God the Father; without the worship of the Father in the Lord’s table meeting, the presentation of the peace offering to God cannot be completely fulfilled—Lev. 7:14-21, 28-34.

2 我们实行擘饼聚会该分为两段:

2. We should carry out the Lord’s table meeting in two sections:

a 在聚会的第一段,我们所有的赞美应当投向基督,我们应该用美言说到主的身位和工作而颂赞主─来十三15,诗八2,四八1,五十23,一一六17,启五13。

a. During the first section of the meeting, all our praises should be addressed to Christ, and we should bless Him with well speaking concerning His person and work—Heb. 13:15; Psa. 8:2; 48:1; 50:23; 116:17; Rev. 5:13.

b 在聚会的第二段,我们该将赞美投向父神;最好留三分之一或五分之二的时间为着敬拜父─太二六26~30,来二12。

b. During the second section of the meeting, we should address our praises to God the Father; it is best to leave one-third or two-fifths of the time for the worship of the Father—Matt. 26:26-30; Heb. 2:12.

3 我们在主筵席上所享受基督作平安祭的实际,是为着感谢父(利七12~15),也是为着向父许愿(16~18):─引用经文

3. Christ as the reality of the peace offering that we enjoy at the Lord’s table is for our thanksgiving to the Father (Lev. 7:12-15) and also for a vow to Him (vv. 16-18):

a 一面,我们可能带着感恩将自己奉献给主,祷告说,“主,我爱你,所以我将自己奉献给你”;这很好,但是太笼统,是出于我们的情感。

a. On the one hand, we may consecrate ourselves to the Lord with thanksgiving by praying, “Lord, I love You, so I consecrate myself to You”; this is good but too general and out of our emotions.

b 另一面,我们可能带着自动许愿将自己奉献给神,祷告说,“主,我来这里向你许愿;我将自己给你,将自己嫁给你;我要一直单单为着你,不管发生什么事,不管我的感觉如何”;我们众人都需要为着主的恢复嫁给基督;为许愿献的祭是出于意志,是更强、更深的。

b. On the other hand, we may offer ourselves to God with a voluntary vow by praying, “Lord, I come here to make a vow to You; I give myself to You and marry myself to You; I want to be solely for You always, regardless of what happens or how I feel”; all of us need to be ones who are married to Christ for His recovery; the offering for a vow is something of the will and is stronger and deeper.

4 这平安祭的享受,是燔祭、素祭、赎罪祭和赎愆祭所带来的结果。

4. This enjoyment of the peace offering issues from the burnt offering, the meal offering, the sin offering, and the trespass offering.

5 我们享受基督作这四种祭,其结果就是享受基督作我们的平安祭,使我们与神并与同作信徒者有交通。

5. Our enjoyment of Christ as these four offerings has a result—the enjoyment of Christ as our peace offering for us to have fellowship with God and with our fellow believers.

贰 平安祭可以取自牛群或羊群中不同的牲畜,可以是公的或母的─三1:

II. The peace offering could be of different animals from the herd or from the flock, and it could be either male or female—3:1:

一 不同种类的平安祭,表征献祭者对基督的享受有不同的光景。

A. The different kinds of peace offerings signify the different conditions of the offerers’ enjoyment of Christ.

二 在一节,公的表征献祭者对基督的享受较强,母的表征献祭者对基督的享受较弱─参彼前三7。

B. In verse 1 the male signifies that the offerer’s enjoyment of Christ is stronger, whereas the female signifies that the offerer’s enjoyment of Christ is weaker—cf. 1 Pet. 3:7.

叁 作我们平安祭的基督,是没有残疾,就是没有罪和过犯的─利三1,来九14,彼前一19,林后五21,来四15。

III. As our peace offering, Christ is without blemish, without sins and transgressions—Lev. 3:1; Heb. 9:14; 1 Pet. 1:19; 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 4:15.

肆 把平安祭的血洒在坛的四边(利三2、8、13),就是献祭者站立之处,指明血是为着使献祭者的良心有平安,使他确信他的罪已经洗净了(来九14下)。─引用经文

IV. The sprinkling of the blood of the peace offering on and around the altar (Lev. 3:2, 8, 13), where the offerer was standing, indicates that the blood is for peace in the offerer’s conscience, giving him the assurance that his sins have been washed away (Heb. 9:14b).

