第六篇 遮 罪

The Expiation



壹 利未记十六章描述遮罪:

I. Chapter 16 of Leviticus describes the expiation:

一 因着十一至十五章所描绘神子民消极的光景,按照神的观念,在祂神圣的经纶中,乃有救赎的需要─西一14,弗一7:

A. Because of the negative situation of God's people, as portrayed in chapters 11 through 15, according to God's concept and in His divine economy there is the need of redemption—Col. 1:14; Eph. 1:7:

1 因为旧约时期不是成功救赎的时候,所以需要有要来之救赎的预表和影儿;这个影儿就是利未记十六章中的遮罪。─引用经文

1. Because the Old Testament time was not the time for redemption to take place, a type, a shadow, of the coming redemption was needed; this shadow is the expiation in Leviticus 16.

2 旧约中借着动物祭牲所完成的遮罪乃是预表,指向新约中基督所完成的救赎─来九11~12。

2. The expiation accomplished through the animal sacrifices in the Old Testament is a type pointing to the redemption accomplished by Christ in the New Testament—Heb. 9:11-12.

二 遮罪,希伯来文字根意,遮盖;这字的名词,在利未记十六章二节和出埃及二十五章十七节译为遮罪盖:─引用经文

B. The root of the Hebrew word translated "expiation" means "to cover"; the noun form of this word is rendered "expiation cover" in Leviticus 16:2 and Exodus 25:17:

1 在遮罪日,赎罪祭的血被带进至圣所,弹在遮罪盖,就是约柜的盖上,约柜的盖遮盖了约柜里的十诫;这表征前来接触神的人,其罪已经被遮盖,但还未被除去─利十六14~15,出二五16。

1. On the Day of Expiation the blood of the sin offering was brought into the Holy of Holies and sprinkled on the expiation cover, the lid of the Ark, which covered the Ten Commandments within the Ark, signifying that the sin of the ones coming to contact God had been covered but not yet removed—Lev. 16:14-15; Exo. 25:16.

2 如此,堕落的人与神之间的光景,就得以平息,但还未完全解决;直到基督来,献上自己作平息的祭物,除去人的罪,才成功了救赎─来九12,二17,约壹二2,四10,约一29。

2. In this way the situation of fallen man in relation to God was appeased but was not fully settled, until Christ came to accomplish redemption by offering Himself as the propitiatory sacrifice to take away man's sin—Heb. 9:12; 2:17; 1 John 2:2; 4:10; John 1:29.

三 利未记十六章十五至十九节摆出了一幅遮罪之完成的图画:─引用经文

C. Leviticus 16:15-19 presents a picture of the accomplishing of expiation, the covering of sins:

1 遮罪的完成,第一步是宰杀那为百姓作赎罪祭的山羊─15节上:

1. The first step for the accomplishing of expiation was to slaughter the goat of the sin offering for the people—v. 15a:

a 山羊表征罪人─太二五32~33、41。

a. Goats signify sinners—Matt. 25:32-33, 41.

b 被宰的山羊作赎罪祭,乃是预表那为我们罪人成为罪的基督─罗八3,林后五21。

b. The slaughtered goat of the sin offering is a type of Christ, who was made sin for us, the sinners—Rom. 8:3; 2 Cor. 5:21.

2 遮罪的完成,第二步是把山羊的血带入幔内,弹在遮罪盖上面和前面─利十六15下:

2. The second step for the accomplishing of expiation was to bring the blood of the goat inside the veil and sprinkle it on and before the expiation cover—Lev. 16:15b:

a 山羊的血弹在遮罪盖(就是约柜的盖)上面和前面,乃为满足神的要求,使神能与进前来的人相交。

a. The sprinkling of the blood of the goat on and before the expiation cover, which was the lid of the Ark, was for the fulfillment of God's requirement so that God might have fellowship with the approaching one.

b 把赎罪祭的血弹在遮罪盖上,表征基督救赎的血被带进诸天,到神面前,为着救赎我们,弹在神面前,以满足神公义的要求─14~15节,来九12。

b. The sprinkling of the blood of the sin offering on the expiation cover signifies that the redeeming blood of Christ was brought into the heavens, into the presence of God, and sprinkled before God to meet God's righteous requirements for our redemption—vv. 14-15; Heb. 9:12.

3 将赎罪祭的血,抹在燔祭坛周围的四角上,表征十字架上所成就之救赎的功效,是向着地的四方─利十六18。

3. Putting the blood on and around the four horns of the burnt offering altar signifies that the efficacy of the redemption of the blood of Christ is for the four corners of the earth—Lev. 16:18.

4 把血弹在坛上七次,表征基督的血有完全的功效,使罪人看见,心中平安─19节上。

4. The sprinkling of the blood on the altar seven times signifies that the full efficacy of Christ's blood is so that the sinner may look at it and be at peace in his heart—v. 19a.

