第三篇 希伯来书作为利未记的解释

Hebrews as an Exposition of Leviticus



壹 利未记是一卷预表的书;对基督最细致、最详尽的预表乃是在利未记里:

I. Leviticus is a book of types, a book of typology; the most fine and detailed types of Christ are in Leviticus:

一 基督奇妙且包罗,单凭明言不足以启示祂;预表实际上就是一幅幅的图画,也是需要的。

A. Christ is wonderful and all-inclusive, and plain words are not adequate to reveal Him; types, which are actually pictures, are also necessary.

二 利未记既是一卷预表的书,就需要加以解释;使徒保罗在希伯来书里解释利未记─来一1~3。

B. Because Leviticus is a book of types, there is the need for it to be expounded; the apostle Paul expounded Leviticus in the Epistle to the Hebrews—1:1-3.

贰 希伯来书是利未记的解释─来九14、25~26,十5~12,十三11~13:

II. Hebrews is an exposition of Leviticus—Heb. 9:14, 25-26; 10:5-12; 13:11-13:

一 我们要对利未记有正确的领会,就需要看见利未记与希伯来书之间的关联。

A. In order to have the proper understanding of Leviticus, we need to see the connection between Leviticus and Hebrews.

二 在希伯来书里,我们看见利未记一至七章里供物之预表的实际─来十5~10:

B. In the Epistle to the Hebrews we have the reality of the types of the offerings in chapters 1 through 7 of Leviticus—Heb. 10:5-10:

1 赎罪祭表征基督是为着神子民之罪的供物;我们的罪由基督作我们的赎罪祭所对付─利四,来九26。

1. The sin offering signifies Christ as the offering for the sin of God's people; our sin has been dealt with by Christ as our sin offering—Lev. 4; Heb. 9:26.

2 整个赎罪祭牲,包括皮和所有的肉,连头带腿,并内脏与粪,都要在营外烧了─利四11~12、21:

2. The whole sin offering, including its skin and all its flesh, with its head, legs, and its inward parts and its dung, was burned outside the camp—Lev. 4:11-12, 21:

a 这表征基督作赎罪祭,在犹太宗教之外忍受凌辱─来十三11~13。

a. This signifies that Christ as the sin offering suffered reproach outside the Jewish religion—Heb. 13:11-13.

b 基督是在耶路撒冷之外被钉死的,耶路撒冷被视为代表犹太宗教组织的营─13节。

b. Christ was crucified outside Jerusalem, which is considered a camp representing the Jewish religious organization—v. 13.

3 基督来顶替利未记里供物的预表─来十5~12:

3. Christ came to replace the types of the offerings in Leviticus—Heb. 10:5-10:

a 基督作为独一的祭物与供物,除去旧约所有的祭物与供物,立定祂自己作新约的祭物与供物─7~10节。

a. As the unique sacrifice and offering, Christ took away all the sacrifices and offerings of the old testament and established Himself as the new testament sacrifice and offerings—vv. 7-10.

b 基督来作真正的祭物与活的供物;祂在十字架上献上自己,来作一切供物的实际─九14、25~26,十11~12。

b. Christ came to be the real sacrifice and living offering, who offered Himself on the cross as the reality of all the offerings—9:14, 25-26; 10:11-12.

叁 利未记的中心思想乃是:宇宙般包罗万有并无穷无尽的基督,对神并对祂的子民乃是一切;希伯来书作为利未记的解释,启示基督奇妙、奥秘、包罗万有的人位─来一2~3,四14~15,十5~10,十三8:

III. The central thought of Leviticus is that the universal, all-inclusive, inexhaustible Christ is everything to God and to God's people; as an exposition of Leviticus, the Epistle to the Hebrews reveals the marvelous, mysterious, and all-inclusive person of Christ—1:2-3; 4:14-15; 10:5-10; 13:8:

一 在利未记这卷书本身,我们无法看见我们所献上并享受作供物的基督是何等伟大、超绝、奇妙、包罗万有且无穷无尽;我们要有包罗万有之基督的启示,就需要来看希伯来书里所启示之基督的各方面。

A. In the book of Leviticus itself we cannot see how great, excellent, wonderful, all-inclusive, and inexhaustible is the Christ whom we offer and enjoy as the offerings; for a revelation of the all-inclusiveness of Christ, we need to consider the aspects of Christ that are revealed in Hebrews.