伍 作平安祭的基督乃是为着五方的交通和享受:神、供职的祭司、所有的祭司(祭司体系)、献祭者以及洁净的会众:

V. Christ as the peace offering is for the fellowship and enjoyment of five parties: God, the serving priest, all the priests (the priesthood), the offerer, and the congregation of cleansed people:

一 供物的脂油和内脏是神的分─利三3~5:

A. The fat and the inward parts of the offering were God’s portion—Lev. 3:3-5:

1 脂油表征基督内里的丰富,就是生命的丰盛,照祂的荣耀使神满足;内脏表征基督向着神之内里所是的柔顺、微小与宝贵(参腓一8,约七3~18),使神满足;这只能给神领略并鉴赏(太十一27上)。─引用经文

1. The fat signifies the inward riches of Christ as the abundance of life for God’s satisfaction according to His glory, and the inward parts signify the tenderness, smallness, and preciousness of what Christ is in His inward being toward God (cf. Phil. 1:8; John 7:3-18) for God’s satisfaction, which can be apprehended and appreciated only by God (Matt. 11:27a).

2 平安祭的脂油和内脏要焚烧作为献给耶和华的火祭(利三3~5、9~11、14~16),表征神应当是首先的享受者,享受平安祭第一、上好的部分。─引用经文

2. The burning of the fat and the inward parts of the peace offering as an offering by fire to Jehovah (Lev. 3:3-5, 9-11, 14-16) signifies that God should be the first Enjoyer, enjoying the first, the best, part of the peace offering.

二 作为举祭的四种饼和右腿是供职之祭司的分─七14、32~34。

B. The four kinds of cakes and the right thigh as a heave offering were the portion of the serving priest—7:14, 32-34.

三 作为摇祭的胸是为着所有的祭司─30~31、34节。

C. The breast as a wave offering was for all the priests—vv. 30-31, 34.

四 供物的肉是献祭者的分─15~18节。

D. The flesh, the meat, of the offering was the portion of the offerer—vv. 15-18.

五 祭牲剩下的肉在洁净的条件下,是为着所有的会众─19~21节:

E. The remaining flesh of the cattle, under the condition of cleanness, was for all the congregation—vv. 19-21:

1 享受基督作我们的平安,应当远离一切的不洁,并且基督这平安祭,该由洁净的人吃─19节,林前十一28。

1. The enjoyment of Christ as our peace should be kept from all uncleanness, and Christ as the peace offering should be eaten by a clean person—v. 19; 1 Cor. 11:28.

2 不洁净的人若在主的筵席上有分于基督作他的平安,这人必从对基督之享受的交通中被撇开─利七20~21,林前十16~17。

2. The unclean person who partakes of Christ as his peace, as at the Lord’s table, shall be put aside from the fellowship of the enjoyment of Christ—Lev. 7:20-21; 1 Cor. 10:16-17.

3 这样一个有罪的人该从主筵席的交通中挪开─参五13下。

3. Such a sinful person should be removed from the fellowship at the Lord’s table—cf. 5:13b.

4 死的污秽也破坏了神对基督之享受的意义;神恨恶死,不愿看到任何与死有关的事物─利七24。

4. Also, the dirtiness of death spoils the significance of God’s enjoyment of Christ; God hates death and does not want to look upon anything related to it—Lev. 7:24.

六 我们这些以基督为平安祭的,该把基督超越的部分(脂油)献给神作祂的满足,而基督在祂复活里爱的部分(作摇祭的胸),以及基督在升天里刚强的部分(作举祭的右腿),是给事奉之人享受的(29~34,出二九26~28);我们享受基督作平安祭时,神就把基督爱的度量和加强的能力,分给我们这些新约的祭司(彼前二5、9,启一5~6,五10),作我们事奉神时所享受的永分。─引用经文

F. We who take Christ as our peace offering should offer the excellent part of Christ (the fat) to God for His satisfaction, the loving part of Christ in His resurrection (the breast as a wave offering) and the strong part of Christ in His ascension (the right thigh as a heave offering) being for the serving ones’ enjoyment (vv. 29-34; Exo. 29:26-28); in our enjoyment of Christ as the peace offering, God has allotted the loving capacity and the strengthening power of Christ to us, the New Testament priests (1 Pet. 2:5, 9; Rev. 1:5-6; 5:10), as our eternal portion for our enjoyment in serving God.

七 在新约里,没有圣品阶级,也没有平信徒(见二6与注1);因此,所有在基督里的信徒都该是供职的祭司、祭司团、献祭者和会众。─引用经文

G. In the New Testament there are no clergy and no laity (see Rev. 2:6 and footnote 1); thus, all the believers in Christ should be the serving priests, the priestly body, the offerers, and the congregation.