5 弹在坛上的血是为着罪人的平安,而弹在遮罪盖上的血是为着神的满足─14、18~19节上:

5. The blood sprinkled on the altar was for the peace of the sinner, but the blood sprinkled on the expiation cover was for God's satisfaction—vv. 14, 18-19a:

a 血弹在遮罪盖上,这是给神看的;血弹在坛上,这是给罪人看的。

a. The blood sprinkled on the expiation cover was for God to see; the blood sprinkled on the altar was for the sinner to see.

b 借着基督救赎的血,神与人都得着满足。

b. Both God and man are satisfied by the redeeming blood of Christ.

四 归与耶和华的公山羊要被杀,但归与阿撒泻勒的公山羊要送到旷野去,担当以色列人一切的罪孽─9~10、20~22节:

D. The goat that was for Jehovah was to be killed, but the goat that was for Azazel was to be sent away into the wilderness to bear away all the iniquities of the children of Israel on itself—vv. 9-10, 20-22:

1 阿撒泻勒表征魔鬼撤但,那罪恶者,就是罪的源头,起源─约八44。

1. Azazel signifies Satan, the devil, the sinful one, the one who is the source, the origin, of sin—John 8:44.

2 基督作为神子民的赎罪祭,一面在神面前对付了我们的罪;另一面借着十字架的功效,把罪送回给撒但;罪原是从撒但进到人里面的。

2. Christ as the sin offering for God's people, on the one hand, deals with our sin before God and, on the other hand, sends sin, through the efficacy of the cross, back to Satan, from whom sin came into man.

3 借着十字架,主耶稣有地位和资格,也有能力、力量和权柄,除去蒙救赎者的罪,并把罪送回给罪的源头撒但,撒但要永远在火湖里担罪─一29,来九26,启二十10。

3. Through the cross the Lord Jesus has the position and qualification with the power, strength, and authority to take sin away from the redeemed ones and send it back to its source, Satan, who will bear it in the lake of fire forever—1:29; Heb. 9:26; Rev. 20:10.

贰 在旧约里的遮罪,预表在新约里的平息─罗三24~25,来二17,四16,约壹二2,四10:

II. The expiation in the Old Testament is a type of the propitiation in the New Testament—Rom. 3:24-25; Heb. 2:17; 4:16; 1 John 2:2; 4:10:

一 平息就是使双方和好,并使二者成为一─来二17:

A. Propitiation is to conciliate two parties and make them one—Heb. 2:17:

1 平息乃是借着满足神公义的要求,使我们与神之间的光景得以平息,并使我们与神和好─罗三25,约壹二2。

1. Propitiation is to appease the situation between us and God and to reconcile us to God by satisfying His righteous demands—Rom. 3:25; 1 John 2:2.

2 这是要解决我们与神之间的难处─我们的罪;这罪使我们离开神的同在,并拦阻神临到我们─四10。

2. This is to solve the problem between us and God—our sins—that kept us away from God's presence and hindered God from coming to us—4:10.

二 作为罪人,我们需要平息,以平息我们与神之间的光景,并满足祂的要求─罗三23,路十八13~14:

B. As sinners, we needed propitiation to appease our situation with God and to satisfy His demands—Rom. 3:23; Luke 18:13-14:

1 平息与双方有关,一方亏负了另一方,欠了另一方的债,并且必须采取行动,以满足另一方的要求。

1. Propitiation involves two parties, one of whom has wronged the other, has become indebted to the other, and must act to satisfy the demands of the other.

2 路加十八章九至十四节税吏的例子,说明平息的需要:─引用经文

2. The tax collector in Luke 18:9-14 is an illustration of the need of propitiation:

a “那税吏却远远地站着,连举目望天也不敢,只捶着胸说,神啊,宽恕我这个罪人!”(13)这含示需要救赎主,也需要平息。

a. "Standing at a distance, [he] would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, God, be propitiated to me, the sinner!" (v. 13); this implies the need of a Redeemer and also the need of propitiation.

b 税吏晓得自己犯罪,何等得罪神,就向神求平息,借着遮罪的祭物得神宽恕,使神能怜悯并恩待他─13~14节。

b. Realizing how his sinfulness offended God, the tax collector asked God to be propitiated, to be appeased toward him by a propitiatory sacrifice for sins, that God might be merciful and gracious to him—vv. 13-14.