二 子基督是希伯来书的中心和重点─一2~3,十三8。

B. Christ the Son is the center, the focus, of the book of Hebrews—1:2-3; 13:8.

三 在新约,神是在子里,就是在子的人位里说话─一2:

C. In the New Testament, God speaks in the Son, in the person of the Son—1:2:

1 子就是神自己,是彰显出来的神─8节。

1. The Son is God Himself, God expressed—v. 8.

2 希伯来书的精髓乃是神在子里的说话─2节。

2. The essence of the book of Hebrews is God's speaking in the Son—v. 2.

3 父神是隐藏的,子神是显出的;子作为神的话和神的说话,已经将神表明出来,使神得着完满的彰显、说明和解释─约一1、18。

3. God the Father is hidden; God the Son is expressed; as the Word of God and the speaking of God, the Son has declared the Father with a full expression, explanation, and definition of Him—John 1:1, 18.

四 在神格里,子是神荣耀的光辉,是神本质的印像─来一3:

D. In the Godhead the Son is the effulgence of God's glory and the impress of His substance—Heb. 1:3:

1 荣耀是外在的彰显,本质是内在的素质:

1. The glory is the outward expression, and the substance is the inward

a 说到荣耀是神外在的彰显,子是神荣耀的光辉,是父荣耀的照明─3节。

a. With respect to glory as the outward expression of God, the Son is the effulgence of God's glory, the brightness of the Father's glory—v. 3.

b 说到本质是神内在的素质,子是神本质的印像,是父所是的彰显。

b. With respect to substance as the inward essence of God, the Son is the impress of God's substance, the expression of what the Father is.

2 子是神荣耀的光辉,是神本质的印像,意思是说,子是神临到我们─3节,约一1、14、18。

2. For the Son to be the effulgence of God's glory and the impress of God's substance means that the Son is God coming to us—v. 3; John 1:1, 14, 18.

五 在神的创造里,子是创造者、维持者和承受者─来一2~3、10:

E. In God's creation the Son is the Creator, the Upholder, and the Heir—Heb. 1:2-3, 10:

1 已过,万有是在祂里面并借着祂而有的,也是为着归于祂而有的─2节,约一3,林前八6,西一16。

1. In the past all things came into existence in Him, through Him, and unto Him—v. 2; John 1:3; 1 Cor. 8:6; Col. 1:16.

2 现今,子用祂大能的话维持万有,万有也在祂里面得以维系─来一3,西一17。

2. In the present the Son upholds all things by the word of His power, and all things cohere in Him—Heb. 1:3; Col. 1:17.

六 子废除了魔鬼;及至时候满足,子就为童女所生,来成为肉体,好借着在十字架上受死,废除魔鬼─来二14,约一14,罗八3,加四4。

F. The Son destroyed the devil; in the fullness of time, the Son came to become flesh by being born of a virgin so that He might destroy the devil though His death on the cross—Heb. 2:14; John 1:14; Rom. 8:3; Gal. 4:4.

七 基督是我们进入荣耀之完满救恩的创始者,元帅─来二10:

G. Christ is the Author, the Captain, of our full salvation unto glory—Heb. 2:10:

1 神永远的目标,是要领祂许多的儿子进荣耀里去,就是进入神的彰显里─10节。

1. God's eternal goal is to bring His many sons into glory, into the expression of God—v. 10.

2 身为元帅,基督已领先进入荣耀;我们这些跟从祂的人正在同一条路上,也要被带进神为我们所命定同样的荣耀里─林前二7,帖前二12。

2. As the Captain, Christ took the lead to enter into glory, and we, His followers, are taking the same way to be brought into the same glory, which was ordained by God for us—1 Cor. 2:7; 1 Thes. 2:12.