陆 脂油不可吃,表征基督上好的部分乃是为着神的满足;血不可吃,表征基督为着救赎我们所流的血,完全满足神公义、圣别、荣耀的要求─利三17,参创三24,来十19~20,启二二14:

VI. Not eating the fat signifies that the best part of Christ is for God’s satisfaction; not eating the blood signifies that Christ’s blood shed for our redemption fully satisfies the requirements of God’s righteousness, holiness, and glory—Lev. 3:17; cf. Gen. 3:24; Heb. 10:19-20; Rev. 22:14:

一 因此,在宇宙中唯有耶稣的血是信徒可吃的─约六53~56与54注2。

A. Thus, in the universe only Jesus’ blood is edible to His believers—John 6:53-56 and footnote 2 on v. 54.

二 吃任何别的血,都是把基督的血当作俗物─来十29与注2。

B. To eat any other blood would make Christ’s blood common—Heb. 10:29 and footnote 3.

三 基督的血满足神公义的要求,维持神圣别的地位,并保守神的荣耀,就是祂彰显出来的尊荣。

C. The blood of Christ satisfies God’s righteous requirements, maintains God’s holy position, and keeps God’s glory, His expressed dignity.

柒 羊羔表征献祭者享受基督的完全与美丽(利三7);山羊(12)表征献祭者对基督的完全与美丽享受不多,乃是享受祂替我们成为罪(林后五21)。─引用经文

VII. A lamb signifies that the offerer enjoys Christ in His perfection and beauty (Lev. 3:7), whereas a goat (v. 12) signifies that the offerer enjoys Christ not much in His perfection and beauty but in His being made sin on our behalf (2 Cor. 5:21).

捌 平安祭乃是一种燔祭(利三9~11,一9、13、17),作神的食物,使祂得着满足和享受。─引用经文

VIII. The peace offering is a kind of burnt offering (Lev. 3:9-11; 1:9, 13, 17) as food to God for His satisfaction and enjoyment.

玖 平安祭是基于神对燔祭的满足(六12);按照利未记一章一节至六章七节所陈明各种祭的次序,平安祭也是神与人对素祭享受的结果;我们若要实际且天天享受基督作平安,就必须先以祂为我们的燔祭使神满足,然后我们必须吃祂作素祭,享受祂作我们的食物。─引用经文

IX. The peace offering is based upon God’s satisfaction in the burnt offering (6:12); according to the sequence of the offerings presented in Leviticus 1:1—6:7, it is also the issue of the enjoyment of God and man in the meal offering; if we would enjoy Christ as peace in a practical, daily way, we must first take Him as our burnt offering to satisfy God, and then we must feed on Him as our meal offering, enjoying Him as our food.

拾 利未记一章一节至六章七节五种祭的次序,乃是照着我们实际的经历,而六章八节至七章三十八节的次序,乃是照着神经纶的全幅图画:

X. The sequence of the five offerings in Leviticus 1:1—6:7 is according to our practical experience, whereas the sequence in 6:8—7:38 is according to the total picture of God’s economy:

一 按照六章八节至七章三十八节各种祭的次序,平安祭也是基于赎罪祭和赎愆祭;当我们罪性和罪愆的问题,因基督作赎罪祭和赎愆祭得着解决,并且当神与我们都因基督作燔祭和素祭而得着满足时,我们就能将基督当作平安祭献给神,使我们在平安中彼此享受。

A. According to the sequence of the offerings in Leviticus 6:8—7:38, the peace offering is also based on the sin offering and the trespass offering; when the problem of our sin and trespasses is solved by Christ as the sin offering and trespass offering and when God and we are satisfied with Christ as the burnt offering and the meal offering, we can offer Christ to God as the peace offering for our mutual enjoyment in peace.

二 在神的心和祂的愿望里,神是要基督作我们的四种祭─燔祭、素祭、赎罪祭和赎愆祭─使我们可以在各方面享受基督作我们与神的平安;基督作这四种祭,终结于神和祂子民之间的平安,这平安就是基督自己─弗二14。

B. In God’s heart and in His desire God would have Christ to be four kinds of offerings to us—the burnt offering, the meal offering, the sin offering, and the trespass offering—that we may enjoy Christ as peace with God in every way; Christ’s being these four offerings consummates in peace between God and God’s people, and this peace is simply Christ Himself—Eph. 2:14.

三 享受基督作各种祭的结果带进平安祭,这至终要终极完成于新耶路撒冷,作最终的平安祭(耶路撒冷的意思是平安的根基),在其中我们要享受三一神作平安(腓四7、9),直到永远。─引用经文

C. Eventually, the enjoyment of Christ as all the offerings, issuing in the peace offering, will consummate in the New Jerusalem as the ultimate peace offering (Jerusalem means “the foundation of peace”), in which we will enjoy the Triune God as peace (Phil. 4:7, 9) for eternity.

四 因此,关于各种祭的条例乃是神经纶之总和的记载。

D. Thus, the ordinances, or laws, concerning the offerings are a record of the totality of God’s economy.