三 基督是为我们成就平息的一位,使我们与神相安,祂是平息的祭物,祂也是平息处,就是神与祂赎民相会的地方─来二17,九5,约壹二2,四10,出二五17,罗三25:

C. Christ is the One who makes propitiation to God for us, He is the propitiatory sacrifice, and He is also the propitiation place where God can meet with His redeemed people—Heb. 2:17; 9:5; 1 John 2:2; 4:10; Exo. 25:17; Rom. 3:25:

1 希拉斯哥迈(hilaskomai),指平息的事,就是成就平息,满足一方的要求,而使双方和息相安─来二17:

1. Hilaskomai means "to propitiate," that is, "to appease," to reconcile two parties by satisfying the demand of one upon the other—Heb. 2:17:

a 基督在十字架上为我们成就了平息,将我们带回归神。

a. On the cross Christ propitiated for us and brought us back to God.

b 主耶稣为我们的罪成就了平息,因此满足了神公义的要求,平息了神与我们之间的关系,使神能在平安中向我们施恩。

b. The Lord Jesus made propitiation for our sins, thereby satisfying the demand of God's righteousness and appeasing the relationship between God and us, so that God may be peacefully gracious to us.

2 希拉斯模斯(hilasmos),指平息物,就是平息的祭物─约壹二2,四10:

2. Hilasmos means "that which propitiates," that is, a propitiatory sacrifice—1 John 2:2; 4:10:

a 基督自己为我们的罪成就了平息,在神面前为我们成了平息的祭物。

a. Christ Himself is the propitiation for our sins, the sacrifice for our propitiation before God.

b 基督为我们的罪将自己当作祭物献给神,不仅为着我们的救赎,也是为着满足神的要求─来九28。

b. Christ offered Himself to God as a sacrifice for our sins, not only for our redemption but also for satisfying God's demands—Heb. 9:28.

3 希拉斯特利昂(hilasterion),是指成就平息的地方─罗三25,来九5:

3. Hilasterion denotes the place where propitiation is made—Rom. 3:25; Heb. 9:5:

a 平息盖表征基督是神在恩典中向祂的子民说话的地方。

a. The propitiatory cover signifies Christ as the place where God speaks to His people in grace.

b 平息盖等于施恩的宝座,是我们受怜悯,得恩典的地方─四16。

b. The propitiatory cover equals the throne of grace, where we may receive mercy and find grace—4:16.

c 神和我们二者都需要平息盖,好使见证的柜成为我们的经历和享受─出二五22。

c. The propitiatory cover is needed by both God and us for the Ark of the Testimony to become our experience and enjoyment—Exo. 25:22.

四 借着钉十字架、复活并升天的整个过程,神摆出基督作平息处─罗三24~25,徒二24、32~36,来九5:

D. Through the entire process of crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, God has set forth Christ as the propitiation place—Rom. 3:24-25; Acts 2:24, 32-36; Heb. 9:5:

1 基督作为平息处的实际,乃是公开地摆在所有人面前─罗三24~25。

1. Christ as the reality of the propitiation place is openly set forth before all men—Rom. 3:24-25.

2 因着救赎的血,现今我们能在基督的荣耀里,与公义的神有交通─利十六14~15,来十19,启二二14:

2. Because of the blood of redemption, we can now have fellowship with the righteous God in the glory of Christ—Lev. 16:14-15; Heb. 10:19; Rev. 22:14:

a 经历基督作平息处的路,是凭着祂的血,借着人的信─罗三25。

a. The way to experience Christ as the propitiation place is through faith in His blood—Rom. 3:25.

b 因着血已经洒在平息盖上,并且因着神的立场是在血上,神就能在祂照耀的荣耀中与我们相会─出二五22。

b. Because the blood has been sprinkled on the propitiatory cover and because God's standing is on the blood, He can meet with us in the midst of His shining glory—Exo. 25:22.

c 每当我们在荣耀里与神相会,我们灵里深处就觉得,我们是被血所洗净的;这就是在我们经历中的平息处─约壹一7,启一5,七13~14。

c. Whenever we meet with God in glory, we have the sense deep within our spirit that we are washed by the blood; this is the propitiation place in our experience—1 John 1:7; Rev. 1:5; 7:13-14.

3 在升天里,基督就是平息盖,是神与我们相会的地方─罗三24~25:

3. In His ascension Christ is the place, the propitiation cover, for God to meet with us—Rom. 3:24-25:

a 在希伯来四章十六节,这地方称为施恩的宝座;施恩的宝座就是约柜的盖,基督将祂为着救赎我们在十字架上为我们所流的血洒在其上。─引用经文

a. In Hebrews 4:16 this place is called the throne of grace; the throne of grace is the cover of the Ark on which Christ sprinkled the blood He shed on the cross for our redemption.

b 因着洒上祂救赎的血,约柜的盖就成了平息盖,就是神能接触我们,我们能完满享受祂施恩的地方─16节。

b. Because of the sprinkling of His redeeming blood, the cover of the Ark has become a propitiation cover, a place where God may contact us and where we may enjoy His grace in full—v. 16.