八 基督是使徒和神家的建设者─来三1~6:

H. Christ is the Apostle and the Builder of God's house—Heb. 3:1-6:

1 主耶稣是我们的使徒,就是受差遣,从神并同神到我们这里来的一位;祂同着神到我们这里,与我们分享神,使我们有分于祂神圣的生命和性情─约六46,八16、19,十10下。

1. The Lord Jesus is our Apostle, the One who was sent to us from God and with God; He came to us with God to share God with us so that we might partake of His divine life and nature—John 6:46; 8:16, 29; 10:10b.

2 基督在祂的人性里是神家(神建筑)的材料,在祂的神性里是建设者─来三2~6。

2. In His humanity Christ is the material for God's house, God's building, and in His divinity He is the Builder—Heb. 3:2-6.

九 基督是怜悯、忠信、尊大的大祭司─二17,三1,四14~15,五5、10,六20,七26~八1:

I. Christ is the merciful, faithful, and great High Priest—2:17; 3:1; 4:14-15; 5:5, 10; 6:20; 7:26—8:1:

1 基督能成为怜悯忠信的大祭司,因为祂是神的儿子,具有神性,也是人的儿子,具有人性;祂是怜悯的,与祂是人相合;祂是忠信的,与祂是神相合─一8,二5~18。

1. Christ is able to be a merciful and faithful High Priest because He is both the Son of God with divinity and the Son of Man with humanity; His being merciful corresponds to His being a man, and His being faithful corresponds to His being God—1:8; 2:5-18.

2 基督是我们尊大的大祭司,在祂的人位、工作和所达到的事上是尊大的;祂经过了诸天,并且能同情我们的软弱─四14~15。

2. As our great High Priest, Christ is great in His person, in His work, and in His attainment; He has passed through the heavens, and He sympathizes with our weaknesses—4:14-15.

十 基督是已进入幔内的先锋─六19~20:

J. Christ is the Forerunner, who has entered within the veil—6:19-20:

1 主耶稣所进入的诸天,就是今日幔内的至圣所─19节。

1. The heavens into which the Lord Jesus entered are today the Holy of Holies within the veil—v. 19.

2 主耶稣作先锋,领先经过风暴的海,进入属天的避风港,照麦基洗德的等次,为我们作了大祭司─20节。

2. As the Forerunner, the Lord Jesus took the lead to pass through the stormy sea and enter into the heavenly haven to be the High Priest for us according to the order of Melchizedek—v. 20.

十一 基督是更美之约的保证─七22:

K. Christ is the surety of a better covenant—7:22:

1 二十二节的“保证”一辞,意指基督将自己质押给新约,并给我们众人。─引用经文

1. In verse 22 the word surety means that Christ has pledged Himself to the new covenant and to all of us.

2 祂是保证人,担保祂要作成所需的一切,使新约得以成就。

2. He is the Bondsman, the guarantee, that He will do everything necessary for the fulfillment of the new covenant.

十二 基督是能拯救我们到底的大祭司─25~26节:L. Christ is the High Priest who is able to save us to the uttermost—vv. 25-26:>

1 基督作我们的大祭司,为我们代求,承担我们的案件─25节。

1. Christ as our High Priest undertakes our case by interceding for us—v. 25.

2 基督为我们显在神前,为我们祷告,使我们可以蒙拯救,并完全被带进神永远的定旨─26节。

2. Christ appears before God on our behalf and prays for us that we may be saved and brought fully into God's eternal purpose—v. 26.

十三 基督是诸天里的执事─八1~2:

M. Christ is the Minister in the heavens—8:1-2:

1 基督是真帐幕(天上帐幕)的执事,把天(不仅指地方,也指生命的情形)供应到我们里面,使我们有属天的生命和能力,在地上过属天的生活,正如祂从前在地上一样。

1. Christ, as a Minister of the true (heavenly) tabernacle, ministers heaven (which is not only a place but also a condition of life) into us so that we may have the heavenly life and power to live a heavenly life on earth, as He did while He was here.

2 凡基督这属天的执事所执行的,祂作为那灵都应用到我们身上;凡祂所供应的,都传输到我们灵里─林前六17。

2. Whatever Christ carries out as the heavenly Minister, He applies to us as the Spirit; whatever He ministers is transmitted into our spirit—1 Cor. 6:17.

十四 基督是进入诸天之上的至圣所并得到永远救赎的一位─来九11~12:

N. Christ is the One who entered into the Holy of Holies in the heavens and obtained an eternal redemption—Heb. 9:11-12:

1 基督的救赎是在十字架上完成的,但乃是等到祂进入天上的至圣所,就是将祂赎罪的血带去献在神面前,祂才从神得到有永远功效的救赎─西一20,来九11~12。

1. Christ accomplished redemption on the cross, but it was not until He entered into the heavenly Holy of Holies, that is, when He brought His redeeming blood to offer it before God, that He obtained the redemption that has an eternal effect—Col. 1:20; Heb. 9:11-12.

2 因着基督作神的羔羊,在十字架上一次永远地为罪献上自己作祭物,除去了世人的罪,祂洒在天上帐幕里的血,就为我们成功了永远的救赎;因此,我们得赎乃是用基督的宝血─约一29,来九14,十12,十二24,彼前一18~19。

2. Since Christ as the Lamb of God took away the sin of the world by offering Himself once for all on the cross as the sacrifice for sins, His blood, which He sprinkled in the heavenly tabernacle, has accomplished eternal redemption for us; thus, we have been redeemed with the precious blood of Christ—John 1:29; Heb. 9:14; 10:12; 12:24; 1 Pet. 1:18-19.

3 基督是如今为我们显在神面前的一位─来九24。

3. Christ is the One appearing now before the face of God for us—Heb. 9:24.

十五 基督是那又新又活之路的开创者─十19~20:

O. Christ is the Initiator of a new and living way for us—10:19-20:

1 基督作为那又新又活之路的开创者,开路使我们得以借着祂的血,从幔子(就是祂的肉体)经过,进入至圣所─20节。

1. As the Initiator of a new and living way, Christ opened the way for us to enter the Holy of Holies by His blood through the veil, His flesh—v. 20.

2 借着基督这更美的祭物,我们得以坦然进入至圣所─九23,十19。

2. Through the better sacrifices of Christ, we have boldness to enter into the Holy of Holies—9:23; 10:19.

3 今天虽然至圣所是在主耶稣所在的天上(九12、24),但在十章十九节,至圣所是指在我们灵里的至圣所;我们的灵是神的住处,是神和基督居住的内室─弗二22。

3. Although the Holy of Holies today is in heaven, where the Lord Jesus is (9:12, 24), in 10:19 the Holy of Holies refers to the Holy of Holies in our spirit; our spirit is God's residence, the chamber in which God and Christ dwell—Eph. 2:22.

十六 在利未记里所预表,并在希伯来书里所启示之奇妙、包罗万有的基督,是我们永远的分─来十三8:

P. The wonderful, all-inclusive Christ typified in Leviticus and revealed in Hebrews is our eternal portion—Heb. 13:8:

1 希伯来书所启示基督的各方面是无穷无尽的。

1. All the aspects of Christ revealed in Hebrews are inexhaustible.

2 这样一位奇妙、包罗万有的基督是我们永远的分,给我们享受。

2. This wonderful, all-inclusive Christ is our eternal portion for us to enjoy.
